View Full Version : why am i alone all the time

12-17-2010, 07:57 AM
Everyday i play this game and everytime i end up playing on my own ive done belford castle , fathom, the lost ex and the swamps on my own isnt this supposed to be a mmo every time i join a game they leave halfway through the stage leaving me in the middle of a swarm of enemies so then i die because i had rushed in with others. dont get me wrong theres some good players who stick around but many do not. This has made leveling up slow and the game not vary enjoyable struggleing through stages on my own i only want to make some friends to hang with and level up together but no one wants to know i guess im destined to be alone like a leppar.

12-17-2010, 08:50 AM
You might just need to JOIN another game when people leave. You can ask your friends (at level 36 you should have quite a good friend list going) how to improve your play or to join them.

Some people are leaving because they've finished their quests. Some probably because this is a mobile game. I do not know anything about how you play, so I cannot tell if you need to improve your play. That's for asking your friends on your friends list.

12-17-2010, 09:46 AM
Yea you should by now have at least 2 people in your list you know are solid players. Join them or invite them, and find more solid players.

Tell you what, I'll revive my lv36 bear just for this, when finally done with last 20 totems. Who else wants to join lol?

12-17-2010, 09:59 AM
I'll do the totems with you lol.

12-17-2010, 10:07 AM
I've been trying to level to 50 since I last helped you out for a last week. When I finally make it I could try to help you out some more. Or atleast until I start the cyber quests.

12-17-2010, 04:42 PM
Sounds like you DO have some friends. I was wondering. We all play with so many people as we level, really our friends lists should be pretty good. Assuming there isn't some other issues.

12-17-2010, 04:49 PM
Dude I'm like your bff on here haha afterall I did hook u up! U know if I'm online when you are all you have to do is ask.
My little brother is Lv 47 so just add MageofDark and he'll help out too (he's on when I'm not able to be like when I'm at work, he's usually home playing)

After all, he does need to put in some labor for me hooking him up with end game gear. So put my bro to labor Yo!

12-18-2010, 12:57 AM
Hey dudski if you want a level 7 paladin in the making add fallonx :D

12-18-2010, 07:11 AM
Ow thanks guys ill add u all

and redryder ive been looking for you buddy ole pal
where u been lol

12-19-2010, 09:28 PM
Everyday i play this game and everytime i end up playing on my own ive done belford castle , fathom, the lost ex and the swamps on my own isnt this supposed to be a mmo every time i join a game they leave halfway through the stage leaving me in the middle of a swarm of enemies so then i die because i had rushed in with others. dont get me wrong theres some good players who stick around but many do not. This has made leveling up slow and the game not vary enjoyable struggleing through stages on my own i only want to make some friends to hang with and level up together but no one wants to know i guess im destined to be alone like a leppar.

Happens to me to!! I'm glad i'm not the only one:( Also i am always doing the quests and stuff on my own to! Like these Christmas ones!! ... maybe i should come on hre more and try to gather some folks together .. but the time diff makes it hard. hehe ;)

12-20-2010, 01:58 AM
Honestly, sometimes you're better off playing alone. I love when people rush into a swarm of enemies with gusto, only to rush back out with a thicket of baddies on their tail, who then attack me! The funniest though was when a guy blew past with Meathead on his tail, then moments later ran past the other way with Meathead *and* Brom Dandy chasing him! I totally lost my concentration because I was laughing so hard.

12-20-2010, 02:09 AM
You can add my mage. Laazahater lvl 28. I'm always looking at whose onlime in my friend list and join/invite them.

12-20-2010, 02:29 AM
Other fun times include:
* Ursans who keep using the “stomp” skill to try to make up for the fact that they walked right into a swarm of enemies, thereby making it impossible for me to corral them and hit them all with an explosive shot, and sometimes causing them to blow back at me. (I admit I did this myself—playing an archer has necessarily cause me to learn much more finesse, since they can't sustain close combat.)
* Elves and Avians who keep blindly pressing the “autofire” button, thereby blowing up gratings and barrels right next to me.
* Way overlevel characters blowing into the lower level campaigns and treating them as shooting galleries.
* Walking through an apparently empty “ring of fire” (or other hotspot) when suddenly a bunch of respawned enemies pop out of the ground.
* Trying to play in a totally outgunned scenario, and instead of letting me pick out a small number of enemies to corral and kill separately, the other player(s) start firing off explosives, causing everything to come running for us at once.

Like I said, sometimes you're better off alone.

12-20-2010, 03:14 AM
Mobs shouldn't attack unless the person they're chasing dies or you attack them with higher damage. I run around doing my own thing with my group all the time, while the idiot runs off with mobs on his tail that should not have been triggered in the first place. Just make sure to get out of the way before the idiot dies or get ready with root/freeze spells to help you get out of the way.

Kiting bosses doesn't always mean you cannot handle it. My low levels kite bosses all the time. They kite the bosses to minions to give maximum effect to aoes. Though usually by the time the minions die, the boss is also mostly dead. I would love to kite as many bosses as possible, hitting them at range, and shooting AOEs that also hit as many minions as possible. Usually things die too quickly to get a fantastic group together, but sometimes, it's not too bad a group and the mobs piles are quite funny.

Yes, sometimes you're better off alone. I go through low level bosses way faster by myself, without random people stealing one or two they can't handle and me having to go back to the "loose" boss.

As for accidentally finding yourself alone but not really wanting to be, it's possible it's timing. However, try the following next time: Figure out where you're supposed to be/want to go. For quests, this might mean going through the portal or repeating the last level you were at for your last quest if you are not sure. Then tap the Globe symbol. Tap JOIN GAME. Type in the campaign (dark for dark haven, swamp, etc) and seeing if there already exists games where you want to be. You need to be a bit smart about that. For quests, try to find the least completed game (maybe go to the game for the previous level), and the most populated (most number of players in it) at the player levels you want.

Of course, you can always start your own game and invite people. After maybe the first 10 or 20 levels, you should have friends to play with. And on the first 20 levels, all those dungeons are well-populated. That makes aloneness mostly a choice.

12-20-2010, 06:02 AM
add me too,starjaya lv 50,I wish you can level up faster;)

12-20-2010, 09:06 AM
Are the others grinding xp? If so, they are probably just killing mobs in the hallways and leaving before entering a room.

In lower levels, are you using the Magic Portals? If you like pickup groups, that is where you need to go.

12-20-2010, 07:20 PM
I agree with alot of what you have all said .. but i DO have to say people are getting a little elitist, and calling anyone who doesn't play they way they would or the way you want them to stupid,idiots or MUCH worse .. .. sometimes people just aren't s good as you or haven't been on in a while or just don't get the whole fighting as a team thing and WANT/NEED instruction. So perhaps instead of just booting people that don't play they way you like, or abusing them maybe you could say "hey guys lets do this as a team"? etc etc. I dunno .. anyway thats my 20c ;)

Mycroftxxx thats SOOO funny .. i love those moments in PL ;)

12-20-2010, 07:44 PM
me too...maybe we should play together...

12-20-2010, 08:14 PM
Well, one guy seemed to think that “playing as a team” meant that my archer should rush into hand-to-hand combat. Dude, I'm using a bow—I can't even hold a shield at the same time—there's no way I can do close combat and not get wiped.

All this said, I do play pickup games. But I get killed a lot more often when I do.

12-20-2010, 10:20 PM
Other fun times include:
* Ursans who keep using the “stomp” skill to try to make up for the fact that they walked right into a swarm of enemies, thereby making it impossible for me to corral them and hit them all with an explosive shot, and sometimes causing them to blow back at me. (I admit I did this myself—playing an archer has necessarily cause me to learn much more finesse, since they can't sustain close combat.)
* Elves and Avians who keep blindly pressing the “autofire” button, thereby blowing up gratings and barrels right next to me.
* Way overlevel characters blowing into the lower level campaigns and treating them as shooting galleries.
* Walking through an apparently empty “ring of fire” (or other hotspot) when suddenly a bunch of respawned enemies pop out of the ground.
* Trying to play in a totally outgunned scenario, and instead of letting me pick out a small number of enemies to corral and kill separately, the other player(s) start firing off explosives, causing everything to come running for us at once.

Like I said, sometimes you're better off alone.

hahaaha really funny. I used to do that walk into a swarm of mobs and lie dead there. Now I pick out two by two to kill if possible..

12-20-2010, 10:28 PM
If your lonely join my guild. Private message me when your ready.