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View Full Version : Why some players are ...?

12-18-2010, 01:10 PM
There's a bad side about PL but it's the fault of the players who, sometimes (you understand that I speak about exceptions), are acting stupidly and are mean ! -_- WHY ? just play and enjoi this amazing game instead of saying, for exemple, HA HA you died what a noob, or suck my sword, or whatever. Those things are stupids and I hate players who act like this.

It happenend to me just before I write that post, the player called Masterchief was annoying me with his offer for a Overlord helm of the Void but when and answered him, i died. then he started laughing of me and saying i was a noob and he said a bunch of stupid things like "suck my sword" and the second i said he was stupid he told me "I reported you, enjoi being banned !!!" but where's the logic in that !!! He insulted me during some minutes and the second I said a bad word he reported me :-O.

I hope DEVs are looking carefully why people are reported cause once on two its not a valuable report.

That was my thoughts about the "reporting" system, just leave your comments below.

12-18-2010, 01:24 PM
There is always people like this on everygame you can think, they do it cause theyre naturally like that or maybe just being annoying cause they have nothing else better to do like for example "Youtube" a lot of people post comment saying bad things about the person creating the video or just trolling lol. But oh well use the ignore list theyre handy ;)

Good luck

12-18-2010, 01:45 PM
Thx for your comment and yeah i'll ignore him for sure.

Enjoi playing PL and see you later