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View Full Version : how to switch controls

04-23-2014, 12:37 PM
Hey there PL community, I really wanted to play PL on my computer, but is there any way to move your character with a key pad instead of the scroll pad? I tend to get a little TOO involved and i dont wanna end up breaking my pad, so is there any way to do that?


04-23-2014, 12:47 PM
WASD to move
Q and E turn you (Pocket and Star Legends)
Q to Feed
E to Use a blood pack
Spacebar to auto attack
Number keys to fire off your different attacks.
r = switch bank of abilities
i = inventory
c = avatar
[ = health potion
] = mana potion
m = minimap.


04-23-2014, 01:57 PM
ahhhhhhhhh ty

04-23-2014, 03:44 PM
Also, you cant use your number pad to the right side of the keyboard usually, but you may use these numbers on the pad for these controls. Enable Num Lock btw: 8(up) 4(left) 6(right) 2(down). I hope this helps you, and you can game on.