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View Full Version : Officer Abusing Remove Capability

04-24-2014, 04:47 AM
Hello Developers,

This is my first post, so first I would like to thank you for making such an awesome game! My concern is about officer's role inside the guild. As far as I know once you're an officer you can do two things: recruit people or kick members.. I recently formed a guild, recruited members and appointed some trusted officers (by trust I mean players whom I think would be a good officer, of course I could be wrong)..

The guild is doing good until one of the officer got mad with one of the member and decided to put his anger by removing all "members" and "recruiters" then quitting the guild.. Is there a way that we can prevent an officer from abusing his/her power?

I know some of you may say, pick officers you know or choose them wisely.. I completely agree with you 100% but going back to the issue, how do we prevent officers abusing their power?

Let's say an officer's account got hacked and decided to kick everyone while the master is offline.. How do we prevent that?

If I may suggest:

Option 1: instead of "remove" give officers "mute" capability.. That way they can mute anyone quarreling inside the guild and wait for the master's decision to kick a member..

Option 2: Give officers the power to kick a member only once per day, with notification to the master saying something like "officer name removed player name" that way, when the Master logs in he can talk to the officer and the kicked member and decide if the removal is valid..

Again these are just my suggestions, You guys may have other better solution for this..

Thanks for reading and keep up the good work!

04-24-2014, 06:39 AM
Limiting booting doesn't solve things. If a member gets booted with valid reasons and keeps returning to guild, you might want to boot it again. Notifying the GM with boots might not be necessary. GM/officers and players can easily create a communication outside the game, email, facebook, wechat, options are numerous.

I like to see a more specified alert in the chatlog when a member joins which includes the recruiter(s) names who invited the new member. In case when recruiters invite booted members, you know which recruiter to boot or demote. At least if you can track the bad member, else ur doomed as officer/GM.
In such cases 1 boot a day is too strict, perhaps 5 per quarter. It must be pretty crazy if u want to boot more than 5 in 15 minutes.

I like option 1 which mute people from guildchat for a limited time (5min cooldown period), although i can think of abusement too. It would be a nice dumb-hat, prison effect. It could save a boot. But how much u want to keep the member that u muted previously?

04-24-2014, 06:49 AM
Send a report to STS of the person who kicked all of the people from your guild.

Muting people in GC will be abused. I can see many of these guilds with officers constantly muting people as a joke.

How about 2 officers needed to remove someone from the guild?

04-24-2014, 07:05 AM
Well, this is considered griefing and if you have proof, you can get him banned.

04-24-2014, 07:12 AM
I like to see a more specified alert in the chatlog when a member joins which includes the recruiter(s) names who invited the new member. In case when recruiters invite booted members, you know which recruiter to boot or demote. At least if you can track the bad member, else ur doomed as officer/GM.

Thanks for the input Tearacan, I think this would be very useful info as far as recruiters inviting booted members.. Lets hope that this feature be added on future updates.

04-24-2014, 07:52 AM
pplthese days thats why u need to check before promoting

04-24-2014, 07:59 AM
For guilds that have many members and medium to high turnover, needing 2 officers to boot would be more of a hinderance than a help.

For example, a baby alt of mine got a spam invite, so out of curiosity joined one of the massive guilds briefly. 2000 members and 100 officers, and only one officer was online. With that kind of ratios possible in a guild that size, it is easy to see how the issue scales. A small guild like mine has 12 active officers. Although booting is rarely needed for us, Our time zones / work schedules vary, so at some times of day there is only one on for a couple of hours. I would hate to have them unable to perform their role when needed, and this restriction would just lead to gm's needing to make twice as many officers. A big can of worms.

If you are not extremely sure of a person, best use recruiter rank as a "reward" for participation etc. Officer rank (in my opinion) should be for guild management only, not handed out as a prize, or type of banner to show off one's status or popularity. This is just my opinion, of course, and I respect the fact that there are a lot of different ways to run a guild. However, to ensure you still have a guild when you log in every day, it never hurts to be a bit cautious in this area.