View Full Version : A Long Year On AL: It's Time To Leave

04-28-2014, 03:46 PM
Arcane Legends have taught me a lot. Seeing all the different kinds of people, and what it means to have good
Strong companions. Some are lost and some are gained. Lots of stuff happened IRL. And it affected everything I did. I've been on Arcane Legends for a whole year. I've most enjoyed being an officer in Darksiders. I enjoyed playing the game with people and helping them in-game as well as IRL as best I can.

Then, it came to a point where I made too many mistakes and it led me into more. I quit DS to avoid any tensions and that even brought me more pain along the way.

Overtime, I grew a lot better. And it was painful.

Now AL is a painful reminder of the past. In-game and IRL. Even if it doesn't relate to AL. I can't let it get me down again. But ill be on once in a while to see what's going on. And ill be on the forums to be update on new content.

Thank you. For those who've been wondering where I am. Msg anytime and ill get to it as soon as I can.

Thank You Darksiders for giving me a great time and what one needs to become a leader.

Thank you for those who have been kind and friendly to me on the forums and in-game. I really enjoyed it.

Thank You for my closest friends for helping me as much as I can. I just wish I wasn't too stubborn to realize the people around me.

Thank You Mods and Spacetime workers for creating such an awesome game and creating content that keeps us having fun and enjoying eachother's company. My only wish is that you continue to bring happiness to your players and fans.

Thank You Everybody. I will miss you.

04-28-2014, 04:07 PM
Take care Tem!

04-28-2014, 04:20 PM
Bye Temarichan!

04-29-2014, 08:39 PM

05-01-2014, 04:27 PM
Awe, buh bye Tema :(

05-01-2014, 04:33 PM
Bye Temari! GL in your future plans.