View Full Version : Very weird, account lost? Please Help

04-28-2014, 09:17 PM
Hello, i will point out to begin this isn't my account but my uncle's. Secondly it has been awhile since this happened, but just recently he has asked me to post something about it, as he doesn't have an account. His in game name was "Zeuediuzicaz". what happened was, he was running on mount fang, and he says that he got a dragon helmet. After that he logged off, got back on the next day, and it was gone. Upon logging on, he was welcomed with the new player page (the choose a new character page). The weird thing is his account, his bear under that name is still lvl65 and is still on my friends list. but when he uses the email and password it doesnt give him back the account. Can this be helped?

04-28-2014, 09:35 PM
I'm assuming he had created an account with an email and password. It sounds like it was as if his account was new.

Have him log into pocket legends, go to the menu, and log out completely. Have him re-enter his account info, then log in.

My guess is that he accidentally logged in as a guest or with Google+ or something. Just make sure he's actually using the right account.

Hope this helps!

Try every email/pass combo you can and log in every way you possibly can such as guest just to try and figure out how he had been playing originally.

04-28-2014, 09:44 PM
thanks, i appreciate the help, but we are certain it is the right info, as its his only email address, the information is correct, but the account is different. almost like it was just lost, but the character remains on my friends list.

04-29-2014, 09:53 AM
Well, that's good that you know what account he had his character on, but when troubleshooting, try EVERYTHING possible, even if you think it won't work. Do this:

a) Log out, then log back in, making sure the info is right.
b) Check the characters on the account and see if his is there and when he had logged in it just went to an empty character slot.
c) Go to Balefort Castle and check his stash. If stuff is in his stash that he had put there, then his character is possibly gone forever and you're on the right account.
d) If he has never used his stash, see if there are any PL shields, like a plain one, silver, or gold, or maybe even centurion armor. If there are those shields, that means the account isn't new, and your character is probably deleted somehow.
e) Log in every way possible, just to check, even if you're sure he used his email to create his account.
f) On your account, not your uncle's, try to friend his character. If it says that the character does not exist, then the character is gone.
g) Try creating a character with the same IGN that his character had. If you are able to, your original character is gone.

If NOTHING above gets your character back, I would contact support. If the character no longer exists, I would show support a picture of his character's name in your friends list to prove he existed. They might be able to compensate you in some way if you can prove to them that he owns the account and that the character DID exist. And just because he's on your friends list doesn't mean the character is still there. For example, I had added a friend, then he deleted the character, and he was still in my friends list.

I hope you can somehow recover what was lost! :)

05-03-2014, 07:38 PM
thanks, ill try making another character with the same ign. and i will also check the stash, but i know for a fact it isn't another email or character slot. I hope someone can take a look at this

05-04-2014, 04:17 PM
email sts
