View Full Version : Simple Yet Very Helpful Suggestion

04-30-2014, 04:17 PM
Hi Guys,

My suggestion is all about "Auction Sorting per class".. To Explain what I meant let me give you my scenario..
I buy all my weapon and armors probably 1-2 levels ahead, example if I'm lvl 20 I buy gear level 21-22 in advance so I can socket them and be ready when I reach lvl 21 or 22.. Good strategy right? but here's my problem.. If I'm browsing auction using my lvl 20 warrior and I type lvl 22 weapons and check "Usable items" it won't show me any items because I'm just lvl 20.. Now if I unchecked the "Usable items" it will show all the weapons on lvl 22 for all classes (Warrior, Mage and Rogue)...

Would it be possible to add a drop down menu to choose which class to view (eg, warrior, mage and rogue) that way if I want to search for just warrior armor higher than my level it would still show..

If this is implemented, I can easily browse high level weapons and armors for my class easily.. I know it's not much but if you guys are thinking things to improve in game, this could be one of them..

Thank You STS and keep up the good work!

04-30-2014, 10:21 PM
It would also be helpful if they categorized the different rings and amulets by their base stats (STR/DEX/INT).

05-01-2014, 06:40 AM
This is a great suggestion. Was definitely frustrating to buy ahead. I can't imagine it being too hard for them to implement this either. +1

05-05-2014, 12:21 AM
+1 This would also help prevent accidentally buying items that have the same names for each class (like vanities).