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View Full Version : Keep in mind.!Gangs are of two types.

Prahasit Prahi
05-03-2014, 02:59 AM
When you play tdm or ctf there are two types of gangs.
One is where you are responsible for the gang and other is the enemy ganging you.

When you are one and attack the enemy when they are four,of course they all will attack you because they don't know whom did you attack as they are in group...all attack you at once....you are the whose responsible for this gang...!

Now a days I see people do this and just respawn and say "Nice Gang".

What the hell is this I don't understand.

I agree if enemy do attack you at once and get ganged then you can say Nice gang...it makes sense...but when you start a gang and then you get ganged and you saying Nice Gang..it doesn't make sense at all....just gives an effff...


05-03-2014, 03:04 AM
Yeah Itīs pretty annoying :/

Oh and Nice Gang Thread :)

05-03-2014, 03:31 AM

05-03-2014, 05:49 AM
I think alot of them do It so they can post a ss saying "blah blah guild is a bunch of gangers"

05-03-2014, 02:57 PM
Here is what I hate.... When the battle is 4 vs 4 and one team kills 3 of the players on the other team, then it becomes 4 on 1......the 1 who is left always is killed and then claims he was ganged. I'm sorry but that is not being ganged. You were just the last player on your team to survive, so of course for that last moment you were outnumbered. But they are supposed to finish you off and not let you walk away. That is NOT being ganged.

05-03-2014, 09:29 PM

05-03-2014, 09:58 PM
Here is what I hate.... When the battle is 4 vs 4 and one team kills 3 of the players on the other team, then it becomes 4 on 1......the 1 who is left always is killed and then claims he was ganged. I'm sorry but that is not being ganged. You were just the last player on your team to survive, so of course for that last moment you were outnumbered. But they are supposed to finish you off and not let you walk away. That is NOT being ganged.Amen to that! The few times I step into PvP (without any guild to the characters I use), I try to run around the map WITH my...TEAMMATE(s)! Doesn't matter if they seem to even be a noob--my chances of survival multiply by having someone else that can take some hits, deal damage, land a stun, or cast a heal.

We have TEAM deathmatch and ctf...two team based modes for PvP. There is no 1v1 gladiator colosseum, nor a free-for-all deathmatch.

05-03-2014, 11:46 PM
I'm in a gang

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-03-2014, 11:46 PM
G=Go to

05-04-2014, 12:44 AM
Honestly, the only talking I do in PvP is to give snappy come backs at people who insult me or its me talking to a friend at an inappropriate time.

I've been ganged by several people I've killed 1v1 for my mouth and regret nothing. If you talk trash and die, I will make fun of you. If you talk trash and win, I will bite the bullet.

Although, my all time favorite is when I win 1v1 and then you call friends.

PS: saying "kill crow he ganged me" in open chat when I killed you ONE VERSUS ONE just makes you look like a complete moron. Such an event has happened twice to me. One of these people eventually, for a time, was a guild mate of mine and further proved the idiocricy of said individual. The other tried to recruit me into their guild saying "we will stop ganging you if you leave your ganging guild." Now then, let's take a moment to think about that comment. Assuming you analyzed it as I did, this person seems to lack a grasp on how to use logic as well as rhetoric.

Additionally, I mentioned no names but I surely hope both of you decide to grow up some day. This is a game, not life and death. If you want me I'll be chilling pool side with a tropically native beverage.

05-04-2014, 04:49 PM
All this talk of al pvp is starting to make me laugh. Seriously the chat i keep hearing about thats seen in pvp sounds so childish its ridiculous. Its pvp if you dont want to die or get "ganged" dont pvp, pretty sure all maps are open fights for a reason. Next its going to be like pl and have a go system and all the people who like ffa are going to be rushers, i mean "gang bangers"