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View Full Version : AL - I'm sure it could be more

05-06-2014, 06:15 AM
Dear player base,

Not sure if you feel the same way but for me, this game has sort of reached a road block.

Why I said so is because I feel the game mechanics is mostly to blame for it.

Firstly, for content wise it has really been too PVE driven. When was the last time a new PVP zone and/or concept has been rolled out (not including the minor enhancements such as the recent ctf flag update)? Quite awhile back I recall. In real MMO(s) like the ones you play on the PC, they have content that support raids that involves up to 25 players. That I feel is a vital stage for a MMO to reach to be really called an established MMO. I don't think AL will ever have such content, because the game seems to be rooted to the max 4 players in a PVE zone/map.

Secondly, it's the community that makes a player stay. Guilds are the lifeblood of a community. I see nothing done for making being involved in a guild an added incentive. Example would be guild skills, added buffs, etc... Completing quests to expand a guild's capabilities. Another thing is the chat function, it is still the epic fail it is. You have to type "/" guild or party or whatever to switch between channels. This is too cumbersome for chatting. If something so basic like chatting is so painful it just deters communication and eventually the community.

Lastly, class balance has been horrible. I know much has been done to balance the different classes but each expansion has resulted in more imbalance which is proof that the fundamental design of the game is flawed. Take nothing away from STS. If you try to sail a paper boat in the ocean, you know the end result is certain.

There is so much more to list down. But the above basic stuff is enough to highlight the cracks in this game.

You don't have to agree and we can agree to disagree. AL will never be a game like ark sphere. That is a game I urge you to try when the english version comes live.


05-06-2014, 06:32 AM
I dont know how much can be done about game mechanics since this is Mobile MMORPG, mobile.. which im sure is limiting the possible game mechanics

Regarding everything else there's place for improvement in guild options, class balance in pvp and items, maps for larger groups etc, i like this game and i hope the game mechanics improve too but i know theres limits to what can be done.

05-06-2014, 06:39 AM
Check ark sphere out matanofx. It's a mobile game too. But boy its content and possible growth is that of a pc mmo. So I don't think the being mobile is a factor or reason.

05-06-2014, 08:57 AM
Well, your rastning about chatting is just wrong. The chat is simple, allthough there is alot of options. But i would also love a new pvp Map, for an example 1v1 Map. To respond to all of your ideas, i think that the guild idea is pretty terrible, because the Only things that i actually would want for my guild is a guildbanner, and a few smaller things. The funny thing about there being 4 persons in each Map is that there will have to be strategy for stuff like elites, if you were 25 everything would be super Easy. And if you made it harder, the game would depend on social stuff to survive, because nobody could ever solo
These are just my ideas, and i don't say this to judge you, this is what i feel ^^

05-06-2014, 09:15 AM
+ 1

I agree, and mini-games done in forums are so lame. Why? Majority of players do not have forum account. Well, people come here to play the game and not to post. I suggest make mini games to be in game and not here. So sad how many very rare items are given and only small amount benefit from it.

05-06-2014, 10:25 AM
I want new PvP zones. King of the Hill, Guild Wars, 1v1 rooms...

05-06-2014, 10:48 AM
Yeah, game is becoming boring :(

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05-06-2014, 11:16 AM
I agree this game has a lot of potential to become greater but be patient things will come

05-06-2014, 11:23 AM

Hmm.. To be honest reading what you wrote took some, no in fact quite a bit of effort. Lol. I stay true to what I said, we can agree to disagree. But my friend, what you just mentioned in your post shows what kind of person you are.

i think that the guild idea is pretty terrible, because the Only things that i actually would want for my guild is a guildbanner

I seriously would not want you in my guild.

05-06-2014, 11:27 AM
+ 1

I agree, and mini-games done in forums are so lame. Why? Majority of players do not have forum account. Well, people come here to play the game and not to post. I suggest make mini games to be in game and not here. So sad how many very rare items are given and only small amount benefit from it.

That mini games are best thing out there bud.
If someone want to achieve something, he can spare 5 mins on registration lol Don't demonize it!

05-06-2014, 11:55 AM

Hmm.. To be honest reading what you wrote took some, no in fact quite a bit of effort. Lol. I stay true to what I said, we can agree to disagree. But my friend, what you just mentioned in your post shows what kind of person you are.

i think that the guild idea is pretty terrible, because the Only EXTRA things that i actually would want for my guild is a guildbanner

I seriously would not want you in my guild.
Let me Edit that quote to say what i actually meant. I love my guild,and the people in it, but the Only extra thing i would want added to the guild system is a banner ^^

05-06-2014, 11:59 AM
Well said. Glad it was clarified. Cheers.

05-06-2014, 12:27 PM
I want new tombs. Kraken mines was introduced a year ago - the nordr loophole quests, i would not call them a real tombs with timer.
I love the hauntlet and km3, especially the hauntlet coin system deserves a renovation like the story token vendor.

05-06-2014, 12:33 PM
+1 Hali

We need new tombs and new bosses in arena. That would give us more to do in game.

05-06-2014, 12:36 PM
Yeah, what happened to the lower hauntlet??? LOL

05-06-2014, 12:40 PM
The guilds could have lots of improvements, LOTS. Right now its a glorified party chat and a place to get cheap pots.

05-06-2014, 05:46 PM
Dear player base,

Not sure if you feel the same way but for me, this game has sort of reached a road block.

Why I said so is because I feel the game mechanics is mostly to blame for it.

Firstly, for content wise it has really been too PVE driven. When was the last time a new PVP zone and/or concept has been rolled out (not including the minor enhancements such as the recent ctf flag update)? Quite awhile back I recall. In real MMO(s) like the ones you play on the PC, they have content that support raids that involves up to 25 players. That I feel is a vital stage for a MMO to reach to be really called an established MMO. I don't think AL will ever have such content, because the game seems to be rooted to the max 4 players in a PVE zone/map.

Secondly, it's the community that makes a player stay. Guilds are the lifeblood of a community. I see nothing done for making being involved in a guild an added incentive. Example would be guild skills, added buffs, etc... Completing quests to expand a guild's capabilities. Another thing is the chat function, it is still the epic fail it is. You have to type "/" guild or party or whatever to switch between channels. This is too cumbersome for chatting. If something so basic like chatting is so painful it just deters communication and eventually the community.

Lastly, class balance has been horrible. I know much has been done to balance the different classes but each expansion has resulted in more imbalance which is proof that the fundamental design of the game is flawed. Take nothing away from STS. If you try to sail a paper boat in the ocean, you know the end result is certain.

There is so much more to list down. But the above basic stuff is enough to highlight the cracks in this game.

You don't have to agree and we can agree to disagree. AL will never be a game like ark sphere. That is a game I urge you to try when the english version comes live.


+ 10. We need a more active mods, events and fun stuff

05-06-2014, 05:57 PM
Yeah, what happened to the lower hauntlet??? LOL

Yeah, I would def love the title "Wraith"

05-06-2014, 06:29 PM
I agree with almost everything on this thread. I created one just like it not too long ago. The game is beginning to be a bit repetitive. The only thing the expansions tend to really expand upon is the story, not the gameplay. It's always "slay these enemies" and "farm elite maps for good gear". That's an expansion.

Although with the new client coming within a few months, there'll be new skills to widen our attacks, which i think is pretty cool. Anything that will bring something totally new would definitely make this game a little spicy.

Incentives for guilds? There are loads of incentives for being in a guild. They establish senses of community within the game, allowing you to meet new people and organize parties with people in different areas of the game. They allow players to play with others who have similar beliefs, cultures, nationalities, and religions. Although i agree that a little more can be done to help strengthen the guild's bond (allowing the guild to do more things together, adding more features, etc).

05-06-2014, 06:44 PM
You expect too much from a Mobile game, yes I reckon they could make new pvp maps, but it doesn't make them money unless they put a price on the map, I don't mind for now though.

But for the PvP balance I'm not top sure, too me warriors are hell op, rogues are I dunnp unless I play the character myself which I haven't. Mages are great, yet I'm not too sure ...

05-06-2014, 09:03 PM
+ 10. We need a more active mods, events and fun stuff

Arluvial and Twjsted are very active

05-07-2014, 02:24 AM
Even remiem or remien dunno if it's an M or N at the end but yeah, she's active also, we don't need heaps of mods...

05-07-2014, 04:29 AM
Im not sure anything of above will happen. Why? Well how many things were requested by LOTS of players and devs did almost nothing? Class balance = never done, new pvp maps/1v1 maps/guild wars = never done. There are lots of things been suggested but never done, but I'd mention just one more and imo most important one, DMG% (passive, pets etc) shown in stats. Its been more than a year this does not work, one year, and what happened? Nothing.

05-07-2014, 06:38 AM
Im not sure anything of above will happen. Why? Well how many things were requested by LOTS of players and devs did almost nothing? Class balance = never done, new pvp maps/1v1 maps/guild wars = never done. There are lots of things been suggested but never done, but I'd mention just one more and imo most important one, DMG% (passive, pets etc) shown in stats. Its been more than a year this does not work, one year, and what happened? Nothing.

That said, I had attributed all these to the game mechanics earlier. The developers created a game in mind that a mobile mmo should or could only be so much. Just like how Apple Inc thought they had created the "small" smart phone everyone should have. Guess Samsung had more vision... I'm sure you iPhone users feel the pain playing on your "small" iPhone.

It is not a dead end for AL, just a significant road block that requires an overhaul that would almost be as massive as creating a whole new game. I don't think STS is prepared to put in the hours and effort for that. So AL will continue to be what it is - limited and unable to expand like a real mmo.

Care to comment STS?

05-07-2014, 04:11 PM
I kinda wanna have a party with Remiem, Arpluvial and Twjsted altogether.

05-07-2014, 04:59 PM
I kinda wanna have a party with Remiem, Arpluvial and Twjsted altogether.

I wanna see them die horribly in elite.

05-07-2014, 05:00 PM
I wanna see them die horribly in elite.


05-07-2014, 05:39 PM
I wanna see them die horribly in elite.

I would like to play with some devs or mods sometime. Just to see how they play. I want to see them eat their own dog food, so to speak.


05-07-2014, 05:55 PM
Arluvial and Twjsted are very active

Are they doing events or something fun for comunnity?

I even saw threads that should have been closed or removed and nobody was there.

I ask remiem a simple thing about ring contest 1 month ago and she told me she was gonna post and yet nothing.

I know devs are working or at least they say so, i own a software company and i know the timing.
But at least it should be 1 mod online always, and doing interesting things not only contest for a few or answering things that ppl should read in forum.

Last expansion was a stepback, since they won the 2013 mobile game award, things arent what we expected from a top company.

Im not playing and im not plan to play until they are back on track (ive been1 month without playing)