View Full Version : Pretty new to the game (lvl 15), had some questions

05-06-2014, 11:16 PM
Hi there, I currently play a level 15 mage. However, the game has seemed (for the last 3 or so levels) like everything kills the party so quick they all give up. Including me, obviously. So here are my questions:

1) Is there a class that's considered "easier", especially knowing I have no set group to play with?
2) Am I just at a super hard point in the game? The parts that have seemed silly-hard were the parts after Kraag. Before then it was "hard but acceptable", but since then it's just been...honestly luck if I beat an area.


05-07-2014, 01:27 AM
Welcome to AL! :)

1) Every class has their own benefits/drawbacks. There is no such thing as a "best class", just a class that best suits your play style.

Warrior: High health/armor, Low Damage. Good for tanking.

Rogue: High Damage, Intermediate health/armor. Good for 1vs1 or bosses.

Sorcerer: High Damage & Damage Speed, Low health/armor. Good for clearing large groups of enemies (mobs) in a short amount of time.

2) The game gets tougher as you progress. Brackenridge-Dead City is a piece of cake, and then it gets harder. Experience requirements to level up get higher, and the mobs get more difficult. It's best to find a great party and do those maps when you can.

For leveling up, here's where I prefer to go:

1-17: Brackenridge-Dead City
18-22: WT4
23-24: Kraken Isles
25-29: Nordr
30-36: Shuyal
36-41: Tindirin

**It's possible to level up in WT4 to lvl 41 (it's actually faster and easier with a party), but if you want to lvl up and progress through the game simultaneously, then follow the above guide.**

**Experience gain is fastest with a full party and/or with people higher than your level. Enemies will be harder though.**

05-07-2014, 07:58 PM
That just doesn't seem right. Dead City is where I am completely stuck. The entire party gets killed in 2 hits each from the boss. Two hits. If there's really nothing we're doing wrong, and that's the intended balance (If I have to get gear from farming that's fine) then that's just crazy and not worth playing for me.

05-07-2014, 11:25 PM
That just doesn't seem right. Dead City is where I am completely stuck. The entire party gets killed in 2 hits each from the boss. Two hits. If there's really nothing we're doing wrong, and that's the intended balance (If I have to get gear from farming that's fine) then that's just crazy and not worth playing for me.

What i did for the dead city part, was ask some friends (who are lvl40-41s) to help me :D
(im lvl17.)

05-08-2014, 02:52 AM
Sorry to say, but if you are having trouble with dead city, you're going to hate kraken isles.

05-08-2014, 05:04 AM
Dead city is a really significant challenge for those who just entered game that dont know how to gear themselves up. Try purchasing legendary stuff in Auction house (also named consigment store). If you dont know where AH is, just ask dont be shy, when I started game I didnt find it until 2 months later lol. Legendary items at lvl 15 and 16 are the cheapest because they drop a lot and many people farm this low-lvl map, and they give you significant boost in damage, armor and hp. And, Ann the treasure hunter (dead city outskirt's boss) isnt that much deadly, she just deals instant damage and only kills you if your not tough enough, she is slow though. If you can survive her attack, dont hestiate to use potions, because if you can survive the attack her later attacks cant kill you either unless she crits. Good luck.

Btw if you are new to game, DO NOT ask high levels to rush you. That stuff is attractive because killing everything is easier while these bosses discourage you. Butm it will make you lazy and get bored of the game fast because you got all the bosses and theres no challenge to achieve beside leveling to cap. Trust me capping is super boring, I dont always kill all bosses on my alternatives and leave some to have fun with when I get bored in Watcher's tomb/Kraag's tomb.

05-08-2014, 06:21 AM
You're a mage. We are the weakest class in the game. I haven't played much of the other classes but I can say that they have a far greater survivability. Don't shy away from using potions. I know they are expensive to a new player but that's how you survive. Spam them as fast as you can at bosses. This will greatly reduce your death count. If you can, friend a warrior that has taunt abilities on his/her skills. That way they hold the aggro and you dish out the damage. Pick up shield for one of your skills. This will help out a ton as well. I actually found it gets easier for you to survive later in the game. Once I got to shuyul I found the game easier. Until you hit elites lol, then you are dead.

05-08-2014, 07:48 PM
thank you last two posters. this is what I was hoping. I was about to give up on the game. one question though, do you think I would have more fun as a warrior due to lack of reliance on others?

05-26-2014, 11:40 AM
That just doesn't seem right. Dead City is where I am completely stuck. The entire party gets killed in 2 hits each from the boss. Two hits. If there's really nothing we're doing wrong, and that's the intended balance (If I have to get gear from farming that's fine) then that's just crazy and not worth playing for me.

Any game should post a challenge. ELSE is just something boring in which you can burn some time. I suggest that you experience different tactics, different party members and try to see those maps like something entertaining. if not, this is not the game for you

05-26-2014, 11:54 AM
thank you last two posters. this is what I was hoping. I was about to give up on the game. one question though, do you think I would have more fun as a warrior due to lack of reliance on others?

Playing as a warrior is fun. if u dont have any friends to play with then yes a warrior is best but it'll take longer to go through maps. You can use a rogue you'll get through the map faster. just got to worry about your mana while fighting.

05-29-2014, 10:37 AM
As a warrior you would still rely on others to some extent... yes you will be able to solo maps with greater ease purely in terms of not dying but actually killling anything is faar slower. Warriors ideally will be tanking and keeping aggro, but this is to protect the dps in the party from taking aggro from the mobs allowing them to kill them off around you so the party can progress quickly through the map. This becomes especially true the further you get in the game and especially in elites I can't realistically see a tank having the patience to want to solo anything in elite. Tanks: kudos if you do!

These lower levels are a chance to learn your class... the others are right in saying that you need to gear yourself properly thats going to make a big difference!

I have toons of all three classes and here is a quick summary of what I find myself doing on each of them:

Rogue (my main): Very high damage but no aoe attacks I find myself targeting the hardest hitting mob in a group (there is usually one mob type which is far stronger than the rest and its often the biggest in size but there are some exceptions to this), and then later picking off the mobs with the lowest health. Rogues are fairly resilient and flexible and although we can't just stand there and tank a mob, the combination of bow and certain attacks makes for effecting kiting meaning that when used correctly in combination with the geography of the map a rogue can group mobs roughly in most cases and fairly tightly in others if you so wish to do so. Rogue might also lure back stray mobs to the pack and assist tank with pulls also depending on the map. At the boss rogues come into their own as their core skill is high damage on one target.

Tank: Tanks lead the party, charge head first into any mob, make wise pulls and group mobs together keeping them packed with taunt so that the rest of the party can stack their attacks.

You are essentially helping keep the party alive. In elite maps for example, if it should happen that your dps die you will notice that as you stand there tanking until they get back, you are essentially just keeping the mobs in position as opposed to obliterating them (as you would if you have the dmg of a mage).

Later on in the game when you play elites, you will find yourself in situations where you want to kill just a certain number of mobs in the map to make the boss spawn and then run past the rest to the boss area. In this situation a tank can also be important, running through the mobs ahead of the party so as to take aggro and prevent them from dying on the way. Again at bosses the warrior should be keeping aggro from the boss as much as possible to prevent said boss from one or two hitting party members.

Mage: Well mage what can I say :) Its fun but there is a lot of death. Mage is the aoe expert and are key in crowd control. As a mage you will have low armor and thus low resilience in the fact of a lot of hard hitting enemies. As a mage I stay back from the mob, hitting them from some way away, keeping moving and chosing wisely where to stand, and running into a pre-stunned mob only to drop my clock attack which will root the mobs in position before making a quick retreat to an outside position! Further to this and back to the hardest hitting mob in the pack... mage can also be a LOT of help here and often essential in keeping this particular mob stunned or possibly frozen and thus preventing it from doing too much damage to party members.

As a mage I do a lot of waiting. Most importantly waiting for tank to group the mobs before I start to stun and root them to set them in position. Waiting for the tank to come and rescue me because I can't get through the mobs to the boss if I'm running in elites. Waiting to be able to attack again as I waddle through the map to the boss area at the slowest pace ever after an inevitable death. Patience is key but if you're patient mage is a lot of fun!

No class is easier... it all comes down to which job you find more fun. I personally love mage and rogue.... warrior is growing on me slowly.

Whats your IGN :) Feel free to add me if you want.


07-09-2014, 02:30 AM
All reply are very useful for me, thanks.