View Full Version : Hi SL

05-07-2014, 11:34 AM
So I recently converted from PL to SL so can anyone tell me the sets in pvp for operater in L10 - 20 (ps must be good) and price tq

05-07-2014, 12:24 PM
well theres platinum gear lvl 10 in the platinum store for 1 platinum each, but only helm/chest/arms/boots/ no back armour
but i would advise you to get the premium gear/ cost 45 platinum, comes with lvl 5/10/15 gear, but doesnt include helm, so buy helm in platinum store
then the lvl 20 gear is also in the platinum store, basicly all the gear from lvl 5-20 should be bought from the platinum store, cause the ones you can buy with credits kinda suck. so youll need like quite a bit of platinum maybe 70 if you want all the lvl 10-20 gear with weps plus premium

05-07-2014, 05:48 PM
Lol hard u sux welcome PL>SL>DL>AL