View Full Version : Does anyone know anything about...?

12-22-2010, 09:29 PM
...about HTML? For example, what code do you put in Notepad (for Windows) or Textedit (for macs) that would take you to a different page when you press enter in a comment box?

The comment box code is: <input type="text" name=myText value="Leave Comment Here." size=25>

Does anyone know what to put inside the brackets so that when you press enter, it takes you to a different page that says something like "Thank you for your comment!"??

12-22-2010, 10:21 PM
you can't. you need a button or some other input control

12-22-2010, 10:43 PM
you can't. you need a button or some other input control

So...you can. You just said it, but what kind of button or input control? If you know it or know anyone who knows it, tell them to tell me because I really need to know this :(

12-23-2010, 04:50 AM
check the web, it has everything.

12-23-2010, 03:07 PM
I don't have a lot of time right now - working :) but here is some quick and dirty....obviously there are better ways but i'm not completely sure what you are trying to achieve or even what you are doing with the 'comments' that are submitted. I personally like asp .net and c#.
comment.html page:
<form id=form1 action="thankyou.html" method="get">
<input type="text" name=myText value="Leave Comment Here." size=25>
<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Click Me">

thankyou.html page:
<form id=form1>

12-23-2010, 03:36 PM
I don't have a lot of time right now - working :) but here is some quick and dirty....obviously there are better ways but i'm not completely sure what you are trying to achieve or even what you are doing with the 'comments' that are submitted. I personally like asp .net and c#.
comment.html page:
<form id=form1 action="thankyou.html" method="get">
<input type="text" name=myText value="Leave Comment Here." size=25>
<input type="submit" name="submit1" value="Click Me">

thankyou.html page:
<form id=form1>

OMG! Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU! IT WORKED! Thanks so much!!

12-23-2010, 03:38 PM
You are welcome, glad I could help! If you need further help just shoot me the specifics and I'll do what I can.