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View Full Version : New payment options, please?

12-23-2010, 12:52 AM
Hey, im new to the forums so excuse any ignorance.. I have became slightly addicted to this game. I love mmos so they do get addicting to me. Well, I finally want to take the step into platinum. (sorry forgot how to spell that lol .) How simple google check out seems to be,, I just dont like it cause it doesnt like me. And to be honest im not comfortable with using it for some reason. What I am wanting to see is more payment options. Like me, id love if paypal was useable. It buy a lot of (p). I figure it would be smart for spacetime to add more payment options because it would allow more people to buy this stuff. Making them more money.

So my suggestion is paypal and everything nice.. (tehehehee)..

12-23-2010, 01:21 AM
Paypal will be added early next year. Amazon will be reintroduced. When Tapjoy is fixed later this week, you can use that to earn Platinum.