View Full Version : So disappointed that my account was banned

Chaim Nail
05-09-2014, 07:37 AM
I would dealy love to give feedback on how my account I had spent hundreds of hours playing was erased despite the fact that I DID NOTHING WRONG and that I didn't get a second reply from support after 5 weeks and that I posted on these boards to try and get them to contact me but they just deleted the thread, trying to sweep the issue under the carpet, but that would involve words that aren't allowed...

Seriously STS, why can't I get my account back? I didn't break any rules, someone must have tried to hack into my account or someone falsely reported me. I did not do anything wrong, how many times do I have to state my innocence?

05-09-2014, 07:54 AM
they mustve checked your chat log.

Chaim Nail
05-09-2014, 08:03 AM
If that is the case then someone hacked into my account because I have never tried to sell or offered to sell my account or items for real money, I wouldn't do that after I spent so much time playing and I wanted to play the new levels.

I feel cheated and brushed aside like I don't matter.

05-09-2014, 01:52 PM
Sorry Chaim Nail, as per the Forum Rules we don't discuss account issues, bans or other private communication on the forums.


6. Private communication between Spacetime Studios members, staff and forum users is not to be made public on these forums or by any other venue.
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