View Full Version : Arena bug?

05-12-2014, 09:28 AM
Hello all. I found something in the shuyal dimensional arena. I haven't played it before due to some reasons but now I m playing it. Back to the point - sometimes when you join a random empty map, I mean that map someone already started and left. No matter what things are there i.e, That blue poison, crystal or even mandrom's fire balls 1 shots the first guy who entered it. It even kills full mythic tanks. Is that normal? Because once the fight is started, we can all face them easily.

05-12-2014, 10:12 AM
This definitely sounds new to me. The boss difficulty scales when combat is initiated only - if more people join the instance afterwards the boss difficulty will not be altered until either the boss is killed or reset. I'll run some tests and get back to this but I believe there's not bug here, just coincidences.

05-12-2014, 11:26 AM
Hmmm this sounds suspect... with Omni on the case you've got the right person investigating it :^}