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View Full Version : why do people?

12-25-2010, 09:20 AM
I have two questions.
first why do people remake after killing the keeper in VL only to leave after? It would make sense if they continued to play, but to leave, even to start again, why not just remake in the new game?

But more disturbing is the number of people who play by hanging back and not engaging. It is only a game, and if you die it's not really over. as a soft mage i will run into battle, unload than retreat to refresh and start again. the more I play VL the more times I'm finding people who do not seem to engage at all. For us softies, I can sorta understand (well I understand hanging back a bit, but not entirely) but I commonly see bears going this.

12-25-2010, 10:06 AM
Agreed I arch and I still rush keep first, it's ridiculous how the actual tanks are "camping" (too much cod) and yelling to break shield while I can do nothing..
One more thing;
Break shield does not stop mana shield it merly drops armor to hit easier...

12-25-2010, 11:14 AM
If you're doing keeper runs on victory lap bears are pretty useless. With them in your group you take ages to kill. I suggest 3 mages and 2 archers or the other way around. My best time with that group was 2 mins.

12-25-2010, 08:59 PM
I had great success with:

My bear
Three Birds

Roughly 45-50 seconds per kill.

It really depends on the individual players.

For example, that wouldn't work with failed hybrid mage, or a dexbear, or an intbear.

I think I spent about a total of an hour from 28-100.

12-26-2010, 02:17 AM
People yell break armor because they think the Keeper's shield breaks the same way as the OL's shield. And no matter how many times I and others tell them that's not true, unless they are birds, they will never believe you. They are sure YOU are wrong and THEY are right and your break armor is just defective.

As for people hanging back, I notice that sometimes, as in "Where is everyone?" but I've noticed you no longer get quest rewards sitting at respawn point, so do not group with those people. If there's a too obvious leech, I tell the maker (I usually don't have to, the maker usually boots before I even have to say anything) or I leave and find a better group. Part of my goal in grouping is to "discover" new friends or join old ones. If they're not people I would ever play with again, I will leave. Sometimes I finish the level but really, what's the point of helping people who do not deserve your help? Crocs need killing more than helping people like that.

Because except maybe for quests, there's alternate ways of getting EQ. As for quests, there's no time limit on them...

12-26-2010, 03:51 AM
To kill keeper fast before he even have a chance to put up his first shield

1) Engage him together as a team to inflict max damage within the time span before his first shield
2) Use high Damage weapon only (Keeper Staff of Cosmo, Megablaster of Void, Gugrox Hammer of Rift) Believe it or not, hammer works great on him.
3) Spam all your skills, drink mana if required, repeat.

12-26-2010, 09:24 AM
I do think it's amazing the difference between a good group (I had one that killed the keeper in about 30 seconds) and a bad which takes forever. some groups can't even coordinate enough to get there.

HOw about the first question, why remake (and make such a public statement of it) if you are not moving on to the next boss?

12-26-2010, 11:10 AM
They remake so they can kill the keeper again. They skip the other bosses.

12-26-2010, 11:42 AM
They reason for the remake is for the cyber quest and/or loot only.

They yell break either they dont know what that skill is or the timing is right to use it when the shield is down. I think it goes down for about 10 seconds only.

Best group I joined is 3 mages and 2 birds. Killed keeper before the first shield was up. A VL run would take about 2 to 3 minutes each.

12-26-2010, 12:55 PM
They remake so they can kill the keeper again. They skip the other bosses.

but why announce "rmk" at the end instead of leaving, joining a new game (which tends to be the same people) and remaking while everyone in in the process of joining?

12-26-2010, 01:04 PM
People say rmk to make sure the current members of the run join the next one you make. I don't quite understand the last part sorry.

12-26-2010, 01:39 PM
To kill keeper fast before he even have a chance to put up his first shield

1) Engage him together as a team to inflict max damage within the time span before his first shield
2) Use high Damage weapon only (Keeper Staff of Cosmo, Megablaster of Void, Gugrox Hammer of Rift) Believe it or not, hammer works great on him.
3) Spam all your skills, drink mana if required, repeat.
u are pro Orei^^

12-26-2010, 03:37 PM
More groups kill him fast than not. If you generally do not kill him fast, it's time to train another group. Just make a game, invite those who know how to use their skills and start from there. Can't be worse than old group, right?

12-26-2010, 03:46 PM
they get cuber shards for cyber quests

12-26-2010, 03:54 PM
People say rmk to make sure the current members of the run join the next one you make. I don't quite understand the last part sorry.
I understand why they do it, just not the timing.

12-30-2010, 12:23 PM
O.K. major admission of stupidity. :eek: I was thinking when people said "RMK" they were remaking themselves (changing armor or weapons, etc). I now realize they are remaking the game for the group to join. duh! sorry.:o

12-30-2010, 09:31 PM
ROFL ROFL ROFL. OMG, sorry, this got me rolling. I'm guessing we all had no idea what's what you thought. LOL.

I was thinking people say rmk so the group knows to rejoin the game and who is the maker. And of course, that they're breaking up now and to go on to the next game. LOL.

12-31-2010, 11:02 AM
ROFL ROFL ROFL. OMG, sorry, this got me rolling. I'm guessing we all had no idea what's what you thought. LOL.

I was thinking people say rmk so the group knows to rejoin the game and who is the maker. And of course, that they're breaking up now and to go on to the next game. LOL.

Quite obvious to me NOW how dumb the question was from everyone else's perspective, and why no one could answer me. I must admit after the redness left my face I laughed a bit too.

12-31-2010, 11:14 AM
My team kill the keeper in less then 1min and sunblessed bow is better then megablaster in damage