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View Full Version : Rangepwnsmeel has shown his true face. VAMPIRE

12-25-2010, 11:51 AM
In the forums chat box he was speaking of jogging before the sun comes up, how he doesnt like running in the sun. As well he is always playing in game or on forums during the day, passing the time until the sun goes down so that he may hunt. To protect yourself from this new found vampire threat in the world of Pocket Legends you should carry two things; holy water, for coating a food of your choice and tricking him into eating it, and important for keeping distance, a potato gun modified for use with garlic. Now be safe out there and remember, Rangepwsmeel is just using his vampire charms.

P.S. Low blows have been known to have an effect ;)

12-25-2010, 12:36 PM
I think I got banned from the chat box......marvelous. No clue why, but if I was I think a lot of people were :/

12-25-2010, 12:43 PM
Yes you were, idk if its permanent though.

12-25-2010, 12:45 PM
Did barb? Or Jacob?:/

12-25-2010, 12:48 PM
Lol I stopped running halfway through to read this... Now the sun is up! Oh noes! I'm burning! Or as the twilight fans would put it, "omg he is sparkling like a diamond! Soooo pretty!" which one is it then? O.o

12-25-2010, 12:48 PM
Nope just you myst :/, guess you might miss the warning signs before range goes out hunting.

12-25-2010, 12:49 PM
Lol I stopped running halfway through to read this... Now the sun is up! Oh noes! I'm burning! Or as the twilight fans would put it, "omg he is sparkling like a diamond! Soooo pretty!" which one is it then? O.o
You should know.... demon lol

12-25-2010, 01:01 PM
Or as the twilight fans would put it, "omg he is sparkling like a diamond! Soooo pretty!" which one is it then? O.o

Its because you're a fairy.

12-25-2010, 01:11 PM
You should know.... demon lol

Well, I finished while the sun was getting up, I only got slightly burned but I'll live, just got to refuel on blood now. James, you aren't the first person to have accused me of being a vampire, I actually have fanglike teeth on the sides of my mouth, you know the teeth after the two front teeth, they are extremely fanglike for some reason.

12-25-2010, 01:17 PM
Parth is a sparkly indian vampire!!! No wonder the ramen doesnt agree, its not on your diet!!!

12-25-2010, 01:23 PM
Parth is a sparkly indian vampire!!! No wonder the ramen doesnt agree, its not on your diet!!!

I just checked! The ramen has garlic seasoning in it! No wonder I crap it out everytime I eat it!

12-25-2010, 01:46 PM
Haha, die, vampire, die;D

12-25-2010, 01:48 PM
Sooo much hate! I thought people loved vampires! I am one of the nice ones, I only drank mysticaldream's blood and that was because he got me angry at the wrong time. I swear! I only drink blood from the hospital and blood banks now!

12-25-2010, 01:53 PM
Sooo much hate! I thought people loved vampires! I am one of the nice ones, I only drank mysticaldream's blood and that was because he got me angry at the wrong time. I swear! I only drink blood from the hospital and blood banks now!

Ah ha! He admits! I gotta run to the store for garlic gun ammo. Brb

12-25-2010, 01:59 PM
Hes showing his anger, QUICK GET THE HOLY WATER AND STAKES!!

12-25-2010, 02:00 PM
I was worried for a minute when I seen the title I never seen range do or say anything bad. I was like wtf?!

12-25-2010, 02:05 PM
I was worried for a minute when I seen the title I never seen range do or say anything bad. I was like wtf?!

Of course you havent seen him do anything bad, he uses his vampire charms to make him seem perfect and irresistable.

12-25-2010, 02:11 PM
Of course you havent seen him do anything bad, he uses his vampire charms to make him seem perfect and irresistable.

Sure keep pissing off the vampire watch what's happens to you lol

12-25-2010, 02:11 PM
shahahaha loser myst. thats for sayin im lightininglord!

12-25-2010, 02:12 PM
Sure keep pissing off the vampire watch what's happens to you lol

I know how to fight him. Lol i can handle him, or i should say his girlfriend can ;)

12-25-2010, 02:12 PM
The vampire is feeling bloodthirsty again.... And his ban is almost up! I already turned ladylove into a vamp... Ask her yourself.

12-25-2010, 02:17 PM

12-25-2010, 02:34 PM
Darn it the local blood bank and the hospital is out of blood! James, you feeling up to donating any blood to me?

12-25-2010, 02:41 PM
Darn it the local blood bank and the hospital is out of blood! James, you feeling up to donating any blood to me?
I can spare a bit, but no biting! Thats my job.

12-25-2010, 02:44 PM
OK, I'll just get my blood transfusion kit ready.... But I really prefer the more direct method.

12-25-2010, 02:48 PM
OK, I'll just get my blood transfusion kit ready.... But I really prefer the more direct method.

Its more fun for you... But you could end up taking too much. Transfusion is much safer for me, and besides i can always make sure jerica finds out and have her stop you

12-25-2010, 02:50 PM
Lol fine I guess. Sigh. Or I can just hypnotize you and do it, but since you offered me I won't.

12-25-2010, 02:51 PM
Lol sure >.>

12-25-2010, 05:31 PM
The vampire is feeling bloodthirsty again.... And his ban is almost up! I already turned ladylove into a vamp... Ask her yourself.

Sweet!!! I get to be super attractive and sparkly and strong!!!!

12-26-2010, 03:13 AM
Sweet!!! I get to be super attractive and sparkly and strong!!!!

Lol at least one of those was already true.

12-26-2010, 03:30 AM
Lol... Vampires.