View Full Version : any news on a level cap?

05-15-2014, 03:56 PM
1. Are we getting another level cap update? if not, please let us know so those of us that are ready to give up on the game can quit.
2. If there is an update coming, what would it be about? and when would it release?
3. It just seems like were getting recycled vanity with diff colors every update and people who havent seen this stuff before get sparked up and excited, but others like myself who have been playing since D1 have seen the same vanity just different colors.
4. Perhaps maybe a list of upcoming events that shows whats coming up each month or something that way we know when / when not to play.
Pretty much all the questions i have for now hoping someone from STS can respond and bring some good news :)

05-16-2014, 10:29 AM
1. Are we getting another level cap update? if not, please let us know so those of us that are ready to give up on the game can quit.

I do think that in one post, a mod or dev said that they have no upcoming plans on raising the cap or having a big update. However, there are still many people playing DL

05-16-2014, 11:45 AM
lvl cap ,cant you see how hard it is to play pvp ,lag is unbearable, laag spikes ,and there is a delay in game ,i already know there is not going to be a new lvl cap, would hope the devs can help do something about that, for me ctf is the only thing worth playing dl,but then again who knows , i see how the lag is really bad on sl and the devs never did anything about it .maybe they just want us to fade away ,and hope we jump on the next big thing comming out from the devs, To bad they dont relize its already here .

06-10-2014, 12:59 PM
They must rise the level cap as soon as possible

06-10-2014, 04:57 PM
lvl cap ,cant you see how hard it is to play pvp ,lag is unbearable, laag spikes ,and there is a delay in game ,i already know there is not going to be a new lvl cap, would hope the devs can help do something about that, for me ctf is the only thing worth playing dl,but then again who knows , i see how the lag is really bad on sl and the devs never did anything about it .maybe they just want us to fade away ,and hope we jump on the next big thing comming out from the devs, To bad they dont relize its already here .

But wait, dont you see they need to update all the bugs that are happening on the unplayable arcane legends game? all the fuss on there like they havent gotten an update in 5 years, when we get updates rarely on here we dont complain like the people on AL does :) im begging for a level cap guys!!!

06-17-2014, 03:16 PM
I heard in game that it might be updated over a huge possible summer update. Just a rumor though I hope its true o:

06-17-2014, 05:08 PM
I heard in game that it might be updated over a huge possible summer update. Just a rumor though I hope its true o:

I hope its true too!! but i havent seen or heard anything lately from the mods so my hopes arent high lol

06-17-2014, 08:49 PM
STS games like SL, PL and DL have died. And wow I haven't been in the forums in almost a year. I'm capped in SL and DL and I deleted all games from my phone cause I see no point on coming back. Most of the old great players are gone and it gets cold and lonely now.

06-18-2014, 02:31 PM
Most of the old great players are gone and it gets cold and lonely now.

I highly doubt that bra, having many alts may make it seem like they are gone, but they aint.

06-18-2014, 05:30 PM
^nah she's right, most old players are gone. I'm basically one of them if I wouldn't be such stubborn and farm a year for this black Druidic top. Actually pointless because I will quit game anyway again once I get my final item.
I'm in one of the very first guilds with 460 members but I am the only active player. Last guild mate contact has been over 2 years ago

@sexyisland. You didn't miss much, in none of the non-Arcane legends games. From time to time I log on and check the situation only to get dissappointed

06-18-2014, 08:20 PM
STS games like SL, PL and DL have died. And wow I haven't been in the forums in almost a year. I'm capped in SL and DL and I deleted all games from my phone cause I see no point on coming back. Most of the old great players are gone and it gets cold and lonely now.

I'm on almost every day and I'm an older great player :)

06-19-2014, 06:18 AM
She didn't say all of them, she said most of them