View Full Version : Some people are just..

12-26-2010, 07:58 AM
I was PvPing with my friend Cabero then I changed games and I saw Neverdier he used to be on the leaderboards called "NeverDiex" but he got killed so he decided to create a new character called "Neverdier" and I saw him and started running towards him to fight and then he left and start calling me a noob and booster and I asked to 1 vs 1 me and he says no? I wonder why..his a big talker.

The only way I leave the game is when i 1 vs 1 someone and the rest of the team jump on me..

12-26-2010, 12:56 PM
NeverDie is a notorious rage quitting noobcake with zero pvp skill unless he is ganking or teaming 2v1 or 3v1. Dont take offense to his words, hes just describing himself to you ;)

12-26-2010, 01:53 PM

12-26-2010, 01:57 PM
I call NeverDier for a 1 vs 1 to the death..

12-26-2010, 02:49 PM
I can say for a fact Ice is not a booster I been pvping with him a lot the last couple a days he is to pro to boost lol he don't need to.

12-26-2010, 03:47 PM
even IF the enitre team is on you, you still shouldnt leave...

12-26-2010, 04:31 PM
even IF the enitre team is on you, you still shouldnt leave...

Well yes i know im talking about 1 vs 1...

12-27-2010, 01:24 AM
NeverDie is a notorious rage quitting noobcake with zero pvp skill unless he is ganking or teaming 2v1 or 3v1. Dont take offense to his words, hes just describing himself to you ;)

**** off, we all know you boosted your 600-0 bird.

12-27-2010, 04:06 AM
**** off, we all know you boosted your 600-0 bird.

600-0 bird? I dont have a 600-0 bird

Look at me I am failtastic im a 13 year old shmuck who is going to E-Thug and swear like **** this ****ing ****y *** *****. Every inept comment you post always has a blanked out swear. Why dont you stop playing pocket legends and try to pass an english class? That way you can learn to stop expressing yourself like an uneducated troglodyte, ya go ahead dictionary.com that one kid. Son you rage quit from matches your about to die in harder then neverdie and listen kiddo im sorry your so butthurt that your nothing compared to me in pvp, but keep it to yourself, or maybe tell someone who cares like your imaginary friends? Oh yea or you can swear and cry in game when we are in the same room then rage quit, or if your the room-master kick me with a rude message, will that make you feel better? Im asking because you know from experience :).

K thanks lil'guy bai.

tl;dr : Focus on school not PL & If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all you halfwit.

12-27-2010, 04:12 AM
I'm expecting a longggg "argument"

12-27-2010, 04:14 AM
You are making yourself look exactly like what you are complaining about.

12-27-2010, 04:50 AM
even IF the enitre team is on you, you still shouldnt leave...

Totally agree!!!
Now those noobies rejoin the game for cool down when we are playing team pvp......OMG! They left the game when he's about to die and said "you have three and we have two only" then they started to attack and leave game lol

12-27-2010, 04:56 AM
You are making yourself look exactly like what you are complaining about.

You obviously do not understand my mockery of his posting expertise, try rereading it and sit back and fully digest the satirical beat-down. Thanks.

12-27-2010, 06:17 PM
Ehh I'll only leave a game during a real 1v1 match so we both don't have to sit there and wait for mana to regenerate. Just quickly pop out and back in and keep going.

12-27-2010, 07:45 PM
I would love to challenge you ice,
even if I'm a n00b..

12-28-2010, 04:57 AM
600-0 bird? I dont have a 600-0 bird

Look at me I am failtastic im a 13 year old shmuck who is going to E-Thug and swear like **** this ****ing ****y *** *****. Every inept comment you post always has a blanked out swear. Why dont you stop playing pocket legends and try to pass an english class? That way you can learn to stop expressing yourself like an uneducated troglodyte, ya go ahead dictionary.com that one kid. Son you rage quit from matches your about to die in harder then neverdie and listen kiddo im sorry your so butthurt that your nothing compared to me in pvp, but keep it to yourself, or maybe tell someone who cares like your imaginary friends? Oh yea or you can swear and cry in game when we are in the same room then rage quit, or if your the room-master kick me with a rude message, will that make you feel better? Im asking because you know from experience :).

K thanks lil'guy bai.

tl;dr : Focus on school not PL & If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all you halfwit.

Next time you're gonna talk trash about someone's mastery of the English language you should probably avoid using improper punctuation, missing punctuation and above all you should definitely know how to properly use "your" and "you're".

12-28-2010, 05:50 AM
600-0 bird? I dont have a 600-0 bird

Look at me I am failtastic im a 13 year old shmuck who is going to E-Thug and swear like **** this ****ing ****y *** *****. Every inept comment you post always has a blanked out swear. Why dont you stop playing pocket legends and try to pass an english class? That way you can learn to stop expressing yourself like an uneducated troglodyte, ya go ahead dictionary.com that one kid. Son you rage quit from matches your about to die in harder then neverdie and listen kiddo im sorry your so butthurt that your nothing compared to me in pvp, but keep it to yourself, or maybe tell someone who cares like your imaginary friends? Oh yea or you can swear and cry in game when we are in the same room then rage quit, or if your the room-master kick me with a rude message, will that make you feel better? Im asking because you know from experience :).

K thanks lil'guy bai.

tl;dr : Focus on school not PL & If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all you halfwit.

Why did you use "dictionary.com" as a verb? Anyways, you have 2 guys on pvp kdr leader boards, I'm for sure tagging you as a booster:)

12-28-2010, 08:14 AM
600-0 bird? I dont have a 600-0 bird

Look at me I am failtastic im a 13 year old shmuck who is going to E-Thug and swear like **** this ****ing ****y *** *****. Every inept comment you post always has a blanked out swear. Why dont you stop playing pocket legends and try to pass an english class? That way you can learn to stop expressing yourself like an uneducated troglodyte, ya go ahead dictionary.com that one kid. Son you rage quit from matches your about to die in harder then neverdie and listen kiddo im sorry your so butthurt that your nothing compared to me in pvp, but keep it to yourself, or maybe tell someone who cares like your imaginary friends? Oh yea or you can swear and cry in game when we are in the same room then rage quit, or if your the room-master kick me with a rude message, will that make you feel better? Im asking because you know from experience :).

K thanks lil'guy bai.

tl;dr : Focus on school not PL & If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all you halfwit.


12-28-2010, 10:21 PM
Wtf is a troglodyte??