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View Full Version : Connection Issue

05-16-2014, 01:03 AM
At 1:05 Am i decided to play and it went to the patch screen and it kept failing and said check your internet connection. My connection is fine cause i can go on other apps. So i just uninstall then reinstall and while it was patching it kept failing for 20min then it updated. But when i tried to log in it was super slow then it said the severs where down so i waited 5 min. So i re tried again it was still slow but manage to log in then i click go to vamp district 3 times it didnt work then it disconnect me. Then tried again i was able to load the club i was like finally but then it disconnect. I know its not my Connection cause i always playwith no issues but since that update for the sale i been unable to play so its annoying now i cant play since its super slow and just keeps disconnecting me. I really wanna know why. I want to play but unable to :( Edit: Nvm its 12:01 Pm and its working fine. How do you close threads?