View Full Version : be careful what you ask for

05-16-2014, 05:02 PM
chillaxn this morning and decided to pop some locks. Low and behold... SAMAEL drops. WOOT!
So, the dilemma. To open or not to open? Samael would be sweet pet but so would having ~ 25m. Some guildies say sell now and buy him later, as the price will go down. I wanna open him SO bad. What would you do?

05-16-2014, 05:05 PM
I would open him - he's a pretty awesome pet.

But then, it probably depends on what other goals you have. Do you already have a Mythic Pet or stable of pets and are light on armor/wpns/gear? If so, then maybe selling it and using that money to gear up might be worth it.

05-16-2014, 06:06 PM

It's a game, I doubt your going to play it for ever.
Stop worrying and have fun, if I was you I would sell it.
20-25m for samael can lead to a lot of fun (twinking, new gear (e.g mythic weapons soon))
If you want to you could even buy a different arcane pet and save half of the gold (as all arcane pets are around half price of samael)

05-16-2014, 06:36 PM
thanks for the responses and great points! It feels like the lottery. i wanna consult my tax attorney and lawyers before I do anything. hahaha

05-16-2014, 07:55 PM
Sell it.
You can fully gear up a character and have plenty of gold left.

The price of Samael will drop soon, too. When the new mythic weapons are released, a ginormous number of crates will be opened and it is likely a good number of Samael eggs will be popping up.

05-16-2014, 10:25 PM
I am currently full mythic. ruby, doom, helm, armor, pavise/pve and magma clay will/pvp.
pets are ribbit, valkin, prance, and abaddon.
I also have a perfect fang I'm trying to merch.
so I'm not hurting anywhere really. Sure would be nice to have a bunch of extra gold around. But samael is a dream come true too. Arghh

05-17-2014, 04:16 AM
I am currently full mythic. ruby, doom, helm, armor, pavise/pve and magma clay will/pvp.
pets are ribbit, valkin, prance, and abaddon.
I also have a perfect fang I'm trying to merch.
so I'm not hurting anywhere really. Sure would be nice to have a bunch of extra gold around. But samael is a dream come true too. Arghh

You should sell it, merch and wait for the next arcane weapon for warrior :p

05-17-2014, 04:29 AM
You should sell it, merch and wait for the next arcane weapon for warrior :p
Yes! Except for rogues and mages XD

05-19-2014, 07:04 PM
Samael is my favorite pet from now till forever for his stats as well as abilities. As far as Arcane pets goes, it's very hard to beat a pet that banishes, heals, poisons, and stuns on top of adding 10% crit and 10% damage. In my opinion, there's only one other pet that could do this and it would be a pet that could mind control the mobs instead of banishing them and they would start attacking other mobs. They would also take away some aggro which takes it one step up from banishing. Until that day comes, you sir are holding onto the best red egg and 25 million should hold stable until the crate popping weekend comes where eggs will be byproducts of people going for mythic weapons. Since you already have all the gear you desire, perhaps opening the egg would be the best idea.

Dreams do come true, and if you don't open the wraith of death and terror, it would become your nightmare and haunt you until the day you get him again. Also to those who think that the best items will come down in price, Samael has actually been slowly gaining in price since he came out unlike hj, glacian, and singe which just don't quite add up to one sam.

06-27-2014, 12:36 AM
Sell it. 25m is a BIG money. With it, u can buy mythic stuff and still have alot of money left. This is only my opinion:D

07-04-2014, 02:51 AM
Sell and use the money to merch and get more money