View Full Version : PvP suggestion : Aim for no hatred, gang block etc.

05-21-2014, 04:12 PM
I have invested most of my time in playing any STS games only for PvP
Im more attached to PvP than PvE but in all the times I played any sts games but AL pvp was the worst.
Sure, PL/SL has problems like what they called "rushers". A player who joins any pvp map and kill without warning.
PL/SL pvp was mostly pvp for 1v1 so players tries to call out oppenent and say "321 go". It was good, since people plays "fair" for 1v1. DL pvp was different, most DL players or who played DL will agree that it was by far the best pvp since the community or the players within promotes actual CTF. Players in there DOES NOT CARE ABOUT KDR but who flags to 5 first and win the match.

That was just a short oppinion from my time spending PVP in any StS games.

At the moment, im losing friends because of the pvp dramas and misunderstandings.
The GvG, imo, isnt bad but it just evolve into something that needed the developers help. The community tried atleast a few but still isnt enough for most wont comply.
Now im going to suggest some of the things that have already been suggested by many.
Obviously, im beating the dead horse more.

Here is the suggestions:

STS already had disable name and title(guild) display in their program.
I am suggesting the implementation of this program to PvP.
With this implemented, i believe it will lessen the conflicts for anyone.
Players already have experience playing with their "groupies" and you can see whats happening now, right?
People will have to play with randoms, being with randoms actually isn't bad
You learn team cooperations and the best part will be less flame on a certain name.

Replacing the names for class name

If i havent explained properly, pardon me xD.
If sts made a program to replace name to class name.
It will also promote less drama. Players wont flame or gang a certain person for they wont know that he is that person




I forgot to say
Also to disable "join" botton in pvp.
I know most will disagree but you will all agree that having this botton
Increases the gang and blocking in pvp.
Things have change, ik there are still fair players but having this change will
Lessen the pvp drama.

Sorry my Engrish.

05-22-2014, 04:30 AM
100% +1

05-22-2014, 05:30 AM
Excellent idea !

05-22-2014, 10:11 AM
And Disable Chat box in PvP BTW, Excellent Idea as said

05-22-2014, 03:57 PM
I thought about this before but then I realized that's it would lessen the fun.

As an MMORPG player, I wanna know who I'm fighting, who I'm killing and what guild they belong to. lets accept it, one of the reasons why we play pvp is to show that we dominate. To let others know how tough is our guild. And after the battle is over we can share to someone about our experiences, how we won/ how we lose and what would be our strategy in the next fight. By this PVP is more alive.

If we implement this idea its like we are fighting AI players/ A program players leaving questions in our head and only us who can relate what happened.. It is less alive and not fun.. I'll better play offline games fighting bot players.. IMO


05-22-2014, 07:00 PM
Then keep the names, titles in pvp, just remove the room chat.. No room chat, no trashtalk, less drama.. Room chat should be replaced by team chat instead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-22-2014, 07:45 PM
You need the room chat for Communication. If you remove the join button it would more or less destroy the interaction in pvp and it would become a solo thing, same goes for names. This pvp drama and guild war has nothing to do with the mechanics of the game, but rather the people behind the device.
Changing the attitude of the players is the only thing that will change the pvp scene in arcane legends. Hopefully eventually we will get there.

05-22-2014, 08:24 PM
Lul, I didnt see one of u remember this thread...
seriously, confirmed by Sam, He will make team chat, no more dramas invasion..

05-23-2014, 01:18 AM
@pvp chat
Look at the current pvp chats. Dont you think
Its time to change it? There many trashtalks and harrasment in that room. By changing this to team xhat only, it lessens the pvp drama and everyone can provably enjoy more of pvp.

I think removing them to lessen the drama in pvp would be better. Many of the guild who pvp mostly have "dont kill guilfmates".
A solution of knowing who was your opponents would be revealing the names when the game ends.

05-23-2014, 01:58 AM
I think STS should be worried about the fact that the current setup in AL CTF makes new players to avoid pvp. At least for low levels the name of the game is kill farming, these "top" twink guilds sit in the both teams and wait for newbies to enter. If you are geared, they gang you. The suggestions listed here by Cero are worth to try - it would be a game changer.

Wonder how it would be if CTF was a team play with randoms without a drama? wow