View Full Version : Fresh Fish, Looking for right fit.

05-21-2014, 09:03 PM
Hello All,
I go by the IGN Thizzly, I've been playing this game since late January, early February, Something like that... Anyways, I just left my guild "Immortal Souls" Decent guild nice people just not what I'm looking for in a guild. I'm from the US, a Cali boy to be exact. I've played many MMO's over the years started in DAoC(Albion), to WoW(Horde)(pre BC expansion), and last but not least Metin2.us(Yellow)(R.I.P, server shutdown). Now I've landed here, and im looking to become apart of a good team. I am a Warrior just made level 40 the other day. Atm I've sold most my equips, and I am currently looking to purchase lepre pendant and pink equips for my level. I wouldnt say im the best at anything but I learn quick. Thank you all for reading, Hopefully someone can find me a position in their Army or on their team. Cya in game! ^.^ V,,

05-21-2014, 11:54 PM
Yo Thizzly,

Fellow Californian what what. I am an officer in "Immaculate" guild. We would love to have ya in our guild. Just message me or other fellow officers. Also check out our guild page for more details to see if you fit in. Oh and by the way sorry if its tough to get a hold of me because i am currently pretty busy this next month in real life due to work. But definitely try contacting other officers. Good luck dude.

05-22-2014, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the Love, I recall seeing your guilds names before once or twice. Will be in touch soon. :eagerness: