View Full Version : waht am I doing wrong vs OL?

12-27-2010, 02:59 PM
I can't survive 2 seconds, then I get revived, and am dead before I reappear. what is the trick? this occurs again and again. help

12-27-2010, 03:03 PM
you a mage? if so you need to pot and depending on how much armor you have you might survive 2 or 3 shots.

12-27-2010, 03:09 PM
What class are you? Do you have a full team? Are you potted up? Are you constantly using your skills? Are you potting up when needed?

12-27-2010, 03:38 PM
First of all, what level are you? :o

12-27-2010, 04:46 PM
I also have the same problem as you. Then last night, one of the guys i was playing with said "pot up". For the first time, i did pot up and was surprised. I actually survived and we killed ol without me dying. From now on i will always pot up when facing ol. Less stressful.

Ps. You still have to watch your hp and keep him away from you. But it's a lot easier with the tankpot. I only have 59 armor before the pot(very low compared to others with 90) bt still very effective for me.

12-27-2010, 04:52 PM
I'm a lvl 50 full int mage with cyber armor and keeper staff. Yes with full team. Not my decision to go, the place scares me;) I don't have a lot of Armour 63. If I switch to eye/wand I have 84 (only have eye of Osiris, trying to get doll). I guess I should switch to this- more fire power does you no good when you are dead.

I have not potted up yet. (I'm assuming you mean the tank elixir. do you take it at the beginning or right before you enter OL room? no one else stopped to do this.
thanks for the help.

12-27-2010, 05:27 PM
Just last week you couldn't join a group doing Victory Lap/OL without getting booted for not potting up. I have noticed this week that most of the groups aren't requiring it. Maybe because their are more new lev 50's coming into these dungeons.

Even although using elixirs is not requested so much by other group members I drink the tank elixir anyway. It's rare I die with OL after drinking it so makes it worth it to me. Then I'm available to rev

I also like to use the speed elixer too. Just cause it makes it more fun to run and hit a bit hyped up. Feel like I've taken a 5hr energy drink. :)

Still hate doing Gurgox though. Would love to get a group together and just keep redoing him over and over till I figure my rythm with him. Usually the fight just goes to fast and hectic with all the deaths. Although with pug's we always get him, I don't feel when I walk away that I learned anything.


12-27-2010, 05:47 PM
if I remember correctly you can't buy and hold the elixers to use as you need them, right. How long does it last?

12-27-2010, 07:21 PM
Just last week you couldn't join a group doing Victory Lap/OL without getting booted for not potting up. I have noticed this week that most of the groups aren't requiring it.

We had a series of "We don't need pots anymore" games, instigated by an insane bird whose name I won't mention. :D We survived mostly by chugging health pots instead of taking a tank elixir, until the one game where everyone kept dying and the poor mages spent the entire time serial revving. We even had a wipeout. Now we're back to taking pots. Nice experiment, although we'll probably call that a fail.

As for Gurgox, I hate being the only Mage with three or four megablaster-toters. I can not hear the growls, and we end up dying. Of course I get the blame for it. It's also annoying when the non-mages grab all the orbs so the only Mage dies. Gurgox is a thankless game for mages.

GoofyYno, the elixirs last for 5 minutes.

12-27-2010, 09:43 PM
Its called your a mage. Either learn to spam potions like no other or pot up.

12-27-2010, 09:56 PM
ah, so the key is in the pot.
seems like there are a lot of bad players out tonight. I've been with 5-6 groups who tried keeper runs and could even make it to the sniper room. (finally hooked in with a good group clear it fairly quickly). I hate when no one works together, and they just leave ya hanging. (which now I won't do to my group in OL)

12-27-2010, 10:00 PM
ah, so the key is in the pot.
seems like there are a lot of bad players out tonight. I've been with 5-6 groups who tried keeper runs and could even make it to the sniper room. (finally hooked in with a good group clear it fairly quickly). I hate when no one works together, and they just leave ya hanging. (which now I won't do to my group in OL)

Thats why I trained to get better so I can lead the group when it sucks. I do have thoughs days where I could care less because the group sucks sooo bad and I wont even drink pots anymore... No point in wasting tons of gold for a noob team, thats when I rack up deaths fast :p.

01-07-2011, 10:10 AM
birds are also very helpful in killing the overlord. using my bird w a sunblessed bow, a tanker pot, health pots and a good internet connection, i've sucessfully soloed him a few times.

01-07-2011, 10:31 AM
For OL if you want to survive first you need to know what group you have. You need a bird or two one tank and at least one mage. If you are pure I suggest you get the doll and laser wand gives you about 95 armour and you should pot up or you will spend more time spamming pots than attacking and healing your party. You also respec and put at least 95 into str this gives you a bit more health and armour or go dual spec and use pally gear.

01-07-2011, 11:09 AM
Its called your a mage. Either learn to spam potions like no other or pot up.

Rough place for mages, as you need all of these:
Wand / Eye
Armor Pot
Spamable Potions
A good team.

If any of those are missing, your toast.

01-07-2011, 11:42 AM
after one game with lone, me and a few radicals that went with him now feel that pots are not necessary. i remember using only 12 pots with Lesrider :)

for crappy teams... i would still want to double pot thou lol


01-07-2011, 11:52 AM
after one game with lone, me and a few radicals that went with him now feel that pots are not necessary. i remember using only 12 pots with Lesrider :)

for crappy teams... i would still want to double pot thou lol


Lol yeah Chron mentioned that earlier up in this thread.
If I were still playing, I would totally go elixir-free again. But it really depends on the team.

If I remember correctly, when we did wipe, I was the last one standing. ;) But gave up so as not to pointlessly waste potions.

I found OL much more fun that way -- but you do need to have a good Mage/ pally or two in case things go wrong. I was playing my bird, so if I did die, wouldn't necessarily cause a wipe.

Actually, thinking about it now... I think it makes more sense for a skilled player not to pot with a random team -- at least if they wipe, you didn't waste gold on them. I made thatmistake in the past, trying to help noob teams clear a level. I'd be the only one left standing, spamming health pots while everyone either stays dead or takes an hour getting back. I've stopped helping out because of that. In the future, I would only help without potting up and more as support than having the whole battle resting on my shoulders.

01-07-2011, 12:47 PM
lol i feel like a broken record.

well, it was that awesome a few rounds. and I dont feel that it was a fail, just that people started pushing it. though hard to find a good team that doesnt immediately say "ok pot up" its worth a try.

01-07-2011, 05:03 PM
Pot up, go in last WITH MANA SHIELD ON, keep pumping mana pots to hold shield up, debuff the crap out of the OL, and spam heal.

01-07-2011, 10:35 PM
Also tell your team to corner him if your not potting up. If you can't keep up with pots drunk vs. damage dealt you can back off to heal.

01-08-2011, 07:32 AM
Also tell your team to corner him if your not potting up. If you can't keep up with pots drunk vs. damage dealt you can back off to heal.

I actually rather throw him around the room exploding barrels. It breaks his shield and kills him faster. The mage just gotta follow oL like everyone and try make sure everyone is inside the agro when heals are spammed.

If you got more than 120 armor no pot is usually needed, but I use it anyway since I like to rush ahead and tank the lores.

01-09-2011, 01:30 PM
Thanks a bunch for this thread. I just did OL for the first time last night (unsuccessfully) and the extra armor from gear & elixir and having a speed elixir made a huge difference.

01-09-2011, 03:07 PM
Honestly, I try to do Overlord with two mages.

With two mages, and tank pots, there is no reason anyone should die, as long as the mage spams.

I've never failed with a two-mage setup.

01-09-2011, 04:12 PM
I actually rather throw him around the room exploding barrels. It breaks his shield and kills him faster. The mage just gotta follow oL like everyone and try make sure everyone is inside the agro when heals are spammed.

If you got more than 120 armor no pot is usually needed, but I use it anyway since I like to rush ahead and tank the lores.

You only need barrels if you don't have a bird. Birds can drop a blast shot combo and instantly take his shield down.