View Full Version : Pet Suggestions: etc

05-09-2010, 12:53 AM
Here you can post all your ideas for pets, I will add good ideas to the list with your name attached.


#Pets purchasable with platinum in a few diff types.
#Each pet has 1 auto attack move that happens when the player attacks an enemy.
#The move can be upgraded along with the players skills.. (so like a pet skills tab).
#Naming of the pets can be made by the players themselves (as in no default names).
#Special pets could be given out as rewards for certain things.... as in PVP rewards so players can see who has beaten certain things.
#Pets level numbers are same as players.... and cannot be different (makes things fare)
#Pet are viewable in 3d at all times.... not just a hidden spec like some things already are (such as helms).
#Have it so you can attach items to the pet (as in Potion). --BestHyun--


These are just some ideas and DEV's don't have to add/use anything but are welcome to.

If you have an idea post it and i might add it here.

05-09-2010, 01:03 AM
I believe there is the most important feature of what a pet can do in an mmo.

Auto pot for the win!!!

haha, but we still have 3 months til pets come out (based on the release schedule).

05-09-2010, 01:10 AM
I believe there is the most important feature of what a pet can do in an mmo.

Auto pot for the win!!!

haha, but we still have 3 months til pets come out (based on the release schedule).

Thank Hyun, well I have changed slightly the topic of this thread....... I think this can be a good idea for a thread. hopefully people post.

05-09-2010, 02:01 AM
I love the idea of pets that can join us in a fight. The chaos level will reach a new high point.

05-09-2010, 07:59 AM
I hope these pets are creative (such as that little WoW monk pet) and not just your standard hog, wolf, cat, etc. And how about having equipment specific to pets? Such as armor and weapons. I would love to see a little winged pug walking on two legs slicing baddies with a sai.

05-09-2010, 04:52 PM

Didnt you leak NSMB Wii? :p


Also, maybe pets could be 'items' kinda like mounts are in WoW. This allows you to have epic pets, and pets that can be dropped from high end mobs.

Id love a 'pink' pet :p

05-09-2010, 05:10 PM
When pets come into pocket legends the gameplay will change drastically. I was thinking maybe having your pet start out at level one (like a puppy/kitten) and as you level it up it changes appearances ( like from young to old kinda like how pokemon works ). Also I think some pets should be specific to each class (ex. Owl for enchantress, lion for warrior, monkey for archer)

Anyways, whatever the devs decide to do I'm sure it will be great!

05-09-2010, 07:08 PM
When pets come into pocket legends the gameplay will change drastically. I was thinking maybe having your pet start out at level one (like a puppy/kitten) and as you level it up it changes appearances ( like from young to old kinda like how pokemon works ). Also I think some pets should be specific to each class (ex. Owl for enchantress, lion for warrior, monkey for archer)

Anyways, whatever the devs decide to do I'm sure it will be great!

I really hope they don't make certain pets class specific. That would be an extremely huge turn off. The only thing that should be class specific in PL is skills. I don't like the the changing thing either. What if I want my pet to stay as a cute little furry ball of magic?

And a question to the devs. Will the pets be limited to just being animals? Can we have like robo pets, tiny knights, aliens, etc?

05-09-2010, 08:28 PM
I can see how you would like a cute furry ball of magic. Who wouldn't? :)

05-09-2010, 08:30 PM
Didnt you leak NSMB Wii? :p

That was the old me, I admit it I did...... I hate that I did.... can I please move on.

Lesson learnt.


05-09-2010, 08:58 PM
I can see how you would like a cute furry ball of magic. Who wouldn't? :)

Satan would not approve. :p