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View Full Version : Elites: Where to start

05-23-2014, 07:15 AM
I have reached level 40, and halfway to 41. I have about the best gear I can buy below 100k. My stats are as follows.

5569 Health
10.73 Dodge
740 Mana
1600 Armor

I have lvl 39 conq wall Assault, 36 tarloks helm of will and plate of grace, 35 fangmaster's ring of savvy, and 36 arcane pendant of potency. yes I am due for an upgrade, but most found in AH are very minimal return on my investment.

I am still new to the game at a few months. Should I farm till bored to death, or start running elites? Where to start? Is there any gear that will drop that will benefit me. Or is elites for Achievement Points, or is the drop rate higher or is it a different loot table.

Guidance is appreciated.


05-23-2014, 08:04 AM
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Elites!

I would recommend you start farming the easier elite maps right up to Kraken where you can build up your gold by looting elite golden chests and the various egg drops from those maps.

Once you are able to afford some lvl 40/41 elite gear like the magmatics, then you will have a better time farming the newer maps like Shuyal and Tindirin Elites. Nordr you could probably tackle now as well, but it not will be a bit of a challenge.

Also, you will die. Often. Very Often. However, as a warrior it is your job of course to absorb all the damage for the party and ensure that they stay healed and alive.

you will be farming a lot. Thankfully its relatively fun and not too dry.

The most lucrative drops in the game are from Elite Tindirin where you can loot the latest elite legendary gear, but all elite maps drop elite gear that sells for decent amounts.

Easiest to farm of course is Kraken Mines 3 and Jarl for crates. lots of people do that grind to get their first top gears.

05-23-2014, 08:57 AM
I love to do Elite Lost Mage Mine for Snaggletooth and Wrathjaw or... Locked! Sometimes I looted them quite easy. Sometimes, not so lucky.

Easiest elites you can do :

Elite Breckenridge
( Loki )
Elite Rooknest
( Malison )
Elite Lost Mage Mine ( Wrathjaw & Snaggletooth )
Elite Southern
( Elite Golden Pirate & Legendary Armor )

Aim all Elite AP as you can and try to get a best gears as soon as possible. And if you ready and want to test your elite skills, try to get elite AP pets; Konga, Grave and Valkin. And if you succeed, you can do Elite Tindrins successfully.

Sometimes teamwork > equipments. Don't try to play alone. You need friends beside you.


via orange caramel app.

05-23-2014, 11:56 AM
HP and armour is below avg to run hard elites.
u better run elite lost Mage mine and elite ss.
also new event is coming next month so save money and farm easy elites for eggs.
new gears will come from new event.

but first get to lvl41 in this double XP weekend :D

05-23-2014, 02:48 PM
Thank you Gentlemen for your input. I will focus on level 41 through this weekend, unless Klaas or Shazbot give me a 25% reroll elixir.

So from what I am reading, I can farm locked and buy from the auction house. Or, I can run elites up to Kracken Isles that will have gear upgrades for me? I presume Magma gear only comes from Tindrin. So, what comes from Kracken?

Should I skip Nordr and Dead City?

It does not matter to me how long farming takes. My guild seems very patient. Matter of fact I would ask them these questions, but typing all that in with a phone is Not on my List of Fun. LOL.

Fight on!!!


05-23-2014, 09:55 PM
actually doing elite maps upto kraken will fetch u gold which u will get by selling chest drops and egg drops. with those gold buy good armours like
conquistadors helm of will and plate of will.
or if u have enough money buy magmatic Claymore. after tht gem them with blood gems.
also from elite ss (or from any elite kraken boss) u can get elite golden pirate chest. there is a chance to get lvl26 mythic helm and arcane dagger from the chest.

dnt skip any elite maps. u need boss AP lol.

u can also farm elite oltgar boss for entomed hammer and vixen egg and elite golden warchest.(u can get arcane maul and mythic plate)

elite tindirin is hard elite. u need around
6k+ HP and 1.8k+ armour to tank there.

05-24-2014, 02:22 AM
Bro dont go elites now
Now we have elixi kitt . Use them and make a target to buy leprechaun first then...
Stavk lepre. And elixi and run kraken mines 3...
Hunt lock for a month and make a tatget of getting atleast 15 to 20 locks every day...
Farm them and sell in event ...
And if u get lucky then in event price of locked should be 15k so ....
Farm hard and wait foe some time....
And before going to elites join a good elite tunning guild for it u have to hunt paragon titel 1st.....
Happy farming have fun

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

05-27-2014, 05:49 PM
Following all advice given so far. I spent most of the weekend gaining 27,100 xp to get level 41. Did a bit of farming with Elixirs. Let me say that being big and slow is no help when farming, as rogues and sorcerers could care less as they kill the boss whether you are there or not. Learned how to do it solo. Only took two months and 40.5 levels to ask the right question. I digress...Locked were mostly selling for 9.3k...not alot, but Luck Elixirs dropped also to compensate. Bought a Lepre for 180k in Expedition Camp off a player versus AH. Saved me some gold there. Still not sure why people are selling their leprechaun Pendants as they are very useful. Where do these it drop from? Locked? or a specific Zone? or an event only?

I have seen no Pavise in AH for two days now. I suspect these prices will drop coming into the new event. Magmatic Claymores of Assault appear to be the best for a two handed weapon, exclusive of Arcane Maul which I have never seen. Does the arcane maul/hammer still drop? what zone? or Locked only? or event only?

Level 31 elite Helm and Plate are in the Auction House. Do these still drop also? I read somewhere on the forums that there are quests you can complete to increase the power of Level 31 elite gear? Anyone have a link to post on that.

Since I am level capped at this time, all I can do is farm. Therefore my next stops is to save gold. The best plan I can develop with my small knowledge is as follows:
And buy the following:

Magmatic Claymore of Will...to help with all the farming to be done!!! All are dropping in price hard over last few days. Market saturation it appears. While typing this, I bought it for 145k gemmed withone a grand gem.
Magmatic Plate something...cheaper than mythic and +279 armor
Magmatic Helm something...cheaper than mythic and +190 armor
Level 36 Tarloks heart of Potency...23 armor, +128 health and small damage increase.
Archon Ring of Grace.... +90 Armor and small health and damage increase.

I have read Crows thread on Magmatic vs Mythic armor sets, but I absolutely zero gold after buying the Claymore. I cannot put anything in the AH for sale in fact. LOL
Suggestions are welcome always on the above.

At the moment I cannot find a better ring than the 36 Tarloks for armor and overall stat increases without losing 9 damage. If I have compiled the math properly, Wielding Claymore and wearing magmatic helm and plate should put me at 2,000 armor 6,000+ health by the end of June. I should be comfortably equipped to handle Shuyal at that point.

This weekend was monumental in my achievements between lucky purchases and hard fought grinding xp.


05-29-2014, 10:04 AM
bro. there is a search button for a reason :D

05-29-2014, 10:14 AM
lep pendants can ONLY be bought For 150plat at store. mostly sold by plat users tht need fast cash.

pavise is rare weapon. it is event weapon. so it is very rare. arcane maul drops from lock crates and elite golden warchest.

I recommend not to buy any stuffs. jst go cheap and farm easy elites.

tarlok 36lvl is best. bt I think at the coming event new better ring and amulets may come.

if u have no cash , daily quest are the only option

06-01-2014, 01:33 PM
Siege, I'm the exact same spitting image of you just didn't get to 41 yet. Would love to group in game if you'd like because your dead right about being warrior compared to sorc & rogue. (I evened got one of each to LVL 21 now). In game, my Warrior is Etterccoel. Ill look for you. Good luck and send any update with your findings as it would help me with being motivated for the grind.

06-12-2014, 09:52 PM
Bro dont go elites now
Now we have elixi kitt . Use them and make a target to buy leprechaun first then...
Stavk lepre. And elixi and run kraken mines 3...
Hunt lock for a month and make a tatget of getting atleast 15 to 20 locks every day...
Farm them and sell in event ...
And if u get lucky then in event price of locked should be 15k so ....
Farm hard and wait foe some time....
And before going to elites join a good elite tunning guild for it u have to hunt paragon titel 1st.....
Happy farming have fun

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

Im agreed with this one :)
Have fun ^^

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

06-12-2014, 10:02 PM
Get tarlok lvl 36 set, example: Versatility, cheap and good. Also u can buy any good ring and amulet lvl 40/41.

Good luck.

06-13-2014, 10:21 AM
Thank you Zues, and Congrats on top of leader boards. Well done!! Respect brother.
I have the Tarlok helm and plate. I am going to farm for a bit and see how the next event goes. Perhaps newer mythics will come.

06-13-2014, 11:24 AM
Thank you Zues, and Congrats on top of leader boards. Well done!! Respect brother.
I have the Tarlok helm and plate. I am going to farm for a bit and see how the next event goes. Perhaps newer mythics will come.
I'm not Zeus (Parth), The real Zeus is Rogue, not a warrior. :/
And, I need to change this name before I gone crazy with it.

06-13-2014, 02:35 PM
^^^lol. *facepalm*

06-13-2014, 02:50 PM
Well dont I feel sheepish.