View Full Version : Shadowlurk good for rogues?

05-24-2014, 07:46 AM
Hello guys. So i just looted a shadowlurk and wanted to know if this is a great pet for rogues. If it is not, i would just sell it. Please share your experiences with this pet. I'm talking about PVE perspective. Thank you very much. :-)

05-24-2014, 08:45 AM
It's a pretty decent offensive pet but lacks some HP. Depending on your build and who you run with (alternating veil for example), it can be outclassed by Ribbit.

05-24-2014, 09:15 AM
It's a pretty decent offensive pet but lacks some HP. Depending on your build and who you run with (alternating veil for example), it can be outclassed by Ribbit.

Hmm. My build is sp, aimed, nox and veil. I run with my guild most of the time. I also run km3 when there are no elite runs happening in the guild. The pets that i commonly use (meaning that they are in my pet rotation) are ribbit, haze, ethyl and mali which depends on the map we're running and the situation. Will shadowlurk be a good pet for the rotation or should i just sell it and save for a talon? Or should i get both (meaning i should farm more). Thanks for the reply. :-)

05-24-2014, 09:16 AM
These are my stats without a pet.

05-24-2014, 10:49 AM
Talon is not worth the gold unless you're going for beastmaster AP (not really needed, many easier ones out there for paragon). Your pet rotation seems just fine, I'd sell it.

If there's only one rogue with veil in party, shadowlurk would be pretty decent to keep the party damage buffed most of the time by initiating the AA right after your veil effect fades. With two rogues alternating veils, ribbit is a better choice because the 15% damage from veil goes to waste (overriden by shadowlurk's 20%). You can see what I mean by the damage stats below:

Shadow Veil (+15% damage for 10 seconds, 20 seconds cooldown)
Shadowlurk (+20% damage for 5 seconds, 20 seconds cooldown)

05-24-2014, 05:22 PM
Ok. Thank you very much mad. I'd just sell it. :-)