View Full Version : help me Spacetime

05-25-2014, 01:05 AM
Ijust made guild 8-6 hours ago I suddenly so lag and ijust pressed disband guild iwant to get my guild back idont want to spent 50k again to buy guild char ign: xselfielordx the guild name imade : priest

05-25-2014, 02:04 PM
Hey there!

The reimbursement policy can be seen in this (http://support.spacetimestudios.com/customer/portal/articles/962029-reimbursment-return-policy) support page article. If you wish to discuss the issue with them, you can always click on the Contact Us button to open a ticket so they can review the situation.

I hope this helps!

05-26-2014, 06:17 AM
Thwen what should ido ?

05-26-2014, 06:19 AM
Ijust miss clicked the disband guild botton :( iwant it back my guild oer my gold and 1 more question how can I rename it?

Lela Jelena
05-26-2014, 07:39 AM
dear ladies and gentlemen my name is chaos girl in the game I know not geade and wants their help I ask was gescrammt of dextwinkisx old name serelia was my girlfriend for 2 years and has given me geklat arcane hooks dagger and still a good friend of mine to arcane staff name of the scammer xxneearxx insults and laughs from us he has the boyfriend gescrammt and so I would ask the two to block or help me because I do not see it before. I thank you for your understandings

05-26-2014, 08:33 AM
dear ladies and gentlemen my name is chaos girl in the game I know not geade and wants their help I ask was gescrammt of dextwinkisx old name serelia was my girlfriend for 2 years and has given me geklat arcane hooks dagger and still a good friend of mine to arcane staff name of the scammer xxneearxx insults and laughs from us he has the boyfriend gescrammt and so I would ask the two to block or help me because I do not see it before. I thank you for your understandings
Wrong thread, wrong forum.

Thwen what should ido ?
Do what Arpluvial said.

05-26-2014, 11:53 AM
dear ladies and gentlemen my name is chaos girl in the game I know not geade and wants their help I ask was gescrammt of dextwinkisx old name serelia was my girlfriend for 2 years and has given me geklat arcane hooks dagger and still a good friend of mine to arcane staff name of the scammer xxneearxx insults and laughs from us he has the boyfriend gescrammt and so I would ask the two to block or help me because I do not see it before. I thank you for your understandings

HUHUHU what is this???????

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