View Full Version : Mages strongest early on?

12-28-2010, 06:42 PM
With base stats allowing them to hit 17-40 right away. Thats enough to last them til 14 if they play it right. They will barley have to buy EQ allowing them to pile mountains of money and potions then dish it out for amazing stats and skills. So are they over powered in the begining?

12-28-2010, 06:49 PM
Yes they are overpowered in the beginning and they can even heal (which is awesome for pvp)

12-28-2010, 07:00 PM
LOL mages were the softest and most unused characters in the game before the rebalance

12-28-2010, 07:20 PM
haha :D i knew a thread like this would get started soon. They're not over powered: people simply play on them and find out good combos. If you're a mage with no combo---well, you're screwed. EDIT: oh sry didn't realize it was for early on my bad :O. I agree though. Mages are amazing at the beginning just level up to the level cap and soon enough things will be even.

12-28-2010, 08:01 PM
Ya. I know it evens out but when I started I was like WOW he hits like crazy at level 2 so I made one and checked out some strong weapons comapred to others and was lake -.-

12-28-2010, 08:04 PM
Can someone share some combos with me for Mage? I have like 60 str and 100 int right now. Also how can I get some very strong cool weapons? :)

12-28-2010, 11:26 PM
While mages seem the best bet early on, the fact is:
Their buffs, debuffs, and mana shield come much later then the bears
They have HALF the health of a bear
Their higher damage makes them early agro machines.
Their best skills drain a ton of mana.

So while they look overpowered, what you are not seeing is all the pot chugging and insta-deaths they have to put up with. Now if this is your second or third character, and you can fund their pot addiction through the stash, then are a Nuking lot of fun.

12-28-2010, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the information. :)

12-29-2010, 04:00 AM
Int mages are way overpowered at low levels. My lvl 10 Twinkie Bear has over 2 million gold invested into rare lvl 10 beast items. Also a expertly sculpted build, but yet here along comes Jimmy, the new player. Jimmy's rockin out the sweat rag robes and a old moldy log for a staff. Nd somehow almost beats me.

haha :D i knew a thread like this would get started soon. They're not over powered: people simply play on them and find out good combos. If you're a mage with no combo---well, you're screwed. EDIT: oh sry didn't realize it was for early on my bad :O. I agree though. Mages are amazing at the beginning just level up to the level cap and soon enough things will be even.

Lol I played you in PvP earlier. I wanna try 1v1 sometime, you cast pretty fast for a Int mage. I usually only see birdies cast that fast.

12-29-2010, 08:14 AM
Ya I know they sorta even out but thats just at the beginging making more and more newbies play it which sorta ruins the other classes.

12-29-2010, 09:57 AM
Int mages are way overpowered at low levels. My lvl 10 Twinkie Bear has over 2 million gold invested into rare lvl 10 beast items. Also a expertly sculpted build, but yet here along comes Jimmy, the new player. Jimmy's rockin out the sweat rag robes and a old moldy log for a staff. Nd somehow almost beats me.

Lol I played you in PvP earlier. I wanna try 1v1 sometime, you cast pretty fast for a Int mage. I usually only see birdies cast that fast.

My level 5 bear was wooping on int mages for the first kill. After that, having no regen, they could come back and kill me, which sucked.

12-29-2010, 05:13 PM
My level 5 bear was wooping on int mages for the first kill. After that, having no regen, they could come back and kill me, which sucked.

Yeah Int mages still get pwned easily by my lvl 10 bear but.... A crap mage with bad setup and bad gear is still hitting nonstop 20's-40's on me and healing. I easily kill them dropping my 230 criticals but they come back and whoop me with their fresh stats. They are like lvl 50 paladins, easy to kill but completely drain your mana and hp for the next battle.

12-29-2010, 05:24 PM
Anyone dares to fight my level 5 dex mage?