View Full Version : Sharing is caring

05-30-2014, 10:33 AM
I have a few friend (who jave recently quit) who use to open locked for me because i cant afford plat after being laided off. I was wondering if there was any kind-hearted generious person who would open some locked for me and anything we find we split 50-50 thank you have a good day :) ign(loverzzz)

05-30-2014, 10:47 AM
When trusting people to open locked crates for you, you should keep in mind that someone might just try to gain your trust and run off with them as well as if they do go through with opening your locked and they loot something incredibly expensive such as Mythic or Arcane they might have greed take over and not say a word. Just a friendly warning to be careful who you trust. Stranger Danger.

05-30-2014, 11:46 AM
Nice of your friends to do that for you. Not many people that would do that for anyone. Good luck finding someone new but I've ran across some very nice people in game. Never know, you might get lucky and find someone. A word of caution was stated in the above post. Be careful and have fun!

05-30-2014, 11:59 AM
I'm going to go ahead and close this one. While it's great to be trusting, handing over locked crates for other people to open for you is discouraged because it is very easy for it to end in a scam or stolen items. Say, you give them a crate and an Arcane comes out of it...and they say "Oh, just 6,000 gold," and make off with your items. Know what I mean? Might I encourage you to do free platinum offers to earn platinum to open the crates? We also run contests frequently with plat prizes. :)