View Full Version : Spacetime Support "Resolved Case" Bug or not?

05-31-2014, 04:48 AM
Whenever I try to create a new case, it's suppose to be a new case right? But then, everytime I send a new case, it is always on a resolved status. I also don't get any confirmation on my email account that my submission of ticket is a success and also a new case. Any devs or mods to confirm that its the website bug or is it the spacetime support team mishaps? Thanks in advance.

05-31-2014, 07:06 AM
Usually, that is the case when we have told someone no, but they continue to write in asking for the same thing. Rather than spend further time that could instead be used to help someone else, that accound will be set to a do not respond status.

If you want to send me a Private Message about what your issue is, I can take a look. However, if it is something that Support has previously replied to, well, please, let's not spend further time on it. Thanks!