View Full Version : Shadowlurk's Arcane ability bug

06-03-2014, 01:25 PM
Hi. I know samhayne said something like "we may run into weird things that seem like bug", but I think this is a real bug. When you use Shadowlurk's arcane ability your armor is reduced by 20%, just like scorn's. I noticed the red shield icon popping out before, but didnt think it really reduced armor, just thought it was the animation from the scorn's ability. I apreciate the huge damage I receive now from the pet, but I dont think reducing armor is intended. Please fix it. I think mainly people dont like scorn is that it reduces armor. Now people are just gonna hate shadowlurk :(

06-03-2014, 04:15 PM
Confirmed. It's not just a display bug, shadowlurk has the same armor debuff like scorn on its Arcane Ability.