View Full Version : Shadowlurk and Clyde, should i buy one of them or both...

06-04-2014, 08:57 AM
Im planning to buy these 2 awesome pets.....
Should i buy one of them or both....?
Why are they called awesome pets btw?
Did sts fixed the shadowlurk's AA bug?
Or I better save the platiniums and gold and wait for the goblin and ursoth event for new and better pets :)
(Sorry bad english and too many question)

06-04-2014, 09:28 AM
shadowlurks AA fix is coming according to samhayne

Shadowlurk is good because he grants 20% dmg and crit

Clyde is great for his panic ability. I have him in my rotation and he's awesome. Definitely worth the 90 plat imo.

However since the event is just around the corner I would wait and see if these new pets are worthwhile

06-04-2014, 09:33 AM
shadowlurks AA fix is coming according to samhayne

Shadowlurk is good because he grants 20% dmg and crit

Clyde is great for his panic ability. I have him in my rotation and he's awesome. Definitely worth the 90 plat imo.

However since the event is just around the corner I would wait and see if these new pets are worthwhile

Thx ! I'll wait for the event :)

06-04-2014, 12:47 PM
Also, buy Shadowlurk with gold. Clyde is plat exclusive but Shadowlurk can be bought for a reasonable amount of gold.

06-04-2014, 12:48 PM
Clyde is very good in pvp

06-04-2014, 02:25 PM
The new Frog Gyrm looks very promising for a pet. He is basically Haze 2.0. We just need to see his AA. If its anything like ethyl or Haze we have a very amazing pet to look forward to

and yes, clyde and shadow are bother very good pets and should be in your rotation

06-04-2014, 05:02 PM
Go with Shadowlurk

06-04-2014, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the replies :)
I buy shadowlurk with gold and clyde with plats and they work great for me :)

06-05-2014, 12:59 AM
Yup good idea to get shadow from cs because clyde is plat exclusive... and imho clyde is good in pvp as well as colton...

06-06-2014, 02:46 AM
The new Frog Gyrm looks very promising for a pet. He is basically Haze 2.0. We just need to see his AA. If its anything like ethyl or Haze we have a very amazing pet to look forward to

and yes, clyde and shadow are bother very good pets and should be in your rotation

The AA of Gyrm is +40%crit,diminishing every second for 4 seconds. -15%crit for enemies. I don't know the duration of the debuff since it doesn't show in the AA description.

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