View Full Version : Regarding Rogue damage in PVP

06-04-2014, 09:59 AM
I know there are plenty of threads going around about this issue.
So I just wanted to figure a few things out.
If rogue damage was nerfed how come most tanks now have over 600 damage and some mages over 800.
And rogues only get 400-450 damage, if you wanted to make the rogue class useless well mission accomplished, unless this is all a glitch and its not meant to be this low..
I have been testing on warriors and rogues and dont hit nearly as much as I use to before client came out and I can say the same for other rogues that I've been testing with as well.
So please maybe someone can please clarify what is actually going on

06-04-2014, 04:45 PM
There has been no nerf over the past few seasons, nothing has changed - the new client just allowed us to see what exactly is going on. You still hit as hard as before the new client and now warriors and sorcerers can't use five or six skills as fast as they used to so if anything, the new client indirectly buffed rogues.

06-05-2014, 08:10 AM
I just got some few things to tell you:

1. Rogue's are NOT useless. They were NEVER useless.
2. Rogue's damage is fine, They have high criticals. If they have damage like 600+ and high criticals, You will make Rogue's the very OP character in PVP.
3. Warriors and Sorcerers don't dealt much criticals than rogue, so they should get higher damage than rogue. And those tanks you are saying has Arcane Maul, and full mythic set thats why they get 600+ damage. Normal Mythic set reach at about 450.