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View Full Version : Goblin Event Official Suggestions and Feedback Thread

06-04-2014, 01:43 PM

Please post your suggestions and feedback for the Goblin Event here!
Don't know what the Goblin Event is? Read the Details Here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?157822

06-04-2014, 01:57 PM
Will those portals spawn in an elite run?

Sent from my carrier pigeon

06-04-2014, 02:32 PM
This is a totally pay-to-win event. Non-plat players cannot win because the energy system, while letting them be in the race, wont allow them to win in the race. At the end of the event, the event LB will only have platinum peeps on it. When we already know the result, there isnt much incentive and excitement for ALL players in this. It should have been an event where everybody joins and has equal chances of winning. Hope the Ursoths Assault does not turn out to be a pay-to-win event like this.

06-04-2014, 02:37 PM
This is a totally pay-to-win event. Non-plat players cannot win because the energy system doesnt allow them to join the race. At the end of the event, the event LB will only have platinum peeps on it. When we already know the result, there isnt much incentive and excitement for ALL players in this.Hope the Ursoths Assault does not turn out to be a pay-to-win event like this.

Not true, much like the elixir kits available for platinum that can be sold on the consignment shop, the vendor in Littleridge selling items for Tokens also sells Energy Kits that can be sold individually on the consignment shop for gold.

06-04-2014, 02:55 PM
A few questions:

How can the items wild talisman be obtained, its listed under tokens so I assume its traded for these - is ironbite the same?

Do you also have stats for the new blighted goblin weapons?

Do the goblin rings scale to level?

06-04-2014, 03:23 PM
why is it so hard to find portals pls make it easier? if not its okay

06-04-2014, 03:24 PM
Not true, much like the elixir kits available for platinum that can be sold on the consignment shop, the vendor in Littleridge selling items for Tokens also sells Energy Kits that can be sold individually on the consignment shop for gold.

Yea who will pay 20k for an energy ball to get 2 tokens?

06-04-2014, 03:24 PM
I need more tokens...i haven't seen any drop from mobs just bosses (and thats only 2 you can get)..so I guess this is more of feed back...and since its a small event more tokens the better.


06-04-2014, 03:46 PM
Not true, much like the elixir kits available for platinum that can be sold on the consignment shop, the vendor in Littleridge selling items for Tokens also sells Energy Kits that can be sold individually on the consignment shop for gold.

Yes, but the plat amount is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too high.

I suggest upping the energy balls payout to 5 per 5 plat. That will drop gold price down to 2-4k per kit, making this event somewhat fair for non plat users.

06-04-2014, 03:48 PM
Plat here, plat there, plat everywhere. After some days we might even require plat to login.. What happened to the good old days when events were fun? Take PLs Forgotten Treasure hunt for example, it was a huge succes and we still remember the forgotten event..

and the tradesble kits are BS, I won't and and 10000s more won't spend 20k for an Energy Kit for just a token.

Its better for STS to charge $500 for AL at playstore or appstore then to dissapoint new players with plat issues.

06-04-2014, 03:51 PM
Warrior weapon, blighted glaive of potency looks good. Already want one :D
Just two cuestions:
-Energy balls drop from regular bosses?
-Why i only fight little horn xD

The event its pretty cool, thanks for tour effort.

Mehmet Tuncay
06-04-2014, 03:58 PM
Arcane legends yeni bölümleri ile güzel olmuş fakat petler çok zayif mysticler grand olmuyor bu konuda bir calismaniz var mi thanks

06-04-2014, 04:02 PM

What chances does a working person have?

Thank you for the event, but after on hour of playing I know that my chances are 0. I can't play for more than 2 hours a day in these days.

Very mixed feelings about what you wanted to achieve by this...

06-04-2014, 04:07 PM

What chances does a working person have?

Thank you for the event, but after on hour of playing I know that my chances are 0. I can't play for more than 2 hours a day in these days.

Very mixed feelings about what you wanted to achieve by this...

I play 6-7 hrs still can't make it, coz its for plat users only.

06-04-2014, 04:18 PM
I play 6-7 hrs still can't make it, coz its for plat users only.

It's a pity that so many players are disqualified because STS put for sure lots of effort into this. I wish one day there were an event where skills mean anything.

06-04-2014, 04:49 PM

What chances does a working person have?

Thank you for the event, but after on hour of playing I know that my chances are 0. I can't play for more than 2 hours a day in these days.

Very mixed feelings about what you wanted to achieve by this...

If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.

06-04-2014, 05:02 PM
I put this on the announcement thread but see that it was the wrong area, so adding it here. Please don't make the next event like this one.

I am also disappointed in this event. The three energy every 8 hours took the fun right out of it. I'm not opposed to spending plat on stuff like this but when it is impossible to even get a leaderboard spot without spending hundreds of real life money on one event that ends in 7 days why bother. I was really looking forward to this event with the the hype surrounding it, now it's just another thing that is unattainable.

The Tarlok event was perfect everyone got to have fun and be included regardless of your plat spending status. Sure you can buy energy at the CS but I am doubting that your regular everyday players have the millions of gold it would take to actually compete in this event.

I can not imagine the time it takes to plan/design code things like this and definitely understand the push for people to spend plat here, but it could of been done another way. I do want to say Thank you to guys for taking the time to plan stuff out like this and the hard hours you put in to do it. The event itself is really neat, it's just how you have to participate in it that is a downer.

06-04-2014, 05:08 PM
5 plat to enter, but you can buy a bulk for 25 plat at vendor which is 5 entry so its .. its the same, whats the point of the bulk then?

Im a moderate plat spender, but i dont see why should i spend 5 plat to one entry. On tarlok event, with 5 plat i got the best boss and the loot of almost guaranteed gold chest and 40 token, now crap rare and epic items +2 token.

Also, portals are not so rare, its not fun to find and search and invite friends cuz there is one portal at each pve map.(sometimes more, double portal happens quite often) Just go in tombs or any normal map, there is a high chance to find one right at first corner.

06-04-2014, 05:10 PM
This event basically is who can play 24/7 and spend the most plat. The players on the Goblin lb already have some of the best weapons in game i.e arcane ring, maul, staff etc. To make the first place prize an arcane shard is making this who can buy the most on plats/kits. Very dissapointed. I hope the main event is better...

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06-04-2014, 05:24 PM
Hopely main event is better.

06-04-2014, 05:42 PM
Tarlok was a lot better than this event in my opinion, I hope ursoth assault will be a good event where everyone can win not only players that are already rich, (big plat spenders or people who got millions to spend in energy kits). The thing I don't like more of this event is nightshade that got so high stats and it's too exclusive, if you put a special vanity in it's place I wouldn't have anything to regret. Can you please post arcane and passive ability of gyrm? I've not found them in any thread

06-04-2014, 05:56 PM
I hate hate hate this event. I only wanted to participate because of the pet, nightshade. I was excited for this event because I would finally have something to do. I played it, and it is sooooo pay to win. How is anyone supposed to even get that pet if you have to use plat to really even get on the leaderboard. I've been playing arcane legends since season 1, and I honestly have to say that this is the first major let down for me..

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06-04-2014, 06:00 PM
That Goblin ring needs a special effect or something cool for looks. It's lvl2 and untradeable. I dont know if it's good for twinks or not. But since most of us we are lv 2 , 3 , 4.. 39 , 40 , 41 let it be for looks. Just a suggestion .

Anyways. I think the event is cool . I'm going to farm tokens to get those items.

Jack Mihada
06-04-2014, 06:01 PM
Waste of 500 plat already.

06-04-2014, 06:22 PM
Only complaint: lb needs to be decided by class.

Rogues will dominate since they can easily solo find a portal and quickly kill the boss. Warriors are forced to find a killer party or move at a glacial pace. Separate lb by class and I have no complaints. Energy can be bought from the auction house so I've been able to play 4hours straight without spending plat (although I accidentally spent 5 instead of opening one of my many energy kits).

06-04-2014, 06:29 PM
if this is gonna be the benchmark of contests, it seems i have to start to move to a new game

06-04-2014, 06:36 PM
Not true, much like the elixir kits available for platinum that can be sold on the consignment shop, the vendor in Littleridge selling items for Tokens also sells Energy Kits that can be sold individually on the consignment shop for gold.

u really think most of non plat users can afford the cost to stay on lb wow then admins seriously need to chk what game u being moderating bcos it isnt arcane legends.

if u dont believe me chk the ppl in event leaderboard to see how many non plat users are even there

06-04-2014, 06:36 PM
I'm going to link the prior discussion on energy balls started here back in May when we first learned about the Energy Ball Mechanic.


Lets see how it works out for STS and the this test event before the complete Ursoth event.

Some suggestions to make the game playable for the rest of the AL community that will not be spending plat OR Gold:

Reduce the time it takes to gain an Energy Ball. 8 Hours for 1 EB is ridiculous. Klass will give me an elixir in the same amount of time.
Make the portals free to enter for players who find the portal on a map. If they invite a guildmate or friend to join them, they can pay the EB cost or plat. This will reduce portal abuse that was prevalent during the Tarlok event.

While this will in no way make normal players able to compete for the LB prizes (that will always remain in the Plat heavy arena) at least players wont be frustrated when they encounter a portal and wont be able to enter because they are plat/gold poor.

Reduce the number of portals that spawn as it seems they'll pop out of every mob and their grandmother.

Plat spenders are going to spend their plat regardless to chase the whale. STS does not have to worry about players spending plat with the leaderboard rewards being what they are, but they can at least make the game playable for the rest of the community.

As it stands, players will just stop playing in frustration and inevitably may not return for the next event.

Sam, I know you've mentioned that players can attain the top legendary rewards simply by playing daily with the free EB provided along with numerous token prizes, but the user experience isn't there. I want to do more than 3 portal runs in one session of gaming. I don't mind paying a few plat here and there to do a few more, but as it stands, all the players are seeing is one giant pay wall to enjoy their game.

06-04-2014, 06:37 PM
Only complaint: lb needs to be decided by class.

Rogues will dominate since they can easily solo find a portal and quickly kill the boss. Warriors are forced to find a killer party or move at a glacial pace. Separate lb by class and I have no complaints. Energy can be bought from the auction house so I've been able to play 4hours straight without spending plat (although I accidentally spent 5 instead of opening one of my many energy kits).

Your only complaint is about class, lmao. How many people can blow 3-10 million on these kits? How many people can blow 10k plat? Your problems are of no concern to most playing this game. So before we get on the class bandwagon, let's make sure we don't have another event that alienates 90% of the player base.

06-04-2014, 06:42 PM
lets see ... currently, as of now, the top is 2830, and the event is only ..... half a day ?
2830 point is around (if 20 point per run) 141.5 run, which is about 2.4m (assuming 17k per portal) or 710plat

Assuming the event is 5 days long, and you do this 24/7, it'll be around 24m or 7100 plat to be first ...... seriously, if htey can spend that much, wont they have the arcane shard already??

not to mention if 10 ppl tie first, they'll all get a shard (and pet)

06-04-2014, 07:06 PM
I don't like this kind of event. Need to spend plat or gold just to enter the portal, I'd rather buy elixir kits and farm elite maps or km3 for locked crates. What do i get from spending 15-17k of Event energy kit? We got low chance of earning it again from this event. And what's with the level 2 rings? Ya, I think it's a joke. Told myself this is a waste of time and gold if i continue. I'll just consider this as daily quest.

-Spending plats/gold to enter portal
- Less assurance of good loot
- We spend more gold+plat+time and get less worth item
- Low level ring / useless prize
- Vanity discoloration
- Long time to replenish energy
- 10 platinum Anti-poison stone advertisement! I purchased it accidentally!
- Same looks/visual/color of 4 bosses? (Havent seen other 2 yet, but they should have unique looks from each other to easily distinguish)

- Token prizes
- token assurance for every boss
- well balanced boss/mob difficulty
- New particle effects
- new pets
- good pet stat & arcane ability

06-04-2014, 07:08 PM
Like what I said in the other threads. This events are only for plats user, rich people, and etc. Very very disappointed. Worst event ever. And some people to try to correct me in the other thread and who's right now me..well thier propobly disappointed by now

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06-04-2014, 07:11 PM
Apart from the plat fest. You pretty much need to buy energy (either gold or plat) to get enough coins to be able to buy something with coins. In 1st 3 enters you earn 5 coins. Vanity is 25 coins and an egg is 65. Idk how long the event lasts, but most of us probably need 5days to get those 25coins, that is if each time is 5coins and not continues to be 3coins.
Yes energy resets after 8h or so, but life doesnt. Then what is the point to play this all if nothing (or at least very little) can be gained?
Isnt the event meant to be played for everybody?

06-04-2014, 07:59 PM
Their reasoning is, if you log in daily and play with just the free balls that are offered, and the end of the event (Tuesday) you'll be abke to acquire the gold tier prizes and enough tokens to purchase multiple items. If you want to remotely attempt the LB prizes. you have a long and expensive road ahead of you.

06-04-2014, 08:01 PM
Is an L8 Rogue supposed to receive an L2 Goblin's Quick Ring at Bronze level? It'd be much nicer to get a level scaled ring, or at least closer to one's level...

06-04-2014, 08:27 PM
Play to win > pay to win
supposed to be like that on leaderboard..

06-04-2014, 08:39 PM
I copy/paste my comment:

Ugly green armor of the watch says it all. Few months of expectation to get same vanity ("oh, no, it is no same, it is new, dont u see the color?") And the event... Lets rename it to "Pay Day". There would be a nice sound track
"The PAYER takes it all
The loser standing small..."
Well, you know this song. It is as new as the vanity.
Anyway, I better go sleep and even spend few days off.
Looks like AL will never be fun again.

06-04-2014, 08:41 PM
I agree

06-04-2014, 09:06 PM
i kno rare i am also starting to consider stopping

06-04-2014, 10:03 PM
I play for an hour to get 30 points. Can't chase the LB nor have fun farming tokens without plats/golds. Need to wait hours to get charge before I can play again? I don't care about LB anyway because all I care is the tokens. I don't have the golds to buy the energy which I can enter anytime. Sorry to say. Its lame.

Tarlok was better than this. Applause.

via orange caramel app.

06-04-2014, 10:32 PM
I agree yes we can log in daily and get the 3 bosses but this event is plat based.

06-04-2014, 10:35 PM
This event is pretty messed up. While fighting spiders a portal popped up right where I was fighting and sent me through using up my last energy ball. Then 15 minutes later, fighting spiders again and trying to avoid the 2 portals that had popped up, a third portal pops up right where I'm furiously fighting Uber and, since I had no energy, it took my 5 plat! They need to move the accept button to the top of the page or something.

06-04-2014, 11:14 PM
I have a question. Why do i keep getting the horn boss and not the other?
Does token also drop from mobs?

06-04-2014, 11:17 PM

06-04-2014, 11:27 PM
If u have plat from the offers....please dont use ur plat for this event....am kind a regret to use all my plat from offers...better wait for mythic event 41 or buy smntin usefull....

06-05-2014, 12:23 AM

Was this the thread about the glitch and endless entry loop?

It was removed :-/

06-05-2014, 12:34 AM
I thought it was 3 energy balls renewed every 8 hours ... it seems to be 1? Am i being stupid?

06-05-2014, 12:48 AM
I would personally think if this is maybe the worst event in AL. Halloween and Tarlok events are better than this. So why I have to wait another 8 hrs for 1 energy ball, and a day for 3? And even if we ran out of energy, should 5 plats to be the solution to continue?

I thought (these are my thoughts and suggestions) maybe we can create a "fair-ness" in this event.

I would something like/suggest :
-Reduce the cooldown (CD) of energy balls from 8 hrs to either, can say 30mins or an hour.
- Reduce the price of 5-energy kits bundle, from 25 plats to either 10 or 15 plats. Not every single person can have a lot of plats, do you think?
-Another access to the Littleridge portal. Well if you don't have enough plats or ran out of energy balls, why not we use those Littleridge tokens we got to get in the portal? 1 or 2 token(s) seems fair. Well I also personally think that "this event is for us,so why not celebrate it together?" That should be fair too to all people.

Hope some of my thoughts and suggestions can take it to re-consideration.

06-05-2014, 12:49 AM
Extremely high priced event in which platinum burn is worse than crates. Sorry but...

A - I can't play 24/7

B - 5 plat per run or 12k for a token? After 6 days of doing this is be hundreds of dollars in the hole.

06-05-2014, 12:57 AM
Hm, arcane shard for the nr1.. account sharing is now promoted?

06-05-2014, 01:09 AM
The only thing I do on this event is to farm gyrm egg lol

06-05-2014, 01:39 AM
So disappointed. Smh :/

06-05-2014, 02:00 AM
Im going to give feedback after 2 hours playing the event and feeling how frustrating this event is.

-Firstly: Why didnt you listen to people's feedback at this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?154247-Removal-of-CD-of-Energy-Balls)? As carapace said we shouldnt jump into conclusion too soon because the energy balls drop from bosses. I was putting my hopes high, and now after 2 hours killing bosses I still dont see any balls drop. Now Im tired of hunting those balls and dont even know if they really drop or not. There is no way Im spending 10k gold (estimated average price) for an energy ball to get 1 or 2 tokens and a green/blue item, I can just use the gold to buy a luck elixir kit and farm much much better. I wouldnt be mad at this if the portals didnt break runs, see my second point.

The feedback is appreciated, and while some of the things being mentioned here may ring true, you may wish to wait until you see how things are implemented before jumping to conclusions :) We're very wary of avoiding "pay-to-win" scenarios, as well as keeping tabs on the communities experience as a whole. We think players will enjoy the system, as it should be thought of as a nice addition for a limited time and not a permanent replacement for the flow of AL. We're certainly not recreating Dark Legends energy in Arcane Legends, since as someone pointed out that did not go too well! The Event system is designed to be in addition to the current game, and not as a hard swap. Players that don't want to participate are welcome not to, and everyone is able to participate if they wish.

Bosses will have a chance to drop energy, to answer one of the many questions I can get into before we unveil more about the event. :) Keep the feedback coming, and we'll take into consideration elements we feel pertain to the system we have designed.

-Secondly: some people in the thread also mentioned how portals popping out at any mobs can break runs, but you still didnt listen to. Its so much frustrating if I was running tindirin maps for teeth, and a portal just popped out at the near end of the run people just got in the portal leaving noone to kill boss with me. Thats absurd.

Another thing that also troubles me is the fact that portals will now spawn from any mob and not just bosses. One of the beauties of the winter event was finding a pug on ANY map and being able to run through to the boss and defeating it. With portals spawning randomly, maps will no longer be completed. Parties will break up immediately and that shared experience becomes broken.
-Thirdly: wtf arcane shard for top#1 leaderboad in a 6-day-event? Did you really use that shiny prize to make people to use MUCH plat for it, while they already had all the best stuff and the most gold in AL? How about nightshade the OP-looking pet for a legendary pet? I said I didnt see any problem because I thought it would be a prize for hard-working players, but now I see how the event runs I realize I was wrong. Do you think those top players AKA top plat spender who already had all the best stuff and all the best arcane pets will use this not just to show in town? At least make a "legendary" pet has its usage.

You really wont want/need to see how my chat box was filled up by green text (AKA guild chat) raging about how frustrating the event is. Please remove the energy balls in the ursoth's assault! its really absurd. I will log off in these 6 days, and hope for a better ursoth's assault event in the future. Thanks for the hard work and the content, but please listen to player's feedback :) This is the first event I hate tbh, the energy balls really ruined all the fun.

06-05-2014, 02:18 AM
All I got was the littehorn boss, there goes my energy so I have to wait 8 hours just so I could fight littlehorn all the time. One of the worst events ever in AL

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06-05-2014, 02:21 AM
Thanks for the Goblin plat race event. When is usroth's plat race coming?:upset:

06-05-2014, 02:26 AM
Play for 30 min. Wait 7:30 hours.
Get one energy, play for 10 min. Wait 7:50 hours.

This is NOT fun.
Even you, STS, must realize that.

This event is a none-event for most of us.

The backdraw is also that players dont fight bosses anymore, they enter the portals.
If we are 4 in a map, then maybe 1 or 2 of them enter portals.

1. Make this event fun for people who dont want to spend alot of plat.
2. Make portal spawns AFTER killing boss in map.
3. You should have fixed stable bug before releasing event.
4. Listen and ACT on the feedback you get in this thread.
5. Move accept buttom for portals.

06-05-2014, 02:26 AM
The energy system sucks.
Being restricted on how many portals you can find is unacceptable imo. I want to play with my friends and I don't want to have to tell a friend or guildie who wants help "sorry no energy". Yes I'm a moderate plat buyer so I can buy for plat BUT 25 plat for 5?? Seriously?? OK I can go to cs and buy for gold..these were selling for 15-17k when I posted. I don't have much time to play these days so I have to farm smart. The loot from this event is just not worth the expense of trying to farm it. Better just to buy it from one of the lb chasers if you really want it. Oh and while I'm on the subject of the leader board I'm pretty sure anyone who wins will already have an arcane ring :/
I appreciate that the heavy plat spenders are important, you need to make a living and I'm not complaining about them getting unfair advantage or anything like that. But in youe efforts to reward them lately you are forgetting the moderate and non users and WE ARE IMPORTANT TOO!!!

06-05-2014, 02:34 AM
At first I thought this event would be fun but I might just go back to Arcane Legends and not this event.

Even if you dont spend plat, you will spend lots of gold. I love collecting pets but now I will most likely have an incomplete set which is overall demotivating when I think about this game. Many of us are collectors.

Spending lots of gold and plat for what? The only good drop is gyrm and who knows how long that price will stay up. All the other stuff isnt that great. You will burn hundreds, thousands of plat or millions in gold for a chance at gyrm or two. Thats it.

Missing ap forever in limited time events is harsh on people. Missing pets is just about as bad. Awarding vanities to top players sure. Not pets.

This limited time event is very expensive and low chance of return for both plat and gold players. Im not liking it. Im glad its limited to 6 days but fear that the 3 week event is going to he just like this or maybe worse.

Jack Mihada
06-05-2014, 02:52 AM
Waste of 500 plat already.

Edit: Waste of 1200 plat already. I ask myself every run, is the banner really worth it? Lol nope

06-05-2014, 03:02 AM
This is NOT fun.
Even you, STS, must realize that.
4. Listen and ACT on the feedback you get in this thread.

06-05-2014, 03:13 AM
Dear Dev,

If the game C*ndy Cr*sh only replenishes a life every 8 hours for a maximum of 3, I think you would have deleted the game immediately.

See my point?

06-05-2014, 03:30 AM
It will be interesting to see, as the event progresses, whether token drops increase enough to make buying item/s possible ... leaving aside all the plat comments and issues, the event seems economy focused rather than skill. Sure the bosses apparently get harder, but that isn't new. I ran everything so far on mage and tank with lep equipped and, as everyone else says too, zero decent loot. I am hoping this event is simply paving the way for a really good next event. Interesting to watch the market throughout too. I am not feeling the same sort of greed i felt when magma came out for warriors and i am still waiting for something cool for mages. I was planning to spend plat on this and the main event, but decided against it for the goblin stuff - some things could benefit my war, nothing improves my mage enough. I will see what's on offer with the next one.

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06-05-2014, 03:37 AM
Have pasted this from the original thread as I missed this one. It sums up my problems with the event- however the solution to these is in some cases removing them or just a total re think of this new event systemIn my opinion the event has been a complete failure.

1. The stupid advertisement for the green stone that grants invulnerability from the pools- firstly why does it come up when I enter the map and why does it appear when I die. There is already a plat respawn option I don't need more junk that takes awhile to close and cannot be turned off especially when I am trying to get to the boss before others kill it.

2. The new event means that I do this: log on for 15-30 mins, use up my energy then log off. I can't play this game anytime without masses of gold or plat.

3. Back to the pools again, they sometimes cover the entire path with no way round just to make people spend plat on the stone.

4. The lb is a joke- all non plat players will end up with a similar score due to the energy system so to get on the lb actually REQUIRES plat its no longer something that helps you get there.

5. Tokens can be bought with plat- so a plat user doesn't even have too farm they can just buy tokens and get the best gear and vanities to sell in cs straight away which results in those who have loads of gold already obtaining even more.

6. Back to the lb, the rewards like the banner which looks epic is unobtainable for anyone who doesn't spend real life money/uses a bot. Why give the heavy plat players who tbh already have max gear more exclusive items- arcane shard, banners etc.

7. The gold reward ring for example is lvl 2. Its absoulutely useless for a lvl 41 as we get more than 25 stats in out normal rings that is always there not just proced.

8. New content typically let's people farm their way through it- many made lots of gold from tarlok (I admit the tarlok system was flawed too) but in this event those with the eggs from the boss will be those who spend plat (mostly) ordinary farmers cannot farm this event at all.

9. Finally if all new content is like this then those who are new to the game will never be able to experience it. Farmers who cap will never be able to farm/run elites (which is a huge problem as the only way of getting gold will be spending plat/farming locked endlessly). And finally there is no incentive to cap- a lvl 2 can enjoy all the content, get the best gear from the content (due to the low lvl 2 ring) while those who took time and effort to cap have no benefits.

For me this event has failed for the reasons above and sincerely hope sts listens to the community.

06-05-2014, 04:11 AM
Beside of all the points that Osabevie mentioned above (and i agree with):

Thank you so much, STS for starting that BUGlin Event, while your new client doesnt work! I totally enjoy playing this event, while the game crashes on my device every 3 minutes. Really a lot of fun and once again a great job by the devs.

06-05-2014, 04:18 AM

I don't care about this game anymore, I simply log in to joke and talk with guildies, so my opinion might be less than relevant to some but here it goes.

As long as plat exists everything will be pay to win, period. There was no way this event was ever gonna be for the "hard working" as long as somebody could, for example, buy elixir to run a map faster it will be favoring plat spenders/rich people. It would just be in a much lower degree than flat out paying for the energy balls.

My best advice is, just enjoy it and aim low. If you really want a game where hardwork is rewarded go for a full priced retail game or pay a monthly fee on a more high profile MMO., in this model EVERY aspect will favor the spenders be it crating, elixir or just spending money for portals/balls/what have you.

Best of luck

06-05-2014, 04:33 AM
Question:<br />
<br />
What chances does a working person have?<br />
<br />
Thank you for the event, but after on hour of playing I know that my chances are 0. I can't play for more than 2 hours a day in these days.<br />
<br />
Very mixed feelings about what you wanted to achieve by this...<br />
<br />
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.<br/>

Seriously is that how you devs create an event focussing only plat users when 90%+ of your audience is non-plat user. I would suggest you rethink over it.
1. Reduce the cool down time for energy. 1 energy every 8 hrs is ridiculous
2. Lower cost of energy kits say from 25 plats to 5-10 plats for 5 energy. This will reduce its value in gold and will allow most non- plat users to buy energy and enjoy the event.
3. Tier rewards...are you guys serious? What am i supposed to do wit a lvl 2 ring? Scale them to lvl and add some special effect to it which will also be a memory of this event.
4. Items that can be bought with token are really not every attractive. Maybe you can add something that will make more ppl try to get more tokens and buy those desirable items.
5. Maybe add some more loot or eggs to drop from bosses. Atm only payne dropping gyrm isnt very enticing considering payne spawn rate is very low.
These suggestions are from a non-plat user and i am sure most will be happy to see these changes.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 05:06 AM
Dear STS

This event/contest is clearly a carrot for (oh..do the free energy quest ...reach gold tier.. with no decent loots) 90% of your player base and candy for your real customers (plat spenders).

So in summation, this event is a total waste of such beautiful artwork (errm..just not the vanity), hardwork and hours the dev team must have put in, player excitement over the build up of this event. I mean why rub it into our ( majority of your player base) faces with these exclusive prizes if they were anyways meant for the rich darlings.

Just inbox the highest spender 1# 2# 3# that they recieved the shard, wolf pet and banner and need to pay few more dollars for it ...No need to do so much work of creating an event/contest if end result shows an underlying thought process of [HANDSOMELY] rewarding the greatest spenders and throwing some consolation bread scraps to the others.

ONLY HOPE: MAY BE YOU GUYS REDEEM this failure with a better main event

((If not than ill leave..off course that's of no consequence to you..just a self realisation that this is no longer a source to draw excitement from))

06-05-2014, 05:14 AM
Question:<br />
<br />
What chances does a working person have?<br />
<br />
Thank you for the event, but after on hour of playing I know that my chances are 0. I can't play for more than 2 hours a day in these days.<br />
<br />
Very mixed feelings about what you wanted to achieve by this...<br />
<br />
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.<br/>

Seriously is that how you devs create an event focussing only plat users when 90%+ of your audience is non-plat user. I would suggest you rethink over it.
1. Reduce the cool down time for energy. 1 energy every 8 hrs is ridiculous
2. Lower cost of energy kits say from 25 plats to 5-10 plats for 5 energy. This will reduce its value in gold and will allow most non- plat users to buy energy and enjoy the event.
3. Tier rewards...are you guys serious? What am i supposed to do wit a lvl 2 ring? Scale them to lvl and add some special effect to it which will also be a memory of this event.
4. Items that can be bought with token are really not every attractive. Maybe you can add something that will make more ppl try to get more tokens and buy those desirable items.
5. Maybe add some more loot or eggs to drop from bosses. Atm only payne dropping gyrm isnt very enticing considering payne spawn rate is very low.
These suggestions are from a non-plat user and i am sure most will be happy to see these changes.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

It will be interesting to see, as the event progresses, whether token drops increase enough to make buying item/s possible ... leaving aside all the plat comments and issues, the event seems economy focused rather than skill. Sure the bosses apparently get harder, but that isn't new. I ran everything so far on mage and tank with lep equipped and, as everyone else says too, zero decent loot. I am hoping this event is simply paving the way for a really good next event. Interesting to watch the market throughout too. I am not feeling the same sort of greed i felt when magma came out for warriors and i am still waiting for something cool for mages. I was planning to spend plat on this and the main event, but decided against it for the goblin stuff - some things could benefit my war, nothing improves my mage enough. I will see what's on offer with the next one.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

Very constructive hope the event /contest managers are listening to your ideas to point this sinking ship to shore.

06-05-2014, 05:19 AM
<br />
<br />
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.<br/>

Seriously is that how you devs create an event focussing only plat users when 90%+ of your audience is non-plat user. I would suggest you rethink over it.
1. Reduce the cool down time for energy. 1 energy every 8 hrs is ridiculous
2. Lower cost of energy kits say from 25 plats to 5-10 plats for 5 energy. This will reduce its value in gold and will allow most non- plat users to buy energy and enjoy the event.
3. Tier rewards...are you guys serious? What am i supposed to do wit a lvl 2 ring? Scale them to lvl and add some special effect to it which will also be a memory of this event.
4. Items that can be bought with token are really not every attractive. Maybe you can add something that will make more ppl try to get more tokens and buy those desirable items.
5. Maybe add some more loot or eggs to drop from bosses. Atm only payne dropping gyrm isnt very enticing considering payne spawn rate is very low.
These suggestions are from a non-plat user and i am sure most will be happy to see these changes.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Some point in your post, do you mean 90%+ of the players that play AL, are non plat users?


06-05-2014, 05:27 AM

I have a question.
The cleansing stone have effect only in littleridge.
It looks very pretty so can you make that the effect in towns too? Like fire bug.
Thats pretty cool.

06-05-2014, 05:29 AM
Sad to say Tarlok event was better , you have to pay for portals , and if you have to wait ....eventualy people lose interest.
Oh well ..

06-05-2014, 05:40 AM
@Thorasaur "3. Tier rewards...are you guys serious? What am i supposed to do wit a lvl 2 ring? Scale them to lvl and add some special effect to it which will also be a memory of this event."
When I won this ring, I did not know whether to laugh or cry for the time and money wasted.

Then it does not seem fair that only those in lb win the event banner, it seems fair to give it to everyone who comes to a certain score, for example (500) points win the banner.

06-05-2014, 05:41 AM

I don't care about this game anymore, I simply log in to joke and t to some but here it goes.

As long as plat exists everything will be pay to win, period. There was no way this event was ever gonna be for the "hard working" as long as somebody could, for example, buy elixir to run a map faster it will be favoring plat spenders/rich people. It would just be in a much lower degree than flat out paying for the energy balls.

My best advice is, just enjoy it and aim low. If you really want a game where hardwork is rewarded go for a full priced retail game or pay a monthly fee on a more high profile MMO., in this model EVERY aspect will favor the spenders be it crating, elixir or just spending money for portals/balls/what have you.

Best of luck


While I agree that fundamentally when game is free than other things in it will be paid. I dont mind I have bought plats in past for pleasure of playing/ achieving item..but never have I felt bitter about how the game is moving towards p2w model.

Some things to deliberate
1. Is this the only way to build a event could there be no better alternatives to the current plan ( if so how come we all (plat and non plat users ) enjoyed tarlock event
Hi Falmear

While I agree that fundamentally when game is free than other things in it will be paid. I dont mind I have bought in past of pleasure of playing/ achieving item..but never have I felt bitter about how the game is moving towards p2w model.

Some things to deliberate
1. Is this the only way to build a event could there be no better alternatives to current plan ( if so how come we all (plat and non plat users ) enjoyed tarlock event

2. The loot items (boss drops/ token purchase) I can buy cheaper than what i'd spend by buying energy (plat or gold). Then wheres the fun; thrill of finding portal..seeing which boss..looting diff items

3. Is it so bad that t A player earn 800k not in mil for certain items ..why these exclusive game items ( mind this isnt for forum c ontest but a gamewide event)as opposed to rare items that r still eluvise but not notoriously few

Well these are few aspects about the evolving game ethos that vex me

06-05-2014, 05:56 AM
lets see ... currently, as of now, the top is 2830, and the event is only ..... half a day ?
2830 point is around (if 20 point per run) 141.5 run, which is about 2.4m (assuming 17k per portal) or 710plat

Assuming the event is 5 days long, and you do this 24/7, it'll be around 24m or 7100 plat to be first ...... seriously, if htey can spend that much, wont they have the arcane shard already??

not to mention if 10 ppl tie first, they'll all get a shard (and pet)


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 06:00 AM
Their reasoning is, if you log in daily and play with just the free balls that are offered, and the end of the event (Tuesday) you'll be abke to acquire the gold tier prizes and enough tokens to purchase multiple items. If you want to remotely attempt the LB prizes. you have a long and expensive road ahead of you.

Not all of can stay on 24/7 we have a life on like some people

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 06:43 AM
I thought it would be better if the energy ball is time based and not entry based. 15 or 30 mins per ball would be great, much like the current elixir kit system. I think thats a win for everyone. 7 hour wait for one entry is just not practical. we waited for the event, only to be stopped by a limiter that is ridiculously long. Please reconsider. 15-30 mins for each energy ball!

06-05-2014, 06:50 AM
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.


I'm hoping that those f2p players that log on every time they have available energy will be able to afford ALL token rewards. You will still have ur lb players spending massive amounts of plat. As long as all the token rewards are obtainable for free players you should see a reduction in the amount of rage that is on the forums atm. However, based on what you've written I don't imagine this will be the case. If not I recommend you modify the next event to allow this to happen.

06-05-2014, 06:52 AM
This event is totally gone into P2W event, so I am already out of it.
And I think it was told that this event will be fair to all , but its not...
My suggestion is:
What if there were 2 LB , one, the way it is now and with same rewards, and another in which if someone uses that kit for energy disqualifies, so this 2 nd LB will be for normal ppl out here, non-plat splendor .... And the reward could hv been nightshade egg for 1st , gyrm egg for 2nd,3rd and that banner for first 25 (or something similar to that banner) or anything worth something for efforts by normal players...
Then there will doubt for some in 2nd LB that everyone will hv almost equal points, but no different boss give different points and there is a possiblity of getting that energy from the boss , so that lucky person will have one more map - boss and that much more point.... And there will be no rich guy getting in 2nd LB as much as I can think coz they will be busy with their main toon and getting position in 1st LB , thus this will be a fun event for all....
Hope all will read this and give suggestion and I hope further events will be really FAIR for all...

I have read comments on 1st and this last page only so if anyone have already suggested such thing then I am really sorry to repeat it.... :)

06-05-2014, 07:22 AM
@Kill3rPao lol exactly the way i felt...
So to say after a few days the event gets over and each of have these crappy lvl 2 rings and no other memory of this event just total bitterness looking at those rings lol
On a serious note to the devs...what were you guys thinking rewarding lvl 2 rings. I am really very curious about why u decided to reward a lvl 2 ring.

Yea and what Kill3rPao said seems legit...award atleast a Banner for say achieving a milestone in points or something and not to top 25 who night really not care about that Banner but it might make lot of non plat users very happy.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 07:29 AM
Not all of can stay on 24/7 we have a life on like some people

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

Then your not elite are you? Learn what hardcore elite players are, they don't just log on play for a few hours then scramble of they play hard, meaning "Elite"

06-05-2014, 07:29 AM
I have to agree with many of the negative points already pointed out about this event in this thread. I was going to spend a little plat to do some goblin farming, but after looking at the leaderboard, it's just a waste. Enough said.

06-05-2014, 07:34 AM
Then your not elite are you? Learn what hardcore elite players are, they don't just log on play for a few hours then scramble of they play hard, meaning "Elite"

I used to do elites but eventually gave up. when it's the same outcome ever time. good loot or bad.i play this for fun not to waste my life

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 07:35 AM
I'd say PL still > AL. Atleast in PL we enjoyed the events.

06-05-2014, 07:44 AM
I used to do elites but eventually gave up. when it's the same outcome ever time. good loot or bad.i play this for fun not to waste my life

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

Then what exactly is your point, this is a game that takes a lot of your time, isn't meant to focus ALL into that one type of person, (you) hpisnt hard to log on and do 4 runs that takes about 10-15 mins or do you not even play for over 5 mins? Seems like it. A day for only what 5 days ? I dunno how long the event goes for so..

06-05-2014, 07:45 AM
This is rhe worst event i have participated in, my rating on play store went from 5 to 1 stars, i hope you can understand why.

06-05-2014, 07:48 AM
Then what exactly is your point, this is a game that takes a lot of your time, isn't meant to focus ALL into that one type of person, (you) hpisnt hard to log on and do 4 runs that takes about 10-15 mins or do you not even play for over 5 mins? Seems like it. A day for only what 5 days ? I dunno how long the event goes for so..
Trust me I used be a hardcore player staying on for 3 hours a day some times even longer . But that 3 hours kept on decreaseing. If thier nothing fun to do I don't see the reason to waste my time. Loged on yesterday to play the event only to be disappointed
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 07:52 AM
Rich people become richer than they are already, just be rogue or mage, with many gold / plat and a friend to keep you open a portal, good job.
Ps. In addition, you need a lot of coffee to stay awake and not allowed breaks pee / eat.

06-05-2014, 07:53 AM
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.

Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

06-05-2014, 08:03 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

This exactly. Every word of it.

06-05-2014, 08:05 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

Out of thanks, but +1

06-05-2014, 08:05 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

What jon said.! Out of thanks.

06-05-2014, 08:14 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.
This Jon^

I naively spent some 20 plats yesterday and then I looked at the LB and heard about abusing.

No, thanks. I will save plats for crate popping in the right moment.

06-05-2014, 08:20 AM
I naively spent some 20 plats yesterday and then I looked at the LB and heard about abusing.


Yes exactly. Now we have to compete with people using exploits, bots, and account sharing.

06-05-2014, 08:25 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

exactly! after only one day, looking at lb and all the abuse, most players already regret spending plat at all at this event and stopped participating.

tarlok brought players online, this energy mechanic / contest ruleset drives players offline.

also it would be really good to give players something for collected lb points not based on an lb rank, which is already out of reach, so there s a reason to continue.

save the main event!

06-05-2014, 08:42 AM
I agree with many that posted here. I buy a fair amount of plat myself and would have probably farmed for at least the warrior trinket if it had damage on it but it would be a pretty hefty cost to be honest. We have no chance of farming and saving for cool vanities or eggs to sell later and make any profit. Tarlok was great and I would gladly put up a few plat here and there for a chance at the better bosses but 5 plat per run is lame and there is really no reward. I feel extremely bad for many players that are still actively trying to farm this contest as it is a huge gold and plat sink hole. (maybe that was the intention?) Unfortunately it is hurting more then the wealthiest and many are blindly farming with some hope of reward that isn't there. I remember farming Tarlok portals and saving up for Prance eggs and Rogue vanities. You didn't need plat to get a few eggs and vanities if you farmed enough portals. This would be a much better contest if it had chests with drops, way more tokens left by bosses and free entry into portals.

06-05-2014, 08:43 AM
exactly! after only one day, looking at lb and all the abuse, most players already regret spending plat at all at this event and stopped participating.

tarlok brought players online, this energy mechanic / contest ruleset drives players offline.

also it would be really good to give players something for collected lb points not based on an lb rank, which is already out of reach, so there s a reason to continue.

save the main event!
Agreed, Tarlok event was Better and If they Make something like "Fun Lb(s)" like "Inviter" (category) when the player finds a Portal and when the Players invited to the portal , the no of players invited will be added to his counter ...(little bad) STG Could do something Great, Adding a Weapon isn't a Hard job...Why not Mythic Amulets in Locks this event?:/(just an idea)

06-05-2014, 08:51 AM
The only good thing to come from this event was the Wild Talismans. +1 to whoever made them!

06-05-2014, 09:23 AM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

I'm not even close to a big spender and with this kind of events i won't even think on spending a single penny again, there is no point, I won't have any chance to win, locked crates are already frustrating enough ($89.99 USD, open 100 crates, gets 2000 gold + 2000 gold +2000 gold x 100).

This event is poorly designed and it's only turning ppl agaisnt sts or eachother, creating a very bad user experience

06-05-2014, 10:06 AM
Warrior weapon, blighted glaive of potency looks good. Already want one :D
Just two cuestions:
-Energy balls drop from regular bosses?
-Why i only fight little horn xD

The event its pretty cool, thanks for tour effort.
That Question is Rounding my Mind....Same....:O

06-05-2014, 10:10 AM
I have some thoughts about the prizes, let me quote samhayne:

At the end of Season #1 of the Leaderboards, vanity banner prizes were only granted to the #1 leaderboard position holder. Our plan is to increase the rewards to be all of the leaderboard (or even more - the team is still looking at options) to thereby reduce competition and the desire to kill farm. Our hope is that people just play and have fun and if they play avidly, they'll probably make it on the expanded leaderboard.

While we reserve the right to ban for any reason, we are not currently closing accounts for kill farming.

Now you awarding the lb1 and 2-3 only, what happend with this mentality? :(

06-05-2014, 10:11 AM
Agreed, Tarlok event was Better and If they Make something like "Fun Lb(s)" like "Inviter" (category) when the player finds a Portal and when the Players invited to the portal , the no of players invited will be added to his counter ...(little bad) STG Could do something Great, Adding a Weapon isn't a Hard job...Why not Mythic Amulets in Locks this event?:/(just an idea)

Well let's be honest, when has there ever been a leader board that doesn't digress into an ultra competitive win any way you can leader board?

No leader board in tarlok and it was awesome. Best event in AL by far.

06-05-2014, 10:14 AM
And one more thing as for the new planned cute pet - Shady and Surge (right?)

Will skilled players who are ready to spend SOME plat or gold BUT can't play for more than 2-3 hours a day will have a chance?

Or will it be clear after 24 hours of event duration that the chance is 0?

06-05-2014, 10:32 AM
Things I Like:
•More Quests
•New Bosses
(did I miss anything?)

Things I Dislike
•Limited pets only for 3Players and Making it as "Mythic""Near Arcane?"(17%Damage even arcane pets don't have,15%+)
•Long Energy Balls cool down
•Toooooo Low Rate of Energy ball drop from boss
•Earning More points for Higher chance for Majoy Payne, making Use Plats, Get 500Pts and Better chance at Majoy Payne and get the "Only" "One" Better loot in the "Whole event" Gyrm,Did you compared it with Grimm's Stats? Difference: Grimm-15int/Dex 10Str Gyrm-30Primary stats (More DMG) Little OP than Grimm
•Making the Energy kit price Too High as the Loot that nearly worth is "1-5?Tokens"
•Not Many Items , (Except token vendor there is only 1Item to farm)
•No Event Chests
•Totally a Pay to Win and if you want to get into LB , You need to spend (Let's assume 14K Each kit and 20Pts for a Boss and 2000Points which is Too low)
As in the End I bet LB gets 8K + Points and need to Spend Nearly 100Mil if you need to get there
(Did I miss anything?)

Sorry to say but -1 for Energy system , No Better loot but you want to make it 5Plats?For me it worth 1Plat = 1Energy

06-05-2014, 11:04 AM
As I said Im so disapointed at this event. There is no point in spending gold to buy the energy kits and join the event because theres absolutely nothing to aim for. There is no point in spending 10k gold each kit (considering the average price) to get 1 or 2 tokens all the time, and guess how much the stuff for 175 tokens cost: around 400k in the first day of the event.

06-05-2014, 11:12 AM
This event is a colossal failure and a catastrophic disappointment.

The only thing good about it is the content itself. The prizes from the token vendor are great - and I'm even giving you credit for the near worthless prize rings that everyone and their mother will get by clearing the tiers.

This the leader board and energy system, however, are glaring red flags that players are supposed to be dropping massive amounts of plat and/or gold to farm the content.

Really? Is that how we're doing things now? Events are now plat AND gold sinks?

We should be able to farm energy from bosses to keep this alive and enjoyable for all.

I spent an hour farming Southern Seas and Wilds last night and got 0 coins from Blood Hammer or the Dragon while waiting for my pitiful one energy to replenish. Essentially wasting my time for nothing, and this is supposed to be fun? Lolwut.

You guys had it right with the Tarlock event, everyone and anyone could enjoy the content and farm their hearts out for everything the event had to offer so long as they had the time and energy to stay in the game, and regardless of their financial standing. This event is setting a clear and ugly precedent that players with plat and gold win, which ripples through even with guilds creating a divide between members for those who are willing to spend their hard earned gold and those who won't because they're trying to save it.

For example, wanna know how many people I was able to farm elites with once the event launched? 0

Because most of them had plat or were willing to spend their gold on this nonsense, while I sit on the sidelines for 8 hrs for one chance to be a part of what they're doing the entire time. Deliberate exclusion sound like fun to you?

06-05-2014, 12:05 PM
Dear STS,

My bone of contention is that you've allowed the leaders of the Goblin Leaderboard Event to 'game' the contest!!!

This is why I'm rather peeved that you will award those who are blatantly cheating using an exploit. I for one will show my disdain when you announce these so called winners, you better lock that thread after announcing the winners or it's gonna get flamed heavy.

The mob with torches and pitch-forks at the end of this alleged contest, I'll be the one holding a scythe somewhere at the front.

06-05-2014, 12:09 PM
i'm leaving my feedback in the google play store and apple app store.

06-05-2014, 12:24 PM
Good Idea For You To Rack In More Plat Off The Poison Stone Thing.

Since Not Alot Of People Are Buying It I Have An Idea To Make People Actually Want It. How About You Make It So We Get The Green Star Affect Even When Were Not Playing The Event Map, And Keep It After The Event Is Over So You Get To Keep The Effect. Also A Cool Bonus Could Be To Stop The Poison Affect Hazards On All Maps Like In Dead City When You Step On Green Crators. But Its Just A Suggestion, A Very Cool One At That.

06-05-2014, 12:39 PM
If I see any type of energy system next event, I will be searching for a new game. I'm sure many like me are at the breaking point already.

06-05-2014, 01:07 PM
The mob with torches and pitch-forks at the end of this alleged contest, I'll be the one holding a scythe somewhere at the front.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 01:16 PM
To be honest, as it stands this current energy ball system (if unchanged or un-tweaked) is a failed system in terms of Game-play and Real-life Economics. STG with this event has disappointed 90% or more of the player base by stagnating their game play and enjoyment of this event. This event at the end of the week when its over will show STG that this is a failed system in terms of making them money. Why? Because most of the moderate and even heavy platinum spenders are not willing to spend any platinum during this event because they are either turned off by the failed game-play system or they realize that there is no way for them to reach the top 3 in leaderboard. STG, remember that there are many platinum spenders who work, have a family/friends who do not have the time commitment to play all day or cheat/abuse bugs to make it to the top leaderboard.

Remember this STG, a system that makes everyone spend a little bit of platinum will make STG "alot" more money than a system that makes only a top few percent (the whales) spend.

Trust me when I say this. Give this event 2 more days and once the top 3 leader board players distance themselves further, even the top people chasing the leaderboards will simply stop spending platinum since it has become futile.

06-05-2014, 01:26 PM
How long ago was the last sts post/comment in the forums?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 01:27 PM
Agreed, Tarlok event was Better and If they Make something like "Fun Lb(s)" like "Inviter" (category) when the player finds a Portal and when the Players invited to the portal , the no of players invited will be added to his counter ...(little bad) STG Could do something Great, Adding a Weapon isn't a Hard job...Why not Mythic Amulets in Locks this event?:/(just an idea)

Well let's be honest, when has there ever been a leader board that doesn't digress into an ultra competitive win any way you can leader board?

No leader board in tarlok and it was awesome. Best event in AL by far.

I think its moreso the limited prizes of the few lb players as well.

06-05-2014, 01:29 PM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.
This Jon^

I naively spent some 20 plats yesterday and then I looked at the LB and heard about abusing.

No, thanks. I will save plats for crate popping in the right moment.

Let us hope that crate popping still remains their main method of income rather than this system.

06-05-2014, 01:34 PM
I think its moreso the limited prizes of the few lb players as well.

Yes, that's definitely the catalyst for the ultra competitiveness during this event.

06-05-2014, 01:40 PM
Next event is a good opportunity for treating the community right ... *hopeful look* i wish one of them would respond in this thread though :/

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

06-05-2014, 01:46 PM
Why not try this:

Create a FLAT RATE FEE to participate in the event an once that fee is purchased an individuals access to content is NOT limited. This would accomplish the goal of STS which wants growth as a company in terms of revenue and it wouldnt alienate 90% of the player base.

25plat from 10,000 players is better than 10,000plat from 25 players but it accomplishes the same goal

I think most average players would be willing to spend 25-100plat on an entry fee into an event IF that meant they got to compete on an even playing field without having to constantly dump more plat to play. STS earns the plat and a significantly larger player base competes based on skill.

06-05-2014, 02:02 PM
Why not try this:

Create a FLAT RATE FEE to participate in the event an once that fee is purchased an individuals access to content is NOT limited. This would accomplish the goal of STS which wants growth as a company in terms of revenue and it wouldnt alienate 90% of the player base.

25plat from 10,000 players is better than 10,000plat from 25 players but it accomplishes the same goal

I think most average players would be willing to spend 25-100plat on an entry fee into an event IF that meant they got to compete on an even playing field without having to constantly dump more plat to play. STS earns the plat and a significantly larger player base competes based on skill.

I dont think this is a good idea, either. I have 0 plat now, and there are 4 free offers available here that gives 2 plat each, so I cant participate in the event like most of other non-plat users? Thats fair?

06-05-2014, 02:29 PM
My Problem is that there has been abuse through bugs. My team and I hunted portals and went through at the start of the event and spent a lot of Plat and Gold. We then found out that there was an exploit. I'm not saying that those on the leader board would not be there however there score would be much easier to chase. This is an expensive event even for plat users like myself and my friends.
Ultimately I think the contest for top pet should be null and void since there has been an exploit. Perhaps maybe just charge 250 plat for the new pet and make it available for all of us.

06-05-2014, 03:04 PM
first time ...in a long time , when i see most of the people have similar opinions :)

06-05-2014, 03:09 PM
first time ...in a long time , when i see most of the people have similar opinions :)
Lol ikr

06-05-2014, 03:30 PM
Yes it should tell you something when plat users and non plat users have the same opinion of the event.

06-05-2014, 03:46 PM
first time ...in a long time , when i see most of the people have similar opinions :)

let s not forget the new client brings great improvements and is a huge effort! the timing of the event release surely is unfortunate with the fresh client issues. kudos to the devs for handling that!
but the combination of energy mechanic, leaderboard driven limited awards and blatant abuse just leaves overall a big dissappointment after the high hopes for this event and badly needs to be addressed to avoid further frustration.

06-05-2014, 04:14 PM
The whole asking for plat when someone enters a portal thing is so wrong - can't even believe this was done. It may be optional, but it sure doesn't look that way with how it is presented. I can't say anything else on this. Just so unbelievable.

06-05-2014, 04:28 PM
The whole asking for plat when someone enters a portal thing is so wrong - can't even believe this was done. It may be optional, but it sure doesn't look that way with how it is presented. I can't say anything else on this. Just so unbelievable.

i agree 100%. we re experiencing this in gc when people just log off frustrated after burning their energy.
During Tarlok we could look for Portals together, and there were still lots of options to spend plat or make progress without plat.
but the contest setup now is adding insult to injury and needs to be revisited too.

06-05-2014, 05:03 PM
Lets be realistic here.... For most part players don't give a hoot about the legendaries, we all want a chance to win the shard and the pets. What i believe many are suggesting is that you should make this event skill based not just who can run as many times in 6 days.

Im a heavy plat spender (though my spend has dropped since dragon update by 2/3) and after 2 or 3 runs i soon became extremely aware that i wasn't going to get anywhere near the top of the lb. This is a problem for STS...... In an hour or so you you have single handedly disappointed 90% (an understatement) of your plat spenders. i wont be spending any more on the event..... Soz. I'll just be saving for the new pet instead :)

Also you may want to look at the mechanics of how this is run.... there are many bugs that players are abusing.

Please don't do this for the main event, ignore the amount of plat that would need to be spent and think about your players please.

In a way this is exactly why we're doing a smaller event before the main one. There is a lot of feedback to go through, and while a lot of it is negative not all of it is. We are identifying issues, as well as looking at how players are playing and ways to refine the experience for everyone.

There will certainly be refinements in how the next event plays out, taking into consideration a lot of the things mentioned in this and in other threads, as well as our own metrics related to the event and how it is being played.

We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)

Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.

06-05-2014, 05:11 PM
In a way this is exactly why we're doing a smaller event before the main one. There is a lot of feedback to go through, and while a lot of it is negative not all of it is. We are identifying issues, as well as looking at how players are playing and ways to refine the experience for everyone.

There will certainly be refinements in how the next event plays out, taking into consideration a lot of the things mentioned in this and in other threads, as well as our own metrics related to the event and how it is being played.

We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)

Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.

:encouragement: ( out of thanks )

06-05-2014, 05:14 PM
In a way this is exactly why we're doing a smaller event before the main one. There is a lot of feedback to go through, and while a lot of it is negative not all of it is. We are identifying issues, as well as looking at how players are playing and ways to refine the experience for everyone.

There will certainly be refinements in how the next event plays out, taking into consideration a lot of the things mentioned in this and in other threads, as well as our own metrics related to the event and how it is being played.

We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)

Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.

Just burn the energy system :)

06-05-2014, 05:38 PM
I am hoping there will be some sort of events that can raise the value of locked crate again. I know some may claim that will only be beneficial for plat users but non-plat players can still make a profit by re-selling the crates. It has been such a long time since the last locked crates related event, I am sincerely hoping STS will consider lock crates savers feeling as well in the coming future. :biggrin:

06-05-2014, 05:52 PM
Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.

Thank you for Listening! Please take into Consideration, that people right now invested Plat into the Competition only to learn that with current tolerated abuse they basically burned money.
So you re damned if you do change things and you re damned if you don t.
I am really very happy with the new Client changes, all i am asking for this event is, give all people a reward who achieved some treshold of lb points so the effort is not wasted. And please make sure, that we don t have to watch the lb players win by abusing the system and outplatting each other in the next event .i am sure a healthy mix of skill and luck based taskes will be prefered by plat and non plat users as well, as the current abuse and brute plat approach to get limited items only alienates the player base.
i really appreciate how stg communicates with it s players!

06-05-2014, 05:57 PM
My only problem with the event is the fact that the best prizes are only available to the top 3 on the leaderboard which will require a ton of plat to even come close. Other events had event chests which held the best gear or pets so anyone doing the daily had a shot of getting it. Also all players that finished the daily for a set number of days got a title and banner. It kept everyone playing all the time.

Now once you've gotten to gold tier there isn't much incentive to keep doing the event. The best gear is only gonna go to the top plat spenders who have a ton of free time so most people won't even bother spending plat to continue farming.

Previous events like tarlok and Halloween were available to all players even dirt poor ones. This one is made for heavy plat spenders and is ranked as the worst event released yet imo because it is not. The event itself isn't bad but the way the rewards are given out is terrible. As a game that prided itself with not being a pay to win event this event has changed that image completely.

I'm hoping the real event goes back to event chests holding the rewards instead of a leaderboard. Before this event I didn't think it was possible for me for me to stop playing this game but this formula follows alot of games I've dropped in the past.

06-05-2014, 06:13 PM
Thank you for Listening! Please take into Consideration, that people right now invested Plat into the Competition only to learn that with current tolerated abuse they basically burned money.
So you re damned if you do change things and you re damned if you don t.
I am really very happy with the new Client changes, all i am asking for this event is, give all people a reward who achieved some treshold of lb points so the effort is not wasted. And please make sure, that we don t have to watch the lb players win by abusing the system and outplatting each other in the next event .i am sure a healthy mix of skill and luck based taskes will be prefered by plat and non plat users as well, as the current abuse and brute plat approach to get limited items only alienates the player base.
i really appreciate how stg communicates with it s players!


Out of thanks

06-05-2014, 08:12 PM
The winners of this contest I really doubt they're gonna be on our Xmas card list.

I say make nightshade egg and the other prizes available for purchase to appease the community kinda. If the winners complain then tell them - YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BLOODY CHEATED THEN!!!!!! YA BLEEDIN' CHEATERS!!!!!

/sits down and takes his medication

That's enough from me, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, I think I been more than vocal on numerous occasions :)

BTW I'm still holding onto my scythe just in case the torch and pitch-fork mob arises, imma join them!

06-05-2014, 08:14 PM
Exclusive pet to top3? Lets see the richest people on this game,buy energy with plat to win event

06-05-2014, 09:07 PM
Already made a feedback somewhere else thread but will add another.

This is noticeable that players are playing round the clock to gain points as much as possible.

Do you think this can be done solely by one person? Make it half P1 and P2, 12 hours of just playing is there good with that? Can we say they dont share account here?

Should have been considered this scenario.

On the other hand I believe this is a battle between plat and non-plat user, I have plans on purchasing plats - I will become a plat user hell yeah so elite.
It doesnt stop there, for example I bought the best value to spend plats (will open lockeds, buy/resell elixirs, use for event, rename, upragde inventory/auctions)
BUT this will not help to be even on top 500 BECAUSE I believe limitless platinum = top grossing (you know my point here dont want to expaund)

Youre going to loose NON-plat user and occassionally plat user - I HOPE THIS BOTHERS

TO ROCK _\m/


06-05-2014, 09:26 PM
In a way this is exactly why we're doing a smaller event before the main one. There is a lot of feedback to go through, and while a lot of it is negative not all of it is. We are identifying issues, as well as looking at how players are playing and ways to refine the experience for everyone.

There will certainly be refinements in how the next event plays out, taking into consideration a lot of the things mentioned in this and in other threads, as well as our own metrics related to the event and how it is being played.

We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)

Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.
You Should Continue The Contest On Forums And Give Away 2 Or 3 More Wolves And Alot More Banners

06-05-2014, 10:13 PM

Just something to think about here: there was a contest to see who could cap the fastest, and I believe an arcane item was given out to the winner. Nobody complained about that, even though everyone knew it would take lots of plat to win that contest. The reason there were few complaints was that the arcane item given out was also available in other ways to the rest of the player base. Yes, you have to be super lucky or rich to get an arcane item, but at least it is possible.

The problem here is this pet is limited to 3, and nobody else can ever get one. A better idea would have been to make this pet an arcane pet (not legendary) and have it come in locked crates as well. Or even maybe have it be a super rare drop from the event bosses. Even if only a few dozen people looted them during the week-long event, I think that would go a long way to making many players a bit more pleased with the situation.

I'm not saying this is an entire fix, but it would be helpful.

Also, why not give it out to all of the top 25 instead of only the top 3?

06-05-2014, 10:35 PM
I haven't seen any feedback that's not negative about this event. If it is in there, it's good and buried in the irate. I hope there isn't selective hearing going on in regards to what such a massive majority is calling to be changed. STS has always stood above the rest for being a team that listens.

The fact the pre-event feedback on the energy system was ignored is discouraging. The comments from the devs hinting that because a half dozen players might be content, the setup isn't a disaster, makes us lose even more faith in what has always been a team that is responsive and respects the voice of the community. The overwhelming unanimous response from the players shouldn't be disregarded.

Please, devs, for the sake of the whole enterprise, let this plat obsession go. It won't help anything in the end.

06-05-2014, 11:45 PM
In a way this is exactly why we're doing a smaller event before the main one. There is a lot of feedback to go through, and while a lot of it is negative not all of it is. We are identifying issues, as well as looking at how players are playing and ways to refine the experience for everyone.

There will certainly be refinements in how the next event plays out, taking into consideration a lot of the things mentioned in this and in other threads, as well as our own metrics related to the event and how it is being played.

We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)

Specifically related to the Goblin Event, it's very hard to make changes when there are rewards and leaderboards on the line. Changing the rules mid event would be even more catastrophic. The important take away for everyone is even though we are quiet on the boards, we are definitely having meetings and discussions to address the system moving forward and for the better.
I won't lie, I was expecting at some point the leader board would be separated by class. Even if you don't want to hand out 3 shards, you can at least give some token of "hey look at this guy's accomplishment" to the top mage and top warrior. Many players are in full support of a class separated leader board for this very reason, equal opportunity.

It is the end of day 2 of a 6 day event. I still think that there is time for this small change that many players have been lobbying for.

The event, no matter what people say, is much better than the tarlok system from a nonplat buyer's position. I am able to run nonstop by spending gold. Other players buy kits with plat and thus I create a demand for a disposable platinum product. The result is that I can run without plat and STG still turns a profit. Genius. I fully support a kit type system for the next event.

06-06-2014, 01:02 AM
I wish.. the banner should be given to those who finished the Goblin Quests just like "Halloween Event" and "Winter Event" not just the Top Players :/ everyone deserves it :/ and.. I just accidentally tap the "Buy 10 plats" just for the Cleansing Stone -.-" I just wasted 10 plats for that stone >_< "accidentally". they should put "Are you sure you're going to buy Cleansing Stone" waaaa T-T

06-06-2014, 01:29 AM
So spend how many million gold for a chance to get, at best, an egg worth under 500K? Just makes no sense. Would be more beneficial to go farm Rooks Hideout for ribbit. At least it's free so you will actually profit.

06-06-2014, 02:55 AM
The winners of this contest I really doubt they're gonna be on our Xmas card list.

I say make nightshade egg and the other prizes available for purchase to appease the community kinda. If the winners complain then tell them - YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BLOODY CHEATED THEN!!!!!! YA BLEEDIN' CHEATERS!!!!!

/sits down and takes his medication

That's enough from me, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, I think I been more than vocal on numerous occasions :)

BTW I'm still holding onto my scythe just in case the torch and pitch-fork mob arises, imma join them!

Lol @ you Grim Reaper attire.. and you have me standing next to you with a Deadric Warhammer(skyrim)

06-06-2014, 03:11 AM
I won't lie, I was expecting at some point the leader board would be separated by class. Even if you don't want to hand out 3 shards, you can at least give some token of "hey look at this guy's accomplishment" to the top mage and top warrior. Many players are in full support of a class separated leader board for this very reason, equal opportunity.

It is the end of day 2 of a 6 day event. I still think that there is time for this small change that many players have been lobbying for.

The event, no matter what people say, is much better than the tarlok system from a nonplat buyer's position. I am able to run nonstop by spending gold. Other players buy kits with plat and thus I create a demand for a disposable platinum product. The result is that I can run without plat and STG still turns a profit. Genius. I fully support a kit type system for the next event.

Lol, if they award for different classes I am out of here. They completely ignored the fact that most of the lb used exploits to help gain an advantage. I will say at least 80% of us are extremely upset with this "event", and catering to the whales wishes will be the last straw for me and probably many others. They created this entire event for your kind and yet you guys are wanting more. In the meantime, enjoy your plat (gold) extravaganza, they already gave you a portal in town.


I just had a great idea that would help you warriors out!
Take the bosses out completely and just have a 5 plat or 1 energy button that you can mash over and over. What do you think?

@Gree, oops STG.
Can we please get rid of the portals spawning? It's kind of useless and annoying, don't you think?

Milan Lame Man
06-06-2014, 05:44 AM
We certainly thank you all for your feedback, we are listening! :)
I wanted to make a suggestion that I believe is very important.
Please, make the token vendor, Jerald of Arlor, available for a few days after the event ends. He can make a visit to Windmoore.
Nothing would suck more that realizing on Tuesday evening that all my tokens are gone and I haven't bought a thing, because I was hoping to get the last 2 tokens needed for the next best thing.

06-06-2014, 06:24 AM
We still dont know if Ursoth Assault event use the same token as goblin invasion or it is different one.Many want to know bout it.

06-06-2014, 06:42 AM
LOL at the update. Of all the things people have been suggesting regarding the energy system, what does sts do... they just think of a way in which people can spend their plats faster. Uh why not hand the plat user a portal that is open forever so they can keep burning their plats faster and dont hv to bother asking someone to keep it open for them. Come on guys we can understand that plat purchases is what earns you bread and butter but atleast show some discretion and not be so bold. There have already been 100's of suggestions regarding the energy system but you guys just want to turn a deaf ear to that and on top of it say that you are looking for suggestions regarding the energy system. Looks like this feedback thread is just for you guys to keep the disappointed players calm and give them false hope. For once show some concern for the 90% of your players and not think only of earning more money out of it. I have already made a list of suggestions before, this is just me getting even further disappointed with the event.

06-06-2014, 07:54 AM
Many people are unhappy of goblin event as we know, I think little changes could make things a lot better.
Now if I enter in a portal and got dc I loose 8h or 15k (price in auction of a kit) or 5 plat and that's really bad.

My advice is: make energy kit like other kits so they will give to the player who opens them a 30 min time in which they can found portals(and make portals rare as locked), they can't be found without an energy kit opened. This will avoid (or reduce) dc losts and make non plat spenders happier because they will be able to find more than 1 portal with 1 energy kit based on their luck.

Another thing that in my opinion doesn't work in this event is that the cost of energy kits is 15k and ironbite (the less expensive desirable thing) in auction costs already 100k and every minute it's price falls, now many player are discouraged to buy kits because it's easier to spend 100k and be sure to have the pet than to try with kits because 6-7 kits (90-105k) won't give them the 65 tokens needed for ironbite, so in next event lower the tokens needed for the less desirable item or make boss drop more tokens or put an npc that sells kits for 10-11k to prevent it's price in auction be too high in comparison to the less charming item.

I really think that with those 2 changes many more player both low plat spenders and non plat spenders will join the event and have more fun.
Sts remember that it's probably better for you too if many many players buy a few kits than if a few players buy many many kits, the first case will happen only if people got a target they can join. People buy many luck elisir because they know the risk is right for the possible reward, they can hunt lockeds and find 3-6 or try elite burning some kits into junk and others finding very rare legendary items. If the risk to loose money(real and not) is very high and to gain money very low they won't play anymore, you'll lose clients and players will loose fun and time spent. Arcane Legends has got a big potential bring it out and will be better for everyone!

06-06-2014, 08:39 AM

Make sidequests that will reward players energy kits..

Talk to an npc and do quest for a surprise item.
And the random kit is inside surprise item which is 1 energy kit, 2 energy kits, 3 energy kits.
And the reward kits is not tradable.

And try to put some coins in the surprise item..

This will be daily quest for the event.

I hope this idea helps.

06-06-2014, 09:12 AM
if they really wanted to make it fun for non plat users, they woulda just increased the rate of energy drop from random boss from nearly nonexistance to farmable, that way plat users still use portal in town and rest farm to get some energy but i dont think they care bcos all the negetive feedback and they just made portal in town as plat users were getting tired running to portal

06-06-2014, 09:22 AM
Hummm I spend some plat, I work and have enough money to waste on here to help support STS. I didn't mind the event too much a few things bugged me tho.

1, The leader board getting a shard and pets - This should be the same as the other LBs and have a non game changing prize. As has been mentioned before this is just giving the rich more riches.

2, You let an exploited mechanic from the tarlok event back into this one but make it an important part of a competition... Then wonder why people are pissed at you.

3, The energy system stops the camaraderie that was present in the Tarlok event.

4, Instead of making a gold sink that could have helped you make yet another plat sink. - I think I would have been happy if the energy kits were a gold purchase. Then the leaderboard would suck some of the gold out the game.

It seems you had a perfectly unfair system that was the mega plat spenders got to unlock all the locked chests and got all the good stuff first. We were used to that system and quite frankly it would make me sick to think I had wasted that amount of money on a game even if I won all the time. This is just stoping fun unless you pay and the validation that you can use gold is moot as someone had to spend plat so don't act righteous, plat spenders still pool the gold. To me you are starting to look greedy I understand STS has investors that drive them for a return, I don't believe any dev actually wants to create a P2W game. I would suggest that people that are unhappy with this system voice there complaints on the respective app stores, this will impact the number of people that pick up the game and hopefully drive behaviour in STS management.

Milan Lame Man
06-06-2014, 10:00 AM
LOL at the update. Of all the things people have been suggesting regarding the energy system, what does sts do... they just think of a way in which people can spend their plats faster.Truth is, as a free player, I like this update. It allows me to farm with 13-15 toons instead of 6-8 :vwub:
Sure it took quite a few months to build all these toons, but that's what free players do, right? Spend time.
I will be very disappointed if I can't get Gyrm for the 3 main toons, and Ironbite for all of them, though.

create a P2W game.More like pay-to-play lately :mad:

06-06-2014, 11:48 AM
I won't lie, I was expecting at some point the leader board would be separated by class. Even if you don't want to hand out 3 shards, you can at least give some token of "hey look at this guy's accomplishment" to the top mage and top warrior. Many players are in full support of a class separated leader board for this very reason, equal opportunity.

It is the end of day 2 of a 6 day event. I still think that there is time for this small change that many players have been lobbying for.

The event, no matter what people say, is much better than the tarlok system from a nonplat buyer's position. I am able to run nonstop by spending gold. Other players buy kits with plat and thus I create a demand for a disposable platinum product. The result is that I can run without plat and STG still turns a profit. Genius. I fully support a kit type system for the next event.

Unfortunately, I do not support separate class lb at this point. Early on, I would have been totally for it. Many warriors (and many people possibly but that's beside the point) have already given up. I started on the first day and then I said to myself, forget this. So if they changed it now, many warriors such as myself would have a huge disadvantage.

max dragon king
06-06-2014, 01:22 PM
Actually i don't mind if people use plat to get to bosses easily but when this is in lb,and there is one awesome prize (nightshade) you should think of the players who want to give their heart and soul into the event
But who am i kidding as long as there is plat almost everything is impossible,and when i heard there was arcane shard i felt like crying,rich guys who get arcane shard get richer and along with an egg which is so ultra rare they can live their life peacefully for all eternity,on a feedback thread like this i know sts wont see me,all the plat users are shining brightly for their satisfaction
My thoughts:
-so many rewards(is sts tempting us to buy plats and spend them and idk why they lie to us saying its non pay-to-win scenario )
-so much time for energy respawn (is sts trolling us to fight boss,find locks and buy crappy kits for just 1-2 tokens,rares and epics?there is no energy drops believe me)
-after the LONG wait,u join and find out that u lost 3 energy on little horn(is sts trying to put out the very last flame of will in non-plat users to just rage quit?)
-even if you do find payne, gyrm becomes 20-30k(EVENT IS OVER,BELIEVE IT)
-then cry about the time you spent when you could have done something useful
-then cry again when arcane legends becomes the best mmo game again because you were foolish enough to play it

06-06-2014, 01:44 PM
It is often said, those who are unhappy speaks out louder than those who are content. I have to say I enjoyed this event so far. Perfect way to kill time for casual player like me and still feel some accomplishment. So no one wanna party a tank except other tanks. Yeah, I rocked it solo. The boss difficulty is nicely scaled for low level players too.
And that green stone!!!!! that's my favourite stone period. Could I keep that for my next visit to Arachna? I will be needing a blue stone next.

My only gripes, what are all those tokens for? when the prizes waiting for you are some weak egg, some poison weapons, and a no damage amulet for warrior. And all at level 41 only?

And I have some issues initially, being logged out of the goblin map before I finish the map, thus wasting my energy bar, and essentially 5 plats for nothing. Could you do something about it? It happens 3x to me before the patch, so I'm not too sure if that's being unstable and already being fixed in the patch or I'm just unlucky then. But I received a few energy tokens later so that made up for it.

I would suggest having a grace period that allow player to enter the map again without depleting energy bar if the boss has not been killed, but I do see an exploit here, people will log out at the boss just to relog for a chance at finding better boss, ie. major Payne.

So, unless you have a system to detect those who was disconnected from server from those who self logged out, maybe the better solution is to increase more servers globally. I travelled a lot and despite fast and good internet connection, I still found myself being forced disconnected. Pretty sure it's server side, other device running still maintains the connection.

06-06-2014, 02:05 PM
I don't like this kind of event. Need to spend plat or gold just to enter the portal, I'd rather buy elixir kits and farm elite maps or km3 for locked crates. What do i get from spending 15-17k of Event energy kit? We got low chance of earning it again from this event. And what's with the level 2 rings? Ya, I think it's a joke. Told myself this is a waste of time and gold if i continue. I'll just consider this as daily quest.

-Spending plats/gold to enter portal
- Less assurance of good loot
- We spend more gold+plat+time and get less worth item
- Low level ring / useless prize
- Vanity discoloration
- Long time to replenish energy
- 10 platinum Anti-poison stone advertisement! I purchased it accidentally!
- Same looks/visual/color of 4 bosses? (Havent seen other 2 yet, but they should have unique looks from each other to easily distinguish)

- Token prizes
- token assurance for every boss
- well balanced boss/mob difficulty
- New particle effects
- new pets
- good pet stat & arcane ability

Just read this. Great summary by Zyphruss. There is definitely room for improvement for future event map.
I agree that the best bit of the new system is token assurance and straight trade your tokens for items, instead of praying $hit hard for miracles while opening chests.
This must be why I enjoyed the event so much I guess, no more relying on my ****ty luck. Back to the if I completed x, I know I will get x. FYI, I would much rather kill tindirin boss 1000 times that get guaranteed teeth drop every kill, rather than a chance of teeth drop for god knows I have to kill how many times. Because last time I checked in elite, or normal regardless, everyone gets one except me.

06-06-2014, 06:53 PM
I will say at least 80% of us are extremely upset with this "event", and catering to the whales wishes will be the last straw for me and probably many others.

The problem with catering to the top 1% of spenders, is that when the other 99% vote with their feet, those 1% will have nobody left to show off to.. Who spends that much money on a game other than to try and impress people with their supposed awesomeness? If there's nobody, or very few people left to try and impress, then that source of income will dry up very fast. Nobody's going to spend a fortune to be the richest player in a dead game.

06-06-2014, 06:57 PM
The problem with catering to the top 1% of spenders, is that when the other 99% vote with their feet, those 1% will have nobody left to show off to.. Who spends that much money on a game other than to try and impress people with their supposed awesomeness? If there's nobody, or very few people left to try and impress, then that source of income will dry up very fast. Nobody's going to spend a fortune to be the richest player in a dead game.

This right here is so true

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06-07-2014, 12:14 AM
Platinum Legends

06-07-2014, 01:55 AM
Platinum Legends


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Milan Lame Man
06-07-2014, 05:59 AM
Just a question...
It is really hard to figure out how the tiers affect boss spawns, but somehow it seems it is based on the lowest ranked member of the party, rather than highest or the first.
If that is true, this inevitably results in a lower-than-expected income for everyone.
I sincerely hope this has been taken into account when setting up the reward prices, as so far, it seems I will hardly make it to the golden tier by the end of the event, not to mention getting enough tokens to buy anything but the vanity.

06-07-2014, 01:33 PM
First off I want to say I am in favor of the old Tarlok Assault system of portals. I felt that STG could of tweaked that old system to increase there platinum revenue very effectively. But i digress. I have a feeling this energy ball system is here to stay so I rather try to address a way to improve it instead of fighting a losing battle.

STGs idea of the energy ball system is that they based it off of the now tradable elixirs. What they found was that tradable elixirs forced plat and non-plat users to create a platinum sink either directly or indirectly. The platinum spenders directly spent platinum by buying these elixirs for consumption or auction house sale. While the non-plat spenders indirectly spent platinum by buying these kits off of the auction house. STG figured this might be the case with the energy ball system.

However, there are two fundamental problems. First problem is this event is a test event that did not truly test the full capacity of the real event which will have much more sought after items which will drive people to enter these portals. So because these items in the test goblin event are not worth much there is little incentive to buy expensive energy balls (14 to 17 k per energy ball) or with platinum (unless you are selling them on AH). The bullk of the players that are buying these energy balls like mad are people trying to reach leaderboards. Therefore, if STG wants to keep this energy ball system they have to somehow decrease the platinum price of these energy balls so that when its sold in the auction house it is cheap enough for normal players to be willing to buy them (maybe in the range of 3 to 4 k). Also the new event that is coming must have high enough incentive in terms of rare items to justify spending 3 to 4 k on an energy ball for a chance at these items. As it stands with the current system, it makes no sense for a player to spend 300 k of energy kits to be able to buy an item worth 90 to 200 k. There is no profit there.

The second fundamental issue with the energy ball system is stagnation of game play. People want to farm for hours on end which cannot happen with the current system. The more time you have players logged on and playing continuously the more money you will make STG. With this current system, players are only playing at 20 to 30 minute spurts and logging off which is a very bad thing for a game. Therefore, if STG want to keep this energy ball system they gotta find a balance of cool-down and price of the energy balls to keep game play continuous.

There were great ideas presented by Joncheese here at this link http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?158273-My-Suggestion-to-Fix-All-Our-Issues. He mentioned energy balls should drop from random bosses from all maps across Arlor, which I think might help with reducing the stagnation of game-play, but I think we need more tweaks to the system to make it run smoothly.

Milan Lame Man
06-07-2014, 06:24 PM
I don't know what others think but I have to say, Chief Fury at lv41 is kinda OP.
Even if I dodge red zones, his poison attack eats my health almost as fast as I can pot, due to potion cooldown.
I have to keep potting until he starts a red zone attack, at which time it's possible to squeeze one shot, than back to potting. If I lag for 1/2 sec, I'm dead. Same for both rogue and sorcerer.

I understand that at lv41 we are supposed to be full mythic/arcane and have an OP pet equipped (hint, hint), but is this really as hard as it was meant to be?

Sergeant Gunn one hits, but I think with some practice, this can be avoided.

Major Payne is pure insanity, it took me 40 minutes to hit a 2 minute window where I didn't lag for 1/2 a second. I can see why everyone and their mother cheats in this zone. Perhaps if Boss's damage output went a tiny little bit down each time someone dies, it would make the experience less stressful, without affecting gameplay of most.

It works all pretty well at both lv16 and lv10, hard but doable.

06-08-2014, 10:20 PM
Come to think of it, it is actually a clever move to award the exclusive Nightshade only to the top 3 in the LB.

Maybe a few months down the road when STS decides to make Nightshade purchasable by plats (say 250 from the store), they will only get complaints from 3 individuals, maximum. Hehehe..

06-08-2014, 11:34 PM
Come to think of it, it is actually a clever move to award the exclusive Nightshade only to the top 3 in the LB.

Maybe a few months down the road when STS decides to make Nightshade purchasable by plats (say 250 from the store), they will only get complaints from 3 individuals, maximum. Hehehe..

Haha. Odd that a legendary pet would be 250 though. Might as well just make it mythic grade. Let us collectors hope.

Milan Lame Man
06-09-2014, 02:59 AM
they will only get complaints from 3 individuals, maximum. Hehehe..
Looks like it will be 4, rofl.

06-09-2014, 03:03 AM
I don't know what others think but I have to say, Chief Fury at lv41 is kinda OP.
Even if I dodge red zones, his poison attack eats my health almost as fast as I can pot, due to potion cooldown.
I have to keep potting until he starts a red zone attack, at which time it's possible to squeeze one shot, than back to potting. If I lag for 1/2 sec, I'm dead. Same for both rogue and sorcerer.

I understand that at lv41 we are supposed to be full mythic/arcane and have an OP pet equipped (hint, hint), but is this really as hard as it was meant to be?

Sergeant Gunn one hits, but I think with some practice, this can be avoided.

Major Payne is pure insanity, it took me 40 minutes to hit a 2 minute window where I didn't lag for 1/2 a second. I can see why everyone and their mother cheats in this zone. Perhaps if Boss's damage output went a tiny little bit down each time someone dies, it would make the experience less stressful, without affecting gameplay of most.

It works all pretty well at both lv16 and lv10, hard but doable.

Your meant to spend your 10 plat on poison immunity stone...

Milan Lame Man
06-09-2014, 03:39 AM
Your meant to spend your 10 plat on poison immunity stone...
That would mean the game is plat-to-enjoy, which STS keeps defying despite solid evidence of the contrary.

06-09-2014, 04:16 AM
What is the effect of this event? Such that divided the players. Paying players have lost a lot of money for someone stupid test. Players who play for free, get the frustrations and felt unwanted, 70% of free players advertise this game. This is not the first major setback Sam, it should be someone to replace. Someone with better ideas and respectful of all players. Just in my opinion.

06-09-2014, 04:43 AM
What is the effect of this event? Such that divided the players. Paying players have lost a lot of money for someone stupid test. Players who play for free, get the frustrations and felt unwanted, 70% of free players advertise this game. This is not the first major setback Sam, it should be someone to replace. Someone with better ideas and respectful of all players. Just in my opinion.

Payers payed their money on their own risk, they should of known what type of event before they start sinking plat into farming points, it gives a special banner for the top 25, which will be rare later on in the future... I don't understand the fuss, it's like oh lets spend 1k plat and do heaps of runs THEN look up what this event gives you.

06-09-2014, 04:46 AM
Got a question:

What's the point of portals popping in mid-maps when u can straight away access it from littleridge

06-09-2014, 05:38 AM
Got a question:

What's the point of portals popping in mid-maps when u can straight away access it from littleridge

The portal in the camp doesn't take you to the goblin dungeon, does it? Last time I looked it just opens up Arlor map.

Milan Lame Man
06-09-2014, 06:38 AM
What's the point of portals popping in mid-maps when u can straight away access it from littleridge

The portal in the camp doesn't take you to the goblin dungeon, does it? Last time I looked it just opens up Arlor map.

It was originally meant to use the spawned portals only, but STS realized there is no point since the entry is limited by energy anyway, so they changed the portal in Little Camp to take you directly to the Mission map. They probably did not bother to stop portals from spawning, as this is "just a test event".

06-09-2014, 07:29 AM
Jig - Yes you are right but they are also very important factors. Rivalry and the errors in the event. On the forum was a discussion about the portal couse it was a problem with him. Look some players search portals on all maps in Arlor World, they read that in info about the portal(they lose time) and some ppl just go to same portal in event town. During the event has changed, the portal appeared exclamation point, I'm talking about the city where we have an event. Newbies read info in the game, not that forum. You forgot that. Most players asked me where they should going to portal when event starts. Some people get faster points, not only because they paying, you know what I mean. Ok now what's about tokens and free players. They not have a chance buying few items for tokens. I test that on my three total free characters. I pay only on my rogue. In gold tier I got everytime like 1-2tokens lol! Very nice drop! Sam said gold tier is good chance for better drop. Only two time I got 4tokens. On all 3free characters like my friends. Was very fun lol. Tomorrow We have last day event and 3my free characters get only vanityx2(I use all my 24h chances) wow... Only my payrogue get more...Store tokens is for all players in town event really? Not in my opinion.So fair event for all players ? no is not. And i spend lot of money in my rogue now stop so can't get banner ok my risk u have right. I get nothing that is awesome fun. I'm not trolling just want sey that event is not nice for me and my friends. Just it. We got NOTHING. Or meybe We r totaly losers ever lol yea. It s like casino not freemium game. Go ask how much money TrueOrigin spend for banner and wolf lol. And give gratz for player in top26. I'm not cryingchild i love this game. Just give my opinion dude. Halloween and Tarlok was normal and better system events. Energy token time is epic fail for me. Free players and Paying players can buy kit energy like me and you, but I think newbies with low lvl do not have gold for buy more kits energy. So unfair event. Best regards;)

06-09-2014, 09:30 AM
The portal in the camp doesn't take you to the goblin dungeon, does it? Last time I looked it just opens up Arlor map.

In recent update they directly take you to littleridge...

06-09-2014, 09:36 AM
Will we be able to use tokens a day or two after the end of the event?
About what time at what time zone event ends?

06-09-2014, 02:24 PM
The competition for lb and the prizes that are being awarded are a bad idea.

People are not taking care of themselves trying to get the top prizes. Healthwise, it's a bad decision and it would look real bad if something were to happen users in the next 3 week event. Award banners but nothing more than it.

Remove the energy orbs. The event is costing too much just to be on the lb, be competitive or simply to enjoy.

06-09-2014, 05:10 PM
I 100% agree with the energy removal.
Yes, it makes you guys at STS a bunch of money I'm sure.
For us, it costs faaaar to much to even actually enjoy. And if it doesn't cost you, because you choose not to purchase extra energy, then you get mildly nothing from the event.
Make the event harder,
so it's actually a challenge.
And most of all, a Fair competition.

Also it goes along with the new Crate system. Just sounds like a new way to screw us who buy little or no plat.
Anyway, just my 2 cents :)


06-09-2014, 05:15 PM
I don't know what others think but I have to say, Chief Fury at lv41 is kinda OP.
Even if I dodge red zones, his poison attack eats my health almost as fast as I can pot, due to potion cooldown.
I have to keep potting until he starts a red zone attack, at which time it's possible to squeeze one shot, than back to potting. If I lag for 1/2 sec, I'm dead. Same for both rogue and sorcerer.

I understand that at lv41 we are supposed to be full mythic/arcane and have an OP pet equipped (hint, hint), but is this really as hard as it was meant to be?

Sergeant Gunn one hits, but I think with some practice, this can be avoided.

Major Payne is pure insanity, it took me 40 minutes to hit a 2 minute window where I didn't lag for 1/2 a second. I can see why everyone and their mother cheats in this zone. Perhaps if Boss's damage output went a tiny little bit down each time someone dies, it would make the experience less stressful, without affecting gameplay of most.

It works all pretty well at both lv16 and lv10, hard but doable.

Not to be rude, but this is laughable.
He is not meant to be solo, just like any boss really.
In a party, he is a piss of urine to kill.


Malcolm Ireland
06-09-2014, 06:14 PM
Dissapointed, i have spent all my gold on this event (600k) on energy, now i know for some ppl thats nothing but for me that was a lot of farming. In the end i have nothing to show for it asides from the vanity and ironbite and a ring that i cant even sell, 1070 points but no chance of making leaderboard at all. Seen Gyrm drop for others still none for me yet its the only thing in event even worth trying to get, should have just spent my gold on Gyrm and would still have change. very sad that even though i have tried hard and faild i have nothing to show for it and never will as Gyrm will be so expencive after event and i dont have gold to buy him. not to mention all the luck kits ive wasted in there i would say closer to 700k gone.

toon in game name

06-09-2014, 06:28 PM
he can be killed solo using:
shield, fire, frost, light (Currently I'm running a 5 skill pure PVE build too)
Scorch, grimm, Clyde as pets - I'd have used others but those are 3 of the 5 I get with the stable issue. You have to move constantly and keep your distance. Chief and Payne are tough but they are meant to be.

One point that does come from this question is that I've had more success finding Payne running solo than with groups of pugs. Didn't realize early on that I was probably hurting others as a bronze.

06-09-2014, 09:46 PM
If you can log in and play daily, you can do 3 boss runs to advance in tiers. The higher tier bosses are harder, but they drop more tokens. You can get to gold tier and enough tokens for several items from the token vendor (depending on what you want to buy). That's all free to play. I hope that helps.

Here is my near end token total.. I'll get two energy before the event ends tomorrow so 12 more if I'm lucky and get major payne, plus the two from the daily so 14 added to this for a total of 90 tokens for this event. I did not buy any energy at all and one energy was always on CD, but I did get lucky and got two free energy from the bosses. I'm unable to get the weapon or the amulet.... which is the best item in the event besides gyrm.

Since I did NOT PAY in plat or in gold I do not get the best item the event has to offer. Bummed just bummed with this energy system.

http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a629/jackmkj09221/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2014-06-09-22-33-04_zpsrzird9d_edit_1402367673614_zps1w7wj0xu.png (http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/jackmkj09221/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_2014-06-09-22-33-04_zpsrzird9d_edit_1402367673614_zps1w7wj0xu.png.h tml)

06-10-2014, 08:13 AM
Not sure if this was mentioned before: when entering the event map, random groups should be formed of toons on the same tier level!

06-10-2014, 01:06 PM
Not sure if this was mentioned before: when entering the event map, random groups should be formed of toons on the same tier level!

+1 on this idea. Only players on the same tier should be able to join the map.

Also, I feel your pain Rare. The energy system ruined this event.

06-10-2014, 02:50 PM
I don't have an issue with pugs. They're always risky and part of playing as a party involves planning the party - not just by level, but role/class and even what gear etc players have.

ain't got no how whatchamacallit (kurt cobain)

06-10-2014, 02:58 PM
Remove the energy system to make the event successful.

06-10-2014, 04:39 PM
Not sure if this was mentioned before: when entering the event map, random groups should be formed of toons on the same tier level!

This is a must. Or death to pugs.

06-10-2014, 04:53 PM
Remove the energy system to make the event successful.

Could not agree more my friend.
This energy system has made it slightly unfair.
I do understand that as someone who doesn't pay much towards the game, I'm probably not going to get the best items,

BUT however, I would like to have the opportunity to get some of those good items if I put in the playing hours instead of the real $$$.
I think with the option of paying to get ahead, or working towards it would be fair, yes some will excell with $$$ but in the end the payer and the worker get to the same point - this would seem fair to me.


06-10-2014, 04:58 PM
StS should take this feedback into consideration. They know, this time it was not a great move to get the most out of plats. Just make it a bit fair, so that one could win that dog like purple wolf pet without spending 24hours a day or spending all the gold they've farmed for. Btw like haligali said, account sharing is promoted?

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06-15-2014, 06:33 AM
the problem with energy ball is it's take 8 hours for 1 energy why don't make it 1 energy per hour and those energy kits make me poor after goblin event ended i farm elite maps i loot nothing and i cant cover my gold that i spent on goblin event

broken english :livid: