View Full Version : if you are going to continue making plat only events

06-04-2014, 02:32 PM
You should make a way to earn plat in game I waited for this new event to lauch to find out i have to spend 10 plat just to enter the event not even guaranteeing you will get a item drop or pet drop that is b.s. I've spent 31000 plat on thiz flippin game an now I cant even enjoy the events because u decide to make them plat only... sincerely, a very very irriated player (ibnub, yuzzir, deadlydreamz) p.s. if anyone disagreez with this you are a fool an I dont care to hear ur opinion

06-04-2014, 02:38 PM
Hey IB, you don;t have to pay to enter the event. I believe that item is something that helps you. If you purchased it mistakenly please email support and we'll get it straightened out.

06-04-2014, 02:38 PM
it didnt cost 10 plat u couldve hit the x and continued

06-04-2014, 02:40 PM
Im gonna try this one more time m super irriated atm tho

06-04-2014, 02:41 PM
I actually agree that Plat should just become another currency that is tradable and earnable within the game. As it is, plat is available from contests, offers, purchase why not have killing a massive elite end boss give a chance at dropping plat? That would be awesome! While it MAY impact plat purchases, I think that creating plat sinks is relatively easy as there are tons ... as this event portends.

06-04-2014, 02:42 PM
Not tradible but in game earnible would be nice then all players have a chance to save up plat for opening cratez an vanitiez etc. An I dont mean huge amountz at once juz a little here and a little there that would not effect plat purchases but it would give lower income players a reason to continue playing the game

06-04-2014, 02:47 PM
The 10 Plat pop up is what we call the "Bane" item. As the Event Information describes, this can help you fight the bosses by protecting you from goblin poison and slowing effects. It is optional and the event is tuned so that the bosses (with a good group) are still doable without Bane Items.

Also, if you log in and play everyday for the event you can get to Gold without spending Platinum for entry into boss fight zones.

Have fun in the Goblin Event!

06-06-2014, 01:11 PM
The 10 Plat pop up is what we call the "Bane" item. As the Event Information describes, this can help you fight the bosses by protecting you from goblin poison and slowing effects. It is optional and the event is tuned so that the bosses (with a good group) are still doable without Bane Items.

Also, if you log in and play everyday for the event you can get to Gold without spending Platinum for entry into boss fight zones.

Have fun in the Goblin Event!
Don't worry I will play it everyday ! And sure! I'll post results too!:D so they would know it