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View Full Version : Pay to Win contest, Unfair IMO

06-04-2014, 04:02 PM
Hey STS ,
Well, we all were really excited for this event. When this came out and when we started hunting portals, we got to know 3 portal entries in 8 hours. Firstly I thought its the same for everyone, but friends told that they can buy kits that can be tradeable for plats or in Consignment Store that let you infinite entries to the portal. From plats, You get a bundle of 5 energy bars and in CS you can sell only 1. I went like a crazy guy and bought over 25 for 25k+ each. Then I knew it was just 1 energy bar for 25k instead the whole kit of 5.
It's okay, we all know you earn a lot during these event( Pay to WIn ofc). But isn't it unfair for the ones who don't spend Money?
It's a nice event no doubt, I loved it a lot but "Everyone wants to win". Why to pay or Waste our gold to win it? As a Farmer we can't spend a million just for a contest and If we don't win, we can't bear the loss.
That pet for top 3 made me excited but didn't knew things would be like this. I'm so sorry but I didn't like the idea.
Plat to gold conversion is 1plat=1kgold right? Why the kits were not buyable for 25k for the ones who dont use plats?
That's it, can't throw all the blame on you. There would be many who loved it. But there would be a lot who didnt liked it. I didn't liked it and I wont be spending much time on this event. I wish the next event would be slightly better than this.
Was a feedback from a "Non-Plat User".

06-04-2014, 05:00 PM
There is literally nothing to do in this event for non plat users

06-04-2014, 05:12 PM
As a free to play player, if you have the time, you can log in and play each day to kill bosses and get to the Gold Tier. That's a pretty nice ring for the Gold reward and you'll get enough tokens for a few nice items from the token vendor.

With that in mind though, we'd ask that feedback be kept to one thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?157979-Goblin-Event-Official-Suggestions-and-Feedback-Thread

It makes it much easier to find.
