View Full Version : Quistions to devs

06-06-2014, 11:49 PM
I wonder if this game wil ever get an update that will satisfy your customers?
If it wont, time to delete this game that made me happy everyday BEFORE.

Your Loving loyal to dark legends,

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06-07-2014, 01:21 AM
yup its about time we dont get nothing every other sts game gets an update like every month

06-07-2014, 01:12 PM
Wrong, the only legend game that receives regularly updates is AL.

Although I agree with the OP that they should delete the game instead of neglecting it, they won't. I wouldn't either if I were a Dev, they still squeeze money out of it

06-07-2014, 11:35 PM
I don't think they should delete the game, but treating all the games the same wi same types of updates like if AL gets expansion, DL,PL,and SL need one, same thing should go for events etc.. It seems like AL's top level is getting so close to PL's it's just crazy because PL cam out like what 4 yrs before AL. And if you go on AL's forums it's just a bunch of little kids whining about how bad the "new update" is, when we are here waiting to have one after 2-3 weeks or even a few years like an level update. But hey, who am I to judge? When you spoil one game too much you get a bunch of people expecting more and more and that's what's happening to AL, when they stop getting that "expected" update, you watch, the game will lose players a lot, it happens everytime!

06-08-2014, 11:27 PM
I don't think they should delete the game, but treating all the games the same wi same types of updates like if AL gets expansion, DL,PL,and SL need one, same thing should go for events etc.. It seems like AL's top level is getting so close to PL's it's just crazy because PL cam out like what 4 yrs before AL. And if you go on AL's forums it's just a bunch of little kids whining about how bad the "new update" is, when we are here waiting to have one after 2-3 weeks or even a few years like an level update. But hey, who am I to judge? When you spoil one game too much you get a bunch of people expecting more and more and that's what's happening to AL, when they stop getting that "expected" update, you watch, the game will lose players a lot, it happens everytime!

i agree