View Full Version : Join wicked nyx incarnations ^0^

06-09-2014, 09:05 PM
Join our ye old guild where everyone has free will :eagerness:.We here are committed to help and give members here the best time while joining our guild:chuncky:.
GUILD MASTER: Martyrgoddess

The Rules For members/Recruiters[/B]:
1.No scamming members, any reports of people in the guild scamming will be reported immediatley
2.each member will have 3 chances for misbehaviour.
3.Each member will respect each other and other people in the guild

The Rules For officers:
1.Do not abuse the privilege of kicking out members with out the masters ruling.
2.officers can be deactive for the minimum of 20 days (if officer hasnt been or, or not active..demotion will be set.)
3.Officers will respect, and help out member's with problems/and or questions
4.Each officer will have 3 chances each.

LIST OF GUILD OFFICERS(officer list will be updated)

Follow us:angel:
Go to instagram.com and follow wickednyx_incarnations for more updates, events, and much more ^-^