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06-10-2014, 01:39 AM
To those anyone who know me in game, you'd probably understand what happened to me.

So I let this friend of mine (who will not be named for privacy reasons) borrow my Arcane Ring just for him to enjoy PvP for a little while; yet unfortunately he got banned. This isn't something new to us - I've been lending him the ring for a couple of times in the past and I know he won't run away with my ring.

I guess this serves as a lesson learned to me not to lend items to anyone. It's just so much bad luck that this person got banned. I tried emailing support and I hope they'll be considerate about the issue. :/

Any advice on how to proceed will be highly appreciated

06-10-2014, 01:45 AM

I think if you have proof of ownership like screen shots of conversation and you the rightful owned of the ring will help.

If you screen shot your conversation and agreement that he is borrowing it sts might consider, if not sts cant tell you sold the ring to him or maybe his the owner of the ring and this is just a way to get the ring out of the banned account so it wont be at waste.

I think you got screen shots, Ring is very expensive for you not to have a back-up plan if ever he runs away with it.

06-10-2014, 01:50 AM

I hate to break it to you but any other case I've seen in this scenario always gets rejected. Why? I do not know. I personally don't think somebody else should be punished just because the person that he or she trusts was not careful enough to follow the ToS.

What I personally do when allowing people to borrow my item(s) is to remain online and do not log off until I have the item(s) back in my possession. This is the only sure way I can know that I will get my item(s) back.

Best of luck on your quest to get your ring back. I know you worked hard for it!

P.S: PM'd you some more advice in game. :)

06-10-2014, 02:16 AM
This happened to me also, i lended my whole l15 perfect set to friend, and he got banned for some weird reason.
Emailed support answer was simply, nocando.

To make it even more funny used a lot plat to craft em full super wind, and used millions for items and gems...

06-10-2014, 02:19 AM
Same here, spent a lot on Tarlok gems to make it max grand gems - about 85-93 if I'm not mistaken. Thanks for the input guys!

06-10-2014, 02:40 AM
Sorry to hear this...

I guess it is unlikely that STS will return the ring to you under their return policy:


Spacetime Studios does not arbitrate trade disputes. All trades are considered final. It is the players responsibility to verify a trade before they accept it.
Items traded or sold to another player either accidentally or intentionally will not be reimbursed.
Trade scams are not allowed, if you feel you are scammed please report the player and include a detailed description.
Trading or selling a guild or guild name is not permitted. Any sale or issue that arises from a player attempting to do this will not be refunded.


Wish you can have your ring back.

06-10-2014, 03:27 AM
Well, that sucks. :/

From personal experience, when you lose something of that value out of nowhere you don't know how to react - you might get over it faster than you believed you would though! So my advice is, be polite and patient with support and in the worst case, take a deep breath and think what you want to do next. Since in your case it's feasible to recover with those pro merching skills you hide under your sleeves, maybe this opportunity gave you something to -once more- work towards to? :)

Good luck either way!

06-10-2014, 03:32 AM
Sorry to hear about this Limsy. Hopefully support can do you a favor and recover the item. After all, it's not like you traded it to someone who stole it. STS themselves are responsible for you losing the item since it is they who issued the ban, so they should do you a favor and recover it, especially since you are a good support of theirs.

06-10-2014, 03:40 AM
@Madnex That's actually what Zeus told me in game; I'll be sure to follow those steps. Thanks for the concern and immediate response.

@Energizeric Well I do hope they'd be considerate with this issue. I do hope they can dig in through my chatlogs and whatnot to solidify my proof of ownership. Once again, thanks for your kind words and thoughtful responses. By the way, belated congratulations to your Kershal!

06-10-2014, 03:40 AM
Happened to me in star legends, i lent my frnd/bro a squid buddy vanity ( equivalent to arcane ring in al) he got banned for sharing accnt with his frnd and sts couldn't recover my squid bcoz even though i had ss of him lending squid buddy it didn't rlly proved anything solid so they can recover most expensive tradable item of game..

Good luck though..

06-10-2014, 03:49 AM
@Iliketolol : Pretty similar case with mine, but I'm not sure with the reason of my friend's ban. Thank you for the support! ^.^

Madnex is right; maybe this serves as an opportunity for me to get back what I lost, no matter how much the cost of that particular item is. It was a series of tough and stressful times of pure merching (I seldom open lockeds) to amass that amount of gold for that ring. This by far is the most disheartening thing that has ever occurred to my Arcane Legends life.

I send my gratitude to the countless support from people, both here and in game who continue to cheer me up making this issue feel less devastating. I guess all I can do now is hope muahahaha

06-10-2014, 03:54 AM
Oh no Lims! :(

06-10-2014, 04:27 AM
Sorry to hear! Why did that person get banned? Maybe it's just a 7 day ban and not perma?

06-10-2014, 05:17 AM
I think this also happened to Hardek(s2-s4 PvP tank)
He lend his maul to his friend and then his friend got banned. Last thing i heard is that he quit bcos of this issue and not able to get his item back.

Sorry to hear and goodluck if youre trying to get your ring back.

06-10-2014, 05:51 AM
sry to hear that Lims :( try and get it back

06-10-2014, 05:57 AM
First of all hugs, how frustrating to have a valuable item gone it is extremely disheartening!!!! However, remain optimistic the item will be returned to you. I'm going to PM you.

06-10-2014, 06:01 AM
First of all hugs, how frustrating to have a valuable item gone it is extremely disheartening!!!! However, remain optimistic the item will be returned to you. I'm going to PM you.

Thanks for cheering me up! Responses like this only keep my hopes held up high.

06-10-2014, 06:03 AM
This has happened to me before! But nothing as serious and I really, really feel bad for you and hope to god you get your ring back, thats hell crazy! Only for me I lent someone 300k and got banned, but holy cow arcane ring.

I myself stand up and support this! A dev needs to get Lims ring back!

06-10-2014, 06:08 AM
Oh so you're the mage I've been seeing in TDM! Thanks for the support jiig. Don't compare my losses to yours cause regardless of the price difference, we both worked hard for it - something immesurable

06-10-2014, 06:26 AM
Wow, that's horrible :/

I'm sure STS could do something about it - it certainly is in their power. At any rate, wish you best of luck on getting it back. You sure don't deserve losing the most valuable item in the game...

Again, GL!

06-10-2014, 07:45 AM
Oh so you're the mage I've been seeing in TDM! Thanks for the support jiig. Don't compare my losses to yours cause regardless of the price difference, we both worked hard for it - something immesurable

Yes indeed I am the little blue smurf that does not shutup xD

Serious though yeah I know what you mean, but it's an item worth 100m+, now that's hard work gone, and without even breaking any rules.

06-10-2014, 07:48 AM

I think if you have proof of ownership like screen shots of conversation and you the rightful owned of the ring will help.

If you screen shot your conversation and agreement that he is borrowing it sts might consider, if not sts cant tell you sold the ring to him or maybe his the owner of the ring and this is just a way to get the ring out of the banned account so it wont be at waste.

I think you got screen shots, Ring is very expensive for you not to have a back-up plan if ever he runs away with it.

I don't think STS will buy this.. easy way to falsify it and get an item duped

06-10-2014, 07:52 AM
sts can see the trading records and I hope sts returns ur precious ring.

06-10-2014, 08:18 AM
"Those who break the rules are
trash, but those who don't care about their friends are worse than trash!" - Obito

I hope you will get your ring back.

via orange caramel app.

06-10-2014, 08:25 AM
sts can see the trading records and I hope sts returns ur precious ring.

They cant trace trading records..

06-10-2014, 08:32 AM
To those anyone who know me in game, you'd probably understand what happened to me.

So I let this friend of mine (who will not be named for privacy reasons) borrow my Arcane Ring just for him to enjoy PvP for a little while; yet unfortunately he got banned. This isn't something new to us - I've been lending him the ring for a couple of times in the past and I know he won't run away with my ring.

I guess this serves as a lesson learned to me not to lend items to anyone. It's just so much bad luck that this person got banned. I tried emailing support and I hope they'll be considerate about the issue. :/

Any advice on how to proceed will be highly appreciated

Yep, I'm sorry for that Lym but STS NEVER recover items, and if STS make it with you, say me because to me STS no help me when one rouge steel me fang, blood ruby, lepre and bow of potency lvl 41 :/. only banned

06-10-2014, 08:44 AM
Yep, I'm sorry for that Lym but STS NEVER recover items, and if STS make it with you, say me because to me STS no help me when one rouge steel me fang, blood ruby, lepre and bow of potency lvl 41 :/. only banned

I think in this case though, those items can be earned back with time. Losing an arcane ring is enough to make anyone quit the game considering it's a one shot ticket to a Midas Touch. GG 100m. :(

So, I think particularly expensive items should get special treatment as it's usually only once in a lifetime that somebody can afford them.

06-10-2014, 09:02 AM
I think in this case though, those items can be earned back with time. Losing an arcane ring is enough to make anyone quit the game considering it's a one shot ticket to a Midas Touch. GG 100m. :(

So, I think particularly expensive items should get special treatment as it's usually only once in a lifetime that somebody can afford them.

+1 spot on with that, doesn't take 1 month, 2 month, heck takes a lot longer then 10months unless your a very skilled mercher, to earn such amount of gold... That's his blood sweat and tears of long lasting hard work right there and I mean it!

Let's start a riot! Return Lims ring! Return Lims ring!

06-10-2014, 09:25 AM
Hey Lim,

Sorry to hear about your loss, I hope you get your ring back as you worked hard for it. Merching that much gold must have taken you ages.

Sts, return Lims ring!

Sent from my ST26i using Tapatalk

06-10-2014, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys, it gives me hope despite the odds against my favor! I really appreciate them and cannot thank you all more than enough

06-10-2014, 09:38 AM
Whenever I borrow items I try to insure it (if I can) or make sure to return the item before they or I log off.

Pixels on a screen should never sour a friendship.

06-10-2014, 10:16 AM
Personally I do hope the company can make up your loss.

However, I will be very sad if the company do that only for you because we have many other friends who lose some costly items or gold in the game due to some ineluctable accidents. I still remember one of our friend, Smurfina, lost his mythic dagger due to some unknown issue, but the company didn't restore his items even though many forumers here testified that he did own that item.

06-10-2014, 10:19 AM
This is unfortunate, but how do you know he was banned? He could be enjoying your ring on another super secret account. Perfect scam.

06-10-2014, 10:25 AM
Wow sorry to hear this Lims..... I wish ypu could get the ring back!! :/

06-10-2014, 10:26 AM
I think in this case though, those items can be earned back with time. Losing an arcane ring is enough to make anyone quit the game considering it's a one shot ticket to a Midas Touch. GG 100m. :(

So, I think particularly expensive items should get special treatment as it's usually only once in a lifetime that somebody can afford them.

yep, I recover everything in 2 months, but I am always a great sadness :/

06-10-2014, 10:28 AM
So, I think particularly expensive items should get special treatment as it's usually only once in a lifetime that somebody can afford them.

Zeus lot depends, for my blood was expensive from the point of view that works very hard to get, let's say I'm lower class :(

but totally agree with what you say to me you steal one arcane ring, I die: O and STS should pay a little more attention or make special arrangements.

06-10-2014, 10:47 AM
Sorry to hear about this, well he was a bad egg from the start I guess which is why he is banned in the first place.

I do hope your items are given back!

06-10-2014, 12:21 PM
Got a reply from support and it seems they won't be giving it back no matter how hard I try convincing them. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

This does not diminish my support for STG but certainly delivers a blow to me.

Request for lock.

06-10-2014, 12:22 PM

I hate to break it to you but any other case I've seen in this scenario always gets rejected. Why? I do not know. I personally don't think somebody else should be punished just because the person that he or she trusts was not careful enough to follow the ToS.

What I personally do when allowing people to borrow my item(s) is to remain online and do not log off until I have the item(s) back in my possession. This is the only sure way I can know that I will get my item(s) back.

Best of luck on your quest to get your ring back. I know you worked hard for it!

P.S: PM'd you some more advice in game. :)

What about Imkelly?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

06-10-2014, 12:28 PM
Got a reply from support and it seems they won't be giving it back no matter how hard I try convincing them. Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

This does not diminish my support for STG but certainly delivers a blow to me.

Request for lock.

im fell sorry for u....arcane ring is most expensive in arcane legend....dont give up and dont quit....start new live.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

06-10-2014, 12:34 PM
Ouch lim, ALWAYS get collateral...even for borrowing (just like banks do)... just because of things like this..I see why STS doesn't respond to cases like this because there system cant track sales or trades or gifts..so conversations of borrowing...is really hard to understand especially when its a high demand item...I wish you luck :(


06-10-2014, 12:59 PM
What about Imkelly?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

That was the only scenario where I didn't and since then, I've learned from it. :)

06-10-2014, 01:22 PM
That was the only scenario where I didn't and since then, I've learned from it. :)

Yes I know but I figured that Lim could still get it back because this is almost the same situation as Imkelly, no?

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