View Full Version : About Country Banners...

06-10-2014, 06:37 PM
Hey guys,

As a bit of perspective, I believe when last we looked that Arcane Legends had been downloaded in something like 200 countries. That's a lot! When we put in the country banners we chose the top 20 that had the most population. While we'd love to do any and all flags, there are implications to pumping too many textures into the game (memory and performance implications and the like). We would prefer to save that future memory real estate for expansions, new vanities, armor, weapons and the like.

At this time we don't have plans to add additional country flags. Thanks very much for your understanding.

Hey guys,

We've commented on this several times in the past. When we put in the country banners, we pulled lists of all the different countries (over 200!) that have played Arcane Legends and made banners for the top 20. We only did 20 because it takes memory to have new items. Texture memory is not infinite. We would rather keep space available for awesome new armor and weapons rather than make 200 country banners and be all-inclusive.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

When we created the game, we created 20 country banners based on the population in each country. With so many players in so many countries, we couldn't possibly put in every single one. Each banner takes of space and memory in the game and we want to make sure that we save that space for things like new gear, content, and features to make the game more interesting to play all the time. We hope you'll understand!

Please refrain from posting any more suggestions regarding the addition of any more country banners! And generally, use the search function to avoid creating multiple threads on the same topic!

Peace out!


06-10-2014, 06:42 PM

06-10-2014, 06:52 PM

Yusssssssss :)

06-11-2014, 12:18 AM
Yeah, sticky this pls STS

Country banner requests are annoying -.-

Milan Lame Man
06-11-2014, 02:42 AM
But the idea of "Africa" banner is cool... I think the game can handle 6 or so more flags (I'd get Antarctica for sure).