View Full Version : Noob question about XP elixir.

06-11-2014, 03:18 AM
Does it affects on pet xp? What if i stacked the 60m elixir + regular xp elixir? And what if i disabled my xp gain?

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06-11-2014, 03:41 AM
yes it effect pet xp too, 50% xp elix and pet xp gain like abadon will stacked.

the of the elix im not sure.

06-11-2014, 03:42 AM
XP elixirs of different %'s do stack. I have tested this and pets level regardless of your Option panel xp gain setting. So if you stack up xp on a twink, your pets will reach your level much faster.

So for example, if you run a map that is 100xp without an elixir, and add a combo on, your xp gain is 130 (I am assuming combo is 30%xp, I am not in game to check). If you add a 25% elixir along with the combo, it does not add on 25% of the 130 (which would result in 162.5), but of the original 100. So 30% elixir and 25% elixir on a 100xp run would give you 155xp. Of course most runs have much more than this, but it was an easy number to use.

If you add people to run with you that will increase it even more. I have a guide to be published sometime soon that includes the gains per party member both with and without elixir stacks, as well as various other goodies. Keep an eye out for it.