View Full Version : Silence

06-12-2014, 01:47 PM
I've started AL again as melodywiz. Something has..changed...though. Everywhere I go its silent. No one says ANYTHING. When I ask for a party or to join a guild, it's just silence. The only thing I hear is a couple of conversations in a foreign language. Yes!! There are SO many fair ring people it's insane. Congrats for the new foreign game, AL...

Has AL changed? I remember it busy and cheerful like PL. Now, everything's just..dead... "Join a guild" my friend tells me. Well, almost no one will invite me, and the guilds I HAVE been invited to are quiet, small, and inactive. Hey, have you checked the ratings lately? 0 STARS. It's the players. They're either mostly foreign or REALLY quiet.

The game is getting really boring. I have no guild to help me and no one to talk to. PLEASE do something, whether your a player or an mod. Players can spread cheer and start active guilds. STS, it's up to you. Is this what you want? A foreign, quiet, lonely game? Hasn't anyone else noticed this?

06-12-2014, 02:02 PM
You need to be 40+ to enjoy the real fun of AL:). Twink PvP are also fun. No AL is not at all dead.

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06-12-2014, 02:02 PM
The guild hubs are usually vibrant in conversations and activity. Though usually it's trolling/flaming 80% of the time.

06-12-2014, 02:11 PM
Problem, Zylx. I don't have a guild. Most guilds are quiet, small, and foreign. Only a couple, the ones that discriminate small leveled players are actually enjoyable, but they just spit in my eye when I try to join. It's always something.

And ishmeet, you don't have to be lvl 40 to do pvp... Lvl 40 is even worse because there's nothing to do. Does it even make a difference what lvl you are? My main is lvl 22. Arcane legends used to be noisy EVERYWHERE. Enjoyable, helpful, cheerful. Now the lvl apparently matters.

06-12-2014, 02:17 PM
Did I say, you should be 40+ to do pvp? Read it again bud. At 40+ you can run elites to earn for yourself.

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06-12-2014, 02:17 PM
As i said many times, if things keep going this way, al is gonna be like pl, sl and dl

06-12-2014, 02:29 PM
Problem, Zylx. I don't have a guild. Most guilds are quiet, small, and foreign. Only a couple, the ones that discriminate small leveled players are actually enjoyable, but they just spit in my eye when I try to join. It's always something.

And ishmeet, you don't have to be lvl 40 to do pvp... Lvl 40 is even worse because there's nothing to do. Does it even make a difference what lvl you are? My main is lvl 22. Arcane legends used to be noisy EVERYWHERE. Enjoyable, helpful, cheerful. Now the lvl apparently matters.

I'm referring to guild hubs/guild castles in townes that you would normally go through to get to a guild hall. You don't need a guild to enter one. Most active one i think is Kraag. Kelys' is dead.

06-12-2014, 02:55 PM
You don't speak for all, lol. And this is a worldwide game dude, ofc people will be speaking a foreign language. And yes, that is a kind of game StG wants. And you said it yourself; you haven't played since the beginning, so rly your points aren't acknowledged as much as someone who has played for a long time. No need to be so sassy and jump to conclusions.

06-12-2014, 03:05 PM
Unless you are at end game level the game is probably pretty dead. And most top guilds don't want to invite anyone who isn't capped and has like 10k AP points. If you are at twink level then its just PvP only. My suggestion is just grind it out in WT4 and try to form parties with random people. Then get up to level 40/41 and go check the guild top list and ask to join one of those guilds. Try to find one where people are close to your own time zone so they are probably playing around the same time as you.

06-12-2014, 03:08 PM
I have noticed a drop in players online recently. I haven't been playing as much either since the last event came out. Players should return for the next event and if it it's successful they will most likely stay.

06-12-2014, 03:19 PM
If things are quiet this weekend, I suspect it might be because people are busy upgrading their gear/merching gems.

ain't got no how whatchamacallit (kurt cobain)

06-12-2014, 04:02 PM
You don't speak for all, lol. And this is a worldwide game dude, ofc people will be speaking a foreign language. And yes, that is a kind of game StG wants. And you said it yourself; you haven't played since the beginning, so rly your points aren't acknowledged as much as someone who has played for a long time. No need to be so sassy and jump to conclusions.
I only stopped playing like half a year ago.. I hav a lvl 22 account

06-12-2014, 04:03 PM
I have noticed a drop in players online recently. I haven't been playing as much either since the last event came out. Players should return for the next event and if it it's successful they will most likely stay.
Very possible. I sure hope so :)

06-12-2014, 04:06 PM
Unless you are at end game level the game is probably pretty dead. And most top guilds don't want to invite anyone who isn't capped and has like 10k AP points. If you are at twink level then its just PvP only. My suggestion is just grind it out in WT4 and try to form parties with random people. Then get up to level 40/41 and go check the guild top list and ask to join one of those guilds. Try to find one where people are close to your own time zone so they are probably playing around the same time as you.

Well no one will team with me. I invite them, they join, and they go do something else... Or when I ask people they just totally ignore me

06-12-2014, 05:37 PM
What do you mean by foreign game?

06-12-2014, 05:49 PM
I only stopped playing like half a year ago.. I hav a lvl 22 account

I suggest you go run hauntlet repeatedly. The XP is fairly good and usually you don't have to wait too long for randoms to join. Also you can buy stuff with hauntlet tokens.

06-12-2014, 09:18 PM
I didn't read all the comments, but if you need a guild, I am in a fairly active, non level discriminating guild. They are always playing, pve, pvp, whatever. All levels. Pm me if your interested.

06-12-2014, 09:58 PM
I don't know the AL you played before, but I don't think it was the same game.

I have been in game since season 1 and there was never a time when you ccould stand in Travelers Outpost, ask for a party, and actually expect to get one. No town has ever been a hub of actual conversation and socializing. The chat you see is people begging or spamming trying to sell stuff because they are too cheap to list it. Most actual conversations are held via pm or guild chat because who wants to announce their business to a bunch of strangers?

I thought it was odd when I started in season 1 that nobody had conversations in public here, having come from a game where there were no pm's so everything was in public chat. That was in season 1, and I got used to it soon enough. But it is exactly the same now as it was back then. Nothing has changed.

06-12-2014, 10:55 PM
I do know exactly what you are talking about, and I think this suggestion would help with this issue somewhat:


06-13-2014, 01:26 AM
I have noticed a drop in players online recently. I haven't been playing as much either since the last event came out. Players should return for the next event and if it it's successful they will most likely stay.

Agree :) when i check my friend list, i am seeing a drop on onnlines

06-13-2014, 01:37 AM
They probably all quiet'd down because they knew you was comin' back, and they all wanted to get in your head. Haha :)

06-13-2014, 08:11 AM
Its the direction this game was driven. It discourages meeting new people and socializing (except to merch and make gold). It discourages even playing with new people which is unfortunate. Unless you join a new guild or PVP, its near impossible to meet any new blood. Unless you're just tombing it up all day. Then, no problems.

06-13-2014, 09:16 AM
I dont know anything about PVE stuff and running maps etc but I do know that AL is pretty much alive underneath all that silence in maps and general places my guild chat is lively as always and all we do is pvp rest in town pvp again, you must've been looking for a guild on a wrong place or asking the wrong people. The initiative should come from you not the game

06-13-2014, 10:11 AM
I'm lolling at foreign meaning anything except english ...

And yeah, it's a busy game actually, I spent levels 1 to 28 following quests and meeting some people along the way, but it was only at level 28 that I joined the guild I'm in now and made good friends and started to have a whole lot more fun.

I'm glad I did the first bit more or less on my own though - I think you get a good grip on the game that way.

ain't got no how whatchamacallit (kurt cobain)

06-13-2014, 10:33 AM
This is a small, mobile MMO. There cant be more than a certain number of players in a given zone to keep the game stable.

The language barrier is thin in the game. The diversity is impacting the communication gap between the players.

People (including me) only associate with friends and guild mates.

If you want a place where the public chat keeps rolling, the guild castles are just that. Though normally, the maturity level is :P.

06-13-2014, 11:14 AM
Go to kraag guild hub thats where all the cool ppl are.

06-14-2014, 10:17 PM
I didn't read all the comments, but if you need a guild, I am in a fairly active, non level discriminating guild. They are always playing, pve, pvp, whatever. All levels. Pm me if your interested.

Thank you!! That would be great :) what's your ign? Mines melodywiz

06-14-2014, 10:25 PM
Many long time players have left recently. Their is a shift in players and new name a will become prevelant soon enough.