View Full Version : How Event Crates & Chests Work During the Ursoth's Assault Event

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06-18-2014, 07:43 AM
STS are NOT sucks if you don't like the game leave then no need to insult.

I just saying true..

Wysłane z mojego Nexus 7 2013 przy użyciu Tapatalka

06-18-2014, 08:23 AM
I hate games for only rich people. Sts you are sucks. If want adding more options for only rich people, You should know that all players (not rich) will out the game. Arcane Legends is going down, because it's also boring for non rich players.. doing elite etc. Boring.. Need something special, special event (open locked crates for free(0plats) or drop mythic/arcane things (egg, weapons etc. on elite not just from crates -.- )
It's all, Thank You..
Sorry for my English ..
If u dont have any something nice words...don't try to say that...
Anyway, u must see the event first (see the event begins to released) before commenting the event when u read those event's details.
Patience is the key, imagine if u commenting so bad but after the event released, the event is very good, right? Am I correct?

06-18-2014, 08:36 AM
If u dont have any something nice words...don't try to say that...
Anyway, u must see the event first (see the event begins to released) before commenting the event when u read those event's details.
Patience is the key, imagine if u commenting so bad but after the event released, the event is very good, right? Am I correct?

I saying about all the game

Wysłane z mojego Nexus 7 2013 przy użyciu Tapatalka

06-18-2014, 08:58 AM
Nobody here understands the economics of this. I suppose it's mostly kids here, so no big surprise, but the rage of people is totally unwarranted. It wouldn't matter if they said it took 20 crates to make 1 new one with 20x odds. In the end your current locked crates will still be worth the same amount on the market. The better the odds and the more expensive the materials to make the event crates are, the more expensive those event crates will be.

And if the odds are lower for the mythic weapons, or the event locked crates are super scarce because they are so hard to craft, then the mythic weapons will be scarce and will be worth a ton, and as a result those event crates will be worth a ton.

Remember that people pay 100k+ for an elite golden dragonscale chest for a chance at a 80m arcane shard. So people will pay big money for these event crates. So stop all the complaining. None of this planned stuff is going to affect how much your locked crates are. That is how supply and demand works. They will be worth what they are worth regardless.

Truthfully, this idea to need to craft the event crates will probably make the regular locked crates more valuable since they are a necessary crafting component. People have a certain amount of plat to spend on opening locked, and this crafting causes the number of crates to drop by 3 times, and thus makes them more desirable.

Casinos are required by law to publish a break down of their revenue from different sources. Higher denominations slot machines (quarter-fifty cents- dollar) have a better return for the player but penny slots have 3 times the drop rate (amount the players spend). The reason for this is not because they are stupid but because they understand both odds AND variance. Variance is what keeps smart players from betting too high a percentage of their bankroll on a single spin due to the increased risk of ruin. High odds are great, big payouts are fantastic, but if you get knocked off the table after two rolls none of that matters.
My point? Stop assuming people who understand these crates a whole lot more then you are uneducated children, and stop thinking all other players with a whole lot more gold then you 'inherited' it and didn't perhaps get it because they actually understand and adapt to the economy instead of whining for change every time they run into an obstacle.

06-18-2014, 09:01 AM
All People may be happy, as long as the new crates also can be crafted with recepies and essences when the event is over. Good Job STS.

06-18-2014, 10:08 AM
The issue that may present itself is the crafting process. Depending on the quantity of essences required it may prove to be a tough feat for anyone not playing hours and hours each day to make a descent amount. I was personally hoping to open around 100 locks during the event. Time will tell if I will be able to craft that many.
Bingo... some of us have jobs and have to go to work to earn real money that's spent supporting the game... paying people salaries. Since we are the paying customers I would think it's probably our right to have a say in how the product is presented...

Casinos are required by law to publish a break down of their revenue from different sources. Higher denominations slot machines (quarter-fifty cents- dollar) have a better return for the player but penny slots have 3 times the drop rate (amount the players spend). The reason for this is not because they are stupid but because they understand both odds AND variance. Variance is what keeps smart players from betting too high a percentage of their bankroll on a single spin due to the increased risk of ruin. High odds are great, big payouts are fantastic, but if you get knocked off the table after two rolls none of that matters.
My point? Stop assuming people who understand these crates a whole lot more then you are uneducated children, and stop thinking all other players with a whole lot more gold then you 'inherited' it and didn't perhaps get it because they actually understand and adapt to the economy instead of whining for change every time they run into an obstacle.
Props for this Fluff... I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried :^} Also coming from you this means a lot.

06-18-2014, 10:08 AM
All People may be happy, as long as the new crates also can be crafted with recepies and essences when the event is over. Good Job STS.

Something to do! Now non plat players can only farms eggs and more importantly Locked elites is not worth at ol we need something to do and having profit for this now i can farm (km3 + mali + snag/wrath) and maybe i buy Arcane Maul hmm when AL will be releasing lvl cap 50/60lv + that's not funny Pay Items must be Farm able! Sts says Arcane it's really hard to get and worth ok fine i love that so delete lockeds and add Arcane items to boss thats is fun when you get items hard to get frome boss elixirs will be sell like massive (when you delete kit) 2 options is delete old items from craters and add to boss drop like hooks staffes mythic eggs all oldest in locked will be news stuff for actual cap lvl or something like that.

Non plat player's spending here 8/12hrs a day and they get nothing (PvP-people having top gear are immortal, Pve - Farming is not effective so they leave, What non plat player do speaking ol day in guild chat helping others and waiting for one more stupid pay to win patch to sell his locked craters and get one two milion noting else when top gear this sezon or old sezon! Is worth a lot more of that.
Now i delete my main character and start playing non death just for fun... Unbelievable. Just my 2 cents

06-18-2014, 11:27 AM
Bingo... some of us have jobs and have to go to work to earn real money that's spent supporting the game... paying people salaries. Since we are the paying customers I would think it's probably our right to have a say in how the product is presented...

Props for this Fluff... I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried :^} Also coming from you this means a lot.

well, I work but i dont pay to play this game but since i contribute to helping out somewhat shouldent people like me who play the game and have been playing since day 1 release of all legends games have a say in something :)

06-18-2014, 11:43 AM
You get 3 free energies per 8 hours, not including the ones you loot (per character). So, if you have 5 characters, that is around sixty free runs per day (assuming that you do not loot any energy balls).

So, please tell me, how is this a bad thing? Free players can still enjoy the event completely for free, but if they want to participate on the leaderboards, they will need to spend some gold.

The double odds crates would curb the amount of crates that platinum users would open. Isn't that a good thing? Or, perhaps, when free users finally loot one out of a spirit chest, they want it to be worthless due to the crazy amount of locked crates platinum users spent. Maybe I'm just not seeing it but I see the system as granting double odds to platinum users at a higher cost of platinum for them per crate.

Zeus is an example of a player who made this event. He even knows what 8 hours was given 1 energy and not 3.

06-18-2014, 12:09 PM
well, I work but i dont pay to play this game but since i contribute to helping out somewhat shouldent people like me who play the game and have been playing since day 1 release of all legends games have a say in something :)

notfaded is not saying that non-plat players should not have any advantages.

The real issue is that mythics went from being originally available in existing crates, to being removed and only available to special event crates and double odds locked crates that require time and essences that must be farmed in order to craft them. Now instead of players being open 1000+ crates at their hearts desire, they'll be limited by the amount of gold and time they have to open crates (yes, this is a bad thing)

In the Tarlok event there was no requirement for essences to craft chests, and they were bound to your toon. This is more than sufficient to control the market. throw in the layer of energy requirements to even farm the event consistently and you start to see why people are getting upset over this event being a pay to play (not even pay to win).

Since we have no idea if essences will drop anywhere in arlor or just inside the event map(s), it could be a major fail, or a passable fail.

I hope for Our sakes, and STS's that they get it right.

06-18-2014, 12:32 PM
The energy system is the best works well thank you STS for the best update!!! :)

-_- srsly?

06-18-2014, 12:34 PM
All People may be happy, as long as the new crates also can be crafted with recepies and essences when the event is over. Good Job STS.
Crafting? yes.
Opening? :(

06-18-2014, 12:44 PM
When coming:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

sorry for my english

06-18-2014, 12:55 PM
When coming:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

sorry for my english

2 weeks Event comes we Leaving sor but i can't be angry anymore i just laugh at all and i will leave the game if more payments has been released and more unless farmable stuff :D

06-18-2014, 01:16 PM
The energy system is the best works well thank you STS for the best update!!! :)

-_- srsly?

No - i dont think, that he is serious.
Looking at his further posts in this thread (starting @ page 11), i am pretty sure, that Warlord0520 is a troll. He doesnt really seem to play AL (and i doubt, that he played the goblin-event / energy-system) but with each of his posts here, he tries to provoke other people. Obviously just to get some attention, he cannot get in real life.

So lets just ignore his postings and i dont doubt, that he will finally go away to troll elsewhere.


06-18-2014, 01:26 PM
No - i dont think, that he is serious.
Looking at his further posts in this thread (starting @ page 11), i am pretty sure, that Warlord0520 is a troll. He doesnt really play AL (and i doubt, that he played the goblin-event / energy-system) but with each of his posts here, he is trying to provoke other members. Obviously just to get some attention, he cannot get in real life.

So lets just ignore his postings and i dont doubt, that he will finally go away to troll elsewhere.

He was just violating Poe's Law and like all violators of Poe's Law he should be viciously attacked :)

06-18-2014, 01:36 PM
notfaded is not saying that non-plat players should not have any advantages.

The real issue is that mythics went from being originally available in existing crates, to being removed and only available to special event crates and double odds locked crates that require time and essences that must be farmed in order to craft them. Now instead of players being open 1000+ crates at their hearts desire, they'll be limited by the amount of gold and time they have to open crates (yes, this is a bad thing)

In the Tarlok event there was no requirement for essences to craft chests, and they were bound to your toon. This is more than sufficient to control the market. throw in the layer of energy requirements to even farm the event consistently and you start to see why people are getting upset over this event being a pay to play (not even pay to win).

Since we have no idea if essences will drop anywhere in arlor or just inside the event map(s), it could be a major fail, or a passable fail.

I hope for Our sakes, and STS's that they get it right.

Thanks Hector for expressing what many of us feel. Again, I am optimistic and hopeful of the event and plan to go into it full force! Candy w/ mythic rifle will be so stinkin' cute.

06-18-2014, 01:42 PM
are you kidding me? SL, PL, and DL havent had an event / update since the 27th of last month and you guys complain about an update that gives new items LOL i dont play AL much, but when DL one of my favorite games gets an update, im very happy because i know sts will be updating AL almost daily. So when you complain about an update remember this, the other games dont get updated daily like AL does. just my .002c

That he said about the energy-system update. And answering to my point, that i would prefer a non-updated but free game, instead of a updated pay-to-play game:

Your a joke, dark legends had an energy system for ALL dungeons at LAUNCH.. And we dealt with it for a few months before they changed it. Like I said above, before you complain and QQ about an update you don't like, just remember that other games aren't even being updated. And you are talking about pay to play....

Are you still thinking, that he has just tried to be ironic, Fluff?

But i really liked the "and like all violators of Poe's Law he should be viciously attacked :) " part!

06-18-2014, 02:40 PM
Remien. Since the energy system is highly sought after by the devs, can you modify it. If people are on line, you can make the energy timer speed up 4x. Instead of every 8 hours for one energy, an online player will get one energy every 2 hours (edit spelling). This benefits plat and non plat players alike. It keeps people on line.

Second, can you put a bronze, silver or gold border around players in your group....on the left side of the screen...to obviously signify what level they have achieved. I believe this will go a long way toward making the system better for us as players. We may not like the system and want it removed, but in the meantime we can still make suggestions to make it better and more functional.

Casualties of War

06-18-2014, 03:01 PM
I am not a fan of the evergy ball system and I knew that the goldies ver. platters complaints would be enormous so

I tested the platters results ver. goldies results on my toons (see bottom for toon listing)

2 toons i did not purchase tokens or energy balls
1 toon i purchased evergy balls (rogue)

All three toons were able to get to gold tier, loot at least one gyrm egg, and purchase a talisman.

That would mean your non energy and non token purchasing toons managed to get 175 tokens during the event. Something smells here. My wife, brother and I trio'd daily the 3 free and purchased energy. We hit gold level at 330 point all at the same time. None of us hit the egg, and we only hit 91 tokens. Was it luck that you managed to double our tokens? Not buying it.

06-18-2014, 03:59 PM
Where is the advantage of people who farming locked crates a lot before this event?

I mean, that locked crates prices on auction would be keep going down until this event released and not raising too far?

So, 3 locked crates crafting 1 Elondrian crates, then elondrian crates could be sell in auction? 1 elondrian crates better price than 3 locked crates?

*sorry my bad english and lot of question, rarely online on forum again*
Cheers :)

06-18-2014, 04:01 PM
So all my 120 locked will be pretty useless if I dont waste plat or token to Craft new chests.
And to get token you must have energy, and to get energy u need plat.

TY very much.
All my farming for nothing.
You are greedy. VERY greedy.

06-18-2014, 04:08 PM
So all my 120 locked will be pretty useless if I dont waste plat or token to Craft new chests.
And to get token you must have energy, and to get energy u need plat.

TY very much.
All my farming for nothing.
You are greedy. VERY greedy.

If you would have advantage from the past..what new event could be?

Inviato dal mio Nexus 4 utilizzando Tapatalk

06-18-2014, 06:59 PM
I have 1 sugestion guys ...
5 plat for 1 run isnt worth if u got a normal noob boss...
So devide energy in 4 parts
1 comon for first boss.(1 plat)
2 rare for second boss.(2 plat)
3 epic for third boss .(3 plat)
And 4 leg for last boss( 5 plat)...
Its the best way to remove all cons from energy system

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

06-18-2014, 07:16 PM
Erm Erm to the economy experts complaining about new mythics flooding the market and justifying this system which at the end if you observe well makes everyone loot less mythics overall i just want to say nobody, at least 90/ 95% of AL, is gonna feel sad or complain if the mythic market crash or mythics get looted in abundance during the event. That would mean more players can have access to it and that is good while on the other hand if the drop rate is kept extremely rare or just rare its gonna be a big problem cause we all know the rich and most influential players have long hands and can easily manipulate the prices of items with low quantity...see arcane ring *coff* *coff*..

Said this everyday is not christmas and sts needs to make their profit too. I believe it will be greatly appreciated by them if majority of us don't always forget that almighty money makes everything on the globe rotate at the moment...this crate system is good cause it decently merge f2p and p2w to a passable result at least compared to the slaps we recieved from the so called goblin test event the crate system looks like a gentle touch.

Nobody really cares if mythics are looted in abundance except Zeus, Energizeric and a couple other mercs. Majority of AL players that just farm their b* off for a living would be happy to see some sanity priced mythics ,and not just at the end of the season when they are near to useless, once in a while not only because this mythics look like they will be dc after the event but mainly because of the miserable low prices the legendary items the rich players told the poors to go farm and sell in order to have money for their mythics worth.

If i wasnt clear the legendary loots worth nothing compared to what manipulated mythic items will cost doubles odds or fake double odds.

*this should be made the post of the day*
There is just too much truth in your post, I was just blown away.

Indeed, just a handful of merchants manipulating the economy, lobbying for limited supply and quantity (actually, make that a number just nice enough so merchants and co. could wipe clean the stocks in the market and set any price they want), and thus they could apply the old Oligopoly and Price Fixing tactics.
While new content are supposed to be enjoyed when they are released, instead, they sat inside the merchants inventories, while other players farm their *** trying to accumulate gold to afford them.
What's the loss in giving more good gears to everyone, especially so to the plats paying users? You will have more players with better equipped weapon and good gears running with you, isn't that good?
Oh I forgot, these merchants don't farms.
So, beware of their lobbying tactics. Too often STG just fall plainly into their trap, listening to the filthy rich 5% and alienating the other 95%.
And ditto to the fake double odds, oddly enough I ALWAYS get less supergem (next to nonexistent) during the supposedly double odds supergem weekend.

06-18-2014, 08:17 PM
No - i dont think, that he is serious.
Looking at his further posts in this thread (starting @ page 11), i am pretty sure, that Warlord0520 is a troll. He doesnt really seem to play AL (and i doubt, that he played the goblin-event / energy-system) but with each of his posts here, he tries to provoke other people. Obviously just to get some attention, he cannot get in real life.

So lets just ignore his postings and i dont doubt, that he will finally go away to troll elsewhere.


I've been playing AL longer than you have, since your the one that makes assumptions so easily, especially the fact that you said I "provoke" people and what you said about me that I was being a troll was not provocative at all? Lmao, you sir are a hypocrite, and cannot take a joke or two because you are so butt hurt about a little update gone wrong. Why don't you try playing other legends games for once you would be crying and making a thread on how DL energy system is dumb or some crap like that.

06-18-2014, 08:41 PM
notfaded is not saying that non-plat players should not have any advantages.

The real issue is that mythics went from being originally available in existing crates, to being removed and only available to special event crates and double odds locked crates that require time and essences that must be farmed in order to craft them. Now instead of players being open 1000+ crates at their hearts desire, they'll be limited by the amount of gold and time they have to open crates (yes, this is a bad thing)

In the Tarlok event there was no requirement for essences to craft chests, and they were bound to your toon. This is more than sufficient to control the market. throw in the layer of energy requirements to even farm the event consistently and you start to see why people are getting upset over this event being a pay to play (not even pay to win).

Since we have no idea if essences will drop anywhere in arlor or just inside the event map(s), it could be a major fail, or a passable fail.

I hope for Our sakes, and STS's that they get it right.

Well when your right your right!
Except that the essence will drop all over arlor,

06-18-2014, 08:55 PM
*this should be made the post of the day*
There is just too much truth in your post, I was just blown away.

Indeed, just a handful of merchants manipulating the economy, lobbying for limited supply and quantity (actually, make that a number just nice enough so merchants and co. could wipe clean the stocks in the market and set any price they want), and thus they could apply the old Oligopoly and Price Fixing tactics.
While new content are supposed to be enjoyed when they are released, instead, they sat inside the merchants inventories, while other players farm their *** trying to accumulate gold to afford them.
What's the loss in giving more good gears to everyone, especially so to the plats paying users? You will have more players with better equipped weapon and good gears running with you, isn't that good?
Oh I forgot, these merchants don't farms.
So, beware of their lobbying tactics. Too often STG just fall plainly into their trap, listening to the filthy rich 5% and alienating the other 95%.
And ditto to the fake double odds, oddly enough I ALWAYS get less supergem (next to nonexistent) during the supposedly double odds supergem weekend.

making mythics easily accessible to gold only users defeats the purpose of buying plat because we would all be gold only user given even a slightly leveled playing field, im seriously who really wants to buy plat. So why pay when the mythics and arcance items are easy to get without paying to gain an advantage. And for that matter why even make a game that is very entertaining if your not gonna get paid for it? No, limiting mythics is not the issue, it how to limit them that seems to be the problem. Im sure that following the setup used during the Tarlok event would be better for everyone. But as a business STS is looking forward, and wants to increase profits rather than cut losses to keep the non paying kids happy. Im sorry but happiness doesnt pay the bills. And if you can not buy plat or chose not too because you want to be cheap then dont cry if u cant have the best gear. Those of us that have jobs work hard for our money and have spent a fair amount of it to get the items we have. If you live in a country were plat is not sold that last comment does not apply to you. Fact of the matter is the download for the game is free to include IN GAME PURCHASES..

if u can not afford to play, meaning its not in your budget then thems the brakes! I kno it sux

and you maybe right about zeus and the others mentioned. As much as I hate to say it they are in a better position then most players, yea it sux and all I hear about is how much of bad person zeus is but im not complaining..

06-18-2014, 09:01 PM
making mythics easily accessible to gold only users defeats the purpose of buying plat because we would all be gold only user given even a slightly leveled playing field, im seriously who really wants to buy plat. So why pay when the mythics and arcance items are easy to get without paying to gain an advantage. And for that matter why even make a game that is very entertaining if your not gonna get paid for it? No, limiting mythics is not the issue, it how to limit them that seems to be the problem. Im sure that following the setup used during the Tarlok event would be better for everyone. But as a business STS is looking forward, and wants to increase profits rather than cut losses to keep the non paying kids happy. Im sorry but happiness doesnt pay the bills. And if you can not buy plat or chose not too because you want to be cheap then dont cry if u cant have the best gear. Those of us that have jobs work hard for our money and have spent a fair amount of it to get the items we have. If you live in a country were plat is not sold that last comment does not apply to you. Fact of the matter is the download for the game is free to include IN GAME PURCHASES..

if u can not afford to play, meaning its not in your budget then thems the brakes! I kno it sux

and you maybe right about zeus and the others mentioned. As much as I hate to say it they are in a better position then most players, yea it sux and all I hear about is how much of bad person zeus is but im not complaining..

I don't ever see people saying Zeus is a bad person lol....

06-18-2014, 11:16 PM
I think this thread is about the next event and NOT lashing on Zeus and other merchs for being rich. If they found a way to make gold, so can you.

P.S. I am not even remotely close to being "Rich" and not a merch either.

06-19-2014, 12:44 AM
By energy ball do you mean energy kit?

Sundar Moorthi
06-19-2014, 03:58 AM
notfaded is not saying that non-plat players should not have any advantages.

The real issue is that mythics went from being originally available in existing crates, to being removed and only available to special event crates and double odds locked crates that require time and essences that must be farmed in order to craft them. Now instead of players being open 1000+ crates at their hearts desire, they'll be limited by the amount of gold and time they have to open crates (yes, this is a bad thing)

In the Tarlok event there was no requirement for essences to craft chests, and they were bound to your toon. This is more than sufficient to control the market. throw in the layer of energy requirements to even farm the event consistently and you start to see why people are getting upset over this event being a pay to play (not even pay to win).

Since we have no idea if essences will drop anywhere in arlor or just inside the event map(s), it could be a major fail, or a passable fail.

I hope for Our sakes, and STS's that they get it right.

Lol without a noob player thr is no pro players...... do u understand wat am trying to say??... i mean 90percentage of non platinum players make happy 10percentage of platinum players...... wihout us sts couldn't push d platinum player to buy a platinum..... haha nonplatinum users rocks

06-19-2014, 06:09 AM
making mythics easily accessible to gold only users defeats the purpose of buying plat because we would all be gold only user given even a slightly leveled playing field, im seriously who really wants to buy plat. So why pay when the mythics and arcance items are easy to get without paying to gain an advantage. And for that matter why even make a game that is very entertaining if your not gonna get paid for it? No, limiting mythics is not the issue, it how to limit them that seems to be the problem. Im sure that following the setup used during the Tarlok event would be better for everyone. But as a business STS is looking forward, and wants to increase profits rather than cut losses to keep the non paying kids happy. Im sorry but happiness doesnt pay the bills. And if you can not buy plat or chose not too because you want to be cheap then dont cry if u cant have the best gear. Those of us that have jobs work hard for our money and have spent a fair amount of it to get the items we have. If you live in a country were plat is not sold that last comment does not apply to you. Fact of the matter is the download for the game is free to include IN GAME PURCHASES..

if u can not afford to play, meaning its not in your budget then thems the brakes! I kno it sux

and you maybe right about zeus and the others mentioned. As much as I hate to say it they are in a better position then most players, yea it sux and all I hear about is how much of bad person zeus is but im not complaining..

I'm lost.
You talked so much of a non-plat spenders. Which part of my post that I say I don't want to buy plats? In fact, I support plat spending and have too much plats that I don't know how to safely convert to mythic gear with these insanely complex conversion issue.
I'm more at a loss each day trying to battle the randomness of no luck.

I thought the point of the post is the issue of limiting mythics items. The mythic class items, just like mythic pets are originally plats exclusive. The idea that you splurge 250 plats for it, for its worth, u get a pet is better than legendary, and inferior to arcane.
But ironically aside from slag, that isn't true at all.
Then, it evolved to tradable eggs... That changes everything about mythics concept.
Well, the point is I don't really care if these 250 plats pets going to be sold at 250,000 gold if anyone will sell it, just like leprechaun amulet where you buy 150 plats and sell it at 150,000 and effectively flooding the market with lepre.
Anyone complaining about lepre flooding??? No, I don't think so.

My point is, arcane items are already being restricted and controlled into the hands of a few merchants.
So, why mythics too. Isn't the whole point of making mythics is to cater to the plats spender?
Give me my mythic without all this roundabouts.

06-19-2014, 07:17 AM
I am not a fan of the evergy ball system and I knew that the goldies ver. platters complaints would be enormous so

I tested the platters results ver. goldies results on my toons (see bottom for toon listing)

2 toons i did not purchase tokens or energy balls
1 toon i purchased evergy balls (rogue)

All three toons were able to get to gold tier, loot at least one gyrm egg, and purchase a talisman.

The toon purchasing energy balls only purchased enough so she could get the token pet and token talisman.

I had to manage my time well in order to achieve gold tier, gyrm, and talisman on the goldie toons (did not purchase tokens/evergy balls).

Something smells fishy here.... me and my brother purchase at least 10 energy and we just hit 90+ tokens and never loot an gyrm but we hit the gold tier on the 3rd day before the event ends And also We able to meet major payne 3 times(no gyrm or either lockeds in all bosses). And on our other account we did not purchase anything. We did hit gold tier on the LAST day and able to meet major payne ONCE but unable to loot gyrm and just hit 60+tokens. BTW we meet all the bosses together, we don't seperate map. It was impossible to loot a gyrm, get a talisman and goldies in that event without purchasing energy kits or spending plats. I don't criticize your statement but this is defenitely impossible.

06-19-2014, 07:23 AM
What you don't realize is if mythics become cheap, then the elite legendary items that those players farm will become pretty worthless and they will have no way to farm anymore as the potions and luck elixirs will cost as much as the loot is worth.

Right now you can farm for magma claymores that are worth hundreds of thousands of gold. If the new mythic weapons end up being worth 1-2m as the level 31 mythic weapons were worth after the price crash in season 4, then you can expect the magma claymore to be worth 50k at best. But if you keep the mythic weapon prices higher like the level 36 mythic weapons were in season 5, then you can expect the magma weapons to retain their value.

Unfortunately you are going up against the rules of economics here. You all want expensive loot to farm, but cheap mythic and arcane prices. Unfortunately that is impossible and cannot happen no matter what STS does. They tried the "cheap mythics" route during season 4, and the result was that elite farming came to a halt and tons of players got bored and quit. Back in season 4 if you were a rogue, you could buy a mythic bow for 1.5-2m, and if you couldn't afford that then you could buy a bonechill bow, which was almost as good, for about 2k. So then why would anyone want to farm for elite legendary weapons?

Remember that while we do have these fun events, more than half of the time there will be no event and the game still has to be playable these other times. Mythic does not mean the stats are good. Mythic is a color rarity, meaning they are more rare. That is what the colors mean. If it was more common, then it would not be mythic.

Hey bro, don't mean to offend, but I just find that it contains just too much bewildering statements to make any sense.

Which rules of economics? That states mythic should have a value roughly 2million/ 50k= 40x
So, mythic items must be worth 40x of that top elite legendary weapon?
Who fixed this conversion? Based on what?
I think season 4 map difficulty had more to do with it than players actually gets bored and left.
Those ice patches and glacians are simply too much for most people.
I believe elite Nordr map and Oltgar Keep is still the widely most farmed elite map due to the guaranteed elite gold warchest reward from completing quest.
So, who is saying nobody wants to farm for elite legendary loot?

Furthermore, your example using magmatic claymore and price will fall drastically if the new mythic weapon is out in abundance is not conclusive.
Magmatic claymore is a 2h weapon and with its burn procs and diminishing str buff it is a damage-based weapon, while the new elondrian mythic weapon is a one handed sword shield. And with its healing procs, is a defensive weapon.

The only economics rule I saw being played out here is Oligopoly and Price Fixing.
Season 4 cheap mythic? I still can't afford it with merely using gold.

06-19-2014, 08:39 AM
I have 1 sugestion guys ...
5 plat for 1 run isnt worth if u got a normal noob boss...
So devide energy in 4 parts
1 comon for first boss.(1 plat)
2 rare for second boss.(2 plat)
3 epic for third boss .(3 plat)
And 4 leg for last boss( 5 plat)...
Its the best way to remove all cons from energy system

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk

They did this with Tarlok event. It was great for plat spenders since all they had to do was run Tarlok all day and night and ignore the other Bosses (I ignored the other bosses) but the system was flawed since it created a large influx of the golden tarlok chests and the items inside them at cap became super cheap. The newer random system is better in that you still have a better chance to find the rarer bosses at gold tier, but it wont always be the case. What is not as fair is the 5 plat cost for this random chance at a boss. 3-4 plat would be a lot easier to swallow for anyone and would probably encourage more players to play in general.

I'll keep repeating this as posts get lost and buried quickly. Tarlok was a success for the players, but it obviously wasn't a success for STS where it mattered. Tarlok also had many abuses going on that STS would like to circumvent. The Energy system solved this issue, however, they went too far in the test event and sucked the fun out of the game. They took the players out of the game and instead had them thinking about how much they could afford to play, if they could afford to play at all. They also forgot the scale the token rewards to better reflect the shortened test event. instead of having 3 weeks to earn everything comfortably, they gave us one, but left the prizes at the 3 week token level. had the vanity been 15 tokens and Ironbite say 25 tokens (about 1/3 their current value) we would all be happy running around with our blighted vanities and a decent pet. Instead, you had to be be VERY lucky with your token drops to squeeze out a bat, or end up with the consolation prize of the vanity.

STS needs to pull out all the stops with the ursoth event to make players come back and be happy again. If anything, they almost gotta do Tarlok all over again (with energy of course) to gain the good will of the players. Otherwise, lots of players, will be playing, but they wont be enjoying it, and that defeats the purpose of why we are here.

06-19-2014, 09:05 AM
As above, subject to change, but the price is currently set at 75 tokens.

can i know when is that event? i keep my 200 locks . dont have gold ;(

06-19-2014, 09:15 AM
They did this with Tarlok event. It was great for plat spenders since all they had to do was run Tarlok all day and night and ignore the other Bosses (I ignored the other bosses) but the system was flawed since it created a large influx of the golden tarlok chests and the items inside them at cap became super cheap. The newer random system is better in that you still have a better chance to find the rarer bosses at gold tier, but it wont always be the case. What is not as fair is the 5 plat cost for this random chance at a boss. 3-4 plat would be a lot easier to swallow for anyone and would probably encourage more players to play in general.

I'll keep repeating this as posts get lost and buried quickly. Tarlok was a success for the players, but it obviously wasn't a success for STS where it mattered. Tarlok also had many abuses going on that STS would like to circumvent. The Energy system solved this issue, however, they went too far in the test event and sucked the fun out of the game. They took the players out of the game and instead had them thinking about how much they could afford to play, if they could afford to play at all. They also forgot the scale the token rewards to better reflect the shortened test event. instead of having 3 weeks to earn everything comfortably, they gave us one, but left the prizes at the 3 week token level. had the vanity been 15 tokens and Ironbite say 25 tokens (about 1/3 their current value) we would all be happy running around with our blighted vanities and a decent pet. Instead, you had to be be VERY lucky with your token drops to squeeze out a bat, or end up with the consolation prize of the vanity.

STS needs to pull out all the stops with the ursoth event to make players come back and be happy again. If anything, they almost gotta do Tarlok all over again (with energy of course) to gain the good will of the players. Otherwise, lots of players, will be playing, but they wont be enjoying it, and that defeats the purpose of why we are here.

I would greatly prefer that STS eliminates the Energy System, and make the portals only spawn rarely at bosses. Then, eliminate the plat based entry system. Once the first player enters the portal, the gateway disappears after 30 seconds. This way, the portal is like a mini-bonus, and the inventory of event items is tightly controlled. And, unlike the Tarlok event, you cannot join friends/guildies on the event map - you have to find them for yourselves.

The inception of the Tarlok event was nearly perfect, until people started finding ways to circumvent/abuse the system.

06-19-2014, 09:30 AM
I would greatly prefer that STS eliminates the Energy System, and make the portals only spawn rarely at bosses. Then, eliminate the plat based entry system. Once the first player enters the portal, the gateway disappears after 30 seconds. This way, the portal is like a mini-bonus, and the inventory of event items is tightly controlled. And, unlike the Tarlok event, you cannot join friends/guildies on the event map - you have to find them for yourselves.

The inception of the Tarlok event was nearly perfect, until people started finding ways to circumvent/abuse the system.

Well, you're right, that would be ideal. But it can work if your invited friends cost energy and you gained entry for free for finding it.

06-19-2014, 09:44 AM
Well, you're right, that would be ideal. But it can work if your invited friends cost energy and you gained entry for free for finding it.

This way, people will certainly party up for hunting portals. I'm sure it will be time-consuming to kill a boss on your own especially if you're a warrior.

Milan Lame Man
06-19-2014, 12:05 PM
Personally, I would love if the need for essence to craft Locks was removed, but thinking about it...
- Poor players can spend 24/7 hunting essence and crafting locks for a reasonable gain (essence WILL be rare compared to the amount of Locks hoarded ingame)
- Middle class players will keep farming locks/some essence/3 free crates every day
- Rich players will buy energy for more event crates; my estimate shows this will pay off if you can afford kits for ~1000 runs
- Plat spenders will open the event locks; remember they "save" 15 plat on each chest so even at 50k each this pays off (even up to ~150k assuming drop rate 1/100 and weapon price 20m)

In the end, everyone wins.
The thing I worry about... if essence is too rare/too much is needed, Locks will become worthless and event crates super-expensive.
This will make everyone but poor players VERY unhappy.

Still hoping for essence cost of 0 :disturbed:

06-19-2014, 05:35 PM
I'm lost.
You talked so much of a non-plat spenders. Which part of my post that I say I don't want to buy plats? In fact, I support plat spending and have too much plats that I don't know how to safely convert to mythic gear with these insanely complex conversion issue.
I'm more at a loss each day trying to battle the randomness of no luck.

I thought the point of the post is the issue of limiting mythics items. The mythic class items, just like mythic pets are originally plats exclusive. The idea that you splurge 250 plats for it, for its worth, u get a pet is better than legendary, and inferior to arcane.
But ironically aside from slag, that isn't true at all.
Then, it evolved to tradable eggs... That changes everything about mythics concept.
Well, the point is I don't really care if these 250 plats pets going to be sold at 250,000 gold if anyone will sell it, just like leprechaun amulet where you buy 150 plats and sell it at 150,000 and effectively flooding the market with lepre.
Anyone complaining about lepre flooding??? No, I don't think so.

My point is, arcane items are already being restricted and controlled into the hands of a few merchants.
So, why mythics too. Isn't the whole point of making mythics is to cater to the plats spender?
Give me my mythic without all this roundabouts.

Nothing is being restricted or controlled into the hands of a select few merchers they buy and sell like everyone else. STS isnt giving anything to a select few. In my experience I jus happen to get a few mythic or an arcane items after the umpteenth try. So from what ur saying u would rather buy mythics with plat or have a level exchange of gold for plat instead of paying the inflated prices for said item whether it be mythic or arcane no? I don't like the inflated prices much either but with that said its makes sense when u consider the rarity of mythic amd arcane items. Obtaining those items shouldn't be easy for anyone and its not. Non plat players spend time farming and collecting gold, plat user spend hard earned cash. There is a loss on both sides.

I didnt assume that you did not spend money on plat, from what I gathered from your stand point I assumed I did not regularly use plat or make large purchases of plat. I mean if u want all the pets at some point u have to spend a little bit of money right?

06-19-2014, 05:42 PM
I don't ever see people saying Zeus is a bad person lol....

The post I replied too attempted to villify zeus and a few others for having some imaginary control over pricing in CS or something to that effect. My point was I dont bother them or villify them regardless of the fact that they have the upper hand as far as pvp kills and in game money, thats all.

06-20-2014, 09:37 AM
Personally, I would love if the need for essence to craft Locks was removed, but thinking about it...
- Poor players can spend 24/7 hunting essence and crafting locks for a reasonable gain (essence WILL be rare compared to the amount of Locks hoarded ingame)
- Middle class players will keep farming locks/some essence/3 free crates every day
- Rich players will buy energy for more event crates; my estimate shows this will pay off if you can afford kits for ~1000 runs
- Plat spenders will open the event locks; remember they "save" 15 plat on each chest so even at 50k each this pays off (even up to ~150k assuming drop rate 1/100 and weapon price 20m)

In the end, everyone wins.
The thing I worry about... if essence is too rare/too much is needed, Locks will become worthless and event crates super-expensive.
This will make everyone but poor players VERY unhappy.

Still hoping for essence cost of 0 :disturbed:

Mil you hit the nail on the head... it's this essence thing that is going to make or break the entire thing... I don't see much upside but see and incredible chance for downside all around these new essences. Not sure why we need "new" essences at all... just so they can't be traded? The combination of this possibly and making the best pets only available to LB people that I assume must not have jobs hurts... Makes it seem like working people that have jobs are once again not looked at as very important because we can't compete with kid living in his parents basement playing 20 hours a day.

06-20-2014, 01:56 PM
Nothing is being restricted or controlled into the hands of a select few merchers they buy and sell like everyone else. STS isnt giving anything to a select few. In my experience I jus happen to get a few mythic or an arcane items after the umpteenth try. So from what ur saying u would rather buy mythics with plat or have a level exchange of gold for plat instead of paying the inflated prices for said item whether it be mythic or arcane no? I don't like the inflated prices much either but with that said its makes sense when u consider the rarity of mythic amd arcane items. Obtaining those items shouldn't be easy for anyone and its not. Non plat players spend time farming and collecting gold, plat user spend hard earned cash. There is a loss on both sides.

I didnt assume that you did not spend money on plat, from what I gathered from your stand point I assumed I did not regularly use plat or make large purchases of plat. I mean if u want all the pets at some point u have to spend a little bit of money right?

I bought 4x of the 2000 plats so far and opened locked over 300 to date. Not a single arcane, and only an uller helm.
In the end, I made a calculation, with all those locked I opened that I could have sell, I just threw money into the drain. No lottery luck sux. Any pro advice how to loot arcane? If you are a dev, could mail me anytime to verify the fact.

I still have no idea how you keep assuming and telling me that I don't spend money on this game. I spend much more on PL, yet I'm happier with the returns I get from spending my plats. Everyone get their worth of plats.

Anyway back to my point. I campaign for increased mythic weapon availability, with no roundabouts in crafting and hunting for essences to open a combined locked crate that bear the gimmicks of double chance.
Limiting mythic is only advantageous to merchant.
Abundance of mythic weapon would only serve to benefit the rest of the players.
Pve will be easier, farming will be easier.
So, what if you are fighting another similarly equipped player in PVP, thought the pros always say it is all about skills?
And frankly the design and procs of the new mythic weapon is largely pve based from what I've seen.
Make the game more pve friendly.
Do not limit the quantity as it will be easily controllable by rich merchants.

You gotta cater to us that don't want to go the extreme time-consuming way.

06-20-2014, 03:46 PM
I wanna ask something. Elite golden dragon chests will drop mythic weapons too?

06-20-2014, 03:48 PM
I wanna ask something. Elite golden dragon chests will drop mythic weapons too?

No, only the new event crates

06-20-2014, 10:17 PM
I bought 4x of the 2000 plats so far and opened locked over 300 to date. Not a single arcane, and only an uller helm.
In the end, I made a calculation, with all those locked I opened that I could have sell, I just threw money into the drain. No lottery luck sux. Any pro advice how to loot arcane? If you are a dev, could mail me anytime to verify the fact.

I still have no idea how you keep assuming and telling me that I don't spend money on this game. I spend much more on PL, yet I'm happier with the returns I get from spending my plats. Everyone get their worth of plats.

Anyway back to my point. I campaign for increased mythic weapon availability, with no roundabouts in crafting and hunting for essences to open a combined locked crate that bear the gimmicks of double chance.
Limiting mythic is only advantageous to merchant.
Abundance of mythic weapon would only serve to benefit the rest of the players.
Pve will be easier, farming will be easier.
So, what if you are fighting another similarly equipped player in PVP, thought the pros always say it is all about skills?
And frankly the design and procs of the new mythic weapon is largely pve based from what I've seen.
Make the game more pve friendly.
Do not limit the quantity as it will be easily controllable by rich merchants.

You gotta cater to us that don't want to go the extreme time-consuming way.

I agree with your assessment of the new mythics as pve focused, and again the price inflation is a bit much but it makes sense, you jus said that you bought 8k plat and didnt get much of anything I would think that you would understand but I guess you never will. Below is how I breakdown plat purchase for crates and some other things I wanted to point out.

1 locked crate to open = 15 plat x 25 = 375plat
I open no less than 25 to justify purchases with the gold in take from crates, on average I open between 100-400 crates which is low compared to wealthy players

300 locked crates to open = 4.5k plat
At this point if I got nothin I wouldnt sell crates for income u would aready at 1.8mil gold or atleast 756k which is close to 60 percent of total crates opened time the 3 rolls you would each crates. Well anyway I would stop unless I found crates. And yea I would be upset

1. Loot lottery does suck but it serves its purpose, the same as item crafting. One allows you to occasionally get some rare and really good gear (mythics, arcane) and the allows players to do some pretty cool stuff over an extended period of time. With the end result of spending all your plat and buying more. Which for STS creates a repeat consumer without having to change customers. Its ingenious!

2. Again i never said that u don't buy plat

3. If too many ppl have the best gear because its easily available that will negatively effect AL replay value because players would get the best stuff too quickly, and STS will loose profit after they quit early from lack of challenge. Your worried about in game gold STS wants players to keep playing even to the point were like us, they wait for new content. If too many wait at once before STS can make a profit the game will slowly die..

4. Spend more on plat and hope you get lucky ( thats what I do) lol

5. This is an MMORPG by its design its time consuming :)

Here is a new conundrum:
The game caps around lv75 do to the limit of currently available skills and that isnt far away. The rogue arcane weapon hasnt been revamped since lv26 and the warrior arcane weapon is nxt in line to become outdated by a mythic weapon (stats for new mythic donot completely outdate war and mage weapons!!!!!) My question is how will sts keep this going? Or is it ,by design, going to jus stop being updated after another 3.5yrs..

I maybe wrong about the warrior arcane weapon but I think you understand what im saying. This is a great game and I would hate to see it end like the rest. In limbo with no new content in sight.

Oh and no im not a developer but that would be awesome to help with this project

06-21-2014, 04:08 AM
They did this with Tarlok event. It was great for plat spenders since all they had to do was run Tarlok all day and night and ignore the other Bosses (I ignored the other bosses) but the system was flawed since it created a large influx of the golden tarlok chests and the items inside them at cap became super cheap. The newer random system is better in that you still have a better chance to find the rarer bosses at gold tier, but it wont always be the case. What is not as fair is the 5 plat cost for this random chance at a boss. 3-4 plat would be a lot easier to swallow for anyone and would probably encourage more players to play in general.

I'll keep repeating this as posts get lost and buried quickly. Tarlok was a success for the players, but it obviously wasn't a success for STS where it mattered. Tarlok also had many abuses going on that STS would like to circumvent. The Energy system solved this issue, however, they went too far in the test event and sucked the fun out of the game. They took the players out of the game and instead had them thinking about how much they could afford to play, if they could afford to play at all. They also forgot the scale the token rewards to better reflect the shortened test event. instead of having 3 weeks to earn everything comfortably, they gave us one, but left the prizes at the 3 week token level. had the vanity been 15 tokens and Ironbite say 25 tokens (about 1/3 their current value) we would all be happy running around with our blighted vanities and a decent pet. Instead, you had to be be VERY lucky with your token drops to squeeze out a bat, or end up with the consolation prize of the vanity.

STS needs to pull out all the stops with the ursoth event to make players come back and be happy again. If anything, they almost gotta do Tarlok all over again (with energy of course) to gain the good will of the players. Otherwise, lots of players, will be playing, but they wont be enjoying it, and that defeats the purpose of why we are here.
well said.. exactly what I wanted to say [emoji21]

sent from HELL using Tapatalk

06-21-2014, 04:54 AM
I promised myself I wouldn't buy any plats for this event, so hearing there are chest I can open without plat makes me very happy :D

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

06-21-2014, 02:12 PM
I wanna ask something. Elite golden dragon chests will drop mythic weapons too?

Why I miss this question? -__-

I hope it can drops mythic

06-21-2014, 08:48 PM
That was a long long read.. yes I read all 16 pages. Now my 2 cents.

I don't think a crash is a bad thing. The AL economy is garbage anyway, unless God forbid you're holding an inventory of mythic and arcane items. Oh no, we can't have that can we? All the other legendary items are out of steam anyway and they are crashing as we speak in anticipation of the coming event so whatever validity that argument had is now gone.

The energy system is terribly flawed. This in no way levels the playing field for non plat users, who are essentially forced to sit on the sidelines while the plat users have a huge head start. Of course plat buyers should have an advantage since they create revenue, but let's just call it like it is. It's the same dance just a different song.

06-21-2014, 08:56 PM
I don't think a crash is a bad thing.

I'm actually doubting that a crash is imminent. I think Mythics will probably be a lot rarer than people think, even with the double chance on Elondrians.

The horribad energy system does two things well. Two things only.

1) It makes STS huge piles of short term cash from richest 1% of players.

2) It restricts the availability of drops.

06-22-2014, 02:07 AM
I wanna ask something. Elite golden dragon chests will drop mythic weapons too?

STS really screwed the non plat hoarders there. I personally spent over a month farming and buying elite golden dragonscale chests and now they tell us that they won't hold mythic weapons? I was pretty upset but meh! What can we do about it?

06-22-2014, 02:18 AM
The result of the current event going to be worthless event gear. As a free player i'm happy with getting cheap gear and eggs. But the people spending platinum to get gear won't be happy especially when the event is 3 week.

This event can be made better

1. Drop shady and surge from normal locked
2. Remove the single portal from town and make portal spawn after killing arlor bosses. Higher the boss higher the chance to spawn portal. This will increase lb competition and will be fun to hunt portal
The event is 3 week long. people won't get bored if they hunt portals.
3. fix portal glitch by adding timer for portal (portal closes after 60 sec). so people can't cheat.
4. Reward top 10 lb winners with new mythic egg , rest with legendary egg ( nightshade maybe) and everyone with banner

The reward for free player is cool. No need to change that

From business view we know STG needs new revenue model since some of the platinum exclusive things are now free. But don't push people over their breaking points

Don't make it platinum legends

06-22-2014, 08:29 AM
How much Locked crate price would be?

06-22-2014, 05:38 PM
So locked grand crate of Elondria(2x) plus mythic weekend(2x) = 4x??

06-23-2014, 05:25 AM
So locked grand crate of Elondria(2x) plus mythic weekend(2x) = 4x??

No, I think it's just when you craft it makes x2 I think?

06-23-2014, 05:32 AM
No, I think it's just when you craft it makes x2 I think?
IF they make a Mythic Weekend during the same time of the event they might make it that Elondrian crates either have a x4 chance of dropping Mythics ( Unlikely )
Crafting a E.C. ( 3 crates+essence ) makes on x2 crate which is cheaper.

06-23-2014, 05:58 AM
IF they make a Mythic Weekend during the same time of the event they might make it that Elondrian crates either have a x4 chance of dropping Mythics ( Unlikely )
Crafting a E.C. ( 3 crates+essence ) makes on x2 crate which is cheaper.

Yeah I know, it makes x2 odds but they never said they're having a x2 myth weekend also did they? I haven't heard anything

Jason Indinible
06-23-2014, 08:34 AM
Can't wait for the.event

06-23-2014, 05:41 PM
Hi everyone!

It took a bit of time but I've read through this thread. There are a lot of concerns still regarding Energy, and there will be a post coming in the near future that should address that specifically. Here are a couple of notes I wanted to mention, and then answers to some of the more pressing and related questions based on this threads objectives.

- The Locked Grand Crate of Elondria recipe is permanent, one purchase recipe for your character, but only remains active during Ursoth's Assault. Without any more Elondrian Essence drops keeping the recipe available once the event is over, keeping the recipe around seems a bit unnecessary. You will be allowed to finish any crafting from remaining materials during the cooldown for Ursoth's Assault.

- Spawned portals in the world will spawn at a significantly lower rate. This is to avoid the obtrusive spawns in the middle of the map, and also seems less necessary now with the portals existing as a permanent portal from the main event hub.

- Spirit chests will not be tradeable/stashable. Much like the Tarlok event this is to prevent exploitation across the different level ranges. For example a player could have 8 characters on an account, farm and craft Elondrian Spirit Chests, and then send them all to his level 41 to open - diluting the market.

- The token cost of the Elondrian Crates recipe will be easily obtained by casual players within a few days. We realize it is not in anybody's best interest to gate players from being able to craft these items for some fixed large amount of time.

Here are the answers to a few questions I saw repeated throughout the thread:

Do the new Elondrian crates still have regular chances to drop Arcanes?

Rem or Sam, will elondian locked crates have a chance to loot arcane eggs and arcane weapons/shards?

Yes, they have regular chances to drop Arcane Eggs and weapons/shard. There will be no Hooks in these crates however just like the Locked Grand Crates currently, and there will NOT be mythic armors and helms in this crate. What does this mean? It means if you roll that mythic hit when opening a crate you have a better chance that it will be one of the new weapons, instead of the old level 26 helm. The jewelry mythics will still be in the mix for Locked grand Crates of Elondria.

Crate of elondia is locked? awwww
Again an event to enjoy for plat users.

Mythics will also have a chance to drop from Elondrian Spirit Chests, which are free to open.

Can we join with 1 2 3 5 plat to boss like tarlok ?
for example i will use 5 plat for join 4# boss

Not during the Ursoth's Assault event, and this is because of the leaderboard implications. The random factor associated with tiers plays an important roll in the leaderboard scores players will be competing against each other.

Will spirit chests also have an increased chance in dropping the 'better' armor/items, compared to entangled?

Entangled Chests will drop 1 new armor set, among other rewards while the Elondrian Spirit Chests have a chance to drop the set from Entangled, as well as an additional higher grade armor set. In short, yes!

If I haven't opened all my Elondrian Crates before the event is over, do i get to keep them, or will it turn back into three regular crates?
Mythic weapons lvl 36 are going to be availabel during the Ursoth Event?

Correct. Any Locked Grand Crates of Elondria crafted during the event will remain after the event. This means any available after the event will be the only crates left with the chance for the Mythic weapons. The same applies to the Entangled and Elondrian Spirit Chests. The Mythic weapons available during the event are all level 41.

Since we get to keep Elondrian Crates after the event is over. If we hang onto our Elondrian Crates which have a 2x Mythic drop rate until the next 2x Mythic STS weekend special would these crates then have a 4x Mythic drop rate?

No. These crates will always maintain their current drop chances regardless of any future double mythic odd weekends.

I wanna ask something. Elite golden dragon chests will drop mythic weapons too?

No. Only the new Locked Grand Crates of Elondria and Elondrian Spirit Chests will have a chance to drop the new mythic weapons.

Please remember that adding a new essence to the mix alters the drop rate for all essence. Yes Essence drop just as frequently but instead of a 1/3 chance at an individual essence the rate changes can be dramatic as they were in the Mothers day event where probability for an individual essence changed to 1/7. This had a dramatic effect on the gem prices. Assuming only one new essence the drop rate wont change as dramatically but will change to 1/4 which will have an effect on the entire crafting/gem market.

A valid concern! In our current iteration, (as things are always subject to change during development) Elondrian Essences can NOT be purchased, they are farmed only. They are also on a separate drop table than the other essences, so the fact there are more essences now available to drop does not mean fewer drops of those essences or the new ones. The pool is not diluted, you can potentially receive a new Elondrian Essence and a Glacial Essence for example from the same mob, though you would be very very lucky!

Thank you for everyone's feedback and patience while we post all the details related to changes to the event system, as well as particulars about the Ursoth's Assault event. We're fairly confident you will appreciate the changes we have made across the board based on the Goblin Event feedback!


06-23-2014, 06:44 PM
The question still remains...we only have 5 crafting slots yet we are supposed to be able to craft energy kits, locked crates, and regular gems. Just curious, along with several others, if we are going to be able to expand our crafting slots for the event? I suppose if not its just a matter of what takes priority in this case being that after energy is crafted, its bound to that character and cannot be sold/traded. Wish a Dev would address the crafting slot questions.

06-23-2014, 06:48 PM
Hi everyone!

It took a bit of time but I've read through this thread. There are a lot of concerns still regarding Energy, and there will be a post coming in the near future that should address that specifically. Here are a couple of notes I wanted to mention, and then answers to some of the more pressing and related questions based on this threads objectives.

- The Locked Grand Crate of Elondria recipe is permanent, one purchase recipe for your character, but only remains active during Ursoth's Assault. Without any more Elondrian Essence drops keeping the recipe available once the event is over, keeping the recipe around seems a bit unnecessary. You will be allowed to finish any crafting from remaining materials during the cooldown for Ursoth's Assault.

- Spawned portals in the world will spawn at a significantly lower rate. This is to avoid the obtrusive spawns in the middle of the map, and also seems less necessary now with the portals existing as a permanent portal from the main event hub.

- Spirit chests will not be tradeable/stashable. Much like the Tarlok event this is to prevent exploitation across the different level ranges. For example a player could have 8 characters on an account, farm and craft Elondrian Spirit Chests, and then send them all to his level 41 to open - diluting the market.

- The token cost of the Elondrian Crates recipe will be easily obtained by casual players within a few days. We realize it is not in anybody's best interest to gate players from being able to craft these items for some fixed large amount of time.

Here are the answers to a few questions I saw repeated throughout the thread:

Yes, they have regular chances to drop Arcane Eggs and weapons/shard. There will be no Hooks in these crates however just like the Locked Grand Crates currently, and there will NOT be mythic armors and helms in this crate. What does this mean? It means if you roll that mythic hit when opening a crate you have a better chance that it will be one of the new weapons, instead of the old level 26 helm. The jewelry mythics will still be in the mix for Locked grand Crates of Elondria.

Mythics will also have a chance to drop from Elondrian Spirit Chests, which are free to open.

Not during the Ursoth's Assault event, and this is because of the leaderboard implications. The random factor associated with tiers plays an important roll in the leaderboard scores players will be competing against each other.

Entangled Chests will drop 1 new armor set, among other rewards while the Elondrian Spirit Chests have a chance to drop the set from Entangled, as well as an additional higher grade armor set. In short, yes!

Correct. Any Locked Grand Crates of Elondria crafted during the event will remain after the event. This means any available after the event will be the only crates left with the chance for the Mythic weapons. The same applies to the Entangled and Elondrian Spirit Chests. The Mythic weapons available during the event are all level 41.

No. These crates will always maintain their current drop chances regardless of any future double mythic odd weekends.

No. Only the new Locked Grand Crates of Elondria and Elondrian Spirit Chests will have a chance to drop the new mythic weapons.

A valid concern! In our current iteration, (as things are always subject to change during development) Elondrian Essences can NOT be purchased, they are farmed only. They are also on a separate drop table than the other essences, so the fact there are more essences now available to drop does not mean fewer drops of those essences or the new ones. The pool is not diluted, you can potentially receive a new Elondrian Essence and a Glacial Essence for example from the same mob, though you would be very very lucky!

Thank you for everyone's feedback and patience while we post all the details related to changes to the event system, as well as particulars about the Ursoth's Assault event. We're fairly confident you will appreciate the changes we have made across the board based on the Goblin Event feedback!


why? that just ruins everything we hoped for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why not just add a special place in ch for sperit chests that only us capped members can access!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-23-2014, 07:38 PM
- Spirit chests will not be tradeable/stashable. Much like the Tarlok event this is to prevent exploitation across the different level ranges. For example a player could have 8 characters on an account, farm and craft Elondrian Spirit Chests, and then send them all to his level 41 to open - diluting the market.

Will I be able to loot the mythic weapons on a toon which isn't 41?
Also could you tell me how many points gold tier is?

Thanks in advance :)

06-23-2014, 10:13 PM
why? that just ruins everything we hoped for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why not just add a special place in ch for sperit chests that only us capped members can access!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The event is good, why freaking out? Man, if u keep freaking out when the event start, u will see the different :)

06-23-2014, 10:20 PM
Will I be able to loot the mythic weapons on a toon which isn't 41?
Also could you tell me how many points gold tier is?

Thanks in advance :)
Yes, if u looted Elondrian Spirit Chests or Locked grand crate of Elondria, u have the chance to loot new mythic weapons.
Well, STS are busy thinking the points to achieve gold tier..

06-24-2014, 07:37 AM
The event is good, why freaking out? Man, if u keep freaking out when the event start, u will see the different :)

because of the chests. I'm glad the are implementing something from the tarlok event (which was amazing) but they should at the least make them stashable.

06-24-2014, 11:29 AM
I agree with your assessment of the new mythics as pve focused, and again the price inflation is a bit much but it makes sense, you jus said that you bought 8k plat and didnt get much of anything I would think that you would understand but I guess you never will. Below is how I breakdown plat purchase for crates and some other things I wanted to point out.

1 locked crate to open = 15 plat x 25 = 375plat
I open no less than 25 to justify purchases with the gold in take from crates, on average I open between 100-400 crates which is low compared to wealthy players

300 locked crates to open = 4.5k plat
At this point if I got nothin I wouldnt sell crates for income u would aready at 1.8mil gold or atleast 756k which is close to 60 percent of total crates opened time the 3 rolls you would each crates. Well anyway I would stop unless I found crates. And yea I would be upset

1. Loot lottery does suck but it serves its purpose, the same as item crafting. One allows you to occasionally get some rare and really good gear (mythics, arcane) and the allows players to do some pretty cool stuff over an extended period of time. With the end result of spending all your plat and buying more. Which for STS creates a repeat consumer without having to change customers. Its ingenious!

2. Again i never said that u don't buy plat

3. If too many ppl have the best gear because its easily available that will negatively effect AL replay value because players would get the best stuff too quickly, and STS will loose profit after they quit early from lack of challenge. Your worried about in game gold STS wants players to keep playing even to the point were like us, they wait for new content. If too many wait at once before STS can make a profit the game will slowly die..

4. Spend more on plat and hope you get lucky ( thats what I do) lol

5. This is an MMORPG by its design its time consuming :)

Here is a new conundrum:
The game caps around lv75 do to the limit of currently available skills and that isnt far away. The rogue arcane weapon hasnt been revamped since lv26 and the warrior arcane weapon is nxt in line to become outdated by a mythic weapon (stats for new mythic donot completely outdate war and mage weapons!!!!!) My question is how will sts keep this going? Or is it ,by design, going to jus stop being updated after another 3.5yrs..

I maybe wrong about the warrior arcane weapon but I think you understand what im saying. This is a great game and I would hate to see it end like the rest. In limbo with no new content in sight.

Oh and no im not a developer but that would be awesome to help with this project

Hey man, thanks for the lengthy reply. Appreciate that. Figured at my point of force opening crate, I must be the unluckiest player around. Anyway, I think I'm rather lost at your post on opening locked calculation. :-)

At the point of people quit due to lack of challenge, or is it too challenging!? that's a question you should be asking.

My idea of PVP is always more like the old arcade game Street fighters and KoF where they have training room, no lag, and more importantly same level of power balance and equips.
More players quit each day due to the price inequality in the game and time-consuming gold "farming".

Lack of challenge is never an issue in AL. Try doing elites in legendary with legendary equipped players.
It is the constant update and new content that keeps people coming back.
In fact, I would make the claim that those players who gets their end of game weapon and gears almost never quits.

Lol, think this discussion is getting more an d more out of topic by now.

And thanks for the warning, I should be worried that AL will soon end up dead too with new title already being released and shouldn't keep too much dead plats with me.

06-24-2014, 11:47 AM
[Q UOTE=Carapace;1697103]Hi everyone!

It took a bit of time but I've read through this thread. There are a lot of concerns still regarding Energy, and there will be a post coming in the near future that should address that specifically. Here are a couple of notes I wanted to mention, and then answers to some of the more pressing and related questions based on this threads objectives.

- The Locked Grand Crate of Elondria recipe is permanent, one purchase recipe for your character, but only remains active during Ursoth's Assault. Without any more Elondrian Essence drops keeping the recipe available once the event is over, keeping the recipe around seems a bit unnecessary. You will be allowed to finish any crafting from remaining materials during the cooldown for Ursoth's Assault.

- Spawned portals in the world will spawn at a significantly lower rate. This is to avoid the obtrusive spawns in the middle of the map, and also seems less necessary now with the portals existing as a permanent portal from the main event hub.

- Spirit chests will not be tradeable/stashable. Much like the Tarlok event this is to prevent exploitation across the different level ranges. For example a player could have 8 characters on an account, farm and craft Elondrian Spirit Chests, and then send them all to his level 41 to open - diluting the market.

- The token cost of the Elondrian Crates recipe will be easily obtained by casual players within a few days. We realize it is not in anybody's best interest to gate players from being able to craft these items for some fixed large amount of time.

Here are the answers to a few questions I saw repeated throughout the thread:

Yes, they have regular chances to drop Arcane Eggs and weapons/shard. There will be no Hooks in these crates however just like the Locked Grand Crates currently, and there will NOT be mythic armors and helms in this crate. What does this mean? It means if you roll that mythic hit when opening a crate you have a better chance that it will be one of the new weapons, instead of the old level 26 helm. The jewelry mythics will still be in the mix for Locked grand Crates of Elondria.

Mythics will also have a chance to drop from Elondrian Spirit Chests, which are free to open.

Not during the Ursoth's Assault event, and this is because of the leaderboard implications. The random factor associated with tiers plays an important roll in the leaderboard scores players will be competing against each other.

Entangled Chests will drop 1 new armor set, among other rewards while the Elondrian Spirit Chests have a chance to drop the set from Entangled, as well as an additional higher grade armor set. In short, yes!

Correct. Any Locked Grand Crates of Elondria crafted during the event will remain after the event. This means any available after the event will be the only crates left with the chance for the Mythic weapons. The same applies to the Entangled and Elondrian Spirit Chests. The Mythic weapons available during the event are all level 41.

No. These crates will always maintain their current drop chances regardless of any future double mythic odd weekends.

No. Only the new Locked Grand Crates of Elondria and Elondrian Spirit Chests will have a chance to drop the new mythic weapons.

A valid concern! In our current iteration, (as things are always subject to change during development) Elondrian Essences can NOT be purchased, they are farmed only. They are also on a separate drop table than the other essences, so the fact there are more essences now available to drop does not mean fewer drops of those essences or the new ones. The pool is not diluted, you can potentially receive a new Elondrian Essence and a Glacial Essence for example from the same mob, though you would be very very lucky!

Thank you for everyone's feedback and patience while we post all the details related to changes to the event system, as well as particulars about the Ursoth's Assault event. We're fairly confident you will appreciate the changes we have made across the board based on the Goblin Event feedback!


Sounds good.

But why have the random portal spawns in map when you already have one in town? Confetti effects?

Will there be a new set of Ursoth legendaries from the event?

What will happen when I have spend my energy on the portal and while waiting to enter, I get disconnected by server.

Happened very often to me, right at the portal entrance, and right after I hit the use energy button. Haven't even set my foot in.

06-24-2014, 12:20 PM
Since we can keep our Elondrian Locked Crates after the event; would any new Mythic/Arcane items that STS releases be included in these crates or will any new Mythic/Arcane items that are released require new types of locked crates to be crafted?

Milan Lame Man
06-24-2014, 08:11 PM
Since we can keep our Elondrian Locked Crates after the event
So far, keeping event chests did not work well.
I still carry Halloween chests around but there's no point. They drop the same things like they did back then. Just open them ASAP, you can keep the loot for later.

06-24-2014, 09:02 PM
So far, keeping event chests did not work well.
I still carry Halloween chests around but there's no point. They drop the same things like they did back then. Just open them ASAP, you can keep the loot for later.

Lol Riiiiiight, its not a secret. I am guessing that most active forum members understand what these new crates mean. And once they are discountinued, they will remain the only possible means of acquiring/generating lvl 41 Mythic weapons what will happen to their price in a few months. I think STS decided to allow stash slots to be purchased with story tokens to coincide with this event for that same reason. That leveled the playing field in so many positive ways. More competition is always good thing, it encourages creativity and growth.

06-24-2014, 10:50 PM
Lol Riiiiiight, its not a secret. I am guessing that most active forum members understand what these new crates mean. And once they are discountinued, they will remain the only possible means of acquiring/generating lvl 41 Mythic weapons what will happen to their price in a few months. I think STS decided to allow stash slots to be purchased with story tokens to coincide with this event for that same reason. That leveled the playing field in so many positive ways. More competition is always good thing, it encourages creativity and growth.

They will be frozen crates steadily dropping their value tied to the decreasing value of the Mythics as the next level increase approaches. Old crates retained their value because they were guaranteed new arcane/Mythics at the new seasons but these will not.

06-24-2014, 11:45 PM
They will be frozen crates steadily dropping their value tied to the decreasing value of the Mythics as the next level increase approaches. Old crates retained their value because they were guaranteed new arcane/Mythics at the new seasons but these will not.

Your point at the end about their decline due to the POSSIBLE non inclusion of New Mythics was actually the initial question I posted. "Since we can keep our Elondrian Crates after the event would any new Mythic/Arcane releases also be included in the Elondrian Crates or would we need to craft a new type of crate for each new Mythic/Arcane release?" STS hasnt clarified one way or the other yet.

My guess is you are correct and they wont be though we will have to create new crates. Since it looks like that comes with the new event system. Keep in mind, STS will be monitoring this first big event very closely and the impact it has on their profit. If the previous system shows itself to be much more profitable for STS than this new one, they could go back. We just dont know.

IF new Mythic/Arcane items release and are not added to Elondrian Crate wheel (which again we dont know that they wont be) Your right they will go down much quicker, but not before they go up. Not everyone who opens crates and wants the new Mythics will get them. The demand for lvl 41 Mythics wont go away just because the event ends. Their value will peak at some point after the event, they will be the ONLY way EVER to generate these 41 Mythic weapons.

The most important factor though isnt even the Mythic Weapons. Its the fact that older mythics were removed. This means that the ROI of Elondrian Crates is vastly superior. Most serious plat/crate whales will want these crates after the event for not only the Mythic items they will drop but their chance at an Arcane Ring and other higher end Arcane/Mythic items PLUS not only are they guranteed to loot more valuable Arcane/Mythics their drop rate is 2x.

Also the large merchants will want to control the flow of these new Mythics the easiest way to control the flow is to control the source. Which are the Elondrian crates this too will increase demand especially since immediately after this event the number of Elondrian Crates in circulation is finite. All you need is enough gold and inventory space to put a stranglehold on the supply of 41 Mythics and then once there IS control of the supply their price can be forcibly driven up.

You are correct though in that eventually one day eveything depreciates and so will these. Their value will peak as everythings value does and then its time to sell them.

06-25-2014, 01:46 AM
That regular chance of looting arcane eggs and shards makes me think twice about opening the event crates. 100 event crates VS 300 regular crates with a same chance of looting those arcanes. The only special thing is, event locked has a chance to loot new mythics. Hmm?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 01:50 AM
so in this event we dont get any arcane r mythic pet from d locked (not d existing mythic and arcane pet ) so d event its useless for twinks thy run for gold tier thn stopd d running.. and this event doesn't get any better gears than tarlok's for twinks so this event not for d twinks

06-25-2014, 02:11 AM
so in this event we dont get any arcane r mythic pet from d locked (not d existing mythic and arcane pet ) so d event its useless for twinks thy run for gold tier thn stopd d running.. and this event doesn't get any better gears than tarlok's for twinks so this event not for d twinks

I was hoping that event crates contain of new Ursoth gear which is the stats wise itself could beat the previous Tarloks gear.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sundar Moorthi
06-25-2014, 02:51 AM
am hoping tht too.... but sts couldnt say in any threads that is ursoth event have a better gear than the tarlok gears for twinks .. so this is d worst event for d twinks and i agree with tony
I was hoping that event crates contain of new Ursoth gear which is the stats wise itself could beat the previous Tarloks gear.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-25-2014, 02:59 AM
so in this event we dont get any arcane r mythic pet from d locked (not d existing mythic and arcane pet ) so d event its useless for twinks thy run for gold tier thn stopd d running.. and this event doesn't get any better gears than tarlok's for twinks so this event not for d twinks
Not agree with u, The dovabear egg from gold tier is really good gift from achieving the gold tier.
Worst event? did u ever try goblin event? Its even worse event, and this event is really good, I dont see any twinks mad or angry after they achieve gold tier, All i see they happy to having Dovabear pet.

Sundar Moorthi
06-25-2014, 03:14 AM
Not agree with u, The dovabear egg from gold tier is really good gift from achieving the gold tier.
Worst event? did u ever try goblin event? Its even worse event, and this event is really good, I dont see any twinks mad or angry after they achieve gold tier, All i see they happy to having Dovabear pet.

my dear zuesblade tony say's that is no arcane and mythic new pets for this event from the locked and and he mentioned it twinks run for gold tier then stop the running ( why we run for gold tier (DEVOBEAR) ) and what he really mean it that is sts couldn't say in any thread ursouth event bring the better gears for twink better than the tarlok gears ( please before the comment read carefully)

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 03:25 AM
my dear zuesblade tony say's that is no arcane and mythic new pets for this event from the locked and and he mentioned it twinks run for gold tier then stop the running ( why we run for gold tier (DEVOBEAR) ) and what he really mean it that is sts couldn't say in any thread ursouth event bring the better gears for twink better than the tarlok gears ( please before the comment read carefully)

thnx sundar u understand wat i really mean it but y dnt d zeusblade :mad:

06-25-2014, 03:54 AM
thnx sundar u understand wat i really mean it but y dnt d zeusblade :mad:

Well first try improving your english, you really like da D dont ya? xD

06-25-2014, 04:18 AM
my dear zuesblade tony say's that is no arcane and mythic new pets for this event from the locked and and he mentioned it twinks run for gold tier then stop the running ( why we run for gold tier (DEVOBEAR) ) and what he really mean it that is sts couldn't say in any thread ursouth event bring the better gears for twink better than the tarlok gears ( please before the comment read carefully)
I read CAREFULLY, There is no arcane and mythic new pets from locked, to avoid people crying because people got lots of junk, now they have to do get in leaderboard with gold/plat instead opening locked too much.
Did u see where Little Bear dropped? It says "Little bear dropped from Ursoth or trade with 500 event tokens"
I see Dova Bear dropped when u achieved gold tier, but its tradeable egg, isnt it? So u have to farming those little bear egg and 1 dova bear (if u have multiple char, u can do achieve to gold tier every char).
Is the event worse? No, this is more better because we can farm Little bear/Dova bear with lots of gold.

@Tonyja, I respect to any people, except u, who actually quick angry after read my reply to yours and dont respect people, also improve ur english, I do not understand what u talking in English with that randomed word.

06-25-2014, 05:09 AM
Well first try improving your english, you really like da D dont ya? xD

Omg lmao jiig

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 06:26 AM
Omg lmao jiig

laughing my *** of ( hahahaha its not a big comedy dude )

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 06:27 AM
I read CAREFULLY, There is no arcane and mythic new pets from locked, to avoid people crying because people got lots of junk, now they have to do get in leaderboard with gold/plat instead opening locked too much.
Did u see where Little Bear dropped? It says "Little bear dropped from Ursoth or trade with 500 event tokens"
I see Dova Bear dropped when u achieved gold tier, but its tradeable egg, isnt it? So u have to farming those little bear egg and 1 dova bear (if u have multiple char, u can do achieve to gold tier every char).
Is the event worse? No, this is more better because we can farm Little bear/Dova bear with lots of gold.

@Tonyja, I respect to any people, except u, who actually quick angry after read my reply to yours and dont respect people, also improve ur english, I do not understand what u talking in English with that randomed word.

lol am really lazy to type complete word ( D means THE)) if u dnt (dnt=Don't) understand dnt reply.......... am i ask u to reply my quest? ( quest = question?)

i dont want to improve my english better u must improve ur reading skill got it (giv respect and take respect if u dont... watever u throw from ur mouth thats come back with multiply to u )

06-25-2014, 06:34 AM
so in this event we dont get any arcane r mythic pet from d locked (not d existing mythic and arcane pet ) so d event its useless for twinks thy run for gold tier thn stopd d running.. and this event doesn't get any better gears than tarlok's for twinks so this event not for d twinks

#1 llol but for lvl36 twinks,it will be useful

#2 mythic pets nvr dropped in locks

#3 when reach gold tier, u get banner, chests, recepie and pet. along with some other drops.

#4 about ursoth armours, u may nvr know

#5 u can always farm tokens and E-chest(drops new mythic weapons),

#6 twinks are alot stronger then enemies and bosses comparing to endgame. as twinks has tarlok sets. so twinks can farm quickly. (my experience, based on farming tarlok dragon at lvl10-21 bracket)

06-25-2014, 06:47 AM
lol am really lazy to type complete word ( D means THE)) if u dnt (dnt=Don't) understand dnt reply.......... am i ask u to reply my quest? ( quest = question?)

i dont want to improve my english better u must improve ur reading skill got it (giv respect and take respect if u dont... watever u throw from ur mouth thats come back with multiply to u )
IF u disrespect/ignore my opinion, should u don't talk to me after I give my opinion?

Listen, Tonyja, if u cant improve ur english, no one can understand ur post WHICH mean no one can reply to ur post.
Lol@D, Lol@Quest, do u know what Quest mean? If u dont know then don't tell the quest=question.
You the one who need to learn about RESPECT, u always disrespect me like u almost break the forum rules, u wanna see the forum rules?
I can understand any post except yours (which is weird), and LOL. About that mouth, u really want to disrecpt me?
Read this forum rules, I respect to the one who is good people and who are really dont ignore my posts.

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Sundar Moorthi
06-25-2014, 07:07 AM
I read CAREFULLY, There is no arcane and mythic new pets from locked, to avoid people crying because people got lots of junk, now they have to do get in leaderboard with gold/plat instead opening locked too much.
Did u see where Little Bear dropped? It says "Little bear dropped from Ursoth or trade with 500 event tokens"
I see Dova Bear dropped when u achieved gold tier, but its tradeable egg, isnt it? So u have to farming those little bear egg and 1 dova bear (if u have multiple char, u can do achieve to gold tier every char).
Is the event worse? No, this is more better because we can farm Little bear/Dova bear with lots of gold.

my dear blade i have a question is this game playing by 80s grandma r grandpa or 5-40yr kids,youth's ? Because old peoples have a time to run whole 3 weeks day & night.. this game played by School,Colloge & Working peoples, whos compulsory have to spend approximately 20hours a day for regular work.. and i wish to ask u a question sts creat a op pet for just 40players? some peoples turned like an game maniac (sorry for using this "MANIAC") to get the shady&surge.. and one thing in previous season STS say invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for our game, in this ursoth event STS say's invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for this event and play like a "MANIAC"

@Tonyja, I respect to any people, except u, who actually quick angry after read my reply to yours and dont respect people, also improve ur english, I do not understand what u talking in English with that randomed word.

my dear blade i have a question is this game playing by 80s grandma r grandpa or 5-40yr kids,youth's ? Because old peoples have a time to run whole 3 weeks day & night.. this game played by School,Colloge & Working peoples, whos compulsory have to spend approximately 20hours a day for regular work.. and i wish to ask u a question sts creat a op pet for just 40players? some peoples turned like an game maniac (sorry for using this "MANIAC") to get the shady&surge.. and one thing in previous season STS say invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for our game, in this ursoth event STS say's invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for this event and play like a "MANIAC"

06-25-2014, 07:39 AM
my dear blade i have a question is this game playing by 80s grandma r grandpa or 5-40yr kids,youth's ? Because old peoples have a time to run whole 3 weeks day & night.. this game played by School,Colloge & Working peoples, whos compulsory have to spend approximately 20hours a day for regular work.. and i wish to ask u a question sts creat a op pet for just 40players? some peoples turned like an game maniac (sorry for using this "MANIAC") to get the shady&surge.. and one thing in previous season STS say invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for our game, in this ursoth event STS say's invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for this event and play like a "MANIAC"
30 players*
I just giving my opinion anyway, pls dont do like that to my opinion.

Sundar Moorthi
06-25-2014, 08:05 AM
30 players*
I just giving my opinion anyway, pls dont do like that to my opinion.

anyway thnx for ur kindness,information and clarification..... am not buy platinum for the event i save 6k to 15k what was spent by me last winter event indian money.. and i know even if i have enough gold and platinum i wil not be on the leaderboard because i donot have time.

06-25-2014, 08:13 AM
anyway thnx for ur kindness,information and clarification..... am not buy platinum for the event i save 6k to 15k what was spent by me last winter event indian money.. and i know even if i have enough gold and platinum i wil not be on the leaderboard because i donot have time.

If you don't have time then that's not anyone else's problem but yours.

06-25-2014, 08:18 AM
Everyone has their own opinion. Why keeps arguing? Chill people. And not all people speak english properly, my grammar suks tho. It is fine as long as if you got their point. Chill!

Peace out!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 08:21 AM
IF u disrespect/ignore my opinion, should u don't talk to me after I give my opinion?

Listen, Tonyja, if u cant improve ur english, no one can understand ur post WHICH mean no one can reply to ur post.
Lol@D, Lol@Quest, do u know what Quest mean? If u dont know then don't tell the quest=question.
You the one who need to learn about RESPECT, u always disrespect me like u almost break the forum rules, u wanna see the forum rules?
I can understand any post except yours (which is weird), and LOL. About that mouth, u really want to disrecpt me?
Read this forum rules, I respect to the one who is good people and who are really dont ignore my posts.

cool mr.Zeusblade am not here for disrespect u and i dnt want a learn english from u.... you are a really short tempered hahaha as a well wisher i advise u angry makes stoks i read somewhere so dont angry... pls be cool

06-25-2014, 08:41 AM
cool mr.Zeusblade am not here for disrespect u and i dnt want a learn english from u.... you are a really short tempered hahaha as a well wisher i advise u angry makes stoks i read somewhere so dont angry... pls be cool
I see u use mad/angry emote, no lies.

thnx sundar u understand wat i really mean it but y dnt d zeusblade :mad:
Listen Tony, learn more english just make u more good to talk with friends in game and in forum..
Peace, if u reply to mine again, I completely to talk more seriously.

06-25-2014, 08:43 AM
Tony, you also flame here in forums? oh I see.. Keep it up! :eagerness:

Sundar Moorthi
06-25-2014, 08:47 AM
If you don't have time then that's not anyone else's problem but yours.

ya am agree with you i just spend 2 to 4hrs an day which give me only enjoyment,

Tonyja Tonyjaa
06-25-2014, 08:56 AM
I see u use mad/angry emote, no lies.

Listen Tony, learn more english just make u more good to talk with friends in game and in forum..
Peace, if u reply to mine again, I completely to talk more seriously.

i dont want to learn english.., you must consult a psychiatrist because u get angry quickly again i tel u as a well wisher dont angry, the problem started from you if you couldn't able to understand my english just leave it,

06-25-2014, 09:52 AM
ya am agree with you i just spend 2 to 4hrs an day which give me only enjoyment,

2-4 hours is pretty good, I spend about 2-3 during the week and maybe 3-4 or 4-5 on Saturday and Sunday, all depends

Whatever makes you happy do it, if it doesn't please you, and just isn't right don't waste your time, I wouldn't :)

06-25-2014, 10:28 AM
I was hoping that event crates contain of new Ursoth gear which is the stats wise itself could beat the previous Tarloks gear.

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They do, yes.

06-25-2014, 10:29 AM
They do, yes.

Sweet. How about the level details? Any sneak peak about it anytime soon?

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06-25-2014, 10:42 AM
Better than Tarlok. WOW!!

Sent from my GT-B5330 using Tapatalk

06-25-2014, 10:46 AM
Thank goodness I sold my tarlok sets huhuhu

06-25-2014, 10:47 AM
But that means there's a high chance of these being better than mythic ...which leads me to the conclusion that in the next expansion something has to be done

Mehmet Tuncay
06-25-2014, 11:29 AM
Mersin mehmet ]2-4 hours is pretty good, I spend about 2-3 during the week and maybe 3-4 or 4-5 on Saturday and Sunday, all depends

Whatever makes you happy do it, if it doesn't please you, and just isn't right don't waste your time, I wouldn't :)[mersinmehmet

06-25-2014, 11:32 AM
Thank youuu! Arcane Legends specially Spacetime Studios im excited for this Ursoth's Assault Event can't wait to see the surprises haha :3 goodluck everyone! ciao :)

Mehmet Tuncay
06-25-2014, 11:35 AM
Mersinmehmet. my dear blade i have a question is this game playing by 80s grandma r grandpa or 5-40yr kids,youth's ? Because old peoples have a time to run whole 3 weeks day & night.. this game played by School,Colloge & Working peoples, whos compulsory have to spend approximately 20hours a day for regular work.. and i wish to ask u a question sts creat a op pet for just 40players? some peoples turned like an game maniac (sorry for using this "MANIAC") to get the shady&surge.. and one thing in previous season STS say invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for our game, in this ursoth event STS say's invest your dad,mom and you hardly earned MONEY for this event and play like a ben türküm ve de bu oiyunda türkçe yaz ilim istiyorum ben İngilizce anlamiyorum kendi dilimde yazma izi istiyorum l dont understand inglish l dont speak it

Mehmet Tuncay
06-25-2014, 11:40 AM
Mersin mehmet =Tonyja Tonyjaa;1699310]cool mr.Zeusblade am not here for disrespect u and i dnt want a learn english from u.... you are a really short tempered hahaha as a well wisher i advise u angry makes stoks i read somewhere so dont angry... pls be cool[mersin mehmet ben turkiyeden oynuyorum bu oyunu kendi dilimde yani türkçe olarak yollarsaniz güncellemeleri daha güzel olur ozaman daha iyi oynar iz bu imkân sağlarsa iz çok seviniriz tesekkur ederim thanks l love yok arcane legends

06-25-2014, 11:43 AM

Mehmet Tuncay
06-25-2014, 11:43 AM
Artik kendi dilimizde yazmanizi istiyoruz çünkü İngilizce bilmiyoruz bu sorunu bir an önce cozumleyin teşekkürler ben türküm Türkiyeden oynuyordum bu oyunu

06-25-2014, 11:52 AM
Dear Devs: Give us the details of the upcoming fresh Ursoth gear sets, then you will know that everyone is happy!

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06-25-2014, 11:59 PM
Dear Devs: Give us the details of the upcoming fresh Ursoth gear sets, then you will know that everyone is happy!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


06-28-2014, 05:53 PM
i saved 1,200,000 for energy kits either that or ill buy the dova bear

Noob Mage :D

06-28-2014, 10:39 PM
I never saw if this question was answered... Will these new double mythic odds chests still have a chance of dropping old arcane pets???

06-28-2014, 10:41 PM
I never saw if this question was answered... Will these new double mythic odds chests still have a chance of dropping old arcane pets???
No, the chests will just dropping Ursoth gears and new mythic weapons :)

06-30-2014, 06:30 PM
Will locked watch crates rise in price tmrw, and if so will the price just drop back down to the 6-8k range via undercutting due to the amount of players hoarding hundreds?! :)

07-03-2014, 09:33 AM
just farming essense for 2 hours n buy lock 6k each .. then craft ur lock be lock elondrian and sell it high price .. :D

07-03-2014, 12:01 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before - so, the crafted lockeds contain potentially the same stuff as common ones, plus chance on new mythic weapons?

07-15-2014, 08:28 AM
I'm sorry if I double post it, but I've read some pages and didnt see this question anywhere. If I open spirit chest with a lower char then 41 (12 for example) can I get new myths? Or I will get only my lvl items ? Thank you.

07-15-2014, 11:54 AM
You will get the level 41 mythic weapons no matter what level the character is that you open them with.

07-18-2014, 04:44 AM
Are the elondrian locked will be normal locked after event..?or it will stay elondrian locked and can be used when mythic event or something..?

07-18-2014, 06:20 AM
They stay as elondrian locks

07-18-2014, 05:22 PM
What happens to elondrian locks when event ends?

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07-18-2014, 05:33 PM
They will remain the exact same after the event as they do now, and will not benefit from any future "bonuses". Basically, your chances of getting these event specific items from these crates are the same now, as they will be in 7 months if there are any left to open :)

07-20-2014, 09:26 PM
They will remain the exact same after the event as they do now, and will not benefit from any future "bonuses". Basically, your chances of getting these event specific items from these crates are the same now, as they will be in 7 months if there are any left to open :)

Hi, i would like to know the elondrian essences will still drop after the event?

Thank you.

07-20-2014, 10:16 PM
Hi, i would like to know the elondrian essences will still drop after the event?

Thank you.
Elondrian essences will not drop after the event or in cooldown event.

Mehmet Tuncay
07-21-2014, 04:04 PM
Çok locked actim fakat içinden birşey cikmadi neden ben üzgünüm artik arcane silahini istiyorum

Mehmet Tuncay
07-21-2014, 04:09 PM
MersinmehmetHi, i would like to know the elondrian essences will still drop after the event?

Thank you mersinmehmet

07-21-2014, 08:47 PM
MersinmehmetHi, i would like to know the elondrian essences will still drop after the event?

Thank you mersinmehmet

Why am I seeing this thread popping up all the time...

Can you read? ZeusBlade, who just posted above you or before you posted, WAS the last post, he said ELONDRIAN ESSENCES do NOT drop anymore, they do not drop anywhere it is gone.

07-22-2014, 07:26 AM

07-22-2014, 07:28 AM

Respect !

Mehmet Tuncay
07-22-2014, 03:13 PM
Ben elondrian sandiklardan çok actim fakat bos fikri ben üzgünüm km very sory çok hayal kirikligina ugradim herkese elondrian mystic silah ciktibana neden cikmadi

07-22-2014, 06:12 PM
Ben elondrian sandiklardan çok actim fakat bos fikri ben üzgünüm km very sory çok hayal kirikligina ugradim herkese elondrian mystic silah ciktibana neden cikmadi

Do you speak English...?

07-24-2014, 01:10 PM
Do locked elos turn into regular locked after the event system update is over? Someone was mentioning this to me today.

07-25-2014, 07:47 AM
Do locked elos turn into regular locked after the event system update is over? Someone was mentioning this to me today.

They stay the exact same with double odds and everything. You just cannot loot the essences to make them anymore!