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06-16-2014, 03:15 AM
Original post: http://m.wikihow.com/Overcome-an-MMORPG-Addiction

How to Overcome an MMORPG Addiction

Game addictions are currently the fastest growing class of addictions, with MMORPG addictions being the most common. MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. They can have very harmful effects and should be treated just as seriously as other addictions. Here are some measures that you can take to overcome an addiction to an MMORPG.


Determine if you are addicted to an MMORPG.

If you can control the amount of hours that you play, then you are probably not addicted. Some typical symptoms include the following:

Continuously thinking about a MMORPG
Missing work, school, or a social activity to devote time to a MMORPG
Playing a MMORPG for an excessive duration in one sitting (more than 5 hours)
Spending real money on in-game items (This in and of itself is not a sign. It's OK to spend money if you have money. If you should be buying food and you are buying in game items instead, you might have an issue)
Psychological distress attributed to lack of game play (feeling upset/angry if you can't play)
Loss of sleep due to excessive gaming
Putting more time into the game than important things like school work, friends, family etc.
Other major lifestyle change that results in playing the MMORPG more often.

Recognize your addiction.

Even if it is just a game, it is still an addiction that is affecting your lifestyle. In recognizing the problem, you become aware that it needs to be fixed.

Start your long journey to recovery.

Depending on how addicted you are, and how much time you have to beat your addiction, you have several methods of approach.

Decrease your overall time playing. What seems to be the most common is to slowly lower your playing time until it is down to a reasonable amount. However, this may not work for people who are unable to control their addiction.
Force yourself to quit playing. Quit playing the game for a few days, and then your addiction will soon dissipate, provided that you don't slip back to the game.
Find new hobbies. Look for another hobby like reading or riding a bicycle. It is best if you find something that will keep you away from the computer, in effort to keep your mind off of the MMORPG.

Avoid triggering your addiction again.

After your addiction is beaten, keep it at bay. If you're sure that the addiction won't come back. Also, don't look for starting another MMORPG. You'll only end up funneling your addiction from the first MMORPG to the next.


Try to help other addicted friends if you can, as it can have very serious consequences.
Don't be afraid to seek help. Many people are embarrassed about being addicted to "just a game", and many others don't take MMORPG addiction seriously. It can have the same implications of drug addictions.
Moderation: It is okay to play an MMO once in a while, but once you start thinking about it too often and choosing it over your friends, you know you have a problem.
Remember: The countless hours you put into this game will simply go down the drain. All of your efforts merely result in a magnetic charge on a hard drive somewhere, and should you start a more viable hobby, when people ask you what you do in your free time, you will have novel material items to show them and be able to gain some credibility in this world.
Be sure to recognize that the MMORPG was not the cause of the initial motivations or desires that brought about the addiction and without treatment these issues will only become increasingly unmanageable. Something was sought in your addiction, it was not forced upon you. Realize that your problems are your own and must be handled correctly and professionally because it is not the game that did this, a mentally and emotionally healthy adult would not become addicted to an MMORPG.
Remember that this is a game, not the real world. Anything that happens in the game won't affect your real life.


If an MMORPG is seriously damaging your mental or physical health, seek professional help as soon as you can.
There have been news stories about people dying from starvation and suicide due to extreme gaming. If you want to play for long periods of time take breaks for food, fresh air, and the restroom.
Do not rebound your way into another MMORPG, several other MMOs can be just as or even more so addicting than the one you are currently playing. If you have a problem with one, they are all bad for you.
Overcoming the addiction won't occur automatically It will take anywhere from a month to 1 year to destroy the habit. Don't be angry at yourself if you feel the urge to play again. Getting mad at the people around you will only make things worse.
If it's too hard for you, try to do it gradually and be disciplined about it. For example, reduce your playing time by 20 minutes everyday and get a friend or family to help you keep track and pull you out if you play overtime.
Just because you've cured your addiction, doesn't mean you can't get addicted.
After you quit, If you start suffering major headaches, and are constantly depressed... get outside for some fresh air.
Please pay very close attention to your symptoms and also understand that this is simply a video game and all symptoms that have occurred while playing or from lack of playing are not a product of any game. They are serious emotional and mental health issues that need to be discussed and treated by professionals. *Lack of playing a game should not make anyone depressed unless for example you were motivated by reasons of curing your own existing depression through game play and once your self cure has been removed the symptoms have increased and you can be in even more danger than you were when playing.
It is very important and this can not be stressed enough that any sign of depression or mood alteration based on MMORPGS or recreational activities more than likely stems from problems best treated by a medical professional.

Thanks For Reading! :)

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06-16-2014, 03:21 AM
Cool article, kind of like posting a guide to quit drinking on the Budweiser website. LOL

06-16-2014, 03:24 AM
good reminder! nuff said :)

06-16-2014, 03:24 AM


Keshav Agarwal
06-16-2014, 03:28 AM
STS may loose many players because of u xP
btw nice guide liked it

06-16-2014, 03:30 AM
Send this guide to Parth, he almost died during the last event LOL

06-16-2014, 03:33 AM
Lol :P I know This can decrease the amount of hours a player usually plays but This is Harmful and Of course Health comes First :) STS Understands that ;) we can play Daily but Should be in a Limit.

06-16-2014, 04:19 AM
i can tell you 1 thing...

this is the best thread i readed in any Game forum...

i want add<<<

you are playing as its will never over, as you will play that game forever... than time comeing and game dieing and you are Flashing how many thing you losed in real <<<

there a movie i watched it years ago, name is >>> BEN X <<< movie about a game addict guy and i giwe it 9/10 :)

a onnline mobile game should be best cap items after 3-5 week hardcore work <<< but in AL you need to waste years for it ( and new caps keep comeing, its mean you cant get best cap items on the right time )

i said on a old thread for the free players and new free players " dont dream about best gears in game, effort for second top gears and be happy with it and play for FUN "

than i get negative replys about it :)

i have a maxed char on a PC game, best pc mmo game ever, got offers ppls want buy it for 5-10-... k usd and i didnt sell... than i realize i losed so many thing in real, and deleted game.. my char still there... personely i started mobile games because i dont want to waste years for enjoy a game thats the why most of player choiceing mobile games...

any ppls love it you need years for the top gears and its fun from theys side <<< for me NO its a mobile game....

For My Experiences = mobile games should easy simple and funy...

if i want waste my years on a game and if i am a game addict and live in games <<< its will a PC game... if you compore AL to a PC game <<< you will see AL like tetris :) but 2 to need waste years ? this is the biggest part i dont like in AL...

and agree about plat buyer part on your mesage... if a person have so much money << person can giwe it to game for fun... its better than waste years if person have money...

Thx for the your Best Thread ever :)

06-16-2014, 04:45 AM
wow awesome guide.
I was too got addicted to this game since 2011.(played PL and SL then)
when my result came bad I tried to play less SL. then AL came.
now I hardly play AL. I play AL but seasonal lol.
now I m not addicted. also I controlled my addiction by not buying internet packs haha.

I say:
that's the best way to control addiction to mmorpg.

06-16-2014, 04:47 AM
I always set a goal of what I want to achieve each day, and when that is done I sign off. For example, I could enter PvP with the goal of getting 25 kills and then want to do a few daily quests. Once I get all that done, I sign off.

06-16-2014, 04:47 AM
Playing is good if not misused, Mmorpg helps u to make new friends, increase confidence to meet new people. Play daily but up to a limit

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Tapatalk

06-16-2014, 05:00 AM
A very nice guide.

But I don't need it as Arcane Legends is no longer addictive to me and recently I just log in for 5 min everyday to earn story tokens.

Hopefully the coming event can make me addicted again...

06-16-2014, 05:44 AM
I always set a goal of what I want to achieve each day, and when that is done I sign off. For example, I could enter PvP with the goal of getting 25 kills and then want to do a few daily quests. Once I get all that done, I sign off.

I set a goal too.. But I can't make myself sign off...

06-16-2014, 06:10 AM
Energy system sure helps reduce addiction xD

06-16-2014, 06:34 AM
Energy system sure helps reduce addiction xD

haha but they now need anger management. :banana:

06-16-2014, 06:45 AM
You know how I overcame my AL addiction? Before i was playing for NO LESS than 6 hours a day straight. I once hunted Bael 2 for 11 hours with small breaks to eat, and then they fixed it. Then i realized that no matter how much time you dedicate farming and without using plats for luck and to respec (come on..how can a newbie know the right build - even with proper knowledge one build won't make you a beast in both pvp and pve), you're considered handicapped compared to plat- users. I never reached my goal of a positive pvp kdr because the game itself demotivated me from achieving anything. During special weekends/ events I give those things a go but when events that are supposed to be fun became too competitive and pay-to-play style, I lost all my hopes for this game. Long story short it was AL itself that helped me stop my addiction. Thank you AL, now I can eat Differential Equations and Eng'g Mechanics for dinner instead of potions XD

P.S. I still have the prize I won during the Tarlok Event :-P

06-16-2014, 06:50 AM
haha but they now need anger management. :banana:

I'll add it on my goal list....like killing inan in 3 mins nyhahah :banana:

Edit: It was like stopping yourself in playing AL after 1 hr :) :banana:

06-16-2014, 10:15 AM
Send this guide to Parth, he almost died during the last event LOL

Who is parth ??

06-16-2014, 10:18 AM
Energy system sure helps reduce addiction xD

Lmao hahaha :D

06-16-2014, 10:56 AM
with the new energy system we won't have to worry about this. STS limits our playing for us.

06-16-2014, 11:08 AM
Who is parth ??

Lol u missed the MOST populer player... IGN: Zeus =Parth
And on thread, great thread! Thumps up!

06-16-2014, 02:36 PM
Thank you Justg :)

06-16-2014, 02:58 PM
Omg, I need to quit.

06-16-2014, 07:01 PM
Did you write that guide yourself or did you just copy and paste it from this website?

06-17-2014, 04:47 AM
Original post: http://m.wikihow.com/Overcome-an-MMORPG-Addiction

How to Overcome an MMORPG Addiction

Game addictions are currently the fastest growing class of addictions, with MMORPG addictions being the most common. MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. They can have very harmful effects and should be treated just as seriously as other addictions. Here are some measures that you can take to overcome an addiction to an MMORPG.


Determine if you are addicted to an MMORPG.

If you can control the amount of hours that you play, then you are probably not addicted. Some typical symptoms include the following:

Continuously thinking about a MMORPG
Missing work, school, or a social activity to devote time to a MMORPG
Playing a MMORPG for an excessive duration in one sitting (more than 5 hours)
Spending real money on in-game items (This in and of itself is not a sign. It's OK to spend money if you have money. If you should be buying food and you are buying in game items instead, you might have an issue)
Psychological distress attributed to lack of game play (feeling upset/angry if you can't play)
Loss of sleep due to excessive gaming
Putting more time into the game than important things like school work, friends, family etc.
Other major lifestyle change that results in playing the MMORPG more often.

Recognize your addiction.

Even if it is just a game, it is still an addiction that is affecting your lifestyle. In recognizing the problem, you become aware that it needs to be fixed.

Start your long journey to recovery.

Depending on how addicted you are, and how much time you have to beat your addiction, you have several methods of approach.

Decrease your overall time playing. What seems to be the most common is to slowly lower your playing time until it is down to a reasonable amount. However, this may not work for people who are unable to control their addiction.
Force yourself to quit playing. Quit playing the game for a few days, and then your addiction will soon dissipate, provided that you don't slip back to the game.
Find new hobbies. Look for another hobby like reading or riding a bicycle. It is best if you find something that will keep you away from the computer, in effort to keep your mind off of the MMORPG.

Avoid triggering your addiction again.

After your addiction is beaten, keep it at bay. If you're sure that the addiction won't come back. Also, don't look for starting another MMORPG. You'll only end up funneling your addiction from the first MMORPG to the next.


Try to help other addicted friends if you can, as it can have very serious consequences.
Don't be afraid to seek help. Many people are embarrassed about being addicted to "just a game", and many others don't take MMORPG addiction seriously. It can have the same implications of drug addictions.
Moderation: It is okay to play an MMO once in a while, but once you start thinking about it too often and choosing it over your friends, you know you have a problem.
Remember: The countless hours you put into this game will simply go down the drain. All of your efforts merely result in a magnetic charge on a hard drive somewhere, and should you start a more viable hobby, when people ask you what you do in your free time, you will have novel material items to show them and be able to gain some credibility in this world.
Be sure to recognize that the MMORPG was not the cause of the initial motivations or desires that brought about the addiction and without treatment these issues will only become increasingly unmanageable. Something was sought in your addiction, it was not forced upon you. Realize that your problems are your own and must be handled correctly and professionally because it is not the game that did this, a mentally and emotionally healthy adult would not become addicted to an MMORPG.
Remember that this is a game, not the real world. Anything that happens in the game won't affect your real life.


If an MMORPG is seriously damaging your mental or physical health, seek professional help as soon as you can.
There have been news stories about people dying from starvation and suicide due to extreme gaming. If you want to play for long periods of time take breaks for food, fresh air, and the restroom.
Do not rebound your way into another MMORPG, several other MMOs can be just as or even more so addicting than the one you are currently playing. If you have a problem with one, they are all bad for you.
Overcoming the addiction won't occur automatically It will take anywhere from a month to 1 year to destroy the habit. Don't be angry at yourself if you feel the urge to play again. Getting mad at the people around you will only make things worse.
If it's too hard for you, try to do it gradually and be disciplined about it. For example, reduce your playing time by 20 minutes everyday and get a friend or family to help you keep track and pull you out if you play overtime.
Just because you've cured your addiction, doesn't mean you can't get addicted.
After you quit, If you start suffering major headaches, and are constantly depressed... get outside for some fresh air.
Please pay very close attention to your symptoms and also understand that this is simply a video game and all symptoms that have occurred while playing or from lack of playing are not a product of any game. They are serious emotional and mental health issues that need to be discussed and treated by professionals. *Lack of playing a game should not make anyone depressed unless for example you were motivated by reasons of curing your own existing depression through game play and once your self cure has been removed the symptoms have increased and you can be in even more danger than you were when playing.
It is very important and this can not be stressed enough that any sign of depression or mood alteration based on MMORPGS or recreational activities more than likely stems from problems best treated by a medical professional.

Thanks For Reading! :)

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lol I hope you wrote this ... since you submitted it for community spotlight in all games :)

06-17-2014, 04:53 AM
lol I hope you wrote this ... since you submitted it for community spotlight in all games :)


06-17-2014, 05:07 AM
yes, the link is in the op too. is he or isn't he the original author though? or am I being stupid here? :)

06-17-2014, 06:41 AM
I have not written the whole, it was different earlier I edited it on Wiki also extra tips/warnings some more descriptions and stuff. So Its mine too and I removed it from Spotlight because its not my personal creation :) and I have given the credits also. so there is no problem now.

Please dont comment Copied/Stolen I have given credits ( there is nothing bad in giving credits )

And lets keep it positive guys :) dont get this thread closed its a useful one

06-18-2014, 04:44 PM
Weren't in my sense to troll, was just curious

06-26-2014, 11:48 AM
Send this guide to Parth, he almost died during the last event LOL

Was he playing while driving?
Dat tree doe

06-28-2014, 03:54 PM
This thread will help me sooo much!
Who am i kidding? I will play like crazy in the ursoth event...
Ugh i need help...

07-02-2014, 09:55 PM
Cool article, kind of like posting a guide to quit drinking on the Budweiser website. LOL
