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View Full Version : Divine's Guide to Twinking

06-16-2014, 04:20 PM

LINK IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc4MnEY1a0W-lhgs4uZaEsQ

This based loosely off of Entertainings Guide to Twinking (link here: Entertaining's Guide to Twinking (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?54357-Entertainings-Guide-to-Twinking)), but I feel that it does need to be updated a little bit.

This thread has been a work in progress for over 4 months, achieved through light work and heavy editing towards the end.


The first post is directed at under level 22 PvP, commonly known as Low Level Twinking.
I will follow up with a second post containing information I know/ will learn about levels after 22.
Even if you are not interested in under 22 PvP, a lot of the basic foundations utilized are extremely useful in the upper game levels. Hopefully we can all learn something from the seemingly most simple of levels.

I tried to keep each tip short and to the point, however those who know me at 15 know that it is quite hard for me to focus keep things straightforward. hopefully this isn't too expansive and roundabout for the general viewers.

Particularly of use in this guide will be the Guide Compendium as well as the Build Foundations, for creating your own build. However, the guides in the compendium provide proper builds as well as the ones I've included as my personal builds.

If anyone could assist me with fox, please do. I can just link to a thread if one is created.


An Introductory Quote(s)

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win. - Sun Tzu
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. - Sun Tzu

What to take away from these quotes:
Prepare for the battle beforehand, and you are more likely to win.

And a reminder: Don't waste your time taking this whole post in 5 minutes. Read sections of it each day, and you would gain more from it than if you binge read. I included easy finding codes for a reason. Some if it is good, other parts could be worse, hopefully not though.

GETTING FANCY WITH THE TABLE OF CONTENTS: Since this is a relatively large post, I have included "Codes" that will take you to each portion of the post. Simply press CTRL+F or command+F on mac, and type in the code with a 1 added to the end. (Example [333] = 3331 when typed in)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Twinking [YUNEEDACODE]
2. Understanding Twinking PvP Politics (To Rush, or Not to Rush?) [YADAYADAZONE]
3. Common Twinking Levels [GETONTHESELVLS]
3a. Common Twinking Strategies [CTSWOA]
4. Bear Overview and Strategies
5. Mage Overview and Strategies [MUHMUHMAGE]
6. Rhino Overview and Strategies [RUHRUHRHINO]
7. Bird Overview and Strategies
8. Fox Overview and Strategies [FUHFUHFOX]
9. Common Build Foundations [CBFZONE]
10. Skill Analysis [WHATISTHIS]
11. Understanding FFA Strategy [FFAZONEENOZ]
12. Spoiler About My Personal Builds/Gear Usage [GEARISIMPORTANT]
13. A compendium of other useful guides! [MORGUIDES]

1. Introduction to twinking [YUNEEDACODE1]
Twinking is a form of PvP that has become increasingly popular as the game has progressed, stagnated, and moved through it's life cycle. A twink, in my opinion, is any form of PvP that doesn't include Endgame (Levels 75-76). This INCLUDES levels such as 71! However, I think lower level PvP is particularly useful, because everything moves slower. Strategizing is more common because skill builds just don't get the job done anymore through pure statistics. The lower level I get, the more I learn from the slowed down process of PvP.

However, in this first post, "twinking" will be considered low level PvP, or levels 12-21. 10 is not included, although there are a few good level 10 rhinos, namely Wigglesrhino. Levels 12-21 are particularly interesting because of the role enchantresses have carved out, despite a lack of damage buff, and the ability of the ursan to overpower via the Rage Buff, even without beckon. The evolution of the avian has also piqued my interest, falling from extremely overpowered characters, to an underpowered class that can be good when used properly. Finally, the introduction of the Paladin & Huntress have shaken up the scene quite mightily, more so from Paladin contributions than Huntress contributions. With the Paladin came a new form of healing that healed over time. When utilized correctly it is nearly impenetrable!

Be careful though, although low level is not filled with as many egotistical fellows as it is mythed to have, there are still quite a few considerably...emotion inducing individuals out there, and unfortunately some of them are considered to be among the elite at the level. Just be mindful that these individuals have probably not progressed to the point where they are.. fully mature. Be kind, and they will show kindness.

2. PvP Politics (To rush, or not to rush) [YADAYADAZONE1]
In twinking PvP, most fights are conducted using what I like to call the "duel system." Take for example Player X and Player Y. If X wants to fight Y, then X has to say "Go Y", and then Y has to respond "Go X", before the fight can initiate. Each level may have a different vernacular to duel (for example at level 15, we just say "go" and hit the person we are directing the "go" at), but the general system stays the same.

Of course, there are people who ignore the "go" system, instead choosing an FFA. These players will attempt to kill everyone in sight, regardless if they say "go" or not. These people are known as "rushers." If you decide to "rush" at first, the most likely consequence will be that the enemy will become extremely angry and get all of his friends and guildmates to team you. Most rushers begin after establishing a reputation, or have with friends to rush with them.

There is often great debate over which system is better. The truth is, no one system is better than the other. This game is about having fun, and through excelling in this game, you can probably maximize the enjoyment you get out of it. Whichever system fits your play style, you should go with.
I will acknowledge that PvP in all games is designed for FFA/rushing. But, each and every game also has a system of dueling. I once played Team Fortress 2, and they have something called "taunt fights" or something of the sort. It is basically a "duel", or a 1v1 between two people. I think that the debate between rushing and dueling is silly. Both are equally fun to play. The problem in this game comes with people dictating other people on how to play the game. That goes for both the 1v1ers and the FFAers.

One thing that I do think should not be tolerated, however, is rushing while someone is in a 1v1 duel. If you intend on rushing/FFA, please do it AFTER the fight.

Rushing/go is only one conflict out of many. A rising trend that PvPers are becoming more aware of is KDR, or Kill/Death Ratio. Many care more for their KDR than their number of kills. If you choose to "boost" it (killing noobs easily), you will probably get rushed by people who feel jealousy because of your KDR. So if you plan on gaining many kills, quickly, then hide your KDR.

Also, it is best to minimize what you say for the first week/two weeks or so of your tenure at twinking levels. Try not to insult people who insult you, or rush you. This will help you from losing any respect from other players who may be extremely sensitive and hypocritical, and possibly you may even gain some respect because of the courtesy you show to other people. Treat others well, and put up to make em shut up.

Finally, try not to be a team rusher in your first attempt at PvP. It may seem fun at first, but after a week, your team's schedule becomes so discombobulated that you'll probably never be on at the same time. I have seen many attempts from newer players and older players to establish a team reputation as the baddest rushers alive. Each attempt normally ends in ~1-2 weeks.

3. Common Twinking Levels [GETONTHESELVLS1]

These are all the twinking levels, not just 12-21, with the most common ones colored in green.

3a. Common Twinking Strategies [CTSWOA1]
Further on in this post will be several basic/advanced class specific strategies for the young grasshopper to learn. However, these are general strategies that are simple to do, and apply to similar built classes.

READ THIS if you are not familiar at all with PvP.

Rhinos and Mages: Have 22 Int!
This is especially important, because in particular, level 15/20 mage/rhino is dictated by MANA more than anything else.
As a general rule, use 22 int for the level 5 alchemist's armor, and have it ready to swap at 1/4 mana. The exception to this rule is 20 rhino. You must conserve your mana rather than regenerating it, because fights with hammers will break through your armor like knives through cheese.

Conserving mana is basically using less skills if their defense buff is on/your damage buff is missing. This allows you to maximize your damage output/mana used ratio. Be aggressive though, if you feel like they're about to die.

Occasionally...Look at this
The top left screen contains information on all the procs that have been activated on you. It can be useful when fighting, so take a glance once in a while!
In this picture, there are no procs activated.


Know your ranges!
With the exception of Rhino, all classes need to know their 8m and 12m ranges. It is relatively simple to learn these ranges through trial and error. If you see yourself stomping late, or using any skill not at max range, don't be silly and keep doing it. Try stomping from farther back. If it's too early, then stomp from a bit closer, but not as close as your first try. It's extremely simple! Too many times I see slow skill users continue on with their existence of stomping too late, even when they know it needs improvement. It's something that takes maybe 15 - 30 minutes to learn, but will greatly improve the hours of your gameplay.

To help you visualize the ranges, here are a few pictures. Thanks to Eminem, probably one of the best, if not THE best active 15 mage.

As you can see the distance from the square to the wall in tiny tombs is EXACTLY 8m. However, in a real fight, you'd want to stomp from a little farther back, perhaps the imagine the wall of the square as the boundary. The distance from the wall of the square to the wall of Tiny Tombs, is the perfect range you want to execute stomp, light, or level 1 fire from.


Shown here is 12m: shown here as the center of the "gravel-ly" square in Tiny Tombs, and following to the end of the straight line.


Fighting Paladin and Mages: Everything Important Happens AFTER THE HEAL!
Heal is a very important skill in part because it removes most debuffs and roots, with the exception of crippling slash and crushing blow, and blinding shot. This is why any class with a debuff should begin IMMEDIATELY after the heal.
For example, on a 20 bear vs 20 rhino, at charge, you'd want to use crippling slash. Hell, you can use any skill you want after CS, as long as it's not hell scream. Wait for their heal and use hell scream RIGHT after. This weakens their hit% and damage, and gives you an advantage, because now the rhino can't hit you, nor can it heal hell scream off.
This is also applicable to birds with break armor/shattering/blast shot, mages with two ices + fire, etc.

Watch the Opponent's Combo!
Very important for classes such as mage/bird/rhino especially, because due to the nature of the skills, you can use them in almost any order you'd like (as long as it includes the basic combo) and still be efficient.
This allows for several varieties of combos utilized.

Three things to watch for are:

When does the ice(s)/roots come in? Your heal should follow! Vice versa, when does the heal come in? Your debuffs should follow!
Is he knocking back first? Don't unleash all your damage skills at once!
How much investment did he put in close range skills? Can I kite that? This is especially useful for bears, when 3 slashes can change the game if you get too close.

Auto Attack is Important!
Learn when to activate auto - attack! I'm not especially sure of the range, but I think if one presses auto at around 12m, it should activate automatically. Auto attack will most likely do at least 30% of your damage. Many guys come in not knowing how to auto attack, and it ruins any chance they'd have at victory. Auto attack is definitely the most underrated of all buttons on the screen.

And finally, the three 'R's!
The three "R"s are deadly when added together, much like the 3 musketeers!

R - ange: range is almost the name of the game. If you know your range of your most important skills (usually 12m/8m), you can be an elite PvPer!
R - unning: in moderation, at least. Running gives you time to reset if you messed up, as well as time for the following R...
R - egen: Especially for mages, mana regen will probably be the reason you've lost a fight. For bears, if you get low and are confident in your (R)ange over your opponents, swap to regen set and run a bit. Then turn back and whack em!

4. Bear Overview and Strategies (12-21)[BUHBUHBEAR1]

Most Common Level - 15
Most Common Builds - 6/5/1/1/1: Rage/Stomp/Super Mega/Crippling/Vengeful Slash
The General Combo - Rage/Stomp/SMS

The Ursan: a long time staple of low level PvP. Long considered the best and most consistent class, new balances have changed the balance of power in the twinking hierarchy. The Ursan is still arguably the most versatile class, able to adapt to almost all situations with the same general idea.

Bears are most common at the lowest levels -- 12-17, and especially at level 15 (where I PvP). These bears are usually dexterity-based with max rage.
At levels 12-17, your success as a bear is dictated by how well you know your stomp range -- 8m. A quick stomp is a sign of pro-ness, and the quicker stomper usually wins the fight. Bear vs Bear at level 15 is pretty straightforward at first glance -- move in to stomp + super mega slash, and repeat. Although this may seem simple, the top tier PvPers throw in some complex movements that win the day. Also, There are some who choose the "kiter" method, though, which is more effective against those who don't know range very well, but this method much harder to do, and stops working after awhile against smarter opponents. Here is a good guide on how to kite stomp: Timetells Kiting Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?105424-Timetells-Low-Level-Bear-PvP-Guide).

However, there are many small details in combat which should be applied to both strategies, which will also help you with & against bears at ANY level. Most of this information applies to lower levels, but the general strategies can and are applied by pros at higher levels as well.

1. Observe your enemy's slashes/closer range skills such as slashes (Bear Vs Bear)
The fightstyle should usually be dictated by the slashes your opponent has -- or the lack thereof. If you notice that your opponent has 3 slashes, but you have two, then realize that you are at a disadvantage in close quarters combat. What this means is that YOU SHOULD STAY THE %^&* out of slash range! The opposite applies for high slashers. If you notice your enemy has 1 slash, and you have 3, then try to position yourself to pin the enemy into a wall or tree using knock back skills. If this fails, hope for a stun or that the enemy gets too close to you, to the point where you can unleash your slashes.

2. Know when to stomp out of roots (Bear vs Mage/Bear vs Bird)
There are several skills that "root" the Ursan, leaving us vulnerable to long range attacks that we cannot counter with our close-combat abilities. These are: Frostbite, Icestorm, thorn root, & thorn wall. (These are the only "root" skills that Ursans can stomp out of). What you want to do (without beckon) is to stomp the moment you see a ice or thorn symbol show up under your name on the top-left corner, (to see exactly what I'm talking about, go to the "common strategies" section) while still trying to move forward. However, sometimes, mages like to get into stomp range to use lightning while you're frozen. Same goes for birds who want to combo. Take this opportunity to unleash your stomp and continue chasing the mage/ bird.

For those not familiar with the HUD, & unable to look at the top left while moving and attacking, try to get a feel for the delay from roots. For example, frost bite takes time from skill activation to when it finally hits you. Try to use stomps when it looks like it's hit you. Once you get good enough, it'll look like the mage ice missed. You won't even break your run.

3. Look at damage numbers above the enemy (ALL)
This is a very important strategy that should be utilized at all classes at every level. Basically, read the numbers above the enemy's head, compare them to your own quickly, and dictate your movement based on your analysis. If you feel like you're getting sufficient critical damage, continue chasing. If your numbers are continually red, repeatedly reset by running backwards and re-doing your combo, which will stall enough time for you to regain some critical momentum.

4. Observe Buffs (Passive Skills) (BEAR VS BEAR)
In low level twinking, the buffs are the most important skills. The second a bear runs out of rage, his damage becomes extremely low. Utilize the knowledge that your buff will last the same time as your opponents -- unless one of you buffs first. I think that buff timing is one of the most underrated and underutilized strategies out there. However, do not try to utilize the following strategy in every fight. This only applies to buffs significantly different in timing (2 seconds or more)

There are two scenarios in this strategy:
1. Your opponent buffs first. That means his buff will run out before yours. Once you see the buff skill at halfway cool down, start trying to chase your opponent. The goal is to to get in there and stomp+sms after your opponent buff runs out, but before yours does. After you do this, run. Don't stay close, because his buff will recharge before yours does.
2. Your opponent buffs after you. This means your buff will run out before his. Once your buff is about to run out, start running. Try to estimate the exact moment his buff will run out. As soon as his does, turn around and chase after him, and buff as soon as you can. His buff will not have recharged yet if you have done it right.
Both strategies should give you at least a 100 hp advantage in the fight.

5. Never Stop Moving Forward while you still have buff (Bear v Mage)
Often, I see many bears start running when they're getting kited, & they're not trying to run to position themselves strategically, but rather running for the sake of running. As a bear, the goal is to close all distance between yourself and the mage, and the only way to do this is to MOVE FORWARD. Under nearly no circumstances while you have buff should you move backwards even one millimeter.

The exception to this rule is running to a tree to neutralize a mage's kiting advantage. If you're getting kited way too hard, just run to the nearest tree. Some people will get angry at you treeing however, to which you should respond that he was kiting way too hard. If you get rushed for using a tree against a kite mage, just use a tree again to decimate the enemy.

Notable Bears (12-21)
Please realize that I do not know everyone within this level range, and you may be missing from this list. However, do not take that offensively, rather just shoot me a PM @ Fight.
Also, the list only included the older bears (~1yr min). There are definitely some newer bears who can play the game very well.
Apply the previous message to all the lists that I've included about Notable _____.

Shout out to my boiz Fetishsz and Bous who are both inactive but two of the best 15s to play the game.
Can't forget my skilibiskit Bossology. silky smooth n very soft yum like to cuddle
Megatwink - Good stomper, L15
Fight - Myself, I'm OK. L15
XoreJTZ - Mostly a 25 PvPer now, but he's active, L15
Evacuation - Woa L15, spends most of his time at level 30 and never has gear on.
Enurt - Haxx L15
KingXMerch - The best semi-active level 12
Giltee - Not a bad bear, can kite very well but restrains herself from doing it.
Xomgbearx - good level 18, knows what he's doing.

[B]5. Mage Overview and Strategies (12-21) [MUHMUHMAGE1]
The Enchantress:
Most Common Level - 15 or 20
Common Stat Points - At least 22 Int, Rest Dex/Str depending on 15/20.
Most Common Build - LV15 - 5/6/1/1/1:Heal/Light/FrostBite/Fire/Drain or LV20 - 5/6/6/1/1:Blessing of Vitality/Heal/Lightning/Frostbite/Fire
The General Combo - Frostbite, Lightning, Firestorm

The Enchantress: wielder of the elemental fire and ice magic. Long considered a "glass cannon" twinking class, but no more. Generally mages are stronger and more durable than ever, so take advantage of this time while you can, Enchantresses! Although they are weaker without their passive buffs, low level mages still dish out enough damage to complement their enhanced tanking abilities.

Most people play on mages AFTER they get the damage/crit buff -- blessing of might. However there are quite a few under 22, with the majority at 15 and 20. Level 15 mages are mostly dex, with enough int for level 5 alchemist armor, whilst level 20 mages have enough str for level 20 platinum package items, and then are a dex/int hybrid.
There are two main forms of mages in twinking. There are the "tank" mages, who have high heal, & try to do their damage using higher lightning. These tank mages often use Strategy #6 to absorb damage taken from bear stomp. Then there are the "kite" mages, who use high fire (5 or 6) to stay out of range of enemy attacks.
Here are a few strategies to utilize in Mage Twink PvP, all assume 3 or more heal.

1. Time your heal (ALL)
Normally, the best time to heal is at 3/5 health. However, there are some cases where you will need to heal early -- or late vs other mages. Observe your opponent's combo to see when the ice (or similar combo initiators such as shattering scream) comes in, and heal the instant you see the proc on your screen to avoid combo. Against bears, you want to heal right after the stomp (or at 3/5 health) and then spam it.

2. Running is a viable strategy (Mostly Mage V Bear)
Mages are designed to be the "squishiest" characters in the game. It will be extremely hard to take ALL of the opponents hits. So whenever you get really low, fire + ice and run to heal. It may seem cheap, but running is a true life-saver. Try to do this in moderation however, as running too much will inevitably lead to a person who will "tree" you.

3. Time your mana shield (IGNORE THIS, should be in the +22 section)
Mana shield is one of the toughest skills in the game to get right. It comes up about 2 seconds after you press it, leading to a lot of deaths whenever you expect MS to instantly protect you. Learn the damage level to MS at, at the level you'll PvP at. I usually MS at about 2/5 if I'm taking unanticipated damage.

4. Spam Lightning (ALL)
All mages should have 5 or 6 lightning, for the following reason: The lightning debuff stacks, and it reduces hit% and damage. Just as bears have first stomp wins, I consider light to be the same. First light wins, as long as you keep spamming it.

5. Save for the Combo! (MAGE V MAGE)
When you fight other mages, you should have a combo in mind. Normally this involves the "hot flash" skill combo (ice skill + fire storm.) As a general rule, never use ice unless it is accompanied by fire right after. Any other usage of the ice skill vs mages is a waste of mana.

Actually, I take that back. At times, when I'm low (~1/5 HP), I'll fire + ice and attempt to run. Still though, that's reinforces exactly what I said. Only use ice when paired with fire in mage v mage fights. In situations like that, it's only in a different order.

6. VERSUS BEARS: bear combo!
TANK MAGE: I didn't include this anywhere, but vs. bears, the general idea is to light from stomp range, then fire immediately after, then use ice. At that point, they should have stomped you out of range, and become iced, giving you the opportunity to heal. Do not charge back in. Stand there and let the bear initiate the action, to which you Light/Fire/Ice again. This allows you to take advantage of your highest damage skill (lightning), as well as staying out of slash range. NEVER get closer than 4m, or else crippling will hit, and YOU. WILL. DIE.

KITE MAGE: Kite mage is one of the easiest classes at any level. Simply fire + ice from a little under 12m (so ice can hit). Then, continue running backwards. Rinse and repeat, hopefully no one trees you.

AGAIN I repeat NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO GET...THIS CLOSE! Basically, the range from the wall to the mid point of the square! This is the range of slashes, which will demolish you if any hit.


Notable Mages (12-21)
Please realize that I do not know everyone within this level range, and you may be missing from this list. However, do not take that offensively, rather just shoot me a PM @ Fight

Zetris - Probably the best L15 mage v bear fighter to date...pretty damn good mage v mage too.
Sleighthand - otherwise known as drout, L15
Invertibrate - He WAS active, not sure where the dude went. Probably level 66. Check his guide in the guide compendium at the bottom of the first post.
Drugstr - Good 20 Tank Mage, in fact I give him credit for being one of the first good ones, taking advantage of tank set.
Shoahannah - This guy keeps coming back. He's amazing and annoying at the same time. You'll see if you ever find him.

[B]Rhino Overview and Strategies (12-21)[RUHRUHRHINO1]
Most Common Stat Points - 22 Int, Rest Dex/Str depending on 16/20.
Most Common Level - 20
Most Common Build - 6/6/3/2/1/1: Vital Force/Heal/Redemption/HolyTempest/Charge/Guardian
The COMBO: Charge, Redemption

The Paladin: The best of the new guard. Introduced around the time of Arcane Legends, the rhino has far surpassed it's contemporary, the Huntress, in twinking capability. Paladins or Rhinos may seem like brute force characters, but they have the lowest amount of HP compared to any class besides the Enchantress. Despite this, the Rhino has charged it's way into a niche at levels 20 and 16 through speed, power, and COMBOS!

Rhinos have low HP - but are designed to be more "tanky" mages. At some levels, their damage is not high enough, or their tanking is not strong enough, but they are very fun and incredibly simple to play. Most Rhinos are a str/int hybrid.

1. Live by holy tempest, die by holy tempest (LV 18+)
Holy Tempest is equivalent to the Rhino lightning. Unfortunately, unlike lightning, rhinos do not have the mana to afford to spam the skill. With my level 20 rhino, I usually have less than 2 holy tempest, for use only vs. bears to create space.

2. Save Charge for the "Juiced" Combo (ALL)
The Juiced combo is basically drain life for rhinos. Charge + Redemption does massive damage and heals quite a bit. Just like saving ice for fire in mages, save charge to go with redemption in rhino fights.

3. The secret to Rhino v. Rhino PvP
Few people do not realize this, but...healing removes combo! Tada! If you can time your heal right after the charge and a little before the redemption, there WILL BE NO combo. Sometimes, the opponent hits combo too fast though. In any case, always try to use heal between charge and redemption.

Also, when you see a charge, move backwards. This makes it harder for the combo to land. When combined with heal, you can greatly reduce combo chance against you.

4. Time your Heal
This is almost the same as the mage strategy. However, there are some differences in the Rhino and Mage heals. Rhino heal does less instantaneous heal, but the resulting HP/s regen heals you more overall. The cooldown is higher than the mage heal, though.
Since just about ALL of the Rhino skills are useless when rooted, you'll need to time your heal to be efficient as well as to free you from roots (ice/thorn). In fact, most rhinos include the skill "guardian" in their builds, because it removes all debuffs/roots. This makes it easier to time heal later on in the fight.

5. Conserve Mana
As a general rule, as soon as your buff runs out, try not to use any skills except for heal until you can use Vital Force again. Many people choose to continue to press and be aggressive with their skills, but it's not efficient, and it doesn't work most of the time. Try to maximize mana used to damage done ratio.

6. Level 16 Rhino: A less common but equally powerful option.
L16 Rhino is one of the most underused/high powered classes out there. This class utilizes the forgotten bow to deal maximum damage with auto before moving in for the kill. It is also fairly easy to learn and play. This is one of my favorite classes, as I feel like I pioneered it after the forgotten bow nerf. For a more in-depth analysis, see my art of rhino guide: Hung's Art of the Rhino (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?159533-Hung-s-Art-of-the-16-Rhino&p=1682978#post1682978)

VS BEARS: Kite by moving backwards while using auto attack. Heal after stomp or at 3/5 health. Immediately after heal, use charge + redemption, and try to avoid crippling slash. Move backwards again, and repeat. Normally takes two combos to finish a bear, but sometimes it gets hard to survive.
VS MAGES: Heal off ice, and try to do combo immediately after they heal, that way you give yourself a better chance at the Juiced Combo. Repeat, and switch to alchemist when 1/4 Mana.
VS. BIRDS: Just combo and heal off ice. Since the majority of the bird's goal is to push major skills out of range, the rhino should easily be able to control the fight vs. any bird.
VS. Opponent Rhinos: See above tips!

Notable Paladins (12-21)
Please realize that I do not know everyone within this level range, and you may be missing from this list. However, do not take that offensively, rather just shoot me a PM @ Fight

Naetheanimal - inactive, but no 12-21 rhino list could be complete without the guy. Probably a bit overrated but he helped influence the class' popularity.
Wigglesrhino - A level 10 rhino, probably the first decent one. He has helped increase the population of the level 10 rhino species. Also the only level 10 to be included in any list on this guide.
Nkf - Sadly, he is one of the top L20 rhinos. Pretty good, however he teams a lot....ehhh I won't get too into it. He's good.
Goldest - Pretty good guy overall. Helped me out with my builds and such at L20.
Heqr - One of the better L16 Rhinos, he has left the class for other things like 15 bear/mage/56 mage.
Ydididothis - One of the first post-nerf L16 FB rhinos. 'Tis me.
"The Groupiez" - a L16 Rhino group that was around for a bit. Very good rhino v rhino.

7. Bird Overview and Strategies (12-21)[BUHBUHBIRD1]
Most Common Level: 20
Most Common Stat Points: Full Dexterity
Most Common Build: Unsure, however my personal build is: 6/3/3/2/2/1/1/1:Evade/Focus/Blinding Shot/Break Armor, Repulse/Blast Shot/Shattering Scream/Thorn Root
General Combo: Repulse, Blinding Shot, Thorn Root, Break Armor, Shattering Scream, Blast Shot

Once the most common class under 22, the avian's fall from grace has left them rather grounded. Evasion is no longer the power house it once was. But don't underestimate the avian, a class with supreme instant damage potential & long range skills. It is still a viable class, although no longer overpowered.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not the best bird...see the guide compendium for a better bird guide. However, my bird does fine, although I'm not a pro, I'm...almost there. :P

1. Kite Hell Scream and Stomp (Vs. Bears)
Once these two skills are out of the way, a bird can close in for the shattering scream + blast shot combo. Hell Scream + Stomp are usually avoided through a well timed Repulse Shot from 10-12m. Follow up with blinding once you get 12m again. Once a bear uses hell scream and stomp, use break armor, and then shattering scream from 8m to set up the blast shot combo. Root and run before hell scream comes back!

2. Time your Buffs (Against Tank Mage)
Tank Mages and paladins will be your worst enemy. Start off by using evasion (but NOT focus). Attempt to stay out of range by blind + repulse + thorn for about ~10 seconds. At this point, activate focus, then use break, shattering scream, and blast shot immediately after heal. More than likely this convoluted and complex system will still result in your death. Tank rhinos and mages are nearly impossible to kill with L20 bird.

3. The Only Time Being Repulsive Is Good
Basically, begin with repulse vs every character, Mage, Bear, bird, rhino, or fox. Repulse throws off the timing of the opponents combo as well as giving you time to size up your enemy. Normally, you should follow up repulse with either blinding shot, or thorn root, depending on the opponent. I normally use blinding shot second vs. birds, while I use thorn root second against every other class.

In fact, try to avoid being close, except when necessary. Maintain at least an 10m distance from the target, and only move in when you have to use shattering scream for combo.

Notable Birds

There is a lack of notable birds at this level range mostly because at the levels where they are pretty useful, they get pounded by Tank Enchantresses/Rhinos.
However, these guys are the best in the business...atm.

Level 20 - Cardiologist - How the heck did this guy get 31500 pve kills. oh and he's also a good 20 bird. ^.^

8. Fox Overview & Strategies (12-21) [FUHFUHFOX1]
Thanks to Bossem for helping me learn fox! Good teacher! Unfortunately he deleted his character.

Most Common Build - Unknown, My personal build is: 5 evasion, 1 poison needles, 1 vixen kick, 3 hamstring, 2 fox howl, 1 rapid bite, 1 fury, 1 poison dart
Most Common Stat Points - 5 int, rest dex (for Paw)
Most Common Level - Too few to calculate
General Combo - Rapid Bite + Hamstring

The Hunter - Master of the outdoors, the Hunter uses speed to nab kills, dashing in to use close range abilities, much like the Paladin. Released during the same patch as the Paladin, The Huntress is arguably the weakest class at levels 12-21, without damage buff, tank capability, nor range advantage. However, it's supreme combo damage can be utilized fairly well in order to be a decent 12-21 fox. The damage is achieved through use of the forgotten bow, which also allows PvP at other interesting levels (see level 16 rhino.)

1. Kite Using Dart (Fox V Bear)
The general thing you want to do is to avoid bear stomp. Poison Dart has a 10m range that doesn't activate until you are in range. Start off every fight by spam pressing dart until it goes off, THEN IMMEDIATELY move backwards. This will result in hopefully, a bear stomp miss. Many times, I accompany this with poison needle, however, if needle hits, that means their stomp has a chance to hit as well. It's better off to avoid being in range whatsoever, and to save needle for knock back later on into the fight.

2. Buff Timing is important
Since the buff for fox is the shortest in the game, you need to plan out when to use it. Generally, if I'm fighting bears, I'll use evade after I kite with dart. If I can't get around their stomp though, the only option is to evade at the start of the fight.

3. Although you're a close range fighter, try not to get rooted.
First of all, your skills will not work if you're rooted. Also, once you go in for the bite + ham, use poison needle to knock back, and hopefully give you space to run away to recharge your buff or skills. More often than not, you'll probably have a while to wait and less room to run, so make sure to put Fox Howl in there somewhere. If you don't feel so good about running, then at least run a little to recharge Fow Howl + combo to give yourself a fighting chance without evasion.

4. Dash away by targeting someone else
Sometimes in FFA, you just need to run to rejoin or something. Take advantage of your dash skills by targeting someone else farther away, and dashing in the direction that you want to go.

5. The "Secret" Combo
PM me @ Fight on your 16 fox if you want to learn the "secret" fox combo that allows you to get an extra combo. Quite a few people know it, however many don't. I promised that I would not reveal it in public if I ever figured it out, but if you are cool enough to try 16 fox, I will certainly let you know the combo.

Although this is the shortest overview in the guide, don't think that it makes Fox the easiest class to play. Level 16 Fox is the hardest class out of any in 12-21. #1 and 2 strategies have so many different timings and variations that can only be described through viewing another Fox fight.

Notable Hunters (12-21)
There is a general lack of hunters at level 12-21. So far, I've seen 5 total. 3/5 of them were pretty bad.

Bossem - Very good level 12 Hunter.
Pardner - Myself, probably the only active 16 hunter at the moment of this guide writing. I'm not pro, but I can kill bears...30% of the time. Maybe.

9. Common Build Foundations [CBFZONE1]
There are a few SPECIFIC build guides around the forums, but I encourage testing your own builds using these basic foundations of Twinking PvP.

1. Bear Foundations

Max Rage - You want Maximum Rage because this is the skill that will make your damage and crit extremely high.
5 stomp unless under 15 - gets out of freezes/roots
At least 1 Slash - If you have to have only ONE, super mega slash is the best.
If 18 -21, ignore the previous and stick to 6 Hell Scream, 6 Rage, and at least 4 stomp

2. Mage Foundations

At least 3 heal
Either 5+ light, 5+ fire, or both - You don't have to have both, but at any level at mage, you need one or the other. 5+ fire to kite, 5+ light to deal damage/tank.
At least 1 Frostbite - You need 1 ice skill for combo, and frost bite has both higher DPS and range than ice storm
If level 20, at least 3+ Armor buff, and no more than 3 fire.

3. Rhino Foundations

No more than 3 charge - For chasing opponents (you will usually be using melee, with the exception of L16 Rhino)
At least 1 Redemption - for "Juiced" Combo
At least 6 Vital Force - Gives Damage/Hit%
No more than 2 Holy Tempest - Potential debuff as well as very strong damage
At least 4 Heal - Rhino has the strongest self-heal, but also the longer cool down. You want to heal enough to keep you alive until the next heal.

4. Bird Foundations

Bird is probably the class with the most differentiation in skill builds depending on purpose. High focus/break for nuke, higher evade/repulse for "sustain builds". (See guide compendium at the bottom for more builds.)
At least 4 Evasion
At least one shattering Scream
At least one blast shot
At least 2 Break armor
At least one thorn root
At least 2 focus
At least 1 repulse

5. Fox Foundations
Fox doesn't really have a foundation, as you need to use every skill except for break armor in levels 12-21. This only adds variation to the number placed in skill values rather than the usage of skills themselves.

Rapid Bite - At least 1
Vixen Kick - At least 1
Poison needles - At least 1
Evasion - Necessary to place at at least 5.
Fury - No more than 3
Hamstring - At least 1
Poison Dart - At least 1
Fox Howl - At least 2

10. Analysis of Other Skills as Well as Useful Skills[WHATISTHIS1]
I've written down a short analysis of every skill to help the reader understand the mechanics of PvP, which are essential in creating unique builds and effective builds.

Frostbite - a 12 meter freeze skill, it is a staple of mages everywhere. When combined with high fire, it creates a type of mage known as a "kite" mage, that stays at the 12m range to avoid damage. It has higher cool down, range, and base damage than the Enchantress' other freezing skill, ice storm.
Lightning - An 8 meter damage/debuff skill, it is now either the first or second most important skill in any tank mage's arsenal. By spamming 6 lightning, you can lower hit% by up to 9%, damage by 15, and armor by 15. Not only is that a huge debuff in todays 12-21 PvP, it is also the highest DPS out of any skill for enchantresses.
Heal - Heal is a skill that not only adds hit points, but removes most stun and debuffs. In today's L12-21 PvP, it is almost necessary to have at least 4 heal. The only debuffs/stuns that heal cannot remove are Crushing Blow, Crippling Slash, Blinding Shot.
Revive - Revive is used for mainly FFA situations, however it also adds a +1 armor buff that can be useful in 1v1.
Firestorm - Firestorm is the only knock back skill that the mage has. In 12-21 PvP, it is usually kept at level 1 because of the "tanking" capability of mages. When combined with any ice skill, it creates a combo known as "hot flash".
Icestorm - Popularized by the great mage OneBeastMage, ice storm is becoming increasingly used in 12-21 PvP. It is a close range ice skill, however it does AOE damage, as well as useful for icing bears when they get too close. Also, it is used to throw off opponent's heal timing & make it easier to cause the hot flash combo.
Drain Life - Does damage as well as absorbs some opponent HP and transfers it to you. However, it is pretty weak at level 15, usually healing about 40 HP at level 1.
Weakness - High Weakness is used to lower hit% and damage, and is very useful against bears, who cannot heal it off. However it is equally useless against characters that can dodge/heal it off.

Vengeful Slash - One of the 3 "slashes" used by bears. It is the second most common slash, and unknown to many is the fact that it has no GCD when pressed quick enough.
Stomp - The staple of bears everywhere, high stomp is critical in Bear V Bear combat, as well as freeing bears from freezes/stuns. The quickest stomper usually wins in Bear vs. Bear combat.
Rage - At level 12-21, Rage is the most powerful buff. Any bear aspiring to PvP should max it as soon as possible, because it adds both damage and critical.
Taunt - Taunt is utilized better at higher levels for it's dodge, however it is hardly used at levels 12-21.
Crippling Slash - My slash of choice against mages, it is often the very first skill I'll press when I get in close, because the root is unhealable. It's use is becoming more common for level 15 bears. Also good for rooting rhinos and kiting around their hammers.
Super Mega Slash - The most common and powerful slash, when combined with stomp (stomp+sms), it creates a huge knock back.
Crushing Blow - Could be useful if opponent gets in close. However, without beckon & 3m range, it's pretty much useless. It does lower damage significantly and is unhealable, and is normally utilized in 20 bears who have to face level 20 rhinos.
Restore - Most commonly used by 15 bears who have nothing better to place points into. It restores a grand total of 35 HP at level 1.

Charge!! - The skill with the honor of being the only ability with exclamation points in it's name. Also, allows the rhino to close in to kiters, as well as sets up the juiced combo when followed up by "Redemption."
Rhino Might - Not very useful due to the relatively low damage as well as closer range required to use it. However, it is geared towards rhino v rhino combat as evidenced by the H/S rebuff.
Heal - Rhino heal is arguably the best individual heal, beating mages because of the health regen. At level 5, rhino heal is guaranteed to heal at least 150 HP. The only disadvantage is the slower cool down, which makes it harder to heal off debuffs.
Redemption - A close range skill that acts much like the Enchantress Drain Life. It is unique in that it combines with charge to form another drain life- like combo: "Juiced" which does pretty tremendous amounts of damage and restores health.
Brute Force: Adds armor and dodge, however cancels out effects of Vital Force. To see how to properly combine it with Vital Force, find Gragoraks guide on the topic. I will link it once I find it.
Divine Aura - Pretty useless, as it heals 24 mana, costs 10 mana to use, and has a FORTY FIVE second cool down.
Summon - Summon is better at higher levels. At lower levels, there is no need to reduce opponent dodge chance for rhinos, because of the tanking capability that rhino has.
Guardian - an armor/dodge buff that also removes roots/debuffs. Useful due to the longer cool down of rhino heal, so you can use it once or twice during a fight to take off those annoying roots.
Vital Force - Max out this skill. It adds valuable hit%, damage, as well as crit chance. It allows rhino to do even more damage to complement it's tanking ability.

Foxes -
Rapid Bite - a "dash" skill, when combined with Hamstring, it creates the "Slam" combo.
Vixen Kick - the second "dash" skill, causes knock back. It is good for when you are rooted. Combine with poison needle to create a larger knock back when rooted.
Poison Needle - a "cone" skill which has the range of stomp. Causes knock back as well as pretty decent damage.
Evasion - A shorter dodge buff which adds more armor than bird evade. Must be able to time well to utilize it efficiently.
Fury - A shorter "focus" buff which is helpful to get hit% over 100.
Hamstring - a debuff skill that does 0 damage unless combined with rapid bite to form the "slam combo" Leveling it up affects the damage "slam" does.
Poison Dart - good for kiting bear stomp, has a 10m range that slows down the opponent.
Armor Shredder - A very long break armor proc, however, it can only be used from 3m, and is not very useful.
Fox Howl - acts as a damage debuff, unfortunately, it can be healed off. However it is extremely useful against bears.

NOTE: There is not a bird part in this section because unfortunately, I deleted my bird, however, see the bird guide in the compendium below for all the skills that are necessary in bird PvP.

11. Understanding FFA Strategies: The Art of War [FFAZONEENOZ1]
At some point or another, you will be involved in a 2v2, or a 3v3, or even a 3v2. Correct strategy is vital to breaking down the opponent's assault. Here are a few tips taken from my experience in several FFA's (friendly or not).

The Perfect Squad: (12-21)
The perfect team for FFA consists of at least ONE (1) healer, preferably an enchantress, and a damage dealing class. Normally, I prefer a bear for a reason that I will soon list. For me, the ideal squads is two enchantresses backing up one bear. Preferably, these mages should have as much armor stacked as possible, with as much heal as possible. Revive is preferable, but it isn't needed.

Strategy One: Stick Together!
Do not charge like lemmings into the battle. Stick in groups. If you die, when you spawn, try to run to where your teammates have spawned. Do not run directly at the enemy, as it will inevitably lead to your death via 2v1/3v1.

Strategy Two: The Banana Split
I just added the Banana for effect, the Split is basically having the bear getting into the muck of the defense, and separating them via stomp + SMS. By isolating each individual from the team, you can easily pick them off without back up healers/damage.

In this pic, let's imagine Bossem is a mage, and Enurt is a mage. Bossem (my mage) is positioned as to where I will be knocked back in case of a stomp. The opposing team has set themselves up for the BANANA SPLIT. I will now Stomp + SMS either Enurt or Pillowsnatcher, splitting up the pair. Have a plan ready on who to chase, as they will both be isolated.


Strategy Three: Use /Team Speak!
Much like "/t" & "/r", "/Team" is a function in the game that affects your speech. It makes it visible to ONLY your teammates. Use this to your advantage if your teammates are not guildmates.

Strategy Four: Communicate on Who to Target
FFA can be dictated by the heals & individual skill of each person. To neutralize this, as well as to give your team the advantage, tell your team to target one specific person. 2 or 3 people attacking the same person usually provides such a large burst of damage that it becomes incredibly hard to heal the person being targeted. Using this strategy, you can quickly eliminate one member of the opposing team, it becomes a number game in your favor. Be sure to combine this with the banana split, if the other person spawns, have one member knock him back as far as possible, and return to attacking the others.

12. Personal Builds/Gear [GEARISIMPORTANT1]
If you're too lazy to create your own build, use one of mine!

Gear -
Set 1- Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex OR Sniper's Archery Cap/Jewel Thief Platinum Talon/Experts level 15/Sniper's Avian Wing/Champion's Fine Platinum Band
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow Level 15/Artisans Reinforced Leather Level 15/Champions Fine Platinum Band
Set 3 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Auto Crossbow of Excitability Level 15/Artisans Reinforced Leather Level 15/Champion's Fine Platinum Band
Set 4 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Tinsel Talon Lvl 15 Pink/Expert's Level 15/Champion's Fine Platinum Band

6/5/1/3: Vital Force/Heal/Charge/Redemption
Set 1 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow Level 15/Artisans Reinforced Leather Level 15/___Ring of Life.
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow Lvl 15/Alchemists Cloth Lvl 5/___Ring of Life

Rapid Bite 1/Vixen Kick 1/Poison Needle 1/Evasion 6/Fury 1/Hamstring 1/Poison Dart 1/Fox Howl 3
Set 1 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Artisans Reinforced Armor Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 3 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Artisans Reinforced Leather Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 4 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of technique

6 rage/5 stomp/1 CS/1SMS/ 6 Hell Scream
Set 1 - Jewel Thief's Archery Cap Lvl 20/Momentarily Forgotten BowLvl 19/Artisans Lvl 15/Fine Platinum Ring of Bravery Lvl 20
Set 2 - Jewel Thief's Archery Cap Lvl 20/Sniper's Avian Talon Lvl 20/Artisans Lvl 15/Sniper's Avian Wing Lvl 20/Fine Platinum Ring of Bravery Lvl 20

Charge 1/Heal 6/Redemption 5/Vital Force 6/Holy Tempest 1
Set 1 - Paladin Lvl 20 3 Piece Set
Set 2 - Warrior Lvl 20 4 Piece Set
Set 3 - Paladin Lvl 20 3 piece set with alchemists Lvl 5 replacing chest piece
Set 4 - Warrior Lvl 20 4 piece set with alchemists Lvl 5 replacing chest piece

5 Heal/6Lightning/1 frostbite/1 ice storm/1 firestorm
Set 1 - Halloween Lvl 15 Dex Helm/Artisans Reinforced Leather Lvl 15/Fiendish Monkey Paw Lvl 15/Sniper's Avian Wing lvl 10
Set 2 - Halloween Lvl 15 Dex Helm/Alchemists Lvl 5/Fiendish Monkey Paw Lvl 15/Sniper's Avian Wing lvl 10

13. Compendium of Useful Guides! (12-21)[MORGUIDES1]
Vertibrates 15 Mage Guide! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?156945-The-COMPLETE-Up-to-date-15-Enchantress-Guide) - written by one of the best mages at level 15.
Motivating's 15 Mage Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?156873-15-Mage-guide) - good mage & a good guide, he included pictures! pretty well written!
Bes L20 Bird Guide! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?159269-(L20-Bird-Guide)-After-Nerf-Updated) It is very useful, helped me a lot with bird!
Art of the 16 Rhino! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?159533-Hung-s-Art-of-the-16-Rhino) - I wrote it. It's sexy.
Tank Mage Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?159271-Help-with-LVL-20-Mage) - Good Tank Mage guide, with vs. any class tips at the bottom!
Dance's level 20 Rhino Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?133555-Dancce-s-L20-Rhino-Guide-(Updated)) - relatively helpful. With pics so bonus points!
PL SOCCER GUIDE? (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?133277-PL-PvP-Adventures-PvP-Futbol-(Soccer)&p=1423759#post1423759) - Fun stuff, I wrote this as well.
Timetells Kiting Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?105424-Timetells-Low-Level-Bear-PvP-Guide). - A kiting guide written by one of the best bear kiters of all time.

A parting message to the viewer
If you intend to try any of these classes, just send me a friend request @ pardner/Fight/Bastardhungry! I'll be more than happy to help you out & give you a few pointers! Thank you for taking the time to read through this post that I've been working lightly on the past ~5 months.

Enjoyed the guide? Click the 'thank' button in the lower left corner of the original post!
If you have any additions, comments/concerns, just comment below! i'll get on it real quick! :)

Bossem - Very good fox, allowed me to gain so much more knowledge about the class of the Hunter.
Enurt - TY u a real gud bro
Pillowsnatcher - thnx for helping me take pics
The Mage formerly known as Eminem - ur range pics r amazing 10/10. hopefully some1 sees them
Wigglesrhino - taking the time to review my post
& Fetishsz - although u didn't help me at all, u real g and a bro

06-16-2014, 04:21 PM
Reserved for 22+ guide


this post will differ in format from the l12-21 post because there are so many more levels to cover after 22. also, different characters dominate different level ranges because of gear differences. for this reason, i will keep the general overview going, but not the individual skill analysis. there will also be many guide-like posts covering specific level characters (for example a subsection in the enchantress section detailing level 35 mage.) so without further ado, here begins my work on the 22+ section.

Once again, I have included the codes in the table of contents. To use these codes, press ctrl or command + F on your computer and type in the code (without brackets), and add a 1. So, for example, [POOPOO] would become POOPOO1.

Table of Contents
1. Introductions to Levels 22+
2. Most Populated Twinking Areas
3. PvP Politics [WORK ON] (must play before writing)
4. Basic Combos [KAMEKAMEHA]
4a. General Strategies/Ranges for All Classes [AWBALLS]
5. General Enchantress Strategies Levels 22-40 [MAGEMAGEMAGE]
6. Specific Enchantress Strategies Levels 22-40
7. Applenoob and Divine's General Ursan Overview [APLDIV]
8. Specific Bear Strategies [SPECURSAN]

[B]1. Introduction to levels 22+ [INTROSWAGER1]
I believe that twinking in levels 22+ is split into two different areas:

Levels 22-35, which are dominated mainly by mages, and
Levels 40 - 71, which are dominated mainly by bears.

The reason being for the change between 35-40 is this: bears finally become able to add points in debuffs, dodge, AND damage skills, creating the perfect storm to easily fight any class.

This isn't to say that those are necessarily the most overpowered classes at the level, however they are definitely the most common and easiest to play, as well as being among the best classes at the levels. Many classes are also useful at these levels, however, these are often the most consistent, most common, and probably the perfect introductory classes to the levels.

Many people say that the 22+ community is often more mature than the under 22 community, but I beg to differ. There are bad apples in every group, and 22+ is no different. Just play, have fun, and enjoy at your own risk. :p

[B]2. Most Popular Twinking Levels [BANDWAGONER1]

These are all the twinking levels, not just 22+, with the most common ones colored in green.
L12-17 - Mostly Bears
L23-29 - Mostly Mages
L35 - Mostly Mages
L56 - Mostly bears
L61 - More Data
L71 - More Data

3. PvP Politics [WORK ON THIS]

4. Combo Execution [KAMEKAMEHA1]
This is a new addition from the original post, because many combos are not very important until 22+, where damage gets an insane boost.

[I]Mages -
Hot flash combo - this combo is set up by using any ice skill followed by firestorm. Hot flash adds roughly 20% more damage to firestorm. Utilized in ALL PvP levels.
Steam combo - This combo is set up by using any ice skill followed by a fire type auto attack. It is most commonly utilized at levels 35-40, with the voodoo pin. Deals 50% of auto damage.

Bears -
Smash combo - The only skill combo that a bear has, it is activated by using beckon, and then stomp in quick succession. Deals (test) amount of stomp/beckon damage.
Shatter combo - This skill is activated by any ice effect + stomp. Most often used at level 15 with snowball launcher, however level 30 shivering bears can make good use of the effect as well.

Birds -
Shattering Scream - The only skill combo that a bird has, it is activated by using shattering scream, and then blast shot in quick succession. Deals (test) amount of damage.

Foxes - This is the previously mentioned "secret" combo for foxes.

1. Slam combo - activated by using rapid bite + hamstring
2. Knockout combo - activated by using vixen kick when rapid bite is about to finish cooling down.
3. Bury combo - activated by using rapid bite + hamstring after KO combo.

Altogether now,
Rapid Bite + Hamstring + Random Skills + Vixen Kick when Rapid Bite cools down + Rapid + Hamstring for 3 combos in a row!

Rhino - Juiced combo, the only combo a rhino has, activated by Charge!! + Redemption. This deals (test) amount of damage, and heals the caster the same amount.

4a. The Ranges! [DONOTSKIP1]

With the exception of Rhino and occasionally fox, all classes need to know their 8m and 12m ranges. It is relatively simple to learn these ranges through trial and error. If you see yourself stomping late, or using any skill not at max range, don't be silly and keep doing it. Try stomping from farther back. If it's too early, then stomp from a bit closer, but not as close as your first try. It's extremely simple! Too many times I see slow skill users continue on with their existence of stomping too late, even when they know it needs improvement. It's something that takes maybe 15 - 30 minutes to learn, but will greatly improve the hours of your gameplay.

To help you visualize the ranges, here are a few pictures.

As you can see the distance from the square to the wall in tiny tombs is EXACTLY 8m. However, in a real fight, you'd want to stomp from a little farther back, perhaps the imagine the wall of the square as the boundary. The distance from the wall of the square to the wall of Tiny Tombs, is the perfect range you want to execute stomp, light, or level 1 fire from.


Shown here is 12m: shown here as the center of the "gravel-ly" square in Tiny Tombs, and following to the end of the straight line.


5. Enchantress Tips and Overview (22-40) [MAGEMAGEMAGE1]

With the addition of two passive buffs, Blessing of Might/Vitality, the enchantress jumps from the most underrated class to the most over-used class from levels 22-35, where at level 40, it then lessens it's dominant grip on twinking PvP 35+ due to massive amounts of dodge jumping into the picture. The addition of both buffs allows mages to be both glass cannons, iron tanks, or a hybrid of both.

1. Tether Ice and Fire skill together (Mage v Everything)

Basically what I mean is to think of these skills as one skill. 99% of the time, if you don't have fire ready, you shouldn't use ice. The 1% is when you use frost bite to catch runners. Tethering can go both ways. You can fire + ice first, which will knock back and then freeze (as a kite or escape combo to heal), or you can ice + fire, which generates the hot flash combo and maximizes your damage output. Hot flash is especially important in mage vs mage, because the extra damage is very effective against 400 HP.

2. Learn MS (Mage v Everything)

In my experience, MS is one of the hardest skills to master the use of, but many people complain when you use it. MS basically adds another 600 HP, but at a cost -- if you don't kill quick enough, your mana will become drained and you will lose all damage output. It also has a 1.5 second delay from when you press the button. This prevents exploits and also adds a layer of skill to using MS.

The time MS should be pressed varies at every level, and on your opponents combo.

For example:
At level 25, I normally used MS at 1/4 HP, or if it looked like I was beginning to lose health and couldn't escape. I also pressed MS at full HP/MANA sometimes, if I knew the opponent was nuke based and wouldn't be able to plow through my entire mana shield. At level 30, MS is hardly utilized, because the weapon damage is pretty low compared to the tank capability of 6 BOV. At level 35, MS become more of a gut decision. After the first combo or two, if I was around half and didn't have my combo up and ready to nuke before they nuked me, I'd press MS to give myself time for the finisher. If I got too low after any combo, I'd press MS.

Mastering MS is one of the things that turn a good mage into an elite mage. Do it now!

3. Observe Your Opponents Combo (Mage v All)

Knowing when your opponent presses certain skills is vital to knowing the perfect time to use heal. Heal timing is most important against mages and bears. As a general foundation, against mages, you usually want to press heal after the ice that sets up hot flash combo. Against bears, the best time to press heal would be directly after the hell scream, that way you can avoid getting stunned for too long, and stay out of CB/slash range.

Also, in certain scenarios where the opponent nukes too hard, you can start off with a 12m kite of Fire+Ice to throw off their mass damage combo.

Against birds/foxes/rhinos, I basically just moved backwards while spamming lightning, and combos. Foxes are rather difficult if you do not use Mana Shield. After you see their first combo "Slam", press MS. They should be dead soon after.

4. Learning skill delays (Mage v All)

The Enchantress' damaging skills are nearly all delayed. What this means is there is an amount of time where nothing happens after you press the skill. These include: Lightning, frostbite, drain life, mana shield, weakness, nightmare, and occasionally ice storm. The most important skill delay (after MS) to learn is frostbite. At levels 22-35, where the hot flash combo is essential, you must learn to approximate when frost bite will hit , to follow up with an instant firestorm for hot flash combo, before your ice can be healed off.

5. Run to Heal!

Running to heal is, although viewed as cheap, a good strategy to use. With 400HP, you should NEVER rush into another combo without full HP. If I become separated from my opponent (out of auto range), I will never chase them unless I am full HP. Heal up, then apply the pressure.

6. Specific Mage Strategies 22-40 [BUTTSDONOTLIE1]

Since levels 22-40 mages can vary a lot, general mage strategies can sometimes not be enough. In this section, I will provide specific strategies for certain levels of enchantresses.

Level 22-23
Level 22 is the first level that the mage is able to take advantage of it's insane damage/critical buff, Blessing of Might. However, l22 does not have enough skill points to provide a fully versatile build. The best build to use is what I like to call the "range nuke" build.

Skills: 6 BOM, 5 fire, 2 drain, 1 frostbite, 3 heal, 1 mana shield, 3 lightning OR another variation with 5 lightning, 1 heal. If level 23, add point in lightning or heal.
Stats: 22 int for level 5 alch when you'll need regen, rest dexterity.
Gear: Halloween Bone Helm Level 20 dex/int, Forgotten Bow Level 19-22 Purp/Pink, any Sandstone level 21/23, or artisans/expert level 15, Armor ring level 20 that gives crit.
Rings: Level 20 Magician's Fine Platinum Band, or Fine Golden Band of Technique
Faces: Angry Elf face for critical %.

To successfully use this build against mages, you must learn your 12M, and open up fights by "kiting", or using Fire+Ice from max range. Do this one or two times, and then when the opponent does not expect it, go in for the kill with the finishing combo, drain --> frost --> light --> fire. If you find yourself dying too quick, add in a mana shield somewhere right before or right after you drain.
Against bears, do the same thing. Kite from 12M, and MAKE SURE to heal off hell scream whenever they pull you close with beckon. If you notice that the bear has high beckon, pushback with fire, then immediately press MS and heal off hell scream. Try to finish him off with your nuke of drain, frost, and fire.
ALWAYS keep moving backwards or sideways, never forwards, unless you're trying to get in range to finish them off.
Against Foxes - do any random hot flash combo, then press MS as SOON as "Slam" combo hits. Unload skills, and hope that they don't dodge too much.
Against Rhinos - Keep moving backwards, and heal when they press charge. This will prevent them from hitting "juiced" combo.
Against Birds - Give them one kite combo, then go in for the kill. Press MS earlier if they're totally nuke based.

Level 25-27
With level 25-27 enchantress, you can now add points in heal to complement your nuke.

Skills: Level 25 enchantress can branch out into two different specs: the "tank" and the range nuke. Of these, I prefer the tank, but the range nuke is just as good. Basically the difference between tank and range nuke is the higher heal, BOV, and lightning.
Tank Build - 6 BOM, 4 heal, 6 Lightning, 1 frost, 1 fire, 1 drain, 1 mana shield, 4 BOV. Extra points from 26 or 27 should be added into either BOV or heal.
Range Nuke Build - 6 BOM, 3 heal, 5 Lightning, 1 frost, 5 Fire, 1 mana shield, 2 drain, 1 BOV. Extra points should be added into BOV or heal at 26/27.

Gear: With two different specs come more different gear sets:
Tank (: Tank actually has two specs, the common tank, and the actual str tank (which is rarely used).

Str tank - Halloween Bone Helm level 25 int, Level 25 Pink Paw, Level 20 Guru's Chain Mail, Level 25 Gruesome Evidence Bracer, Armor + regen ring.
Dex Tank (recommended tank spec) - Halloween Bone Helm level 25 int/dex, level 25 Pink Paw, any Sandstone level 25 Armor, Level 25 Gruesome Evidence Bracer, armor + regen dex ring.

Range Nuke Gear: Halloween Bone Helm Level 25 int/dex, forgotten bow level 20-27, Halloween Marrow Mantle level 25 int, armor + crit ring.

Dex Tank - 22 int for alchemists level 5, rest dexterity.
Str Tank - 22 int for alchemists level 5, 62 str for plat pack armor, rest dexterity
Range Nuke - 67 Dexterity for level 20 dex ring, rest int, OR 22 int for alchemists level 5, rest dexterity.

Range Nuke Tips - see above section (l22-23)

Tank Tips - Against mage kiters/range nukes, hold your BOV until you think they'll attempt to go in for the nuke. Keep using frost bite in an attempt to catch up, and when you get close, spam the hell out of light. Make sure their hot flash combo DOES NOT connect. Heal the ice off whenever possible. Use mana shield if you're about to die. Also, make sure your hot flash combo connects. Ice, light, fire is a great combo to use if you can time hot flash right.
Against bears, attempt to use firestorm at the maximum range of 8m. Spam light, and use heal to heal off hell scream. Move backwards the whole time while using fire, light, ice combo to freeze-lock and allow running to heal.
Against foxes, rhinos, and birds - use MS on foxes after the first combo, try not to run out of mana against rhinos (make sure to have your regen set ready), and just spam whatever you'd like against birds.

Level 30

This level is fairly tank based and nukes rarely happen. There is only one common spec here because kites are not needed.

Skills: 6 BOM, 6 BOV, 6 lightning, 6 heal, 1 firestorm, 1 frostbite, 1 icestorm, 2 drain, 1 mana shield OR 1 drain, 3 firestorm, 0 mana shield.
Stats: Enough dex for shivering set (92 dex, I think), rest int
Gear: Halloween Helm Level 30 Int, Shivering Ice Talon, Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather, Shivering Wing Level 30
NOTE: Evidence works arguably better, but is not worth the cost. You will do just fine with Shiv Wing.

Rings: Champions Fine Platinum Band level 20, or Fine Golden Band of Technique level 20.
Face: Any face works, as stat effects of faces becomes minimal. Angry Elf is probably the best choice for critical %.

Against Mages, you want to start off by using lightning from 8m, then draining as quick as you can. Try to hit lightning & drain first, and continue to spam lightning every time you can use it. Make sure you don't let them "hot flash" you. Observe their combo, and when their fire comes in. Most mages will use their hot flash after they use ice storm instead of frost bite. Use this to your advantage by healing at ice storm. Continue healing, lighting, and hot-flashing. Everything that happens during this period is IRRELEVANT. You should NOT die during this time period. When you think their defense buff goes down, use drain to nuke them with drain light ice fire. A good way to estimate their defense buff breaking down is using your own. You can see when your buff goes down by looking at the icons underneath your HP/MP bar. If you notice that you used the buff before they did, then observe when your buff goes down, wait for a moment, then begin the finishing combo. If you buffed AFTER them, then just begin your nuke as soon as your buff goes down.
It is VITAL that you don't use any skills rather than lightning, heal, and frostbite while your attack buffs are down. You will only be wasting your mana. Wait for your buff to pop back up, and attempt to repeat all the steps above.
Against bears, fire + ice from 8m, and heal as soon as you see them use hellscream. You should be moving backwards the whole time. This is a priority. You do NOT want to get caught in the Hell Scream's stun. After you heal off hellscream, use lightning and drain how you please. The only necessary part is remaining outside of slash range by healing hell scream off, and making sure they remain frozen.
Against Birds, spam whatever you want. The only two things that matter are:
1) Attempt to time your heal to eliminate cruel blast combo. Whenever you see those red rings, use heal in an attempt to remove the shattering scream debuff.
2) Don't let auto hit you. Move backwards the whole time.
Against Foxes, combo them with lightning and hot flash, but pay attention to their first combo. After they use their first combo, activate mana shield, and continue whaling away at their HP. If you're not killing them STILL after using MS, just use it a little later so your mana doesn't get nuked. Make sure you have MS on to withstand their 3 combo streak though.
Against Rhinos, make sure your mana doesn't run out. They don't hit very hard at all.

Level 35
For me, "Voodoo" Mage is the most fun mage level, it requires precise timing of hot flash, as well as counters for several prominent combos.

Skills - 6 BOM, 6 BOV, 6 Fire, 6 Light, 6 Heal, 1 drain, 1 frostbite, 1 icestorm, 1 mana shield
Stats: 75 int, rest dex. OR 112 int, rest dex.
Gear - Halloween Helm L35 Int, Mamboza's Voodoo Pin L35, Halloween Mantle L35 Int, Chilling Evidence Bracer L35
NOTE: I use purple evidence bracer because of the dodge.

Rings: Champions Fine Platinum Band level 20, or Fine Golden Band of Technique level 20.
Face: Any face works, as stat effects of faces becomes minimal. Angry Elf is probably the best choice for critical %.

Against other mages, hot flash combo is critical. In order to win fights against decent mages, you MUST know your frostbite delay. Without it, your ice will be negated by the Voodoo Pin proc, causing "Steam" rather than "hot flash." The combo I use against mages is frost, light, fire, ice storm, spam light & attempt to heal off their combo setting ice. Drain immediately after they drain, if possible, and continue spamming light, and nailing hot flash combo. Press MS when low, it takes a while to get used to the timing, but being good at MS will guarantee victory in 90% of fights.
Against bears, fire + ice from 12m, and run. Heal off HS when it comes, try not to use heal for anything else. Attempt to use drain before CB lands, and if you get stunned, Spam fire + ice and try to run backwards as soon as possible. Keep reserving heal for hell scream so you don't get stunned with -30% hit.
Against foxes, spam skills, and use MS after the first combo.
Against rhinos, spam skills. They will not pose a threat to you at level 35.
Against birds, spam skills, and try to avoid getting hit by autos if they are str.

Applenoob & Divine's Bear Tips and Overview (Levels 22-40) [APLDIV1]
Firstly, I'd like to thank Applenoob for giving me a basic outline to smooth out. I have been especially busy during the last month, and without others help, I would never even have finished another section of this work.

Now to begin:
At level 22, bears gain a very useful skill used to neutralize those pesky runners/kiters, and give bears the ability to create their first self-combo.
This skill: Beckon. It pulls the opponent towards you, and when combined with stomp, it creates the "Smash" combo. Bears are generally second fiddle to mages until level 35, where dodge begins to play a large factor in fights.

1. Hell Scream is Versatile (Bear v all)
HS is in my opinion, either the second best or the best skill in the ursan's arsenal. It can be used for the following:

Stun - When combined with beckon, it can provide the necessary stopping power to allow you to close the gap between you and your enemy and root them with a nice little crippling slash.
Debuff - Hit% is a valuable commodity at low level, and hell scream is the best at lowering the opponent's hit. It also deals a nice 30 damage reduction as a side effect. That way, if your opponent does hit that pesky knock back skill, it'll at least do less damage.
Escape Route - Need to tree? Low on HP? Want to cheat in FFA by rejoining? Hit that HS and run like hell!

ALSO, it is vital against healing characters to use the second hell scream AFTER they heal. The first HS should be in your combo to root them, however, hold your HS until you see the green heal light, and immediately press HS. This way, they remained stunned, debuffed, and a 0% threat to you. If your HS is continually on a mage or a rhino, there is no way you will lose the fight.

2. Do not forget slashes (Bear vs all)
Much of the time, beginning bears simply think that they can beckon HS and stomp their way to victory. PvP is more intellectual than that! Find a way to utilize your many close range skills before sending them flying!
I prioritize my slashes in this order: crippling slash > crushing blow > Super mega slash > vengeful slash.
I always tend to cripple first because it leaves them rooted, allowing me to come back and use the other slashes with ease. Second comes the crushing blow, a very important damage debuff. Super mega slash is the most powerful slash DPS wise, and last comes the finisher, vengeful slash. If you can get all these off, it is nearly equivalent to having a smash combo, and you get the keep them in close melee range as well as debuffing them with both Hell Scream and Crushing Blow.

3. Time your Hellscreams. (Bear vs Bear)
Hell scream is often the decider in level 22-35 bear v bear fights. The -30 hit% is often a fatal blow to anyone who gets struck by it. Try to hit your hell scream before the other person does, reducing his chance of debuffing you, and allowing you to take minimal damage.

4. Know your ranges! (Bear vs all)
The most important ranges to know are that of beckon, and hell scream. Learn those ranges, and you will be a pro. This game is 50% range, 25% movement, and 25% luck.

5. Kite the kite! (Bear vs mage/bird)
Many times, you will encounter a pesky little mage or bird attempting to knock you back at 12m, causing you to miss your combo and allow them to run away to reload. Counter this by giving them a little backwards movement around the 13m range. Basically, once you reach just outside of 12m, move backwards for 1 second to cause them to miss their repulse/break/fire/whatever the hell they use first. Then beckon + HS, root them, and destroy. This is really a good way to give yourself the upper hand against nukey but squishy characters that you will encounter at level 22-40.

8. Specific bear strategies (22-40) [SPECURSAN1]
Everybody has their unique build but they usually follow along the lines of nuke or debuff. There are those rare builds that work for some people but i have found them to be hard to master so i shall stick to the general builds for each level.

At level 22, bears now have beckon and the ability to do the smash combo. Beckon also now allows bears to take advantage of the many other close range skills, and creates two different branches of bear PvP, Nuke (bear v bear) and Debuff. Be warned with either build, you will not fight many 22 mages, and will get destroyed by most 25 mages.


Stats: all dex
Skills: 6 rage, 3 iron blood, 6 hellscream, 3 stomp, 2 beckon, 1 crippling slash
NOTE: Crushing Blow is exchangeable with iron blood, I prefer iron blood for it's guarantee of damage reduction, but if you can land CB, it's much more effective.

Gear: Level 20 dex halloween helm, Pink level 22 forgotten bow, l15 artisan's or Level 20 dex halloween helm, Level 20 sniper's avian talon, Level 20 pink bloody evidence bracer, l15 expert or artisan. (Depending on hit)
Rings: with fbow setup, 2% hit 8 damage ring, and with the talon setup, use the 2 crit 8 damage ring.
Faces: Mecha face (2% hit)

Stats: 67 str, rest dex.
Skills: 6 rage, 6 hell scream, 3 beckon, 5 crushing blow, 1 crippling slash, 1 stomp.
Gear: Level 20 int halloween helm, level 20 warrior package shield, armor, and sword.
Ring: Armor/Dodge str ring.
Face: Koala Bear Face (for more dodge)

Against mages: If you ever fight any mages your level, be sure to use the "Kite the kite" strategy noted in the general overview.
Once you have baited them into using and missing fire, use beckon, then hell scream and CRIPPLING SLASH them. Do NOT execute the stomp combo, until crippling slash, crushing blow, and whatever the hell else you got has been unloaded. Then, attempt to keep them near you, so you can use hell scream directly after they heal.
Against [I]bears, know your hell scream range. 8M is the magic number. If you hit hell scream first, it is highly likely that you will win. Take advantage of your build, if you are str based, try to close the gap, and for dex based bears, try to keep distance against a melee bear.
Against foxes: Hellscream and crushing blow as soon as possible, then cripple them and spam slashes, beckon combo, and rebuffs.
Against birds: Do not fall for their initial repulse shot. Hold your skills until they waste their knock back skill, then proceed to beckon, hell scream, and demolish them.
Against rhinos: As soon as they charge, use crippling slash and crushing blow. It is vital that every hell scream is placed directly after each heal. (besides the first, which you can use first)

25-27 Bear
Between the levels 21-29, 25 is now the most common choice of PvP. At this level, both bears and mages are NEARLY equal, dependent on build type and play style. (NOTE: bears can own mages if trees are used, however, this is not a likely strategy for most 1v1s due to a built in honor code among 1v1ers.) Nearly all bears at level 25 are full dex (or near it), in order to utilize the forgotten bow.

Stats: Full Dex
Skills: 6 rage, 6 hell scream, 2 beckon, 3 stomp, 1 crippling slash, 3 crushing blow, 1 super mega slash, 2 iron blood
NOTE: You can also go with no SMS, 3 IB.

Gear: Level 25 halloween bone helm (int preferably, dex works equally well though), level 25 forgotten bow, level 25 halloween marrow mantle (int)
Rings: any damage ring level 20, my preference is the champions fine platinum band.
Faces: any face works as the stat effect becomes relatively minimal at level 25. I'd go with mecha for hit% though.

Against mages: If you ever fight any mages your level, be sure to use the "Kite the kite" strategy noted in the general overview.
Once you have baited them into using and missing fire, use beckon, then hell scream and stomp combo. Most 25 mages will die when "Smashed" by a 25 bear. If not, attempt to continue moving forward, and use CB, CS, and hell scream after they heal.
Against bears, know your hell scream range. 8M is the magic number. If you hit hell scream first, it is highly likely that you will win. Take advantage of your build, if you are str based, try to close the gap, and for dex based bears, try to keep distance against a melee bear.
Against foxes: Hellscream and crushing blow as soon as possible, then cripple them and spam slashes, beckon combo, and rebuffs.
Against birds: Do not fall for their initial repulse shot. Hold your skills until they waste their knock back skill, then proceed to beckon, hell scream, and demolish them.
Against rhinos: As soon as they charge, use crippling slash and crushing blow. It is vital that every hell scream is placed directly after each heal. (besides the first, which you can use first)

Level 30-31 Bear
Level 30 is when things start rolling for bears again. The popularity of shivering set mages combined with the relatively low damage of the set (when armor buffs are up), as well as the amped-up dodge allow bears to tank well. On the flip side however, shivering bears will also have low damage. The goal of the 30-31 bear is basically to dodge and debuff, and survive until armor buffs go down, opening up the opportunity to nuke.

Build: 6 rage, 6 evade, 2 beckon, 1 cripple, 6 crushing blow, 5 hell scream, 1 stomp, 1 super mega slash, 1 taunt.
Stats: 92 dex, rest STR (or 40 str, rest dex) -- At least have enough STR to equip mint cutter level 30.
Gear: Halloween Bone Helm (Int) level 30/Shivering Ice Talon/Halloween Marrow Mantle (Int) level 30 or Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather/Chilling Evidence Bracer Level 30/Fine Platinum Band of Technique Level 30 or Fine Golden Band of Technique Level 30.
Face: Koala or Mecha Faces

Against mages, the goal is to pull them close, and keep them constantly debuffed. Your damage will be minimal as long as their armor buff is up, so try to remain over 1/2 HP for at least 15 seconds. After their armor buff runs out, you will be able to slash, smash, and kill them. Make SURE not to send them too far (no beckon, stomp + sms), as you want to always keep them within cripple/crushing distance. Hell Scream timing is vital, make sure to utilize your first HS as a "stunner", allowing you to move in close, and then after crippling them, make sure each successive hell scream comes directly AFTER the heal.
If you have trouble nuking, buy/farm a level 30 mint cutter. It has low STR requirements, and will still grant you a lot of damage.
Against rhinos, switch to dex set, and keep them stun locked. Rhinos should be extremely easy when played right, because their slow heal is a prime target for hell scream control, as well as the bear's stunning capability negating nearly all of the rhino's skills. When they charge, make sure you get in a cripple and hell scream as soon as possible to keep them stunned. The only difficult part will be in closing the gap, as they will probably hit you with the OP tempest knock back, but try to stun and close the gap, then hit them with a crushing blow and keep running in and out of melee range to get in cripple/crushing blow. Same as mage, Hell Scream directly after the heal. If you HS right, they shouldn't be able to land a single significant blow after the initial charge.
Against Foxes, hope that their dodge isn't too damn high, and cripple/hs/cb when they dash in. keeping them stunned is vital, as their dashes and combo are pretty much useless when in a prone and stunned position. All you need to do is survive the initial burst of damage, if you have enough HP after that, their dodge buff will run out, allowing you to HS and render them harmless.
Against birds, also hope their dodge won't be too high. The only thing you can affect is not falling for the repulse kite. Every bird at every level will try to repulse you in order to get you farther away, and make you miss combos/skills. What I like to do is hold my skills until they repulse, and then beckon + HS. If HS lands, the bird is pretty much dead. Cripple and keep distance, while rushing in with CB/cripple if they don't die that quickly.
Against other bears, hell scream is vital. You want your opponent to be affected by hell scream before you. Get your beckon + HS range down to the minute details. Dodge luck is definitely a large factor in bear v bear fights, but if you can keep them HS'ed, they will miss nearly every skill, while you can debuff and DPS at will.

35 Bear
35 Bear is when bears get their first taste of extreme dodge. Many bears at 35 can achieve over 40% dodge. May the dodge roll be in your favor if you play this level bear.

Build: 6Rage, 6Evasion, 6taunt, 6hs, 6cb, 1Beckon , 1stomp, 1Sms, 1Cs
Stats: 75 str, rest dexterity.
Gear: Halloween Bone Helm (Int Level 35), Copperhead Trident/Level 35 Ghoulish Reaper Blade, Halloween Marrow Mantle (Int Level 35), Copperhead Shield

IGN Storm
06-16-2014, 04:30 PM
Didn't read all of it but seems like this guide is for levels 10-22. Might wanna change the title as its misleading to those who would like to seek info about higher level pvp. Very detailed though and definitely will help most players.

Edit: Didn't see the reserved for 22+ guide part. My bad.

06-16-2014, 04:53 PM
LOLOL I love how you put the fact that I never wear stuff LOLOL
I rock pjs cuz they comfy

06-16-2014, 04:58 PM
LOLOL I love how you put the fact that I never wear stuff LOLOL
I rock pjs cuz they comfy

Yes very comfy. You need to get on 15s moar

06-16-2014, 08:19 PM
Didn't read all of it but seems like this guide is for levels 10-22. Might wanna change the title as its misleading to those who would like to seek info about higher level pvp. Very detailed though and definitely will help most players.

Edit: Didn't see the reserved for 22+ guide part. My bad.

Yea, thanks. I'll probably release the 22+ part in ~2 months. Thanks for reading btw!

06-17-2014, 12:08 AM
Yes very comfy. You need to get on 15s moar

we'll see.. i might be on 15 more because this guy named evacuates is posing as me and is going around scamming people

06-17-2014, 01:07 AM
wow.. noce man GJ

but no cert/angry mage? he oretty much invented 17 mage forget thread where mentioned doe

06-17-2014, 07:09 AM
wow.. noce man GJ

but no cert/angry mage? he oretty much invented 17 mage forget thread where mentioned doe

Unfortunately, he doesn't play much around the level range. I agree though, probably the single most influential 12-21 mage...helped popularize high light (seems like a no brainer, but most were high fire), ice storm use (for ice locking and combos), as well as the previously mentioned 17 mage.

06-17-2014, 08:26 AM
wheres me :o

06-17-2014, 09:10 AM
Very Nice Guide :eagerness:

06-17-2014, 10:29 AM
You dont know me D: Long live groupies I think im the only semi-active one left.
Nice guide also, very well written :D

06-17-2014, 11:48 AM
wheres me :o

You're in there haha

06-18-2014, 09:50 AM
You dont know me D: Long live groupies I think im the only semi-active one left.
Nice guide also, very well written :D

Didn't know there were still <groupiez>! Nice to see you, and thanks! I know who you are now haha

06-18-2014, 11:13 AM
Didn't know there were still <groupiez>! Nice to see you, and thanks! I know who you are now haha

3rd member xD I still use it now and then

06-18-2014, 04:05 PM
Nice guide! :)
Though I guess Kawakawasaki is someone worth to be noted too.

06-18-2014, 05:05 PM
Nice guide! :)
Though I guess Kawakawasaki is someone worth to be noted too.

Thanks! She's not as active as she used to be though. Haven't seen her in a bit.

The Voices
06-18-2014, 06:14 PM
Well written descriptions, recommendations, and pictures. Not misleading at all. Good job, Hung!

06-18-2014, 06:42 PM
Well written descriptions, recommendations, and pictures. Not misleading at all. Good job, Hung!

Thanks man, your guide is great as well!

EDIT: The guide we are referring too is a L20 Bird Guide. If you're interested, see the guide compendium at the bottom of my original post.

06-18-2014, 07:42 PM
Awesome guide! I fixed the images (so they should appear without having to click on "attachment") & moved to player guides :)

06-18-2014, 07:53 PM
Awesome guide! I fixed the images (so they should appear without having to click on "attachment") & moved to player guides :)

Hey thanks, that's great! Although I would have liked this remain in PvP section, it seems to get more traffic there. Thank you regardless! Glad to see a mod posting on my thread haha :p

06-20-2014, 10:52 AM
As I begin work on my 22+ guide, I was wondering if anyone would help me level a few chars (1 in each class) to 22 ish. If so, just send me a PM on forums. You don't have to level all of them. :p

Heck, even better would be if someone were willing to level with me while getting P-Leveled. The more the merrier.

06-20-2014, 04:53 PM

Make's me want to come back to 1-17. (:

06-20-2014, 05:38 PM

Make's me want to come back to 1-17. (:

Hey, where've you been man? What's up!

06-20-2014, 05:42 PM
Hey, where've you been man? What's up!

School has caught up to me but I'm on summer vacation now.

How about you man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-20-2014, 05:55 PM
School has caught up to me but I'm on summer vacation now.

How about you man?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

doing well, hows the baller life treating you?

06-20-2014, 06:00 PM
doing well, hows the baller life treating you?

It's fine, just going out teaching them how Uncle Drew does it, lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-20-2014, 06:13 PM
It's fine, just going out teaching them how Uncle Drew does it, lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lier u has no handls

myplayr l25 handls

06-20-2014, 06:16 PM
lier u has no handls

myplayr l25 handls

K Hax Handls moar

Nawt lier i teech handls

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-21-2014, 12:04 PM
K Hax Handls moar

Nawt lier i teech handls

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

woa i saw u yesterday ur handls r horrid.
on topic, yea, try doing some 10-17 again. or 30-35. I spend my time either on voodoo mage or 15 bear.

06-21-2014, 06:46 PM
Nice organized build from top to bottom. #npa,#rekts was here xD.

06-23-2014, 09:24 AM
Nice organized build from top to bottom. #npa,#rekts was here xD.

Oops, hey man, and thanks!

06-23-2014, 12:24 PM
woa i saw u yesterday ur handls r horrid.
on topic, yea, try doing some 10-17 again. or 30-35. I spend my time either on voodoo mage or 15 bear.

Who's your voodoo?

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06-23-2014, 02:02 PM
Who's your voodoo?

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er its a rather inappropriate name, it starts with a P and ends in two i's. P _ _ i i.
I probably used to be one of the better 35 mages, haven't been on in a while though, it's a bit inactive this summer.

06-23-2014, 08:09 PM
Good guide. Comprehensive and in-depth. Very good for a general view.

06-23-2014, 09:00 PM
Good guide. Comprehensive and in-depth. Very good for a general view.

thanks apple, nice to see you've got a forum account now!

06-24-2014, 10:04 AM
I only kept my inappropriate name for like 3days D:

06-24-2014, 06:53 PM
I only kept my inappropriate name for like 3days D:

lol more like 3 weeks

06-25-2014, 01:08 PM
Had one for a while just never got on it :P

06-26-2014, 12:08 PM
Lol @ Fetishsz.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-27-2014, 04:56 PM
please note: I am no longer hungry bastard, my new IGN is "Fight". Yes, "Fight"!

06-27-2014, 08:53 PM
hey, i noticed that there are no L22 builds! do you have one i can copy?

06-27-2014, 10:26 PM
hey, i noticed that there are no L22 builds! do you have one i can copy?

I am still "working" on the 22+ section. Unfortunately I do not have a 22 build.

06-28-2014, 04:14 PM
No 22 builds yet u crushed my bear with one yesterday XD

06-28-2014, 04:27 PM
No 22 builds yet u crushed my bear with one yesterday XD

well yea, i don't have a...versatile build. that build is a one trick pony, only works bear v bear but nothing else haha. of course, I was judging myself against 25-27 mages but still, I got rekt way too hard. Still trying to figure out a more complete build.

06-28-2014, 09:13 PM
22-30 is dominated by mages because nobody has found a good cheap substitiute for the raw damage output monster called the forgotten bow which bears usually need to be good at pvp! If there was a new bow installed that gave good stats like the forgotten bow but was easy to farm we would see a resurgence in 22-30 bear population. But because you need to have a good amount of money to even manage to be in that zone nonetheless the skill required to beat the mages its just simply to hard for semi-ok pvpers to revitalize the bear population of 22-30! And please dont be rude if you think im wrong just merely point out your opinion

07-04-2014, 11:28 PM
22-30 is dominated by mages because nobody has found a good cheap substitiute for the raw damage output monster called the forgotten bow which bears usually need to be good at pvp! If there was a new bow installed that gave good stats like the forgotten bow but was easy to farm we would see a resurgence in 22-30 bear population. But because you need to have a good amount of money to even manage to be in that zone nonetheless the skill required to beat the mages its just simply to hard for semi-ok pvpers to revitalize the bear population of 22-30! And please dont be rude if you think im wrong just merely point out your opinion

I think bears can match mages at level 25, however, the problem is that one build usually only works well against mages, but is only mediocre vs bears, and vice versa.

edit: slowing progress on the 22+ section due to vacation and a little summer work. However I am working my way up, and I have bears/mages 22-35.

07-06-2014, 11:27 PM
I think bears can match mages at level 25, however, the problem is that one build usually only works well against mages, but is only mediocre vs bears, and vice versa.

edit: slowing progress on the 22+ section due to vacation and a little summer work. However I am working my way up, and I have bears/mages 22-35.
Very true and ty for the Update

07-10-2014, 03:49 PM
Very true and ty for the Update

no prob, c u in game man.

07-11-2014, 09:44 AM
22 str bear- Warrior pack and high debuffs= you win vs bear

07-13-2014, 02:24 PM
The most useful guide about low level PvP I've seen so far. Saw what in wanted to :D

#Bespvpguide2014 :D

- Presorted

07-14-2014, 10:46 PM
Hi Hung, i thought about creating a forum acc today but found out i already have one :)
Great Guide - Wiggles

Oh crap, wsup wiggle!

Thanks presorted!

07-15-2014, 02:31 PM
Hi Hung, you suck.



07-15-2014, 03:02 PM
Nice guide, thanks for mentioning me. Good luck on the 22-30 portion, there are a ton of different builds and ways of fighting.

07-16-2014, 12:27 AM
Nice guide, thanks for mentioning me. Good luck on the 22-30 portion, there are a ton of different builds and ways of fighting.

No offense but I could care less if I was mentioned in the good bears I rather be mentioned as a rusher you avoid or put in pro noob category being in the good bears is just boring to me XD

07-19-2014, 04:24 PM
lol i would rather not include a rusher section, that may start a lot of drama and misunderstandings.

07-19-2014, 05:00 PM
ahhhh, gonna start beginning work on the 22+ section yet again. Enchantress tips and tricks underway!

07-21-2014, 04:41 PM
finished ench 22-35 general tips section.

will begin working on specific level guides

07-22-2014, 03:20 AM
FINALLY oh wait u finished the intro fml

07-24-2014, 10:49 PM
Wait are we not having a 22 dex or str bear build or wut??

07-25-2014, 01:11 PM
most 22 builds are dex range nuke tbh, the tank ones get rekt by bears pretty easily because the damage output is pretty low.

edit: 30 mage finished. next up, level 35 mage. Then on to bear 22-35!

07-26-2014, 01:33 PM
Hung for a 22 bear build you can try 6 rage 6 hs 3 Iron blood 3 beck 2 stomp 1 sms I find that it works great for mages and bears. I suppose you could take a point out of ib so you can have crippling slash 6 rage 6 hs 2 iron blood 3 beck 2 stomp 1 sms 1 crippl

07-26-2014, 07:31 PM
going camping, may not have updates until friday

@apple, thanks for the suggestion, coincidentally, that's nearly my build except with 3 stomp and 2 beckon and no sms

07-28-2014, 07:48 PM
Soundset is now Cardiologist.

08-05-2014, 01:15 PM
done with 35 mage...on to 22-35 bear

08-06-2014, 12:59 AM

08-06-2014, 01:05 AM
Missing ring for level 30 mage gear also would a snipers avian wing and sandstone cave wand be a viable replacement for evidence bracer and paw??

08-06-2014, 11:05 AM
for paw, i would say that snipers would not work very well over gruesome l25, at level 30, shiv wing is better and much cheaper too.

in fact, tank build works best with fbow tbh, however tank paw wrecks bears.

08-06-2014, 11:37 PM
for paw, i would say that snipers would not work very well over gruesome l25, at level 30, shiv wing is better and much cheaper too.

in fact, tank build works best with fbow tbh, however tank paw wrecks bears. you're missing the ring for level 30 shivering mage man

08-11-2014, 05:56 PM
i've started playing a lot of order and chaos...this might never be finished. in any case that I play more, i will update this with tons of information. if i get any richer i might buy plat to speed level a crap ton of chars. best of luck to you all.

08-11-2014, 10:47 PM
i've started playing a lot of order and chaos...this might never be finished. in any case that I play more, i will update this with tons of information. if i get any richer i might buy plat to speed level a crap ton of chars. best of luck to you all.

If it comes to the worse of the worst i can always finish the guide with someone helping me. Hopefully i don't have to. My thumbs are already sore!

08-12-2014, 10:25 PM
If it comes to the worse of the worst i can always finish the guide with someone helping me. Hopefully i don't have to. My thumbs are already sore!

i would actually appreciate that, i'll edit it to make things sound smooth (ur engliehsh sux rember?) cred would totally be added in the title of everything you write/create. just want a place where it's organized to store all the information to make it easier for nobies to find it.

08-13-2014, 12:30 AM
i would actually appreciate that, i'll edit it to make things sound smooth (ur engliehsh sux rember?) cred would totally be added in the title of everything you write/create. just want a place where it's organized to store all the information to make it easier for nobies to find it.

Well lets give this a shot.

08-13-2014, 02:04 AM
Bear tips and overviews (bearbearbear1)
At these levels bears will have a new skill called beckon which pulls your opponent towards you, and when comboed with stomp you can get the smash combo. Also at these levels bears are less commonplace due to not having such a strong advantage as they did at levels 10-20. Mages get their damage buffs and birds have more skills, because of this bears do not dominate pvp as well as they used to. Due to this bears are not able to survive the nukes mages bring from levels 22-34. From levels 35 and up bears start regaining their dominance in pvp due to insane amounts of dodge and armor, because bears don't have high amounts of dodge in the 20s-30s range the builds are usually: Nuke Debuff or a combination of the two.

1. Beckon and stomp are a combo. Don't use one without the other. (Bear vs all)
What i mean is don't use stomp before beckon or don't beckon with your stomp on cooldown. Only time you will need to beckon is to catch a runner. You can also use beckon and stomp to do the smash combo which inflicts massive damage by beckoning the person then stomping them. You should never stomp and beckon as it does little damage compared to the smash combo.The smash combo is crucial for dex bears to nuke a mage and equally important for str bears to do damage to their targets.

2. Don't forget your slashes. (Bear vs all)
A lot of times whenever i see a bear play they will just beckon and stomp. Don't do that! Instead beckon and use your slashes ( super mega slash, vengeful slash, crushing slash, and crippling blow ) and then stomp. That way you maximize your damage output when you do the combo as the slashes are roughly 70 damage at level 1. Add that to the 150 or so damage and you have a 220 nuke with only one slash. Think if you have three slashes! You can K.O. a mage if your fast enough and make a bear half if your lucky.

3. Time your Hellscreams. (Bear vs all )
This is a big one. Often i find people walking into the range needed for hellscream and THEN they hellscream. What usually happens is that they die because the other person landed the hellscream faster. But how am i supposed to land it faster?? By timing your hellscream so as your just about to walk into hellscream range hellscream so that way you will already have the scream active when your in range compared to it just now starting to activate. Against mages don't just spam hellscream repeatedly! Wait until they heal then use hellscream other wise they will just heal the hellscream off and nuke you.

4. Know your ranges! (Bear vs all)
This is important for all classes but its very important for this class. Becauss if you don't know your hellscream range how are you supposed to land hellscream?? By guessing its range?? By just spamming it?? No! By learning the correct range ( which is 8m by the way )! it also effects who beckons first and who stomps first because one person will know beckon range and the other will not.

5. Time your stomps! (Bears vs mainly mages)
Often times bears will beckon and stomp and what the mage will do is firestorm and frostbite thereby resulting the bear stuck in ice and knock backed. You can avoid this by simply timing your stomp so that when it looks like the frostbite is about to hit you stomp so that way it will miss you. This works well versus several mages who rely on their frostbite to keep you pinned down.

6. The trees are your allies. (Bears vs all)
If your being kited extremely hard, being teamed, or just having a bad time you can always hide behind a tree and wait for the offender to come closer so you can beckon slash and stomp him until he dies. This works well however most of the time the offender will not come close to the tree rather they will walk away and insult you over chat so only use this if your desparate.

Specific bear strategies 22-40
Everybody has their unique build but they usually follow along the lines of nuke or debuff. There are those rare builds that work for some people but i have found them to be hard to master so i shall stick to the general builds for each level.

At this level 22s and 23s now have beckon and the ability to do the smash combo.Because of this, builds of 2 stomp and 3 beckon are more commonplace than 6 crushing blow and 1 beckon. So i shall tell the nuke and debuff builds.

Stats: all dex
Skills: 6 rage 3 iron blood 6 hellscream 3 stomp 2 beckon 1 crippling slash
Gear: Level 20 dex halloween helm, Pink level 22 forgotten bow, l15 artisan's or Level 20 dex halloween helm, Level 20 sniper's avian talon, Level 20 pink bloody evidence bracer, l15 expert or artisan. (Depending on hit)
Rings: the fbow setup will be 2% hit 8 damage ( or 2 crit 8 damage it depends on the hit ) the talon setup will be 2 crit 8 damage )
Faces: Mecha face (2% hit)

Against mages: get into beckon range and then beckon then hellscream next is slashes ( if they are close enough. If you land crippling slash just burst the mage down by spamming slashes and beckon stomp ) wait for them to heal and attempt to ice you, stomp right as the ice is about to hit you after you have stomped out of the ice start walking towards the mage autoing him all the while. When you get your combo back beckon hellscream and then do your slashes and stomp.If done right the mage will be stuck in place whilst stunned.

Against bears: it depends on the type of bear
str debuff bears: walk towards them hellscream while walking into range then beckon, slashes, and stomp if you landed hellscream first. (If you didnt land hellscream first immediately stomp and super mega slash to get him as far away as possible once done attempt to repeat the beginning combo hellscream, beckon, slashes, and stomp) Proceed to kite the bear at the farthest distance with your forgotten bow while repeatedly hellscreaming and beckon stomping him. This is because often times str bears will have 6 crushing blow which tragically lowers your damage by massive amounts.

Aginst Nukes: as the fight starts try to beckon hellscream slashes and stomp him as fast as you are able to. (Battles against these guys are all about who is able to pull of their nuke fastest.) Just keep repeating this combo until he is dead. If he started the fight with hellscream instead of beckon immediately stomp then hellscream to prevent his from landing then wait for stomp to recharge and redo the beginning combo.

Against foxes: hellscream as aoon as they touch you then stomp. Proceed to use hellscream on them whenever its off cooldown as well as beckon and stomp combo.

Against birds: they will most likely repulse at the beginning so walk forward and dont use a skill and auto them until they repulse you. After they repulse you walk into beckon range then beckon hellscream slashes and stomp them. Proceed to spam slashes near them along with hellscream.

Against rhinos: As soon as they charge use crippling slash then hellscream and beckon stomp combo. Then proceed to kite them and beckon stomp them while crippling slashing them when its off cooldown

Level 22 debuff bear coming soon! Feel free to edit this monster. I know i screwed up somewhere but im afraid to even look...

08-17-2014, 03:42 AM
Amazing guide, I believe I'm going to try 15 Mage again....been about 2 years

08-17-2014, 02:22 PM
Applenoob & Divine's Bear Tips and Overview (Levels 22-40) [APLDIV1]
Firstly, I'd like to thank Applenoob for giving me a basic outline to smooth out. I have been especially busy during the last month, and without others help, I would never even have finished another section of this work.

Now to begin:
At level 22, bears gain a very useful skill used to neutralize those pesky runners/kiters, and give bears the ability to create their first self-combo.
This skill: Beckon. It pulls the opponent towards you, and when combined with stomp, it creates the "Smash" combo. Bears are generally second fiddle to mages until level 35, where dodge begins to play a large factor in fights.

1. Hell Scream is Versatile (Bear v all)
HS is in my opinion, either the second best or the best skill in the ursan's arsenal. It can be used for the following:

Stun - When combined with beckon, it can provide the necessary stopping power to allow you to close the gap between you and your enemy and root them with a nice little crippling slash.
Debuff - Hit% is a valuable commodity at low level, and hell scream is the best at lowering the opponent's hit. It also deals a nice 30 damage reduction as a side effect. That way, if your opponent does hit that pesky knock back skill, it'll at least do less damage.
Escape Route - Need to tree? Low on HP? Want to cheat in FFA by rejoining? Hit that HS and run like hell!

ALSO, it is vital against healing characters to use the second hell scream AFTER they heal. The first HS should be in your combo to root them, however, hold your HS until you see the green heal light, and immediately press HS. This way, they remained stunned, debuffed, and a 0% threat to you. If your HS is continually on a mage or a rhino, there is no way you will lose the fight.

2. Do not forget slashes (Bear vs all)
Much of the time, beginning bears simply think that they can beckon HS and stomp their way to victory. PvP is more intellectual than that! Find a way to utilize your many close range skills before sending them flying!
I prioritize my slashes in this order: crippling slash > crushing blow > Super mega slash > vengeful slash.
I always tend to cripple first because it leaves them rooted, allowing me to come back and use the other slashes with ease. Second comes the crushing blow, a very important damage debuff. Super mega slash is the most powerful slash DPS wise, and last comes the finisher, vengeful slash. If you can get all these off, it is nearly equivalent to having a smash combo, and you get the keep them in close melee range as well as debuffing them with both Hell Scream and Crushing Blow.

3. Time your Hellscreams. (Bear vs Bear)
Hell scream is often the decider in level 22-35 bear v bear fights. The -30 hit% is often a fatal blow to anyone who gets struck by it. Try to hit your hell scream before the other person does, reducing his chance of debuffing you, and allowing you to take minimal damage.

4. Know your ranges! (Bear vs all)
The most important ranges to know are that of beckon, and hell scream. Learn those ranges, and you will be a pro. This game is 50% range, 25% movement, and 25% luck.

5. Kite the kite! (Bear vs mage/bird)
Many times, you will encounter a pesky little mage or bird attempting to knock you back at 12m, causing you to miss your combo and allow them to run away to reload. Counter this by giving them a little backwards movement around the 13m range. Basically, once you reach just outside of 12m, move backwards for 1 second to cause them to miss their repulse/break/fire/whatever the hell they use first. Then beckon + HS, root them, and destroy. This is really a good way to give yourself the upper hand against nukey but squishy characters that you will encounter at level 22-40.

Specific bear strategies (22-40)
Everybody has their unique build but they usually follow along the lines of nuke or debuff. There are those rare builds that work for some people but i have found them to be hard to master so i shall stick to the general builds for each level.

At level 22, bears now have beckon and the ability to do the smash combo. Beckon also now allows bears to take advantage of the many other close range skills, and creates two different branches of bear PvP, Nuke (bear v bear) and Debuff. Be warned with either build, you will not fight many 22 mages, and will get destroyed by most 25 mages.


Stats: all dex
Skills: 6 rage 3 iron blood 6 hellscream 3 stomp 2 beckon 1 crippling slash
Gear: Level 20 dex halloween helm, Pink level 22 forgotten bow, l15 artisan's or Level 20 dex halloween helm, Level 20 sniper's avian talon, Level 20 pink bloody evidence bracer, l15 expert or artisan. (Depending on hit)
Rings: with fbow setup, 2% hit 8 damage ring, and with the talon setup, use the 2 crit 8 damage ring.
Faces: Mecha face (2% hit)

Stats: 67 str, rest dex.
Skills: 6 rage, 6 hell scream, 3 beckon, 5 crushing blow, 1 crippling slash, 1 stomp.
Gear: Level 20 int halloween helm, level 20 warrior package shield, armor, and sword.
Ring: Armor/Dodge str ring.
Face: Koala Bear Face (for more dodge)

Strategies for 22-23
Against mages: If you ever fight any mages your level, be sure to use the "Kite the kite" strategy noted in the general overview.
Once you have baited them into using and missing fire, use beckon, then hell scream and CRIPPLING SLASH them. Do NOT execute the stomp combo, until crippling slash, crushing blow, and whatever the hell else you got has been unloaded. Then, attempt to keep them near you, so you can use hell scream directly after they heal.

Against [I]bears, know your hell scream range. 8M is the magic number. If you hit hell scream first, it is highly likely that you will win. Take advantage of your build, if you are str based, try to close the gap, and for dex based bears, try to keep distance against a melee bear.
Against foxes: Hellscream and crushing blow as soon as possible, then cripple them and spam slashes, beckon combo, and rebuffs.
Against birds: Do not fall for their initial repulse shot. Hold your skills until they waste their knock back skill, then proceed to beckon, hell scream, and demolish them.
Against rhinos: As soon as they charge, use crippling slash and crushing blow. It is vital that every hell scream is placed directly after each heal. (besides the first, which you can use first)

08-18-2014, 08:12 AM
No noteable 23 mages to list? :(

08-18-2014, 08:15 AM
You might want to list the debuff bear as str... Then I could give you a debuff build ^,^

08-18-2014, 10:37 AM
You might want to list the debuff bear as str... Then I could give you a debuff build ^,^

There have been 22-23 dex debuff bears but people think you should use a fbow and nuke instead of a talon and debuffing when your dex. So putting debuff bears as a str only is narrowing its potential. Next i have a debuff build that i will be sharing in this guide but im confident divine would love someone else's take on debuff bear so please post it.

08-18-2014, 10:47 AM
sorry apple, just saw ur post, good stuff and ill smooth it out: work in progress

Applenoob & Divine's Bear Tips and Overview (Levels 22-40)
Firstly, I'd like to thank Applenoob for giving me a basic outline to smooth out. I have been especially busy during the last month, and without others help, I would never even have finished another section of this work.

Now to begin
At level 22, bears gain a very useful skill used to neutralize those pesky runners/kiters, and give bears the ability to create their first self-combo.
This skill: Beckon. It pulls the opponent towards you, and when combined with stomp, it creates the "Smash" combo. Bears are generally second fiddle to mages until level 35, where dodge begins to play a large factor in fights.

1. Hell Scream is Versatile (Bear v all)
HS is in my opinion, either the second best or the best skill in the ursan's arsenal. It can be used for the following:

Stun - When combined with beckon, it can provide the necessary stopping power to allow you to close the gap between you and your enemy and root them with a nice little crippling slash.
Debuff - Hit% is a valuable commodity at low level, and hell scream is the best at lowering the opponent's hit. It also deals a nice 30 damage reduction as a side effect. That way, if your opponent does hit that pesky knock back skill, it'll at least do less damage.
Escape Route - Need to tree? Low on HP? Want to cheat in FFA by rejoining? Hit that HS and run like hell!

ALSO, it is vital against healing characters to use the second hell scream AFTER they heal. The first HS should be in your combo to root them, however, hold your HS until you see the green heal light, and immediately press HS. This way, they remained stunned, debuffed, and a 0% threat to you. If your HS is continually on a mage or a rhino, there is no way you will lose the fight.

2. Do not forget slashes (Bear vs all)
Much of the time, beginning bears simply think that they can beckon HS and stomp their way to victory. PvP is more intellectual than that! Find a way to utilize your many close range skills before sending them flying!
I prioritize my slashes in this order: crippling slash > crushing blow > Super mega slash > vengeful slash.
I always tend to cripple first because it leaves them rooted, allowing me to come back and use the other slashes with ease. Second comes the crushing blow, a very important damage debuff. Super mega slash is the most powerful slash DPS wise, and last comes the finisher, vengeful slash. If you can get all these off, it is nearly equivalent to having a smash combo, and you get the keep them in close melee range as well as debuffing them with both Hell Scream and Crushing Blow.

3. Time your Hellscreams. (Bear vs Bear)
Hell scream is often the decider in level 22-35 bear v bear fights. The -30 hit% is often a fatal blow to anyone who gets struck by it. Try to hit your hell scream before the other person does, reducing his chance of debuffing you, and allowing you to take minimal damage.

4. Know your ranges! (Bear vs all)
The most important ranges to know are that of beckon, and hell scream. Learn those ranges, and you will be a pro. This game is 50% range, 25% movement, and 25% luck.

5. Kite the kite! (Bear vs mage/bird)
Many times, you will encounter a pesky little mage or bird attempting to knock you back at 12m, causing you to miss your combo and allow them to run away to reload. Counter this by giving them a little backwards movement around the 13m range. Basically, once you reach just outside of 12m, move backwards for 1 second to cause them to miss their repulse/break/fire/whatever the hell they use first. Then beckon + HS, root them, and destroy. This is really a good way to give yourself the upper hand against nukey but squishy characters that you will encounter at level 22-40.

Specific bear strategies 22-40
Everybody has their unique build but they usually follow along the lines of nuke or debuff. There are those rare builds that work for some people but i have found them to be hard to master so i shall stick to the general builds for each level.

At this level 22s and 23s now have beckon and the ability to do the smash combo.Because of this, builds of 2 stomp and 3 beckon are more commonplace than 6 crushing blow and 1 beckon. So i shall tell the nuke and debuff builds.

Stats: all dex
Skills: 6 rage 3 iron blood 6 hellscream 3 stomp 2 beckon 1 crippling slash
Gear: Level 20 dex halloween helm, Pink level 22 forgotten bow, l15 artisan's or Level 20 dex halloween helm, Level 20 sniper's avian talon, Level 20 pink bloody evidence bracer, l15 expert or artisan. (Depending on hit)
Rings: the fbow setup will be 2% hit 8 damage ( or 2 crit 8 damage it depends on the hit ) the talon setup will be 2 crit 8 damage )
Faces: Mecha face (2% hit)

Against mages: get into beckon range and then beckon then hellscream next is slashes ( if they are close enough. If you land crippling slash just burst the mage down by spamming slashes and beckon stomp ) wait for them to heal and attempt to ice you, stomp right as the ice is about to hit you after you have stomped out of the ice start walking towards the mage autoing him all the while. When you get your combo back beckon hellscream and then do your slashes and stomp.If done right the mage will be stuck in place whilst stunned.

Against bears: it depends on the type of bear
str debuff bears: walk towards them hellscream while walking into range then beckon, slashes, and stomp if you landed hellscream first. (If you didnt land hellscream first immediately stomp and super mega slash to get him as far away as possible once done attempt to repeat the beginning combo hellscream, beckon, slashes, and stomp) Proceed to kite the bear at the farthest distance with your forgotten bow while repeatedly hellscreaming and beckon stomping him. This is because often times str bears will have 6 crushing blow which tragically lowers your damage by massive amounts.

Aginst Nukes: as the fight starts try to beckon hellscream slashes and stomp him as fast as you are able to. (Battles against these guys are all about who is able to pull of their nuke fastest.) Just keep repeating this combo until he is dead. If he started the fight with hellscream instead of beckon immediately stomp then hellscream to prevent his from landing then wait for stomp to recharge and redo the beginning combo.

Against foxes: hellscream as aoon as they touch you then stomp. Proceed to use hellscream on them whenever its off cooldown as well as beckon and stomp combo.

Against birds: they will most likely repulse at the beginning so walk forward and dont use a skill and auto them until they repulse you. After they repulse you walk into beckon range then beckon hellscream slashes and stomp them. Proceed to spam slashes near them along with hellscream.

Against rhinos: As soon as they charge use crippling slash then hellscream and beckon stomp combo. Then proceed to kite them and beckon stomp them while crippling slashing them when its off cooldown

Level 22 debuff bear coming soon! Feel free to edit this monster. I know i screwed up somewhere but im afraid to even look...
Its ok. Im just glad i can help finish this great guide!

08-18-2014, 11:56 AM
Its sad you haven't heard of me , one of the bes 17's :D

08-18-2014, 11:17 PM
Its sad you haven't heard of me , one of the bes 17's :D

Heard of you.

08-19-2014, 11:56 AM
Divine i will try to post a debuff build on friday.

08-19-2014, 05:12 PM
i have a debuff bear build, atm I'm trying to find info on 30-35 bears. thank you again for your general outline on bears 22-25, because I was too lazy to come up with it myself. I've got 25/26/27 covered, but i definitely have no idea on how 35/40 bears work and only slight knowledge of 30 bears.

08-19-2014, 07:50 PM
i have a debuff bear build, atm I'm trying to find info on 30-35 bears. thank you again for your general outline on bears 22-25, because I was too lazy to come up with it myself. I've got 25/26/27 covered, but i definitely have no idea on how 35/40 bears work and only slight knowledge of 30 bears.

30-35 bears hmmm heard that 35 bears were usually copperhead bears using a debuff build. So try this 6 rage 6 ib 6 hellscream 6 cb 3 stomp 3 beckon 1 crippling, 1 vengeful, 2 super mega slash. Or go 5 stomp and switch out the vengeful slash for super mega slash. 40 bears as far as i can tell use level 40 str plat pack and put enough skill points into str for the set then rest into dex, for the build im not very sure. Also your welcome for the general outline!

08-19-2014, 09:29 PM
Good guide good guide, I bes 18 tho

08-20-2014, 08:54 PM
30-35 bears hmmm heard that 35 bears were usually copperhead bears using a debuff build. So try this 6 rage 6 ib 6 hellscream 6 cb 3 stomp 3 beckon 1 crippling, 1 vengeful, 2 super mega slash. Or go 5 stomp and switch out the vengeful slash for super mega slash. 40 bears as far as i can tell use level 40 str plat pack and put enough skill points into str for the set then rest into dex, for the build im not very sure. Also your welcome for the general outline!

35-40 bears are actually dodge based, I just don't know exactly what the general strategy is. I could probably come up with a basic one if I thought about it though. Give it some time, idk.

08-31-2014, 06:13 PM
there will be a thread update within a week or so

08-31-2014, 08:10 PM
there will be a thread update within a week or so


09-13-2014, 02:01 PM
edited the bear portion, working on 25-27 bear.

09-13-2014, 04:08 PM
Wouldn't 6 rage 6 hellscream 6 cb 1 beck 1 cs 1 stomp instead of 6 rage 6 hs 5 cb 3 beck 1 stomp because the build you did was a level 23 str.

09-17-2014, 12:55 PM
U guys suck at all bears tho... :D

09-17-2014, 07:05 PM
U guys suck at all bears tho... :D3:1 kd on meh 20

09-20-2014, 05:24 PM
sorry i have been consumed in the game of life, i will attempt to make updates to this swagalicious piece of text

09-20-2014, 08:45 PM
3:1 kd on meh 20

Kd doesn't show your skill. We never know if that's legit or boosted. Reply and say is isn't. I could get a 4:1 easily by farming off noobs and teaming, but I don't. I have 1200:700 kd atm and 90 percent of people struggle to kill me at 25-27. Im sentred which you probably know because I rush all. I rush multiple people at once and I take the consequence of being teamed.

09-20-2014, 09:41 PM
Kd doesn't show your skill. We never know if that's legit or boosted. Reply and say is isn't. I could get a 4:1 easily by farming off noobs and teaming, but I don't. I have 1200:700 kd atm and 90 percent of people struggle to kill me at 25-27. Im sentred which you probably know because I rush all. I rush multiple people at once and I take the consequence of being teamed.don't know sentred. Never have ran into you and i don't boost i have so many people that can vouch for this. They see me killing a person who attempted to rush me, till he leaves but i don't get a death farmer and auto till he dies like wasp. As well a 30 had trouble beating me and he had help.

09-21-2014, 06:03 AM
3:1 kd on meh 20

30- kdrs are rigged no offense I think we all know that ;)

09-21-2014, 08:08 AM
30- kdrs are rigged no offense I think we all know that ;)

So true.

09-21-2014, 08:08 AM
don't know sentred. Never have ran into you and i don't boost i have so many people that can vouch for this. They see me killing a person who attempted to rush me, till he leaves but i don't get a death farmer and auto till he dies like wasp. As well a 30 had trouble beating me and he had help.

I changed my name. You might know me as zxczxczker or aype.

09-21-2014, 10:58 AM
The KDR argument is pretty false, I have a 35 that I started from a negative 400-600 at level 20 (support mage for FFAs pretty much) with and pulled it to 2.5k - 1.2 ish at 30 and 35.
Your KDRs being worse may have something to do with rushing rather than the level itself.

09-21-2014, 11:56 AM
The KDR argument is pretty false, I have a 35 that I started from a negative 400-600 at level 20 (support mage for FFAs pretty much) with and pulled it to 2.5k - 1.2 ish at 30 and 35.
Your KDRs being worse may have something to do with rushing rather than the level itself.

Won't disrespect u on ur own thread but we all know uve done ur fair share of boosting off nabs :D (I boost so wutttttt)

09-21-2014, 03:04 PM
Won't disrespect u on ur own thread but we all know uve done ur fair share of boosting off nabs :D (I boost so wutttttt)

I actually tend not to kill noobs, instead most of the time i like to play around with them. I'm not sure what your intent was, but I can't take that kind of statement seriously from someone who hasn't seen me in any low level arena for months. Please refrain from talking about things you know nothing about.

09-21-2014, 06:36 PM
I actually tend not to kill noobs, instead most of the time i like to play around with them. I'm not sure what your intent was, but I can't take that kind of statement seriously from someone who hasn't seen me in any low level arena for months. Please refrain from talking about things you know nothing about.

Sorry I've done my time at that Lvl and everyone knows me even tho I quit so I guess that makes me quite successful. I find 24- boring nowadays but u can't say u haven't killed noobs and still continue to not do so, so don't lie to urself plz k Thx bai

09-21-2014, 06:45 PM
I don't really want to argue with you, but your point about being successful has nothing to do with anything, you made a statement about a currently playing player whom you've barely seen in any arena. Thanks.

09-22-2014, 05:49 AM
Wouldn't 6 rage 6 hellscream 6 cb 1 beck 1 cs 1 stomp instead of 6 rage 6 hs 5 cb 3 beck 1 stomp because the build you did was a level 23 str.

I use 6rage 3 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 cb on my 22 str bear. Works fine against everything but dex bears

6rage 2 ib 6hs 6cb 4 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 stomp for 30 dex debuff build

09-22-2014, 06:02 AM
I use 6rage 3 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 cb on my 22 str bear. Works fine against everything but dex bears

6rage 2 ib 6hs 6cb 4 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 stomp for 30 dex debuff buildWhats your 22s name??

09-24-2014, 09:15 AM
I use 6rage 3 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 cb on my 22 str bear. Works fine against everything but dex bears

6rage 2 ib 6hs 6cb 4 beckon 1 crip 1 SMS 3 stomp for 30 dex debuff build

Just noticed ur evac gf tho

09-30-2014, 06:53 PM
been really damn busy as always, managed to copy - paste 25-27 bear strategies with minimal effort. Will begin work on 30 bear and will probably finish in a week. lmao

11-07-2014, 04:57 PM
considering resuming work on this guide -- most likely a false promise though...level 30 bear Work in progress

11-10-2014, 07:27 PM
finished l30 bear section....that was quicker than expected

11-13-2014, 08:47 AM
very nice guide. it must of took some time. congrats

11-21-2014, 05:51 PM
recently figured out how to record straight from iDevice screen, so I may work on some tutorials and counters instead of writing

11-24-2014, 08:27 AM
cool. looking forward to it

11-26-2014, 08:36 AM
Reserved for 22+ guide

35 Bear
35 Bear is when bears get their first taste of extreme dodge. Many bears at 35 can achieve over 40% dodge. May the dodge roll be in your favor if you play this level bear.

Build: 6Rage, 6Evasion, 6taunt, 6hs, 6cb, 1Beckon , 1stomp, 1Sms, 1Cs
Stats: 75 str, rest dexterity.
Gear: Halloween Bone Helm (Int Level 35), Copperhead Trident/Level 35 Ghoulish Reaper Blade, Halloween Marrow Mantle (Int Level 35), Copperhead Shield

For the shield you mentioned lvl 35 copperhead shield... i agree that that shield would be effective if you would use full copperhead set along with it. However in this situation, wont a shield like 35 evidence bracer work better?

11-26-2014, 11:01 AM
copperhead and gruesome are pretty much equal, but copperhead is about 30-40x cheaper

11-26-2014, 11:32 AM
ah cool. thanks for info! that saves me a lot of money!

11-27-2014, 08:20 PM
first foray into youtube tutorials: 15 bear against rhinos -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4mTizNBEHU

this one took about an hour to make, so hopefully the next one will look better!

11-28-2014, 10:20 AM


11-28-2014, 06:22 PM


Now, 17 mage with a fbow vs fbow bear.

11-28-2014, 09:48 PM
Now, 17 mage with a fbow vs fbow bear.

dnt have a 17 to record with lol

12-17-2014, 11:05 AM
Rapid Bite 1/Vixen Kick 1/Poison Needle 1/Evasion 6/Fury 1/Hamstring 1/Poison Dart 1/Fox Howl 3
Set 1 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Artisans Reinforced Armor Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 3 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Artisans Reinforced Leather Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 4 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of technique

I was thinking of making a 16 fox myself, but before i do, and commit myself to it, ive got a few questions!

1. How effective is it?
2. what was your kdr on pardner?
3. Will i be one of the only 16 foxes?
4. How fun is it to play?
5. Is it worth it?

12-17-2014, 04:58 PM
Rapid Bite 1/Vixen Kick 1/Poison Needle 1/Evasion 6/Fury 1/Hamstring 1/Poison Dart 1/Fox Howl 3
Set 1 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Artisans Reinforced Armor Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 3 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Artisans Reinforced Leather Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 4 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of technique

I was thinking of making a 16 fox myself, but before i do, and commit myself to it, ive got a few questions!

1. How effective is it?
2. what was your kdr on pardner?
3. Will i be one of the only 16 foxes?
4. How fun is it to play?
5. Is it worth it?

You will be the only 16 fox.

12-17-2014, 05:41 PM
Rapid Bite 1/Vixen Kick 1/Poison Needle 1/Evasion 6/Fury 1/Hamstring 1/Poison Dart 1/Fox Howl 3
Set 1 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Artisans Reinforced Armor Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 2 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Int/Essentially Forgotten Bow/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 3 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Artisans Reinforced Leather Lvl 15/Fine Golden Band of Technique
Set 4 - Halloween Bone Helm Lvl 15 Dex/Fiendish Monkey Paw/Armsman Forged Plate Lvl 5/Fine Golden Band of technique

I was thinking of making a 16 fox myself, but before i do, and commit myself to it, ive got a few questions!

1. How effective is it?
2. what was your kdr on pardner?
3. Will i be one of the only 16 foxes?
4. How fun is it to play?
5. Is it worth it?

it is extremely frustrating to play, but the feeling you get when you kill a bear via massive combo string is second to none.

My KDR with pardner was around 1.8, using founders though. Without founders it may have been a good 1:1 or 1.3:1.

12-18-2014, 08:33 AM
thanks ^_^ thats kinda encouraging :P

12-18-2014, 11:52 AM
Could you take the time to post screenshots of pardner w-stats? preferably 1 screenshot per loadout?

I would like a visual before i go out and buy the stuff.
I would really appreciate it!

12-18-2014, 02:58 PM
i don't have screens

12-19-2014, 08:11 AM
ah ok no worries.

12-19-2014, 11:45 AM
could you do a pvp video with pardner?

12-31-2014, 11:07 PM
could you do a pvp video with pardner?

my bad, just now saw this, I may do it but I completely screwed up my enthusiasm for 17 fox by making an str fox and getting wrecked.

01-01-2015, 09:44 PM
my bad, just now saw this, I may do it but I completely screwed up my enthusiasm for 17 fox by making an str fox and getting wrecked.


01-03-2015, 02:36 PM
wats a gud rushing build fer L15 bearz

01-03-2015, 04:28 PM
wats a gud rushing build fer L15 bearz

6 rage 5 stomp 1 all slashes and use a fbow

01-03-2015, 08:09 PM
6 rage 5 stomp 1 all slashes and use a fbow

and founders!

01-03-2015, 08:17 PM
and founders!

na u just need a fbow founder ain't that strong

01-03-2015, 09:22 PM
thx 4 build mans. and dis behr named iiiiijj(?) tell me how to art of killsteal pro way. now me gud rusher. you 2 are the bes!

01-03-2015, 09:31 PM
thx 4 build mans. and dis behr named iiiiijj(?) tell me how to art of killsteal pro way. now me gud rusher. you 2 are the bes!

ya iiiij very annoy but not too bad of fbow bear

01-06-2015, 12:54 AM
thx 4 build mans. and dis behr named iiiiijj(?) tell me how to art of killsteal pro way. now me gud rusher. you 2 are the bes!

There is no art of killsteal. It's gotten to the point whenever iiiij joins a game, hes 3v1ed every time he spawns. Here is a word of advice, if you are gonna rush at least don't steal a fair 1v1 kill.

01-07-2015, 12:40 AM
There is no art of killsteal. It's gotten to the point whenever iiiij joins a game, hes 3v1ed every time he spawns. Here is a word of advice, if you are gonna rush at least don't steal a fair 1v1 kill.

i hate when people do that
it so rood

01-07-2015, 06:15 PM
There is no art of killsteal
he alway say its da art of kilstealing tho

01-08-2015, 07:47 AM
he alway say its da art of kilstealing tho

There is none.

01-08-2015, 10:10 AM
There is none.

there is
if u can ks with one skill every time
then u have mastered the art.
Me haves mustered art of killsteal

01-08-2015, 03:23 PM
there is
if u can ks with one skill every time
then u have mastered the art.
Me haves mustered art of killsteal

I can ks with a ice from a mage with no weapon. What does that make me?

01-08-2015, 07:23 PM
den u has mastered da art of kilstealing yung one

01-09-2015, 12:34 AM
den u has mastered da art of kilstealing yung one

If so, I technically have the opinion who is experienced at ksing, and my opinion is is that there is no "art" it is just an excuse for iii go rush people in a 1v1.

01-09-2015, 10:14 AM
I can ks with a ice from a mage with no weapon. What does that make me?
anybody CAN ks
but will u do it every time with success!
will u master the art of ks!

If so, I technically have the opinion who is experienced at ksing, and my opinion is is that there is no "art" it is just an excuse for iii go rush people in a 1v1.
if i successfully ks i usually give a free so

01-22-2015, 11:19 PM
Great Guide gj

06-03-2015, 07:28 AM
Hey divine, ive got a question. Im thinking about making a 35 mage and i recently bought a lvl 35 pink paw for 2m.

however, in the guide you do not mention it at all...

did i make a mistake? did i just waste 2m when i could have paid 100k for a pin?

06-03-2015, 10:48 AM
Hey divine, ive got a question. Im thinking about making a 35 mage and i recently bought a lvl 35 pink paw for 2m.

however, in the guide you do not mention it at all...

did i make a mistake? did i just waste 2m when i could have paid 100k for a pin?

It's not a mistake as paw is good vs bears and foxes, but pin will overall be the best choice

06-03-2015, 12:50 PM
oh so an investment of 2m might not of been the best choice ecspecially when i still need the evi :P

06-03-2015, 01:05 PM
btw, how much is lvl 35 paw worth? is 2m a up or op? or just right?

06-17-2015, 12:26 PM
Hello Mr. Fight. I was reading through this guide gj btw...

You still haven't added rings / faces for 35 bear

06-22-2015, 03:07 PM
Hello Mr. Fight. I was reading through this guide gj btw...

You still haven't added rings / faces for 35 bear

Well it's pretty obvious u use the mecha face and use a ring that works well

06-23-2015, 11:33 PM
Well it's pretty obvious u use the mecha face and use a ring that works well

The faces wouldn't matter unless your stats are abysmal. This guide has been left to molder due to Fight playing other games such as CoC, Vainglory, Fallout Shelter.

07-03-2015, 04:12 PM
The faces wouldn't matter unless your stats are abysmal. This guide has been left to molder due to Fight playing other games such as CoC, Vainglory, Fallout Shelter.

Faces always matter. They can be the difference between a Kill, a Crit, a Hit, or a Death. Can't tell you how many fights I've won in my time of playing PL while on 1/100 HP. I'm glad you didn't say "rings wouldn't matter unless your stats are abysmal", I would've made a list of reasons towards that, as well as a list of the 200+ variety of rings further explaining why. :encouragement:

07-04-2015, 11:43 PM
Well most do use mecha face lol which shows it's better

07-05-2015, 09:06 AM
crazy bear face ftw!

07-06-2015, 04:41 PM
crazy bear face ftw!
Teddy behr, most cute face followed with penguin duck and rainbow birdie, rhino are ugly

07-09-2015, 06:28 PM
Hey groaning, I'm gonna head down to 15 pvp. Want to join me? Sheriff and I already made plans and our names are mixmate (me) and he is mixfate.

Would be fun if u come down w I
Us!! U could be mixdate or something Xd.

Let me know if interested!!

07-09-2015, 09:52 PM
Hey groaning, I'm gonna head down to 15 pvp. Want to join me? Sheriff and I already made plans and our names are mixmate (me) and he is mixfate.

Would be fun if u come down w I
Us!! U could be mixdate or something Xd.

Let me know if interested!!

If you see jucoe, run. He's the king of level 15 fbow mages. 0_0

You guys doing bears or what?

07-10-2015, 11:02 AM
Yeah they are bears

07-14-2015, 12:53 PM
Yeah they are bears
ill be getting my 5 fire mage out :)

07-14-2015, 06:19 PM
meh, we sheriff and i just switched to 17 birds.

Btw... I love it!

great kd too XD

Ill be more than happy to help u in game if u decide to make one!

Ign: getroasted

07-15-2015, 06:47 PM
meh, we sheriff and i just switched to 17 birds.

Btw... I love it!

great kd too XD

Ill be more than happy to help u in game if u decide to make one!

Ign: getroasted

Meh, I'll be getting my 5 fire mage out.

07-15-2015, 08:04 PM
meh,ill have sheriff host a lvl 17 game and then ll just bring my 22 fox.

:O ^____^ O:

but seriously, want to make one?

id love to help!

We are trying to bring 17 birds back to life!

so far the only active ones are as follows:

Me: Da Bestest Bard Eva>>> GeTRoAsTeD

Roastalute (aka sheriff)




(all of us are in Birds R Us)

All kidding aside if you want to hop on down with us, it'll be a pleasure.

07-15-2015, 10:05 PM
meh,ill have sheriff host a lvl 17 game and then ll just bring my 22 fox.

:O ^____^ O:

but seriously, want to make one?

id love to help!

We are trying to bring 17 birds back to life!

so far the only active ones are as follows:

Me: Da Bestest Bard Eva>>> GeTRoAsTeD

Roastalute (aka sheriff)




(all of us are in Birds R Us)

All kidding aside if you want to hop on down with us, it'll be a pleasure.

Sorry, but I don't do birds. I just don't find them as interesting as l15 mage or l12 bear.

Also, if you bring your 22 foxes I will just bring my 22 bear.

07-16-2015, 06:24 PM
In that case I'll just merge with ma 77 xd

07-16-2015, 08:49 PM
In that case I'll just merge with ma 77 xd
Pfft my 15 behr will reck ur 77

my behr has 5pc ring btw

07-22-2015, 06:13 PM
Okay I'm late
I've recently quit a l15 named argumentation
Jucoe isn't amazing I mad him/her mad now he hunts me (I lost a fight 10-7)
I WILL NOT (most likely not) come back to l15
It would be amazing if you guys joined me at l51 birds ^_^

07-22-2015, 07:07 PM
and by the time i make a 51 you'll be somewhere else again :P


ill think bout it.

07-23-2015, 09:44 AM
Okay I'm late
I've recently quit a l15 named argumentation
Jucoe isn't amazing I mad him/her mad now he hunts me (I lost a fight 10-7)
I WILL NOT (most likely not) come back to l15
It would be amazing if you guys joined me at l51 birds ^_^

Argumentation you never made jucoe mad.
If you mean as in rush, jucoe rushes most mages at his level.

07-23-2015, 06:26 PM
Argumentation you never made jucoe mad.
If you mean as in rush, jucoe rushes most mages at his level.

Nope he was in a 1v1 and I auto spammed wile he fought ^_^
@tube I won't be leaving l51 anytime soon, it's my second favorite level ^_^

11-15-2015, 08:20 AM

guess what fight?

Bossem is back!

saw him 2 days ago. He just remade his fox Lvl 1 last time i saw him. He told me he's coming back!

11-24-2015, 03:32 PM
I watch your videos ur awesome thank you man

01-18-2017, 09:07 AM
Update noticeable birds: cardiologist --> Tucanking. Name changed