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View Full Version : Which of these should I Sell?

01-03-2011, 11:03 AM
I have too many pinks and purps and I'm trying to get rid of them, whether I decide to put them into auction of something else will be decided afterwords. Any advice would be gladly appreciated. Thanks!

Sniper's Penguin Snowcap lvl 30
Flickering Blade of Destiny lvl 50
Ryylox Lightning Blaster lvl 50
Pharaoh's Hunting Bow of Osiris lvl 45
Staff of Ra of Osiris lvl 45
Alien Blaster of Horus lvl 43
Conqueror's Frosty Hatchet lvl 30
Whipcord Leather of Fortune lvl 50
Imhotep Eye of Thoth lvl 45

Khafra Helm of Albert lvl 43
Elegant Archbalest of Celebrity lvl 50
Quickstrike Talon of Celebrity lvl 47
Plasma Sword of the Bear lvl 45
Set Lighting Staff of Albert lvl 45
D'Jinn Spear of Ahnold 43
Staff of Ra of Albert lvl 43
Frosty Hatchet of Ahnold lvl 30
Mynas Plate of Ahnold lvl 45
Jolly Gingerbread Defender lvl 50
Imhotep Eye of the Owl lvl 45
Scarab Buckler of Ahnold lvl 45
Frost Shield of the Bear lvl 30

01-03-2011, 11:09 AM
Sorry to break it to you, but most of that's junk, not even worth more than the liquidation price.

01-03-2011, 11:24 AM
Snipers snowcap is worth some money