View Full Version : Maxdgamer a non respectful player and his friend heriotical

Lenna Drake
06-19-2014, 01:44 AM
Mmmm another example was 3 mouth reporting this two bad players but last night I see they still in the game another example how reporting system don't work, yeah I can ignore this persons but something I cannot do is leave this things happen, respect is everything and this two persons MAXDGAMER and his close friend HERIOTICAL don't have respect for woman's or another player I have the proves
Nobody specially a woman can tolerate this, yeah its a "adult game" they say but it a game where don't have a respect for woman? Thats mean "we can tell whatever we wants to females?" this player MAXDGAMER is a pervert I just post a few few words he told me the others was very hard and gross xxx content that I prefer dont remember now I can leave this happen I have respect for me and for everyone and all people must have the same respect some people looks this game like "date xxx chatroom" or "im gonna insult and disrespect everyone here" thats can be happen
About the another player called HERIOTICAL he just are a troublemaker and he just run away or trying to be like the good guy there when the truth is he is disrespectful and gross and he make troubles to everyone everyday I have the proves but I guess im gonna send it to some moderator in private message if one are interesting.
I really like this game but some people are annoying, perverted, disrespectful full of pride, and thats not good for nobody and I say again report system don't work, I know maybe is very very difficult to have eyes in every places and read reports everyday must be a hard work :/ but this things are really serious not just for me for all we are playing this game
Im a player who wants a peaceful place to play, im a woman who want respect, im not a sexual chat box, a object, im a person like all females there and if someone's don't think the same they are a idiots who don't have to be in this game or this world.

Lenna Drake
06-19-2014, 01:58 AM
gang bang.... that's mean... well I dont want to say what mean but for this two was mean get over me and you know... they was following me for every placed doing that disgusting thing and if this a virtual game? that's not the matter they don't respect im a virtual space I dont want to think how they are in real life :/
and "adult game" thats mean 18+ of age but the average age of the most players there are between 14 to 18 year ago and a few few few "adults"

06-19-2014, 06:23 AM
Now your threads got deleted twice in a row, when will you understand that these kind of posts/ threads aren't allowed here?
Report them here: support@spacetimestudios.com

Lenna Drake
06-19-2014, 09:56 AM
oh thanks for the info im gonna try that next time I hope works better than reporting

06-19-2014, 10:00 AM
why is this being shown on a public thread when there are kids who can see this language???? isent the whole point of banning people who say this stuff to keep them from telling it to others, you basically defeated tho whole purpose of that.

06-19-2014, 10:58 AM
Kids aren't even allowed to play this game

Lenna Drake
06-19-2014, 11:22 AM
the point is respect that thing this type of people don't have to women's or nobody maybe you can't understand how it's feel cuz you aren't a woman but I know how its feel when someone tell you this things and game rules mean: inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, but sometimes this aren't respect and I think people must know what type of persons are in the game specially this bad persons.

06-19-2014, 01:46 PM
Kids aren't even allowed to play this game

Kids arent allowed to play i know, but kids can make a forum account and view this picture and see the bad language being shown. dont ya think?

06-19-2014, 01:49 PM
the point is respect that thing this type of people don't have to women's or nobody maybe you can't understand how it's feel cuz you aren't a woman but I know how its feel when someone tell you this things and game rules mean: inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated, but sometimes this aren't respect and I think people must know what type of persons are in the game specially this bad persons.

we understand that, but what point of "do not post at threads" do you not get? You basically posted a picture of an idiot saying -enter bad word here- x2 and thats probably not the smartest thing to do, especially when theres little kids that are probably on the forums. and if you dont believe me, go on arcane legends youll see theres alot of little kids on there lol

Lenna Drake
06-19-2014, 01:59 PM
lol little kids are playing that games and they are exposed to this type of persons and worst persons on the games so you are worried about this post?? sounds funny cuz the language of the open chat in the games are worst of this little one and if some kids can read this they maybe gonna learn something: respect, dont use this words and keep away from this persons
then basically I post this for get banned this persons, for people who need to know what this persons do and maybe some people gonna understand better the word: respect.