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View Full Version : anti-blocking suggestion

06-19-2014, 05:43 PM
So lately i have been thinking of a any possible way to prevent spot-blocking , for it causes many problems , and yet make the pvp less enjoyable , so i found 2 solutions , however the 1st one is probably better :

A- Vote kick : at least 3 people should vote to kick someone from the team at the ctf arena .

B- the "join button " : when you join someone in the ctf arena using the "join button" , you automatically join his/her team , in case that his/her team is full , you are not able to join .

How ever this is my opinion , what about yours ?

06-19-2014, 07:16 PM
Just opens the door for trolling. Nice thought, but causes as many problems as it solves.


06-19-2014, 07:22 PM
Just opens the door for trolling. Nice thought, but causes as many problems as it solves.


mind elaborating a bit more ?

06-19-2014, 07:30 PM
mind elaborating a bit more ?


1) all I need is two friends on my side and I can kick all the weak players as to make sure my team is stacked. I prefer PvP matches to be random and leave whenever the other side becomes all of one guild.

2) certain PvP players have been black listed and are usually harassed in map. This creates away of boycotting him from elite just because he has the wrath of a single guild upon him. He becomes constantly kicked from matches because other players are afraid to share in his turmoil. This isn't fair for that player.


1) I actually join the opposite side of the team than my friends on purpose. Often for 1v1 matches. This removed that option from me.

2) prevents friendly matches and a certain randomness from the game that helps balance teams.

06-21-2014, 11:42 AM

call guildies, everyone kick this dude out of room.