View Full Version : GCW Zero - Anyone heard of it?

06-19-2014, 08:03 PM
Look I'm sorry if this seems like human spam, but I want to try seeing a show of hands on who's heard of this little gizmo. It's a handheld console that made a bit of a splash last year. OK fine it was funded about the same time the ouya was so got drowns out by that thing. Still it has funding and even though there were delays its a thing. Friend of mine owns one. I've got one on order.

It does console emulation ranging from 8 bit Atari up to the 16 bit era (it could do PlayStation and Dreamcast but not a lot of effort is going there so while proof of concept emulation is a thing it isn't very good.) I don't advocate software piracy but there are some interesting homebrew titles out there and hacks that turn what was commercial material into something so different it might as well be original. Emulation is a thing. Like it, don't... Its there even if all you want to do is stick to the open source/homebrew software.

Ok fine it emulates stuff so what? Completely open toolchain based on Linux, has SDL 2 (though 1.2 is more stable at this point) and some other standardized libraries like python.

There are also a few doom ports (odamex and chocolate are the two that come to mind,) as well as eduke32, decent, quake, and an assortment of homebrew games like powder, dink Smallwood, blockrage, open born, streets of rage remake, and other stuff being developed. The key here is its an open console anyone can do stuff for. Want to be gonzo and port abiword to it and bang out a draft on your handheld plugged into a TV with a computer plunged into its OTG adapter? You can! What about dosbox? Already done! And yes it will run the original dungeon keeper. Poorly but it runs!

Seriously. Responsive controls, emulators for the classic systems, ten hour battery, and it can do stuff beyond emulation if you an code for it. Pity there's no easy way of porting PSO over....

It has WiFi, an fm radio, tilt sensor (nice for playing decent), HDMI and av out (sorta kinda not working all the way but eh. Give it time, its supposedly almost done.)

Main page and also leads to store links if you want to buy one from thinkgeek, ithic, or other non us based retailers. However thinkgeek is your best option. No I am not providing storefront links. I already half feel like I'm spamming with my first message in.... Years I think.

Recentish YouTube review. Please note most of their software is in the forums linked to from the main site. The curse of a low numbers compared to the glut of Chinese tablets.

See as much as I like a lot of what's on there... I wish the spacetime library could get ported. The thing has a MIPS processor though, and the display is only 320 x 240 so I dunno. Would be kinda nice since I get a real phantasy star online vibe from the spacetime games and I like phantasy star online.... But there is not a snowball's chance of the engine being ported.